My entertainment circle

Chapter 241 Interview Invitation

Zhang Pingan and Fang Shihe sat in the newly-built recording studio of the company. Looking at the various keyboard instruments on the workbench, Zhang Pingan asked Fang Shihe what he did like a curious baby. What is that.And Fang Shihe kept giving Zhang Pingan what those buttons were for, as well as the audio editing software on the computer, and so on. He gave Zhang Pingan a rough idea.

Fang Shihe finally had no words for this curious person. He waved his hands and said, "Don't worry about these tuners for the time being. This is basically useless for beginners who learn to compose. And you don't plan to be a music producer. People, these editors and modifiers, if you ask, it’s no question. It’s troublesome for me to explain to you. You have no basis in tuning at all. For someone like you who is used to creating with guitar..."

As Fang Shihe said, he downloaded the genuine software used by the arranger on Zhang Pingan’s Apple computer: "This software is the simplest arranger software, which contains most of the commonly used classical, modern drum beats, and electronic Synthesizers and so on. You just need to put your original song in to arrange your own song, record the main melody, you always know how?"

When paying for the software download, Zhang Pingan took the computer and entered his internet bank password, and at the same time responded: "Of course it will. Isn't it the same as recording a video? No matter how uncomfortable I am, recording will always be possible. "

After downloading the software, Fang Shihe took Zhang Ping’an’s computer and began to check the folder: “After the audio is recorded, you can capture it in this software. You can add any soundtrack you want in the software. For example... Um, you don’t have any music on your computer? Where do you put the music you usually compose?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and pointed to his head: "I remember it all in my mind, not in the computer."

Zhang Ping’an thought he said something very awkward, but he didn’t expect Fang Shihe to look at him with pure white eyes: "In your head, your brain is really big. You are not afraid. Are the tunes confused with each other in your head? The good tune that you originally recorded was suddenly forgotten, or ran away with other tunes in your memory?"

If you change to another composer, remembering the song in your mind will definitely be confused.That's why the creator will record it in time every time after composing the song.

And Zhang Pingan will not be confused, because the songs in his head are completely formed, how he sings and who sings, he knows exactly how.So is he occupying such an innate advantage?

But Fang Shihe didn't know these things. In his eyes, Zhang Ping'an was completely Xiaobai. The songs were in his mind?Isn't this funny?

Zhang Ping'an could not tell Fang Shihe that there are too many songs in his head.So, he could only make an awkward expression and smiled: "Anyway, I don't have a few songs in my memory. It will not be confused. I will record it when I go back tonight."

"Well, let me practice with my song first." Fang Shihe turned on the computer on the desktop. The computer contains the songs he usually composed, but of course the main melody is not finished.He was used to train Zhang Ping'an and at the same time instruct Zhang Ping'an how to arrange music!


The two of them sat in the studio all afternoon, and didn't even eat lunch.Zhang Ping'an kept learning how to arrange music, learning and learning, he himself felt that arranging is a very interesting thing, so slowly started his own independent arrangement.In the afternoon, Zhang Ping'an used the original song of the main melody and changed different modes to make up.From classical instruments to lyricism, to restless dance music of modern instruments, and EDM-style electronic music...

After adding different soundtracks to the main melody, it can be changed into countless genre patterns, and even the enhancement of the soundtrack can change the main melody of the song.Zhang Pingan has been sitting in the studio for a day, and he is now completely familiar with this arrangement software.He was completely'playing' this software, and he had forgotten the time, until Sika called and pulled him back from the world of arrangers.

Sika on the other end of the phone said, "Are you still at the company? Haven't you said the show you discussed yet?"

"Uh, I already said it, now... uh, it's seven o'clock?" Zhang Ping'an was surprised when he looked at the time displayed in the lower right corner of the computer. He started talking about the format of the show at noon and Fang Shihe. It’s seven o’clock in the evening after sitting down like this?No wonder Sika will call.

Listening to Zhang Ping’s sudden enlightenment, Sika said silently: “What are you doing, time has forgotten?”

"Learning arrangement, hehe, I think the arrangement procedure is quite interesting, who knows it's seven o'clock? I'll be back right away, your side... uh, wait, Huaxia called me, I'll be back , Come back now."

