My entertainment circle

Chapter 250: Super Producer?

Li Zhien laughed loudly when he heard Zhang Ping'an's entanglement.Yes, as the big boss of the agency company, he must consider giving it to his own children after he composes a good song. This is understandable.It is a pity that this song belongs to the lyrical genre, which is not suitable for the hiphop positioning of their children.My own children can’t use it, and if I don’t take it out, I think it’s a bit wasteful to play this song, but it’s a pity to give it to others.

Therefore, after the well-known songwriters became the representatives of the agency, they usually only "tailored" them to their children, and seldom gave them outside songs. In the past, they gave outside songs to make money.

Nowadays, when big boss producers face invitations to songs, unless they are singers who are very closely related, and they have to be popular singers to get the creation from their hands.otherwise..

Li Zhien jokingly said to Zhang Pingan: "Then you song, don't you feel a pity for me?"

"You are the overlord of the music source. I give you my songs. I can also earn a lot of copyright fees. I heard that the song "Good Days" written for you by the lyricist Jin Ina, earned her a year 100 million in copyright fees. And you sing my songs. Wouldn't it be my reputation? I want everyone to know that not only can I make shows, but I can also create songs. I want to become Super producer!"

Faced with Li Zhien's joke, Zhang Ping'an also responded to him with a joke.If you say that singing songs to Li Zhien is just to make money and make a name... then these two proofs are not lacking.

The money is enough for him to spend only his own hands, of course, provided that he does not go to Lisboa and Las Vegas, even if his life is a bit luxurious, he can fully support it.As for fame, Zhang Pingan has a title of super rich second generation. What is better than this title?After all, fame is just a halo tool for making money.

Li Zhien laughed and said, "Hahaha, are you going to be a super producer? However, you have now reached the level of a well-known producer, because the whimsical ideas in your head will always become good show ideas. This is a bit like Luo Yingshi PD!"

Because of "Living Alone" being broadcast, and today Zhang Pingan and her experimenting with the next new show "The King of Masked Singer", Li Zhien thinks it is very interesting.In particular, the show "The King of Masked Singer" has the potential of weekend variety shows, so Li Zhien feels that Zhang Ping An is really talented in producing shows, and he can definitely be regarded as a well-known show producer.

You know that the program ideas in Zhang Ping'an's head are all verified by the market, so how could they not be classic programs?So Zhang Pingan is very confident to become an excellent program producer. As for the music producer, he is learning.Because the show does not require him to shoot, he only needs to come up with ideas and have a special responsibility for the shooting, and the music production needs to be done by himself.

Listening to Li Zhien comparing himself with Luo Yingshi’s PD, Zhang Ping’an kept waving his hands and said: “Luo PD, I can’t compare. I’m just a beginner among producers. Don’t compare me with such an advanced PD. Ah. I hope I can cooperate with him one day!"

Li Zhien smiled and said encouraging words to Zhang Pingan: "I think you are really talented in program production. Come on, I hope you can become a top program producer, just like Luo Yingshi PD!"

"That is my goal!"


While Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien were eating supper, the girls’ generation concert ended.After the encore, they all returned to the waiting room tiredly. They were old, and they were very tired after such a three-hour concert, especially when the paper guys went back to the waiting room with sweat. He kept drinking the mineral water: "Now, after every concert, I feel a little bit off, I don't feel it on the stage."

Kwon Yoon-ri immediately said to Taeyeon in a scientific way of explanation: “Of course, we heard the screams of fans on the stage, including our own playing hi, the adrenaline doubled, naturally you won’t feel that tired. You still Lack of some exercise, Taeyeon. I think it’s okay to exercise regularly. Of course it’s impossible to say that I’m not tired, but I’m not as weak as you said."

Every one of them is very tired, and after getting off the stage, they are resting instead of rushing to change clothes.Lin Yoona ran to the snack area and took a bag of potato chips and put her stomach on her stomach first: "I didn't feel too tired, but hungry, very hungry. Huh.. By the way, why didn't I see the peace oppa? He was not coming. Are we performing? Is it hiding in the audience?"

Listening to Yoona's sudden mention of Zhang Pingan, Pani glanced at Sika, whose face was getting colder, she immediately said, "Ping An, he has something to do today, but he didn't come."

"Something?" Yoona nodded, thinking that Zhang Pingan had studied abroad in Tokyo for nearly ten years. He must have a lot of friends here.It is possible to have dinner with friends in Tokyo today or something, so it is normal to have no time today, anyway, their concert will last three days, and they can come any day tomorrow or the next day.

