My entertainment circle

Chapter 202: The Source of Uneasiness (Part 1)

There was no one in the park late at night, only the vague street lights illuminating the road in the park.Taeyeon and Bian have been sitting in the park and chatting for half an hour, and the paparazzi is hiding in a bush with a high magnification camera while looking at the two of them with a high magnification camera, while constantly patting his body: "Really They are going crazy, right? They sit in the park and chat in the middle of the night, really can't feel the mosquitoes?"

The reporter following Taeyeon is about to be annoyed by the mosquitoes in the park. In the park, there must be some stray dog ​​and cat feces in the flowers and grass. Maybe there are still people drunk in the depths of the park. It's convenient inside.Plus summer is here, there are not many mosquitoes?That's weird.Taeyeon and the others are not afraid of mosquitoes when they are in love?

Of course not, because Taeyeon’s car has mosquito repellent water, and they sprayed some when they got out of the car,'s a painful paparazzi!

One of the paparazzi looked at the two chatting in the park and said, "You said, what are they talking about?"

The other one rolled his eyes and said, "How do I know? We don't have a bug. Anyway, I love you, I miss you or something? Otherwise, what else can you say about falling in love?"

The paparazzi "I don't know, maybe it's some daily routine? What did you eat today, what you saw yesterday, what you heard the day before yesterday."

And Taeyeon and the others are really just talking about some daily routines, there is not much expression of I miss you or I love you.Someone Bian and Taeyeon were sitting on a chair in the park, with Taeyeon's soft hand in his palm, and both of them told about some funny things they had recently met.

Someone Bian patted Taeyeon's hand at this time: "I... I really don't like your meeting with Zhang Ping Ping so often. Even if you meet with Pani, I don't like it. I think you belong to me alone. I was very upset when I saw you and other men talking and laughing. Can you promise me that I won’t meet Zhang Ping’an anymore.”

Regarding'Zhang Ping'an, Taeyeon explained again: "He and I are just friends, and we have Pani together. I really don't know what you are worried about?"

Someone on the side held Taeyeon's hand tightly and frowned and said, "Even if you are just friends, I don't want you to meet him. You can say that I am selfish, or that I am overbearing, I just don't want to see him. You are with other men, especially Zhang Ping An! He really makes me very uneasy. I watch your video and I always think he looks at you with love in his eyes."

Taeyeon shook her head and said, "You think too much, he and I are really just friends! And he and Pani also shot the video, not just with me."

Someone on the side gathered his brows tightly and whispered towards Taeyeon, "Please, men know men better. Promise me, don't deal with Zhang Ping An anymore."

Although Bian's request is unreasonable, but Taeyeon's love style is so cowardly, once she falls in love, she will give all her heart and everything.So at this moment, in order to reassure someone in Bian, she finally nodded helplessly and agreed: "Well, I won't see him again."

In contrast, Zhang Ping'an always makes her feel comfortable, but the person who is in love beside him doesn't seem to have received anything from him except for his heart.No, it seems that I got it, but it was his unreasonable request.However, in order to maintain this hard-won'love', Taeyeon chose to accept everything from him, including not seeing Zhang Ping An again!

After receiving Taeyeon's reply, someone at Bian finally smiled: "Let's go, shall we go back? I will have a rest time for the next few days. Should we go to a place to rest?"

The two finally got up to go back to the dormitory. Taeyeon got up and responded: "You don't know, we are preparing an album."

"Yeah, I forgot that you Tai Ti Xu is preparing for your return. Then another day. After your return, I will see if I can take a vacation and rest for two days. Then, how about we go to the Maldives?

When someone said about the Maldives, Taeyeon remembered that Zhang Ping’an had said funnyly: "Go to Mojito, have a glass of Maldives? Hahaha~~" Taeyeon smiled embarrassedly after saying it Got up, and someone from Bian also laughed at Taeyeon's joke.

Taeyeon laughed because he thought of Zhang Pingan, and his smile was just looking at Taeyeon and he laughed.


Paparazzi, seeing Taeyeon and two of them leaving, they rushed back to their car: "Finally, they are leaving, so I took two photos of holding hands. Enough, Enough, and tomorrow's headline Hahaha~~"

One of the paparazzi said: "Hurry up and get in the car, we have to follow up and see where the two of them go?"

Paparazzi, following Taeyeon's vehicle back towards the way it came, one of them said: "Looking at this road, it seems to be sending someone back to the dormitory."

