My entertainment circle

Chapter 222 Love Exposure (Part 1)

The next day, when the sky on Hong Kong Island just lit up, the phone under Zhang Pingan’s pillow made a vibrating sound, which made him wake up quickly.He gently removed Sika's leg that was pressing on his leg, then reached out and touched her cheek, and then kissed her on the mouth again: "Sika, get up and get ready, you have to go The airport."

Sika booked the first flight to Seoul, because when the first flight arrived in Seoul, those airport reporters probably hadn't gone to work. She felt that she could take the opportunity to avoid reporters and fans.The tired Sika made a humming sound under Zhang Ping'an's kiss, but she still didn't want to open her eyes: "I really don't want to get up. I really regret it now. I really shouldn't book the first flight."

Zhang Ping'an stretched his hand through her neck, put her head on his arm, and then hugged her into his arms: "Then call to change the contract?"

Zhang Ping’an’s words made Sika finally open her eyes. She looked at his face close at hand and proactively kissed him on the cheek: "If I change my contract, what will happen to the show? I am embarrassed to postpone it. If it’s time to postpone it, or it would be too unjustified to the program crew."

Sika had to get up because of the show, and after the first flight back, she would go to the beauty salon with Little Crystal.So the time to be an artist is really not my own sometimes.

"Since you know, then you can't get up yet, are you still lying in bed? You have to hurry to the airport." Although Zhang Ping's mouth said so, but he still held Sika in his arms tightly. I was willing to let go, and Sika also took the opportunity to rest in his arms for two more minutes.

In Zhang Ping'an's arms, Sika reached out and took out the phone under the pillow. Last night, when she returned to the hotel, she turned the phone into'silent mode'.At this time, she took out her mobile phone and lit the screen, her eyes widened for an instant, because the phone said "Agent: 16 missed calls, Mother: 5 missed calls" Crystal: 3 missed calls 'There is also the information that appeared in the girls' generation chat room.

"So many missed calls? Isn't it??" When seeing so many missed calls, Sika really had a feeling that the photos of herself and Zhang Ping'an were taken and posted on the Internet?She hadn't thought of being followed by paparazzi.

Zhang Pingan also stared at Sika's cell phone and watched her open the girls' generation chat room: "Wow, Sika didn't answer the phone all night after her love was exposed, and hasn't she been bubbling in the group?"

"Let me just say, why did she suddenly end the concert and go to HK? It turned out to be dating Zhang Ping An."

"This couple has come together?" "Didn't Sika say bad things about Zhang Ping'an behind our backs? Now the two have actually developed the dog-blood plot in the TV series and disappeared?"

In the end Jeonyul, who is not in love at the moment, said something fair: "People who are in love have changed."

Looking at these news, Zhang Ping’an also took out his mobile phone and checked the hot searches in South Korea. Sure enough, the news of his love relationship with Sika followed by Taeyeon’s breakup news was listed on the hot search in South Korea.'Girls Generation Jessica and the second generation of China Fortune Zhang Pingan fell in love, and the two had a low-key date on Hong Kong Island.''Sika is also in love!Object: Zhang Pingan, the second generation of China Fortune!'

Looking at the hot news, Zhang Ping'an didn't click to read the news. He said to Sika in his arms: "It seems that we can only make it public. You, are you okay?"

Sika looked at Zhang Ping'an seriously and smiled and said, “I’m fine, anyway, the company doesn’t stop us from falling in love. It’s just that this year’s combination has exposed so many couples, I don’t know what to do with us. What impact will it have?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “There must be some influence? It’s just that it will not have a big impact on your music performance. After all, you’re a girl’s generation! I guess you’ll get a deep pick by netizens again. This blow."

Sika hesitated and said, "Do you think it will affect the brand?"

Zhang Pingan hesitated for two seconds and said, "Should not? After all, your brand is officially on the shelves in the flagship store.. Maybe it will go in August or September, when the enthusiasm about our love will also go down. It won’t affect the brand’s sales."

Sika nodded and said, "I hope so, I should get up." Sika kicked Zhang Ping'an in the quilt, and then whispered: "Go get my underwear."

Zhang Pingan smiled and rolled over and got out of the bed and found Sika’s underwear in the box. Soon in the bathroom, Sika and Zhang Pingan were brushing their teeth in the mirror side by side. Although this is a TV drama plot, Sika likes it very much. The little romance, little warmth.Sika bit her toothbrush and said to Zhang Ping'an when she was halfway through the brush: "It's so early, the hotel hasn't served breakfast yet? What if I'm a little hungry?

