My entertainment circle

Chapter 22 Team Team (Part 1)

Zhang Pingan drives the new car he bought after being brainwashed on the streets of Shanghai.Although the Mercedes-Benz brand is very common in China, the streamline of Zhang Pingan's car and the powerful roar that erupted from it still attracted the attention of many people.This is a coupe worth more than three million yuan, even the top of the Porsche Palamela is not as expensive as this car.

However, after Zhang Ping'an's vehicle entered Lujiazui, where the luxury cars were crowded, his Mercedes-Benz was not so good enough.Because he drove all the way and met a lot of top supercars such as'bulls and horses', and he deserves to be the magic capital of the second generation!His Mercedes-Benz coupe looks a lot more low-key in front of these supercars with different shapes.

He drove the car directly to the'Mandarin Oriental Hotel' located in Lujiazui, which is also very close to the Bund, just over a bridge.Because Lujiazui is the financial center of Shanghai, the surrounding housing prices are very expensive.So there are not many people who live in this neighborhood or come here to play.

Compared to the crowded Bund across the Huangpu River, the hotel is really much quieter.

After entering the hotel to check in, Zhang Pingan estimated that he was the only Huaxia registered in Huaxia with a passport.Because of his long-term residence overseas, he is carrying a passport instead of an ID card.After registering, Zhang Ping'an did not go to admire the hotel room, but went out of the hotel towards the nearby shopping mall, not far from the hotel is the shopping mall of the IFC.

Because Zhang Pingan did not bring any clothes when he came back this time.After all, his home is in Shanghai, and he has a lot of clothes at home.But now the distance to go home is a bit farther, he mainly buys some sportswear, and he still has to keep exercising when he returns to China.The hotel provides a gym and swimming pool, which he will definitely use.

Zhang Ping'an came to the shopping mall alone to look at the shopping guide map. This place is full of the world's luxury brands, and sportswear seems to be in the wrong place.But all came, he chose a casual outfit and went out.Then he changed to a department store because there was no sportswear or sneakers he wanted.The Zhengda Square not far from here is taking the route of civilianization.

Zhang Pingan finally chose his own sportswear in the Superbrand Plaza, but Zhang Pingan entered the sportswear store in a formal suit, attracting the eyes of many sportswear customers.Because his dress doesn't match the style of the store.

Before he walked in the top shopping malls in such a formal dress that no one looked at him strangely, but now there are more!

In China Sportswear, it is a daily brand loved by many people, so many people visit the sportswear store.And Zhang Pingan's Korean style dress made many young men and women look at him.

Women think he looks very good.The man, surely you think this man is too sao, right?Does he think he is a successful person?How about dressing up like this to buy sportswear?

In China National Fitness has not been widely adopted, so most of the sportswear are worn daily, but Zhang Pingan really buys sportswear to facilitate his exercise.

In fact, Zhang Ping’an could see the “story” in the eyes. He pretended to choose clothes at this time, but he muttered in his heart, “Stars are really not that easy to do. Simple peripheral eyes also need to be very strong. Of the affordability.'

He quickly selected two sets of sportswear, and then left the store.

Originally wanted to find a restaurant in the shopping mall to eat, but those gazes in front made him feel a little uncomfortable, so Zhang Pingan chose to go back to the hotel to eat!

After returning to the hotel room with big bags and small bags, Zhang Ping'an finally relaxed.Wearing such a very formal dress, walking on the streets of China has a high rate of turning heads. Even on the streets of Shanghai, the general public is basically comfortable and casual, so his dress similar to TV dramas is often seen on the streets. People watched.

Zhang Ping An is not a star, nor is he a big beauty, he can't accept the'attention gift' from all directions so frankly.

No wonder the'Principal' rarely appears in a suit every time when he appears on the camera of a netizen.

Although his windbreaker is very fashionable, it will give people a kind of "pretending" feeling.

After Zhang Ping’an changed into casual clothes, he felt a lot more psychologically relaxed. He picked up the hotel’s phone and was about to contact the room service. His cell phone rang and looked at the “mother” on the caller ID and picked it up. Phone: "Mom."

"I don't know to contact me when I arrive? I feel mature a lot after seeing the photos of you taken by Xiao Zheng."

In the photo, Zhang Pingan, who appeared in a formal trench coat, did make his mother feel a mature expression of dress.

"I was thinking that I might have some business meetings when I came back, so I dress more formally. I think it's okay, and in Korea, I wear formal clothes more often."

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s tone, the mother on the other end of the phone said disapprovingly: "You? A business meeting? If you really want to do something, do it this time. Don’t be a fool. I found it for you. Technician, I asked them to contact you?"