When they suddenly mentioned Zhang Ping An, Sika got up and picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Zhang Ping An: "Is your experiment not over yet? We are all over here."

Zhang Ping’an replied: “It’s over, I’m having supper with Zhien. Today’s test is pretty good. I recorded a video and sent it to you.”

Soon after Zhang Ping’s news came, Sika’s mailbox issued a reminder, and she opened the video sent by Zhang Ping’s.In the video, a girl in a Japanese bathrobe and a fox mask sings on the street holding a guitar. The song is from the song "Flower Bookmark" published by Li Zhien.

Sika looked at the'Little Fox Fairy' that appeared in the video, and she frowned and said, "Li Zhien?"

"What Li Zhien?" Yoona said, turning her head curiously and staring at the screen of Sika's phone: "This one wearing a fox mask is Li Zhien? No way?"

Sika nodded and said, "Well, yes, Zhang Ping'an is with her."

The members of Girls’ Generation were all watching this video curiously, and Choi Soo-young said, "Is it really Li Ji-eun? Then what is she doing?"

Sika shook her head and said, "I don't know! Anyway, what new show is Zhang Ping'an talking about? I didn't see what the new show is about, street singing?"

Just when they were curious, news from Zhang Ping An came over: "How? Interesting, the top Korean solo singer Japanese street singer. Hahaha~~ Actually I thought about bringing Taeyeon out of the street to sing. Help me give Taeyeon. Make an appointment to sing on the street and ask her if she is interested."

Seeing Zhang Pingan really test the show with Li Zhien, Sika felt much better.Although I don't know where the'watching' of the experiment is, Zhang Ping'an did not deceive her.

Sika looked up at Taeyeon, who was sitting on the sofa like'paralyzed' next to her: "Taeyeon, Zhang Pingan asks you, are you interested in singing on the street like in the video just now?"

At this time, Taeyeon had only one word in her heart,'tired', so when Sika asked Zhang Ping's time, she immediately refused: "Not interested."

Sika nodded and replied to Zhang Ping An, "Don't disturb Taeyeon, she is so tired." Then Sika also took a picture of Taeyeon's collapse and sent it to him.Zhang Pingan, who was eating skewers, looked at Taeyeon who collapsed on the sofa with no strength to speak of. He laughed, then forwarded the photo to Taeyeon and gave him the nickname: "Paperman!"

After Taeyeon's phone rang, she looked listlessly at the message: "What, what paper man? This Zhang Ping..."

After Taeyeon read the nickname herself, Girls’ Generation burst into laughter: "Paperman? Hahaha, Zhang Ping’an’s description is quite appropriate, Paperman!"

Yoona smiled and said, "Jang Ping Ping's nickname is so humorous."

Xiuying said at this time: "Let's go, let's go, change clothes, go back to the hotel to eat. Don't lie down with a paper man!"

Hearing'Eat', Yoona ejected from the chair, she kept shaking, "Eat supper, eat supper...I want to eat wagyu, I want to eat wagyu..."

Xiaoyuan immediately yelled at Lin Laise, "Ah, can you shut up? It's really annoying! Knowing that most of us can't eat supper!"

Lin Yanse came to Sika's side bouncingly: "Ouni, staying at the hotel tonight, or... hehe."

"..." Sika didn't bother to respond to Lin Yun'er who was sore. She rolled her eyes at her and changed her clothes.Today we are all together, how could she go to live in Zhang Ping’an’s house alone?Is there really no discipline?

After Zhang Pingan sent the message and put away his mobile phone, Li Zhien smiled and said, "Their concert is over?"

"Well, it's over. I guess I'm about to go back to the hotel. After we drank this glass, we should almost take you back."

"Well, don't delay your meeting with Senior Sika. When will you send me the "IF.YOU" you created?"

Zhang Ping’an said, “I’ll send it to you when I get back to Korea. My computer is in Korea. Or, you can go back and make it yourself. You can listen to the main melody. For the rest, you can complete the arrangement yourself.”

Li Zhien smiled and said, "Oh? Are you trying to assign the copyright to me?"

"Well, give it to you, who told me that I have no plans to go back to Korea recently."

Li Zhien showed a smirk: "Are you planning to spend a few more days in Tokyo with Senior Sika?"

"It's not me and Sika, but Girls' Generation and I are planning to stay in Tokyo for a few more days, and I will go to France next. It was an appointment, and I don't know if the other party broke the agreement..."

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