My entertainment circle

Chapter 234 Old Love Hand?

Because Pani and Taeyeon were helping to speak in front of him, Zhang Pingan didn't have time to say "I'm sorry" and Sika slammed the door and left his home.Zhang Ping'an didn't expect Sika to have such a big temper. He was a little stunned for a while, but it was only when Taeyeon and Pani reminded him that he quickly chased it out.

Zhang Ping'an held Sika, who had a guilty temper, at the door of his house. After Sika was pulled, she looked back at Zhang Ping's, who was pulling her, and said coldly, "Let go."

At this moment, Sika's face was as cold as frost, showing how angry she was.

Of course it is impossible for Zhang Pingan to let go of the arm that pulled Sika. After he said'I'm sorry' to Sika seriously, he continued: "Sika, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I did this thing. No, I should tell you in advance. Really, I did something wrong, and I don’t excuse anything. It’s just that I think we need more time to understand each other, and we are sure that the relationship is only a week away. , And after confirming the relationship, we did not meet for a week. The most important thing is that we are together because of our mutual goodwill, rather than the exchange after we have a very thorough understanding..."

Zhang Ping'an's words made Sika calm down a little.Because he was right, the two only confirmed the relationship for a week, and the two sides also roughly understand each other's character and temper.Otherwise, they don't know much about each other.The most important thing is that the two of them didn't meet each other much during the week of their relationship, and they used video or software to chat and talked about the daily life happening today.

Although the two are now'lovers', they haven't communicated thoroughly. This is the early days of love. How can Sika know everything about Zhang Ping'an?

Why both Taeyeon and Pani knew some of Zhang Ping's'secrets', but she didn't know it, not because of anything else, but because they had been in contact with Zhang Ping the longest, that's all!

Zhang Pingan continued: "Our love has just begun, and we will have more time to get to know each other in the future. It is said that life requires wisdom, and love is the same, and it needs our mutual trust and understanding. This Talking about going to Japan this time is not a big deal in my opinion, and I never thought about hiding you, so I told them that I will make sure when I meet today, because you are also there. What if. If I deliberately concealed it and went to Japan to play with them quietly, then you should be angry."

Zhang Ping'an's remarks were quite convincing. After Sika listened to it, the anger in her heart dissipated a lot, but it would not be said that they would all dissipate immediately.She took two deep breaths and adjusted her mentality: "Can't you tell me this kind of thing in advance? Is it so laborious to say it? I must be like a fool? Look at you there and say only Things that I don't know alone?"

Zhang Pingan once again said sincerely apologizing to Sika: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I was wrong, I admit it, it will never be like this next time."

With the apology and Zhang Pingan's acceptable explanation, Sika forgave him a little bit: "Hmph, did you say this last time? Couldn't these matters be discussed with me first? We are lovers now, do you know? You are no longer alone, and it’s no longer what you want. You have to consider my feelings anyway? I don’t want to be in such a situation, On the contrary, I am like an outsider. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood..." Zhang Pingan gave Sika a quick kiss on the cheek when she was not paying attention: "Okay, don't be angry, let's go back, don't let them read the joke."

After speaking, Zhang Pingan put his arms around Sika's shoulders, and the two returned home again.And Sika hummed dissatisfiedly at Zhang Ping'an, meaning that I forgive you temporarily, and I'll talk slowly when they two leave!

Zhang Pingan found that Sika was actually very coaxing. She was not the kind of completely unreasonable person. At least the explanations Zhang Pingan said could be understood by her, rather than someone who would never let it go.

In fact, Sika's personality is like that. She looks cold and frosty on the outside, but she has an extremely hot heart in her heart.She knows how to be considerate and caring for others, which is actually enough.


When Taeyeon and Pani sat in the room for ten minutes, they watched Zhang Ping Ping’s embrace Sika’s shoulder affectionately entering, which made Taeyeon and Pani amused.In front of Sika also showed an incompatible appearance. Will this be like a gentle and virtuous girlfriend in Zhang Ping'an's arms?

Just for a while, the haze on her face was reduced a lot, and her face in front of her was so stinky!

But such a true temperament of Sika is a good thing for Zhang Ping An, because she likes to write all her dissatisfaction on her face instead of sullen backlog in her heart.In fact, the most afraid of lovers is that they don’t say anything on the surface, but actually remember everything you do in their minds, and they are those who remember clearly, wait for some day to break out and then come slowly You settle the account!

