Those who have been to Tokyo say that the time when night comes is the time when Tokyo truly shines.Both Zhang Ping An and Li Zhien wore Japanese yukatas and the fox masks that often appear in cartoons and walked on the streets of Tokyo. Their costumes walked in the lively Shinjuku area and attracted many people's attention.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Li Zhien next to him: "Zhen, let me tell you, those who look back at us are definitely not Japanese. Because our dressing is very common for Japanese people."

Tokyo, a country that is open to the extreme, is full of people who are more strangely dressed than the two of them.The two are just wearing Japanese bathrobes. You have to know that there are various activities in Japan in the summer. There are really many people wearing such traditional bathrobes in those activities.So it’s not weird that the two go to the streets wearing this.

Because they can clearly tell that this is a bathrobe, not a traditional kimono.However, in the eyes of some foreign tourists, Japanese traditional bathrobes are similar to their traditional kimonos. As long as it is not for those experienced tourists, what is the difference between "robes" and "kimonos"?Therefore, when Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien were wearing Japanese bathrobes and walking on the street with fox masks, many people turned their heads back.

Moreover, the two of them also held some "singing" things in their hands. Li Zhien, a petite man, carried a guitar behind his back and two portable stools in his hands, while Zhang Ping'an carried a rather heavy amplifier and microphone in his hands. frame..

As Zhang Ping'an walked, he murmured with Li Zhien beside him: "I knew, you should have gotten off the street first. Let's put the things down first, and I'll go to the car."

When driving through a street with a lot of people in front of him, Zhang Ping’an chose the location of the “singing and singing” tonight.But because he drove the car, he had to find a parking lot. You must know that Japan is very strict about the random parking of vehicles.As a result, they drove to the parking lot. Finally, the two of them had to carry heavy things to the place.

Li Zhien smiled at Zhang Pingan: "Then why didn't you think about it just now."

Zhang Ping'an said depressed: "I am stupid, it's coming soon!"

Zhang Pingan dragged the power amplifier to the selected place with great difficulty. This road is a three-way intersection with a corner, and there is a lot of people passing through here.Whether Li Zhien's singing can stop passing pedestrians depends on how she performs today.

After Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien arrived at the place, they started to "set up a stall". Actually, they didn’t need to set up a lot. They just stood on the corner of the street and connected the microphone to the amplifier. They didn’t need to play the audio source or something, because Li Zhien is a master guitarist. She plays and sings without any pressure.

When the two of them were making preparations, no passerby stopped them in a hurry.Because of the streets of Tokyo, there are too many people who come out to sing on the road like this. Only when the singing is particularly contagious to you, someone will stop. Otherwise, whoever stands on the street waiting for you to sing is just a waste. Time, modern people are very busy!

After the things were set up, Zhang Pingan saw a convenience store not far away. He pointed to the convenience store, “I’ll go buy a few bottles of water first, put them on first, and drink them later.”

Li Zhien nodded, then she sat in the chair and started to adjust her guitar, making the final preparations.In fact, when he set up the stall in front of him, Li Zhien looked at the passers-by, but everyone who passed by would adopt an attitude of ignoring them, which made Li Zhien's heart very nervous.If passers-by show a little concern, then she still has a little confidence, but no one stops, which is... difficult!

After a while, Zhang Pingan came back with mineral water, and the people around him were still in a hurry, while Li Zhien just sat on the chair with the guitar in a daze and didn't know what to do.Because she has never performed in a street performance before, and she doesn’t know if she wants to say something at the beginning of a street performance.Or just start singing your own?

After Zhang Ping'an came over, he put down the water and made an "OK" gesture to Li Zhien, which meant to ask her if she was ready?After Li Zhien nodded, Zhang Pingan picked up the microphone and turned on the amplifier, ah, after testing two microphones, he said in fluent Japanese: "Good evening everyone, I am from China, she is from Korea, we are all on the street Artist. It’s the first time to present a song to everyone in Tokyo tonight. Maybe we sing the song in a language other than Japanese, but I believe that the music is common. I hope our singing can add a touch to your night. Please invite us below. 'Little Fox Fairy' presents everyone's first song tonight."

