In the waiting room of the venue, before the concert was about to begin, Zhang Ping An went to the backstage to see Girls' Generation with exquisite makeup, and thought: "With makeup and singing clothes, it is the real Girls' Generation!"

When I meet with them on weekdays, they are just paintings that they understate in the dormitory. It may also be due to the summer. The makeup is relatively light, and at the concert, they have all kinds of heavy makeup on their faces.Light makeup has a soft, heavy makeup with a touch of gorgeousness. After the heavy makeup in Zhang Ping’an’s eyes, their beauty naturally goes to the next level.Sure enough, people depend on clothes and beauty depends on makeup.

Girls’ Generation concerts are burning, but then again, any concerts are burning, right?The strong music and the roar of the fans on the scene will stimulate the adrenaline, this is the atmosphere!!

If the concert is like a concert, how about playing Mao?In addition, Japanese people watch concerts in the summer, especially in the standing area.. That's just a friction.

Zhang Ping’an used the staff’s credentials and entered from the backstage. He could only get stuck in the standing area. After all, people held tickets in the seating area!

The difference between the two seats is that the standing seats are full of people, while the seats can see the full stage.As the music of Girls’ Generation progressed one by one, the station area began to rub with the music, and of course there was a body odor that I didn't know where it was!

In summer concerts, enthusiasm is enthusiasm, but after agitation, the air is filled with sweat and body odor.Zhang Ping'an endured the smell of perfume in the air and watched the entire concert. The outdoor concert in summer was in a good mood, but it was a bit torturous!

After watching the Girls’ Generation concert, Zhang Ping’an brought his work permit and returned to the backstage. He also unceremoniously picked up a pack of snacks from their snack area and waited for them to return to the backstage.After a while, Zhang Ping'an saw the Girls' Generation who returned to the waiting room. On the way back, apart from hearing the words of gratitude that they said to the backstage workers, "Thanks for your hard work," the usual noise was gone.

When they entered the waiting room, they glanced at Zhang Pingan who was sitting on the snack table in surprise, but they did not speak, and the entire waiting room fell into an inexplicable silence.This is the first time Zhang Ping’an has seen such a quiet “Girls’ Generation”, but he still understands them. After all, they sang and danced all night. After that, no matter how hilarious they are Be quiet, just because I'm so tired!

The first time I saw such a quiet girlhood, Zhang Pingan suddenly felt as if he shouldn't stay in this waiting room.Their own existence is so abrupt, and even a bit of delaying their rest, because yesterday Zhang Ping’an received a photo of the waiting room after the Girls’ Generation concert ended. Without him, each of them seemed so casual. There are all backwards.

He was sitting here at this time, although they would not say anything, but there was a feeling of restricting their'freedom'.Seeing the situation in the waiting room, Zhang Pingan touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Well, the concert is great! As expected of Girls' Generation, I didn't go to the bathroom for more than three hours."

As the captain of Girls’ Generation, Taeyeon smiled and nodded in response to Zhang Pingan’s praise, "Thank you for the praise."

"I'm here to tell you that the performance is great, you can rest, and I will go back first."

After all, they started to prepare for this concert after eating lunch at noon. Now they have not had a good rest for ten hours. Tiredness is inevitable, and Zhang Ping’an can’t bother them too much here, so they themselves They should leave sensibly and leave time for them to have a good rest.

Zhang Pingan's proposal to leave Sika is definitely irresistible. After all, she can't ignore everyone's feelings just for her own sake, right?There is an extra Zhang Pingan in the waiting room. Even if he and many people are already very good friends, they will always feel a little inconvenient.

Sika nodded and said, "I will give it to you."

Zhang Pingan waved his hand and said, "No, I can go out by myself. Rest, rest, and work hard!"

Because there will be a concert tomorrow, Sika can't say to leave with Zhang Ping An, so after Zhang Ping doesn't want her to send her off, Sika also nodded, after all, she was also tired.Especially when you enter the quiet waiting room from a noisy concert, that kind of gap from extremely noisy to extremely quiet will make your heart hollow.

Sika nodded and said, "All right. Then I won't see you off. You go home early and send me a message when you get home."

"Well, then I will come to your hotel at noon tomorrow, then we will have a good chat about how many people will stay?"