"Well, let's drive faster. We are waiting at the door of someone's dormitory." After speaking, the paparazzi accelerated his vehicle.

Although the vehicles on the streets have become very rare late at night, Taeyeon did not choose to drive at high speed. Perhaps she wanted to stay with him for a while, even if she was just sitting in the car quietly.Taeyeon didn't know that when she was slowly driving towards EXO's dormitory, the paparazzi's vehicle had already passed her, and arrived at EXO's dormitory first, holding a high-powered camera waiting for her.

The paparazzi waited for a while, and Taeyeon's vehicle finally entered the range of their lens.In this empty street, Taeyeon’s car was parked on the side of the road. In the camera, the two people were reluctant to say something in the car. At this time, the reporter kept pressing the shutter, even as they chatted. Keep recording.

Just then the paparazzi who was in charge of photography screamed: "Dafa~~! Kiss, kiss, hahaha~~! Kiss goodbye? Hahaha~~!!!"

The long shot of the paparazzi recorded the kiss between Taeyeon and Bian when they were parting, so he exclaimed. These photos are more shocking than the previous two holding hands in the park.

Taeyeon and Bien kissed goodbye outside EXO's dormitory just like that. Taeyeon kept seeing Bien upstairs before driving away.At this moment, the two paparazzi finally stopped stalking Kim Taeyeon. They have been following her for more than three months since they discovered something was wrong, and now they have finally dug up the'treasure'!

After the two left in Taeyeon’s vehicle, they sat in the car and watched the photos in the camera. They clearly looked at the kiss photo of Taeyeon and someone on the side. Both burst out and cheered: "Ah~~!!! I finally found it, and finally! It's not in vain that we persisted for more than three months! Hahaha~~The Age of Love!!!"

The next morning, in the morning rush hour, many people using public transportation found their phones on the subway or bus and were watching the news.At this time, there were chattering voices everywhere, because everyone was surprised.'D Agency' announced the headline today,'Girls' Generation Kim Taeyeon and someone from EXO are in love!'The photo is exactly the freeze frame of Kim Taeyeon and someone kissing goodbye in the car!

The morning peak is not only the peak of going to work, but also the peak of going to school.The middle and high school students on the bus or subway were furious when they saw the news, and instantly went to SM, Girls’ Generation website, and Taeyeon’s personal SNS to start endless abuse.Don't ask any questions, just curse!Taeyeon's SNS was instantly taken over by EXO fans' curse comments!

And Taeyeon’s fans were also unwilling to show their weakness and came to Bian somebody’s SNS to start a big battle. Just like that, fans of Girls’ Generation and EXO fans, because of Taeyeon’s relationship with Bian somebody’s love exposure, it began to be full of Curse war!

Taeyeon, who was sleeping, was suddenly awakened by the phone call. She hadn't woken up from the early morning sleep. She picked up the phone and looked at the call from the agent. The moment Taeyeon saw her name, her heart suddenly changed. I got to panic.Today she was going to the company because of the practice, so under normal circumstances it is impossible for the agent to call her so early unless...

After seeing the call from her agent, Taeyeon developed a very uneasy feeling in her heart. The meeting between herself and someone by Bian must have been followed last night!

Strengthening her mind, Taeyeon took two deep breaths.After these two breaths, the doze woke up completely at this moment.

She picked up the agent's call and only heard the annoyed voice of the agent: "Taeyeon, why are you in love with someone from EXO, why do you meet in the middle of the night, why do you kiss in the car?"

The agent has three reasons in a row, showing how anxious he is.Because'EXO' is the general trend of the moment, any romance related to them at this time will be attacked by fans.And the one who is partial to love is Kim Taeyeon?This made the agent scolded by the company early today.

The company can't help it. Whether it's Taeyeon or someone, their level has gone there. The company must not dare to scold them too harshly. The only thing to do is to swear at the agents of both parties!

After the agent was scolded, they could only find the artists they managed to give a sigh of relief, and they didn't dare to say anything to the artists, so they could only express their dissatisfaction slightly.

Taeyeon listened to her agent's words, and she said, "I'll go see how the news is written first, and I'll call you back later?"

"Well, I'm on my way to your dormitory." When such a big event has happened, the company must have a talk with them. How to deal with it?

After hung up the agent's phone, Taeyeon took the phone and clicked on the search engine. One of the people clearly wrote:'Kim Taeyeon, someone is in love'

'Taeyeon kissed someone in the car.'

'Girls' Generation Kim Taeyeon fell in love with the younger boy!'

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