My entertainment circle

Chapter 226: Li Zhien's Invitation (Part 2)

The'love' between Li Ji-eun and her friends who were born in '94' is very peculiar, because when their relationship was exposed, everyone discovered that they were looking for an'old man' who was twelve years older than them. 'In love.And their love time has occurred in the past two years, which means that they have just dated men who are more than one round of their own since they have just grown up (21 or 2 years old)?Zhang Pingan has always been a little confused about this matter.

Listening to Li Zhien talking about that she hadn't met the man who wanted to fall in love with her, Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Hey~~ Didn't give you the feeling of wanting to fall in love? Then you mean you belong to the'love at first sight' type? But most love at first sight is the "Appearance Association"."

Li Zhien immediately shook his head and said, "No, I'm not an appearance association. And so far, no love at first sight has happened to me. What I want to say is that I haven't met the right person yet? Maybe my expression was a little bit earlier. Wrong, but it’s almost the same, hehe."

After Li Zhien finished speaking, he laughed embarrassedly, because her previous expression actually made Zhang Ping an misunderstand that he was from the Appearance Association?However, Li Zhien really thinks that "love" will look more or less before it starts?You have to find someone who is a little more'normal'. It's impossible to say that you are not an Appearance Association and just ignore your appearance at all.

Don't look at appearance at all?It is impossible to find the other half at least to find one that is in the normal category and the worst can be seen.Li Zhien felt that she didn't have high expectations for her partner. She didn't need her partner to be like Xuan Bin or Yuan Bin, but she also didn't want her partner to be too'offbeat'.

Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded and said, “I will look at some appearances more or less, right? Because in my understanding, “love” whoever is looking for the other half, let’s not say the appearance will let you in the first moment. I feel collapsed, but I have to make it pleasing to my eyes, right? If I don’t even look at it, what further contact do I want? You say yes?"

Li Zhien smiled and nodded: "Hehe, this is true. But I heard that most men belong to the Appearance Association?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and admitted: "Almost, men usually judge a woman by appearance. It is not often that some passersby say in interviews that their girlfriends only need to be kind in heart. Actually not, before being kind in heart. I also added a beautiful! People are beautiful, and they are beautiful in their hearts. That is perfect. But most men are self-aware, and they have already made a balance in their hearts for their own conditions, according to their own conditions. When choosing a girlfriend, he decides what appearance. If the conditions are not very good, he will not ask too much about the appearance of the woman. After all, he is like this, so he still asks for this? Is it possible? ?"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's detailed analysis of the'man' Li Zhien was listening to applause and laughed: "Hahaha, Ping xi, are you too funny?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "What I said is not for fun, but for fact."

Li Zhien nodded and said that he knew that what Zhang Ping'an really said was the bloody reality, and this situation was not only found in men, but also in women.When a woman knows that she has physical conditions, she will definitely choose a better financial partner when choosing a partner.

Isn’t the saying that “a person knows himself well”?Who doesn't have a scale in his heart?

Li Zhien nodded and said, "To put it bluntly, the current social atmosphere is like this. However, I still want to find a suitable one.. Hmm~~ Actually I don't know what kind of talent is suitable, and I am a bit vague. of."

Zhang Pingan smiled and stretched his head in the direction of Li Zhien, and then said in a low voice: "You, haven't you received a phone note or something on the backstage of the song? I heard that the backstage of the song? Like a blind date scene, men’s idols and women’s idols often only have a chance to meet in the backstage of the singing scene."

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping’s curiosity, she smiled and shook her head: “What you said is indeed something, but I’ve never received a phone note or something, but I have given it a few times. ."

Listening to Li Zhien's words, Zhang Pingan looked at her with widened eyes.Because he thought it was a bit weird, Li Zhien would actually give a note on his own initiative?

Zhang Ping'an's surprised look was so weird, which made Li Zhien smile brilliantly.She kept waving her hands and said, "Don’t get me wrong, what I said to give the note is different from what you think about. When Shirley and I met, it was the note I gave to her on the initiative, and I just wrote I think Befriend you."

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Hey~~ So, I thought you took the initiative to confess to the man idol? It turned out to be Shirley, as you said in the show. By the way, you still said it. , Your "Peach" is about the song written by Shirley, right?"

