Zhang Pingan and Zhien sat at the bar quietly watching the chef hold the sushi. The sharp knife skills and smooth technique make it like a work of art when the exquisite sushi is placed in front of them.The nigiri sushi at the scene was originally a feast of vision and taste. The two opened the chattering box after eating the first sushi. Zhang Ping’an turned his head and looked at Zhien and said, “You shouldn’t have enough to eat this, right?”

The news that Li Zhien suffers from binge eating disorder has been broadcasted by all fans who like her.On weekdays, everyone saw that Li Zhien always appeared in front of everyone with a smile. Who knew that she had suffered such a weird disease because of the hard work of losing weight?So, no one in the idol business is easy.

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping’an with a wry smile and said, “I can’t feel full when I eat anything. So I have to control my appetite. On the contrary, this kind of fixed meal is the best help, because after he finishes it, it’s gone. I'm not full, but I won't order anymore. I remember having a concert in HK not long ago and I went to eat dim sum. Han Te and I ate more than 30 cages, and most of them were eaten by me. I heard the translator say that there are more than 30 cages. This is something that four men who can eat very well can do it, and I still haven't eaten enough. So now I try not to choose Chinese food, because I order a table of food, then I will I'll finish the whole table."

Listening to Li Zhien’s troubles, Zhang Ping’an could only accompany her with a wry smile: “Don’t you want to eat one day's food? After that, I will take you to eat desserts. How about crepes? Tokyo? The crepes are very good. By the way, have you tried the maid coffee? This is the most distinctive cafe in Tokyo. Why should you feel it when you come here?"

Li Zhien's eyes widened when he heard'Maid Coffee' and looked at Zhang Ping'an. Perhaps hearing this term always brings some bad associations or something.But the maid coffee is nothing strange, it's not just that the waiter's dress and service are a bit two-dimensional, and the others are no different from ordinary cafes.Of course, the biggest difference of Maid Coffee is that you can watch performances, while the noise of ordinary cafes will affect others.

Looking at Li Zhien’s eyes, Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Don’t think about the maid coffee shop with weird thinking. There are no '19 prohibitions' in it. You have to experience the different culture once in person. This is not in vain. Just looking at the scenic spots, you can’t fully experience the true charm of Tokyo. Of course, you don’t have to go to experience the Cowboy Store."

When Zhang Pingan opened the Cowherd Store, Li Zhien immediately shot back: "Hehe, you have been in Tokyo for so many years, have you not been to a custom store or something?"

Who is Zhang Ping's afraid of when he speaks such bad words?Besides, Li Zhien is not a minor. She went out of society to earn money earlier than Zhang Pingan.Even if she hasn't experienced those'strange' stores, she has definitely heard of a lot.

So Zhang Ping’an said without concealing: “I’ve been there, what’s so strange about it? Living in the city of Tokyo, how can I not feel the special amorous feelings here? So isn’t there a word circulating on the Internet? The paradise for men is not a seaside, but Tokyo!"

Man, who would dare to say that he has never been to some sensual places?And Tokyo is a place where such customs are permitted by law, so it's normal to have been there.No one in Japan would think that going to such a place is a strange person!

Li Zhien listened to Zhang Pingan’s words and began to slowly'start the car' and saw that Zhang Pingan was about to'drive.' She stopped and said, "Forget it, I won't talk to you about this." After all, the two are not close yet. To share things that are too private.

"Hehe..." Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Actually, how do you say the city of Tokyo? Beauty is very beautiful, but in this beauty, it will appear extremely indifferent. Traveling here is fine, as for living for a long time. And work here... still try not to choose this city."

Li Zhien smiled and looked at Zhang Pingan: "Didn't you stay here for nearly ten years?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Just because I have been staying for a long time, I know what kind of city this is. If you have money, it is absolutely wonderful for a man to live in this city. If it is an ordinary person. It’s extremely difficult just to survive here.. That’s why there are so many abandoned houses in this country. The word'house' came from Japan, you know?"

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Then this city is wonderful for you?"

Zhang Pingan picked up the shrimp sushi and put it in his mouth. While enjoying the sweetness of the shrimp, he said to Li Zhien: "Living in a gentle country for a long time, men can easily lose their morale. I don't want to change myself. Become a rich second generation who only spends money at home. Although I don’t have much ideal ambitions and know that my abilities are limited, I have to enrich my life, right?"