While Zhang Pingan was talking on the phone with Sika, his other Huaxia mobile phone rang. He saw that the general manager of Huaxia was calling, and he answered the phone without hesitation.Because all matters over there are handed over to the manager, he has never been involved in the daily operation of the platform.So there is generally no way to call him if there is no need to discuss with him.

Zhang Ping'an picked up the call from Huaxia: "Mr. Wang, what's the matter for calling me at this time?"

"That's it, Mr. Zhang, the show you produced in South Korea won a contemporaneous one. Now there are domestic media wanting to interview you, look..."

The success of Zhang Pingan's program is indeed a new title for China's program production. With such a topic, it is inevitable that the media will interview him.After all, as a Chinese, his shows have been successful in South Korea. Such things are very rare in the current Chinese entertainment market.

Because the recent programs in the Huaxia market are buying South Korean copyrights, but Zhang Ping An is the only one who does the opposite. He uses Huaxia’s shows to occupy the Korean variety show market, one!Isn't this worth being interviewed?

The media interview with Zhang Ping An is another powerful propaganda wave for PandaTV. That's why Lao Wang called Zhang Ping An to ask if he could accept the interview?

Zhang Ping An smiled and said, "Which media is it?"

"A certain wave of entertainment."

Zhang Ping'an thought that'Mulang Entertainment' did not embarrass him in China, and it was a good thing for him to accept interviews. After all, he will always be in China Entertainment in the future.

Zhang Ping'an said: "Yes, but time... I'm going to Tokyo tonight and Paris after the weekend. If they want... they can interview me in Tokyo, and for the time being, I have no plans to return to China. "

"Okay, let me tell the other party, if they want, I will let the other party contact you?"

"Okay. That's it. I have to go home and pack my things." Zhang Ping'an said that he rushed to Tokyo today to discuss with Sika lying on the bed last night.

Girls’ Generation’s concert will begin tomorrow, and all of their troops will go to Tokyo tomorrow morning for rehearsal, but this time Zhang Ping’an is going to watch their concert, so he thinks that he and Sika will go by one day in advance.Tomorrow, he will send Sika directly to the venue.

Sika also wanted to see Zhang Pingan's home in Tokyo, so the two decided to take a night flight to Tokyo tonight.

Zhang Pingan hung up the call from Huaxia and hurried back home. As for whether a wave of entertainment will come to Tokyo to interview him, it is unclear.Of course, for first-hand news, Zhang Pingan believes that they are willing to pay for the travel expenses for their reporters.

When Zhang Ping'an came home, when he opened the door, he saw that Sika's shoes were placed in the hallway, and the lights in the room were all lit up.When he entered the living room with the computer in his hand, Sika sat at the dining table alone and looked at Zhang Ping'an who was coming home with a pitiful appearance. He briefly scanned the table and there were dishes on the table.Of course Zhang Ping'an knew that Sika would definitely not do it. It is estimated that she brought it up after her mother did it. Perhaps this is the benefit of living close?

Seeing her so pitiful expression, Zhang Ping'an couldn't help laughing: "What, what is your expression? Didn't the talk with the CEO go well today?"

Speaking of Zhang Ping'an sitting opposite Sika, looking at the covered meals on the table, he smiled: "Thank you auntie for me."

Sika got up and went to the microwave to take out the meal for him while serving the meal, and said: "The CEO and I have negotiated on the phone early, and today I just passed the company's plan to her. She is my former Friends in the United States, graduated from MBA."

Zhang Pingan took a spoon and took a spoonful of the cold soup and took a sip: "Korean in the United States? The soup is cold, help turn it in the microwave for two minutes."

In summer, the house must be full of air-conditioning. Even if the hot soup is served, it will get cold in less than ten minutes.

Sika took the soup bowl and helped him heat it in the microwave, while responding to him: "Well, Korean, I met in San Francisco before. You have been at the company today?"

"Well, where else can I go? Did I go out to pick up girls?"

Of course Sika knew that Zhang Ping'an was talking about a joke, so she also responded with a joke: "This may be true, if you go outside to pick up girls on a whim, I don't know yet."

While eating the home-cooked food made by Sika’s mother, Zhang Ping’an said, “Then you can follow me 24 hours a day. If you don’t follow me someday, I might go pick a girl. You, are your things packed? ?"

"Clean up, just some simple clothes. I will also help you clean up your clothes.."

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