The three concerts of Girls' Generation Tokyo on the weekend are over, and only a few people who have a good relationship with Zhang Ping An are left.Pani, Taeyeon, Yoona, and of course Sika, the rest of these'love gangs' have returned to Seoul.After all, their relationship with Zhang Ping An hasn't reached the level of "Love Gang" who is so familiar with him. Even if Zhang Ping safely entertains them, they are a bit embarrassed. To put it bluntly, they don't want to owe Zhang Ping an's love.

On the night after the concert, the Love Gang did not follow the large group to the airport by car, but instead got in a car rented by Zhang Ping An, and they all gathered at Zhang Ping's home.It was the first time that they came to Zhang Pingan’s luxury house in Tokyo. All of them chose to stand on the sultry outdoor terrace to admire the night of the city, rather than entering the house to blow air-conditioning.

Pani lay on the fence on the terrace looking at the Tokyo Tower in the distance and said with emotion: "The scenery here is too beautiful? Looking at all of this in front of me, I instantly feel that the fatigue of the day has completely disappeared. High benefit!"

The floor of the Girls’ Generation Dormitory is not high, and there is no city skyline at all.And there is an apartment on the opposite side of their dormitory. Most of them close the curtains when they are in the dormitory.Who knows if the person living opposite will take a peek through the binoculars?After all, Korean fanatics do something that is really beyond your imagination.

Yoona also nodded and said, "I just watched the decoration style of the room on TV. It turns out that there is such a big observation deck hidden in this house. It looks really beautiful from here. The sight is more beautiful than my home. Be beautiful."

Zhang Ping’an came out with the sliced ​​watermelon at this moment: “Eat some fruit, I don’t know what you guys think. It’s so hot. Isn’t it good to sit indoors? I have to go to the balcony to see the scenery. Look the same?"

Pani stretched out his hand and picked up a piece of watermelon while gnawing, and said, "You live here and have been used to the scenery here for many years, so it feels nothing. But it's the first time we have come today. Seeing such a beautiful scenery, I feel special. many!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

Yoona immediately said, "The smell of money!"

Yoona was humorous once in a while, which made everyone present burst into laughter: "Hahaha~~ That's right, the taste of money, according to the report, this house is close to 10 billion won? How much do you have to pay every year?"

Listening to their ridicule, Zhang Ping'an shook his head speechlessly and said, "Why have you all started to care about these foreign objects recently?"

Yoona smiled and said, "Because we understand that money is the most important thing in life. What's so strange?"

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you this. Let's rest early tonight, and I have to go to the travel destination tomorrow morning."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and entered the room, and then began to take out the quilt and everything. A total of two bedrooms were occupied by them tonight. Zhang Ping'an could only bend to sleep on the sofa, even if he was in this house. The owner.

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan who was busy after entering the room, and she whispered, "Since the love between Zhang Pingan and Sika was known to us, it seems that all of us are bullying him?"

This is a very strange phenomenon. After Zhang Ping’s and Sika’s love relationship was known to them, several of them who were familiar with him began to bully Zhang Ping’s because of their identities as “teammates”, and even Lin Yun’er now teased him from time to time. He said a few words.Zhang Pingan is also a good-tempered person, and he doesn't care about their jokes and teases.

But the most strange thing is that they have all been in love, even Pani is in love now, they have never thought of bullying Ni Kun or something, only Zhang Ping An was bullied by them.I don’t know if it’s a relationship that we meet frequently, or it may be a relationship that is already very familiar. They don’t have too many concerns about Zhang Ping’an, which is the so-called undefended psychology, so they will get along with him so naturally.

Pani smiled and nodded and said, "Hehe, you said that... really! Even I don't know why, and now I see him always want to tease him. Sika, why do you say it?"

Sika smiled bitterly and shook her head and said, "Why don't I know you? Drink coffee, I'll make it for you?"

Sika didn't think it mattered to them about Zhang Ping'an about their language. Besides, how can friends have such a respectful time?If you really respect each other like a guest, can you still be regarded as a friend?

Yoona smiled and said, "Stop drinking this time, right? Do you want to cook two packs of ramen?"

Pani immediately yelled to Yoona, "Eat, eat, and you know how to eat. It's almost 11 o'clock. Are you going to fatter us?"

"Hee hee, you don't eat, I eat. After a while, I will blow in front of you and greedy you! Hahaha~~" After finishing speaking, Lin Laise shook his head and entered the room, because the night scene had been watching for a long time. That's it, it's no wonder that Zhang Pingan didn't go crazy here with them.

Lin Yun'er's words immediately aroused their public outrage: "Ah, Lin Yuner, if you dare to blow the breeze against us, it would be strange to see if we don't kill you."

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