Zhang Ping’an reached out and touched Sika’s belly: "Hungry? Hungry when you are hungry, when you lose weight. You have been lying in bed for so long, how can you still have time to eat breakfast at the hotel? Go to the airport, in the airport. Let’s find something to eat."

"Huh~~" Sika muttered dissatisfiedly after a sound.


Hong Kong Island, one of the most prosperous cities in Asia, the airport here is also the busiest airport with the most connections in Asia.When Zhang Pingan and Sika arrived at the airport, there were already many people waiting to take the early flight. Sika looked at the crowded heads with a smile and said, "Oh my god, it will be only half past five. Does it feel like nine or ten o'clock in Incheon?"

Zhang Pingan said: "This is a hub station in Asia. Naturally there will be more people. Find a place to eat?"

"Stop eating, I'll go to the VIP room for a bite later, and send me in."

Zhang Ping An accompanied Sika to the ticket gate. Sika took the suitcase from Zhang Ping's hand: "You, come back to Korea soon, you know?"

"I know! Come to Korea when things are over here. If you are in love, please communicate with the company after you go back."

"What is there to communicate with? Just admit it and learn from Xiuying, Yoona, and dive like that." Sika said very freely.

Because the relationship between the two of them has been exposed, now it doesn’t make sense to say more, just learn Yoona and the others diving!Anyway, most of the Girls' Generation has entered into love this year. Haven't they been rated as the "age of love" by the media a long time ago?Besides, women, how can you not fall in love?

Zhang Ping’an smiled and gave Sika a hug before parting: “This is the best way. In fact, you don’t need to look at others when you are in love. As for the fans.. They may just be noisy for two days, waiting for everything to fade. Just go down."

After the two embraced and separated, Sika smiled and stretched out her hand to touch Zhang Ping’an’s face and said, “I know, so you can rest assured. I’m not a “someone” and I won’t be able to withstand the pressure like that. Let’s talk about it. , I’m not too young anymore, I just hope that fans can understand us? And I can’t make idols for the rest of my life! Love or something is inevitable."

Hearing Sika's words, Zhang Ping'an smiled at her, then looked up at the entrance and pointed to her to enter: "Alright, go in, remember to eat something in the terminal."

"Well, then I'm going in." After speaking, Sika reached out and asked for a hug again to Zhang Ping An, Zhang Ping held Sika and patted her on the back: "Be careful."

"You too, remember to send me messages every day, otherwise you will know that I am great when you go back to Seoul."

"I know, go, I will leave after watching you go in."

Sika nodded and dragged the suitcase towards the ticket gate, looking back three steps and one step, the reluctance of reluctance was clearly expressed.And Zhang Ping An waved to Sika to signal her to go in, until Sika completely disappeared from view, Zhang Ping An turned around and left.

On the taxi back to the hotel, Zhang Ping'an looked at the news, because the news was written by HK paparazzi.China, South Korea, they are all reprinted.

Zhang Pingan first saw the domestic "Moorang News Entertainment Edition" here. It said: PandaTV's "Zhang Pingan" and the popular girl's generation member "Jessica" are traveling together on Hong Kong Island. They are suspected of being in love?

Seeing that the news headlines on a certain wave were quite civilized, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but smiled. Then Zhang Ping'an searched for other news websites on'Du Niang': Zhang Ping'an and Jessica are in love !

Basically, all the media searched on Du Niang reprinted HK news. Anyway, it was confirmed that the two are in love and are playing together on Hong Kong Island.Then Zhang Ping'an looked at the'N Station' in South Korea. They all settled the relationship between the two.And there are still many people who are speculating whether everyone in Girls' Generation is in love, but everyone hasn't found it yet?Because in half a year, Girls’ Generation had announced their love affair, which has already exceeded half of their members!Perhaps half of them will be released in the second half of the year?

Taeyeon’s relationship has just been released and soon after the news of the breakup, Sika’s relationship has been exposed again?And the love object is still an "acquaintance" Zhang Pingan!

This rich second generation from China!When I first saw him and Taeyeon and the others, I felt something was wrong. It turned out that he and Sika were lovers, so I met Taeyeon and the others?In the past, when everyone saw the video, they always didn't know how Zhang Ping'an and Girls' Generation got involved. It wasn't until his relationship with Sika was exposed that everyone suddenly realized.

After Zhang Ping'an read the news, he went to look at his scarf, and many fans about Sika cursed under his scarf.Of course, many people flattered, saying that Zhang Ping'an was good enough, and slapped Taeyeon and Pani. In the end, they even slapped "Kahuang" home.

Seeing that the number of comments has reached more than 200,000 times, Zhang Ping'an has to admit that Kahuang, there are so many fans in China!

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