After speaking, Zhang Pingan handed the microphone to Li Zhien. Li Zhien nodded and stuck the microphone on the microphone stand to start today's first song. When the familiar melody sounded, Li Zhien began to sing again in Japanese.Zhang Ping'an laughed after hearing the melody because it was the Japanese version of the song "Good Days" she had published.

When Li Zhien's soft and moving voice resounded through the streets at night, people in a hurry around began to slowly stop and listen to her singing.Because Li Zhien's strength has really reached the level that makes people stop, more and more people are watching the street stop, and Li Zhien's singing has become extremely serious.

When she remembered her iconic three high notes on the street, everyone around her looked surprised.

It's just that Li Ji-eun is wearing a'fox' mask. No one knows that she is the top SOLO singer in Korea.Many tourists whispered about'what a great treble!'

'Isn't he a professional singer?'

'Why wear a mask?Could it be which debut singer?'


Zhang Ping'an watched the passers-by after Li Zhien's high-pitched voice, many of them found out their mobile phones and started video recording at her, just because her small body broke out such a powerful high-pitched voice?It's really amazing!Although the people present didn't know if her appearance under the mask would add points to her singing, at this time, listening to her singing everyone felt that she had the strength not to lose to professional singers.

The explosion of three high pitches caused many passersby who had just passed by to stop and start watching Li Zhien's singing.More and more people gathered around the two of them. Before the song was finished, a small circle had formed around them.Zhang Ping'an smiled and put the guitar case in front to make it feel like a singing.

After Li Zhien performed her Japanese song, two or three people came forward to'throw a coin'.Zhang Ping'an whispered in Li Zhien's ear: "Come on, continue to sing the next song. Korean is also possible. I like your song "Your Meaning". Why do you want to earn a supper today?"

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an in a dumbfounded manner. What makes a supper?She was quite speechless at this moment.However, she still played the accompaniment and began to sing herself.

A song that was already very soft, matched with Li Zhien's gentle to the extreme, as if to sing the night softly.

Although the surrounding tourists and Japanese do not understand the lyrics of this song, they can still feel the beauty of the melody and singing.At this moment, a young Korean couple in the crowd spoke: "Oh, this person sings very well, it's a bit like Li Zhien."

Even Li Zhien heard the speech of a South Korean couple. While singing, she floated her eyes towards Zhang Ping An.She wanted to ask if she would be discovered, and Zhang Ping'an gently shook her head, indicating that she was okay, and continued singing.

Sure enough, entering the middle part of the second paragraph, the Korean couple still did not realize that the man wearing the fox mask was Li Zhien himself. They thought who was imitating Li Zhien's singing.

Until the end of Li Zhien's song performance, the Korean couple came up to reward two coins.

From the beginning to the end, they did not see that the person behind the mask was IU!

After Li Zhien performed two songs, she gave the guitar to Zhang Pingan.Although Zhang Pingan's singing is not up to the professional level, he can still sing, and he is not the kind of person with a lack of tone.

Zhang Pingan took the guitar to test the sound and moved the microphone in front of him. Then he said in fluent Japanese: "The song I will perform next is a song I composed myself. I hope you all hope. "

The guitar rang, Zhang Pingan sang lightly...

"The so-called happiness is not like the night when the stars fall and the dazzling morning, which will come repeatedly.It’s like holding up an umbrella for important people when it’s raining...' (The song is the theme song of "The Bride Over Eight Years")

This song is a song from Zhang Ping’s memory. It has not been released yet. It was originally a rock genre, but it was more soft when sung with Zhang Ping’s guitar accompaniment.Perhaps'happiness' should not be expressed with too strong rhythm. His light accompaniment and soft singing are more suitable..

Although his singing voice is not good, at least he will not lose the voice.Listening to Zhang Pingan’s singing, Li Zhien became a little interested in the melody of this song, and the surrounding Japanese were even more interested in the lyrics of Zhang Pingan’s song.An original song, a song that will stop people from hearing it!It can be seen how touching the words of this song are.

Maybe it's the simplest way to describe'happiness' in the lyrics, which makes all passers-by feel something, right?

For a song, Zhang Pingan's performance can be described as plain and plain, not to mention any amazing singing skills.But the lyrics of his song really moved the people present.

After he finished singing, Li Zhien asked Zhang Pingan: "What's the name of this song? I went back and listened to it. I also wanted to see what was written in the lyrics. Someone actually wiped their tears while listening to this song."

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