My entertainment circle

Chapter 260: Paris (3)

The reason why Japanese women are the women most want to marry men all over the world is because they have endurance beyond imagination.They can hide their true character forever, and it is possible that even their husbands will not know the true character of their wives for a lifetime.It is conceivable how terrifying the character of Japanese women is.

They can create a character that most caters to their men, and they can also achieve the most gentle and virtuous side of women. This is the fundamental reason why men in the world are full of illusions about Japanese women.

In fact, men in the world also know that Japanese women have two-sidedness, but you may not necessarily see the real side.

Of course, these are more traditional Japanese women. With the changes of the times, the gentleness of Japanese women has been slightly weakened. Some women in the new era do not serve their husbands at home in the traditional way.

Because the pressure of life in today's era is really too great. After marriage, Japanese women basically worked as full-time wives at home to take care of their families.Nowadays, many women still have to work out to supplement their families after getting married.

It was also the changes brought about by this new era that allowed Japanese women to retain their traditions and at the same time know how to properly express their true self.It's just that the "real" can only be discovered after marriage!

And Zhang Ping An and them are just ordinary friends, so all Zhang Ping's sees in them are the "most feminine" women!Along the way, they both acted very quietly and beautifully. They even talked softly when chatting with Zhang Pingan. They would never be as careless as Korean women, or like girls’ generation from time to time. Will make a joke about Zhang Ping'an.

When Zhang Pingan walked to the coffee shop alone, a smile hung on his mouth. This smile was not the satisfaction of playing with beautiful women, but a wry smile from his understanding of Japanese women.Because the two of them used the usual routines of Japanese women to Zhang Pingan along the way, and praised men!

For example, when the tour guide explained the history of the Eiffel Tower to Zhang Ping’an, when he was doing simultaneous interpretation for them, both of them looked at Zhang Ping’an with admiring eyes and said, “It’s really amazing~~” , Really long knowledge~~" Wait a minute...

Zhang Ping’an remembers that there was a Japanese ad that shot Japanese girls’ "Melaleuca Routines" soon (PS: Tip'B Station' can be searched) and these are habitual routines that women often use on men. It is the "double-sided" of Japanese women.The side that they show in front of men is always stupid, because it will arouse men's desire for protection.

In the project of'Pretending to be Weak', Zhang Ping'an can be 100% sure that no woman from any country can be stronger than a Japanese woman!They can'pretend' to leave no traces, and they can'pretend' to make you put on them without knowing it.As women, they clearly know that men eat this set.

It's like Zhang Ping An at this time, even if he knows that the two of them use some common'routines' on themselves, but looking at their worshiping eyes and listening to their praise, the mood is just like the weather in Paris at this time. , Brilliant.

Men like to listen to compliments, just as women like to listen to sweet words.They are'prescribe the right medicine'!


Zhang Pingan took coffee and returned to the place where they were. After the tour guide thanked Zhang Pingan for his coffee, he said to Zhang Pingan and others: "Let’s rest here for ten minutes. Next we will go to the Louvre. Yes, I'll go to the bathroom first."

In fact, the tour guide didn't want to go to the bathroom, but gave the space here to the three young people.The three of them sat on the steps of the square with coffee and looked at the iron tower in front of them. Mai Shiraishi smiled and looked at the huge tower in the distance and said: "When the plane landed in Paris, I was sitting in the car and saw everything in front of me. Once upon a time, Paris only appeared in our chat fantasies. When I actually came to the iron tower, I only had the excitement of the first two or three minutes. Now after taking pictures, I feel that this huge steel tower is similar to Tokyo Tower, because It is there, and it will not change in any wind or rain."

Listening to Shiraishi Mai’s words with some emotion, Zhang Ping’an took it with a smile: “Love is the same. We always feel that the person is there when we are loved, but we never look back and appreciate its beauty. .Because we always want to chase those things that are too dreamy, the so-called unobtainable is the most beautiful."