Sika like this, as long as the dissatisfaction is written on his face, Zhang Ping'an can solve it on the spot.The anger of the day will disappear in the same day, and will not be remembered afterwards.

After Zhang Ping'an brought Sika in, she looked at her teammate's suffocating smile, and Sika said to the two in embarrassment, "You talk, I will wash some fruits first."

Sika ran away embarrassedly, Pani gave Zhang Ping'an a thumbs up quietly, and then said in a very small voice: "Awesome, Zhang Ping'an, I didn't expect you to make us angry with just a few words. The card is ready to coax you? I didn’t expect you to have some means. Yes, you also made Taeyeon a laugh when she was in pain. I didn’t see it, you are still an'veteran lover'!"

"I'm still an old hand like this? Well, my hands look a bit old by comparison." When Zhang Ping'an said his last sentence, he stretched out his hand and looked at it over and over again, then stretched out his hand again. Pani’s wrist compares himself with hers.

"Hahaha..." Taeyeon always finds some novel excuses when she looks at Zhang Ping An, and she does not hesitate to show her aunt's laughter. Taeyeon feels that every time she is with him, she always feels Become a lot more fun.

Sika washed the fruit and walked over. She sat quietly beside the three of them. Of course, she chose a location very close to Zhang Ping'an.Before washing the fruits, her eyes kept falling on them. Looking at Zhang Ping An, Taeyeon, Pani, talking and laughing, it's natural to get along, I don't know why my heart is always a little bit sour.

After Sika sat down, Zhang Pingan took the blueberries that Sika had brought and handed it to Pani: "Here, I know you like this sour blueberry the most. I bought it for you yesterday."

"Thanks." Pani didn't say anything polite to Zhang Pingan. She smiled and stretched out her hand and took the box of blueberries and started to eat. Taeyeon also ate with Sika's peaches.Zhang Pingan took an apple casually and gnawed: "Pani, have you seen the pictures of Lake Kawaguchi? What do you think?"

Penny nodded and said, "It's not bad, it looks like a quiet place. But will there be a lot of people going there at this time?"

Because the students have already started their summer vacation, Pani worried that there will be a lot of people there, after all, it is under Mount Fuji.

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "There are not many people going there this season, because Lake Kawaguchi is the most famous hot spring besides the scenery, but who soaks in hot springs in this weather? So most Japanese will never choose to go there. Those who go to Lake Kawaguchi this season, as for whether there will be some foreign tourists, this is not clear, but in general there are not many people, even if there are not many people going there in autumn and winter, after all, there are many famous places in Japan’s hot springs. ."

After Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, he looked at Sika again: "What about you, there is nothing wrong with you recently? The shooting of the show, I remember not this week, right?"

Because Little Crystal is coming back soon, and they are practising intensively during this period, so there is no planned shooting schedule for their two sisters' programs.

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Sika really wanted to say:'How can I be fine?Today I just hired a designer, and a CEO who is coming from the US in two days will still apply.Are you asking me to follow you to Japan?What about the company?'

Not everyone is as idle as Zhang Pingan. In addition to the girl's generation schedule, Sika now has her own company to take care of.Especially when someone Quan left, she didn't have so much time to play with them before the new CEO arrived.

After Zhang Ping'an asked Sika, she did not answer, but looked at Zhang Ping'an like that, as if she was using her eyes to convey a message to Zhang Ping'an,'Do you think I'm okay?'

Seeing Sika’s silence, Zhang Ping’an reached out and patted her leg to show that he was clear, and then he smiled and said, “I’m going to play this time, mainly to relax myself, and don’t think about work all day. Your girlhood has also arrived. It’s time to rest and rest. Work, how can you finish it? Don’t worry about yourself too much in life. Enjoy it when it’s time to enjoy it, lest you get old, and when you want to enjoy travel I don’t have that good physical strength anymore."

Sika said flatly: "I made an appointment on Thursday."

"Thursday? But you started the concert on Friday."

Sika's answer made Zhang Ping'an frown, because Zhang Ping'an really doesn't know when Sika will hire a CEO.The result is Thursday?However, if you think about it, if you decide after meeting on Thursday, she will go to Japan on Friday, and the company can be handed over to the new CEO.

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