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Well, you still watched my show? Yes, you are the legendary'Black Uncle' in the fan world!"


Zhang Ping'an and Li Zhien ate and chatted, and the time for a meal passed without knowing it.The two chatted very happily. Li Zhien felt that Zhang Pingan was not only humorous, but also very mature when looking at many issues.In particular, he can give her some good suggestions, which makes Li Zhien feel that it is very pleasant to chat with him.

After the meal, the two came out of the shop, and Zhang Ping'an came to his car and said, "Do you really want me to send you?"

Li Zhien gave up: "It really doesn't need to be so troublesome. I just need to take a taxi and go back. I really had a good chat with you today. If we have time next time, can we still eat together?"

"Of course it is possible. On weekdays, Pani and I often go out to eat and chat. By the way, next Wednesday, the program produced by our company will air "I Live Alone". Remember to watch it. If you have the opportunity, come to our program. ?"

Li Zhien nodded and said, "If there is a chance."

"Well, then I will go first. Thank you for the dinner. I had a great time." The two stood in front of the store and chatted briefly. There are already a lot of "empty cars" left. It.Zhang Pingan understood that Li Zhien was going to take him away before taking a taxi.So he ended the chat quickly and left first so that Li Zhien would take a taxi home.

Li Zhien watched Zhang Pingan’s car taillight disappear into her vision, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly: “The right man? Maybe it’s a man like Zhang Pingan who can talk to me and can give me a lot of help, right? "

After a meal, the two people's acquaintance has also deepened a lot, and Zhang Pingan left a very good impression on Li Zhien.Therefore, Li Zhien has set a man like Zhang Pingan as his ideal type.

Because I can talk, I feel comfortable!

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Ping'an returned home. He took a shower and then returned to the living room. He took a cell phone to check the time: "Yes, Sika and the others are coming back tonight?"

Today is the weekend, and the new week will begin tomorrow. After their Girls’ Generation ends their weekend concert, they will go to the airport and return home immediately. They are already very familiar with taking the flight back to China that night.

On the plane, Pani said to Sika next to him: "Sika, isn't your Zhang Ping an come to Korea? In a moment, will he come to the airport to pick you up?"

Sika and Zhang Pingan were in two different countries in the first week after they confirmed their relationship.During the week when she was completely unable to meet, Sika missed Zhang Ping an even more deeply. Perhaps it was because the two were already in public love, so Sika deepened her love for him unknowingly.It is the deepened love that makes her miss more and more.

At this time, Sika heard that Penny was so aware of Zhang Ping's whereabouts, and her heart was a little sour.

Sika shook her head and said, "I didn't let him pick me up, and the two of us didn't plan to show off in front of you so high-profile. I have to learn from Yoona, Xiuying, and fall in love quietly."

Pani shifted to Sika's side, and then whispered, "Didn't you hear that? Lee Seung-ki is about to join the army, and the two have basically not seen each other recently. Yoona, they might..."

Sika's eyes widened when she heard this, and she looked back first, seeing Yoona in the back seat sleeping, and she whispered: "No? You will be divided into the army, this... Scolding?"

Pani replied in a low voice: "So, Yoona thinks that she has seen fewer meetings recently, so she should end the relationship before he joins the army. In case he is found breaking up after joining the army, she still wants to say she's a mutiny. 'Well. And the two of them have also carried the name of'love' for half a year, and now they feel a little bit dead in name."

Sika nodded and said, "Yes, before he enlisted in the army, the relationship was completely broken. He enlisted in the army with peace of mind, and Yoona will not bear the infamy after he enlisted."

Pani said sadly: "Don't look at Yoona who is always so happy in front of us all day long. In fact, she is almost the same as Taeyeon, and rarely shows us the hurt side. And we have always been She seems to be used to it too, because she always faces us all with a bright smile."

Sika didn't know how to say it, she could only sigh and said, "Hey... falling in love really made our'Girls' Generation' crazy."

"Haha.. Are you talking about yourself? Actually, I think it's okay, at least we have experienced some time in our lives."

"Listen to your tone, you and Ni Kun..."

"We are fine!"

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