Sha Youli smiled and said, "How do you feel that you have something to say? Have you had a conflict with Jessica Sang?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "We are fine, I just listened to Ma Yi-like words, a little touched. I remember who said: I like it before, when I have a chance, I seem to find that I don't like it that much anymore. "

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said, "I have read some books that love has a shelf life. After that impulse is passed, the rest is to rely on some habits to live, and if the habits gradually become quits. When you fall, then the relationship can be regarded as the end. Of course, there will always be some habits in life that you can't give up. Maybe it is someone worthy of being with you for a lifetime?"

Accompanied for life, when Shiraishi Mai’s words came out, Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “This topic is too far, of course, I understand that you women always fantasize about some beautiful love stories.. But we still take care of it first Right now. What you need is to do a good job in your own business. This is the right way to life. Only when you have money in your pocket can you be qualified to imagine love, right? Of course this sentence is more important to men, women. .. Especially beautiful women like you are born with an advantage."

Sa Yuri puffed up his buns face and said bitterly, "How can we have any advantage. Japan has a population of 100 million. Every year there are many people who are prettier than us. "Hashimoto Kanna" is very popular recently. do you know?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "I have heard of it, and I have seen her picture on the search engine, it is very cute."

In fact, Zhang Ping’an muttered in his heart, “Compared to Hashimoto Kanna, I think Hashimoto has legs.. The long legs and the small pears are much more charming!It would be great if it could be saved in advance!'

Following Zhang Ping’s words, Sha Youli said: “The key is to be young, born in 99.” When she said this, her eyes kept looking at Zhang Ping’an. She wanted to see if there was “Luo Likong” in Zhang Ping’s heart. heart of.

And Zhang Pingan did not show too much expression, he still looked at the giant steel tower in front of him lightly and took a sip of coffee: "It's quite young, it should be too young. He is less than 16 years old. He is famous at his age, which reminds me of many Korean idols, they are also getting younger and younger. In two years, it is estimated that they will come out after zero."

Sha Youli murmured: "Don't men like young people?" However, her voice is probably only heard by herself, right?

Men seem to like young girls, because they can use the word beautiful because they are young. After they are mature, they can only be called charm.Men at thirty like women at twenty, men at forty still like women at twenty!

In the sun, the three of them sat in front of the Eiffel Tower and chatted about some simple daily routines. After a cup of coffee, it was quite leisurely.It was just that this leisure was interrupted by the tour guide, and the three of them once again followed the tour guide towards the Louvre.

At the Louvre Museum, none of the three chose to enter the venue to visit, but walked around and took some pictures of the glass tower and left.Because they are definitely not interested in art and cultural relics.So after the three of them took photos, they rushed to the next location, Notre Dame Cathedral.

The three of them visited a lot of places of interest, and the sun gradually weakened. According to Asian feelings, it was about five or six o’clock in the afternoon, but when Zhang Pingan picked up his mobile phone and took photos of Notre Dame. Looking at the time displayed, he exclaimed: "Wow, it's past eight before you know it? Tour guide, has the restaurant been booked? After dinner, I should take them back. They still have work tomorrow."

The tour guide was stunned when he heard it: "Ah, there is work tomorrow? I still think about eating and taking you to a cruise on the Seine River to see the Eiffel Tower at night."

Zhang Ping'an glanced at the two of them, and their faces at this time all had the word'entangled' written on them, because tomorrow they did have work that could not be delayed.In addition, at this time, they wandered around for a long time with the tiredness after getting off the plane, and gradually their sleepiness began to appear.No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is unstoppable in front of doze.But I thought that I was looking forward to a night tour of the Seine, but I was entangled with work and fatigue.

Zhang Ping’an said to the two of them: “Let’s go and eat dinner first. If you feel tired after eating, then send you back. If you can continue the night tour, it’s not too late for us to go again? "

"Well, although I really want to go, I can only do that."

Zhang Ping’an said, “It’s really not possible today, we can go tomorrow. Anyway, you won’t make arrangements after tomorrow afternoon, right?”

The restaurant is a one-Michelin star booked by the tour guide, because the French three-star Michelin has a dress code, and Zhang Ping’an, dressed in casual clothes, may not be accepted.Relatively speaking, one Michelin star is not so harsh, so Zhang Pingan entered the restaurant in casual clothes.

French cuisine, like Japanese kaiseki cuisine, is very particular about the presentation of the dishes, the taste is different.

Even if it is Michelin, it may not suit your taste!!

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