"Okay, thank you Mother Mother."

"Hehe... Alright, I won't talk to you anymore, go home early in the evening, and I will ask Auntie to make soup for you."

"Okay, I'll go home after meeting them. Oh, mother, can you find me a trustworthy manager?"

"You just ask me to set up the shop for you, you just sit and collect the money."

"Then I'll do it myself, since I'm doing things this time, I'll really do it for you."

Network technicians, Zhang Pingan’s mother can introduce him, but if he asks his home for help in everything.What is the significance of this "doing" for his "exercise"?So Zhang Ping'an's mother didn't plan to introduce people to him, but let him find a way.

Entrepreneurship is not a word, but a combination of actions, contacts, abilities, and so on.

"Just know, remember to go home at night."


After hung up his mother's phone, Zhang Pingan sat in the hotel room and felt a little dazed. When he originally wanted to call for room service, his "hungry" seemed to fade a lot after answering his mother's call.Platform building is technically very easy to solve, but management, operation, publicity, and supervision require a lot of talents.The most important thing is the manager...

Zhang Pingan does not have a very broad network of contacts in China like the "Principal". He has been overseas for a long time, and he has not participated in gatherings among international students. The talented network... really he does not have.

I used to think about the second-generation life of chasing stars, but he knew how difficult it was when he wanted to form his own team.

Just when Zhang Ping'an was stunned, his cell phone rang again, a group of unfamiliar numbers came in, and he slowly answered the call: "Hello."

"Hello, I was introduced by Brother Dong."

Who is Dong Ge?Zhang Pingan doesn't know, but it is certain that this is probably the network technician his mother asked for.He smiled and said, "Oh, oh, hello, hello. Do you have time now? I think it's better to talk about these things in person."

"If you have time, may we meet there?"

"I'm at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, can you call me when you get to the lobby?"

"Okay, it will take me almost an hour to come here."

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, Zhang Ping'an began to check if there were any Apple stores nearby, because he needed a computer and a Huaxia mobile phone when he set up the platform.The easiest and dumbest way to recruit people is to post recruitment news on the Internet.

Seeing that there was a specialty store not far from the hotel, Zhang Ping'an immediately took action.

For almost an hour, Zhang Pingan returned to the lobby of the hotel with the computer in his arms. He was sitting while installing the required software while waiting for the arrival of the technical house.

Ten minutes later, his phone rang, and he was looking for a figure in the hotel lobby with the phone.And when his bell rang, it made the people who were looking for him turn their heads.The two met Zhang Pingan's eyes and waved at him.

He is wearing a cotton jacket, jeans, with eyes, is about 170 centimeters tall, and his appearance is about 30 years old.

After the two shook hands, Zhang Pingan first introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Zhang Pingan, and it’s peace and peace."

"Hello, my name is Li Yu. I graduated from Sichuan University of Electronic Science and Technology. I used to work in'PPS Network TV'. Later, PPS was acquired by'Du Niang' and then integrated with'Aiqiyi', so PPS is here. Many people. Because the work location suddenly changed from here to Yenching, many people were reluctant to leave and chose to stay."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said, "Well, let's go have some coffee."

Next to the hotel lobby is a place for afternoon tea. The two entered this so-called lobby bar and chose a position by the window to sit down.Ordered the afternoon tea set, then Zhang Pingan saw that there was noodles, and he ordered another piece of wonton noodles.

After ordering, he smiled and said to this Li Yu: "I returned home from the plane at 8 o'clock in the morning and I haven't eaten anything until now."

The reason why Zhang Pingan had to inform him that he did not eat was because the two were in a cooperative negotiation, and such a place was not a dinner. When Zhang Pingan was having a meeting, he was a bit rude while sitting and eating.That's why he told Li Yu this in advance, hoping that he could forgive him.

Li Yu smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

After a while, the afternoon tea for the two of them came. Zhang Ping'an wanted a simple American cup, and he wanted a pot of tea.Li Yu poured tea to himself while asking Zhang Pingan: "Mr. Zhang, how old is it?"

"Born in 1987, it will soon enter the thirtieth generation."

"Well, I heard from Uncle Dong that you came back from studying abroad?"

The term'returning from studying abroad' made Zhang Ping'an unable to help but raise his eyebrows and said, "Yes, I'm from studying abroad. After graduating from junior high school, he went to Tokyo to go to high school, and later he went to Waseda at university. In mid-2010, because Some things went to Seoul, and I have been in Seoul all these years."

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