Li Zhien tilted his head and said, "Some people want to live the life of a rich second generation like you, but it's weird that a rich second generation like you wants to live a full life by yourself."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "What's so strange about this? After all, everyone thinks differently. Those who have no money want to become rich, but not many people know what the rich people think? For people who are rich, everything becomes easier to talk about. But the rich also have troubles for the rich. Anyway, this is an unclear thing, and it varies from person to person."

Li Zhien's family also encountered misfortunes when she was a child because of the guarantee problem, but now that she has made money, their family has become better.So she has experienced both the days of no money and rich days, so she smiled and said: "According to the difference of your financial strength, gradually your thoughts will become different."

"That's for sure. Because the only way to broaden your horizons is money! No matter how much you say in the book, your horizons and realms require your own personal experience. But no matter what kind of experience it is, even a simple one Traveling overseas also costs money! You think so?"

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Hehe... when it comes to'money', we feel like we are too vulgar. By the way, I forgot to congratulate you. I won one for the premiere of the show! I searched the Internet and found it very interesting. "

Zhang Ping'an took it casually: "If it's interesting, you can also participate. Do you want to make your private life public?"

"I'll leave it alone. My private life will be boring for the audience."

"Oh, I remembered, I was thinking about a new show recently. Would you like to participate? "The King of Masked Singer"!"

"The masked singer? What a strange name?"

After Zhang Pingan told Li Zhien about the format of the show, she also found it very interesting: "You are right. There are indeed many powerful idols who only get one or two lyrics in the combination, so I want to show it. It’s very difficult for yourself. Your idea of ​​not looking at the appearance but listening to the voice is very good. It’s just that my voice is very recognizable and I will be guessed as soon as I speak."

Speaking of the show, Zhang Ping’an said on a whim: “Zhien, how about we perform on the street together tonight? With masks, I see if the pedestrians passing by can guess who you are? On weekdays, you All of his concerts are in very luxurious venues, all kinds of audio equipment are top-notch, and there are bands and so on. This time we have the simplest street performance. Without top-level equipment, just a guitar as accompaniment In this foreign country, we use the purest music to move passers-by. What do you think? Are you interested?"

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an curiously and said, "Huh~~You don't go to the Girls' Generation concert tonight?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “Their concerts last three days. Even if you don’t go to see it today, you can go to see it tomorrow. I just want to see, when a top singer is covered with his face, regardless of his appearance, regardless of popularity, Move people with the purest music?"

"Such a sudden street performance with a mask? But I didn't bring an instrument or anything."

"This is simple, buy it, buy it right away. It's just an amplifier and a guitar. It's interesting to have a COS mask? If it can, I even want to pull out Girls' Generation."

For Zhang Pingan’s sudden street performance, Li Zhien found it quite interesting. Performing with a mask, he didn’t care about other people’s eyes or his own fame. He just used the purest singing to stop passersby, which was a bit challenging. Sex.

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Hahaha~~ Your ambitions are big enough. However, when you wear a mask in Girls’ Generation, others don’t know that it’s Girls’ Generation? Nine people know that they are trained."

"I had this idea a long time ago. I want to bring Taeyeon to a masked street performance. She is the famous lead singer of Girls' Generation! And today I was lucky enough to meet the music overlord IU, of course I will not let it go. . How? Are you interested in playing with me?"

There are many ways to travel, and Zhang Pingan’s sudden suggestion can also enrich Li Zhien’s trip, which makes her feel a little moved.

After hesitating for a while, Li Zhien said, "Okay, I will play with you tonight?"

"Well, after dinner, we will go buy equipment."

Masked singer, Li Zhien can be said to be a true singer!Zhang Ping An began to look forward to this evening, he took Li Zhien's performance.

After the meal, Zhang Pingan took Li Zhien to buy a guitar at a musical instrument store and an audio store to buy an amplifier. Finally, Zhang Pingan took Li Zhien to buy a set of traditional Japanese yukatas, and the longest appearance in an animation. 'Fox Mask'.

The equipment was so simple to buy, and the two of them waited for the night to fall and started singing on the streets of Tokyo!!

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