Every country has a style of their own country, and the style of Japan is like that, with some'colors'.Besides, isn't it the same in South Korea recently?Even the girl group started to move in the direction of'sexy'?And everyone still enjoys it.In fact, the perspective of the world has changed. It is no longer an unchanging conservative. Any beautiful way should be accepted.

Sexy is also a manifestation of beauty!And this is exclusive to women!Of course, you can also be a girl!

Investing in a photo shoot, even if it is an investment in a swimsuit photo, as long as you don't look at it with a colored eye, it is an ordinary investment.Didn’t they also shoot photos in Girls’ Generation?It's just not a swimsuit.

That’s why Zhang Ping’an said: “Don’t think I’m a strange person, I just think it’s a normal investment.”

What I didn’t expect this time was that Lin Yoona was the first to stand up and help Zhang Ping’an: “Actually, I think it’s a normal thing to shoot swimsuit photos. Women record different selves in their youngest moments. The style is pretty good. I actually want to shoot too, but my figure... can’t reflect Sexy, so no publisher is willing to find me, right?”

Zhang Ping'an was moved, and at the same time looked at Yoona with a little bit of "worry": "..." (Do you also know that your figure is not invested by the Chamber of Commerce for photo shoots?)

Zhang Ping’an was very grateful for Yoona’s help, but he deliberately rolled his eyes towards Yoona and said, “Men Mianyun, you are already beautiful enough, if you have a more sexy body... Then do you want someone else? Live? Do you want all the beautiful things of a woman to be yours? Being a human being, you can't be so excessive."

Yoona laughed happily, "Hahaha~~ I don't know why, is this sentence so sweet?"

When Yoona interrupted like this, Sika's brows gradually opened.Pani also followed the question about'Sexy' and said: “The current social atmosphere is becoming more and more open. People walking on the street are one'Sexy'. We definitely can’t look at Zhang Ping’an with a colored eye. This investment. It’s not because he invested in other women’s swimsuit photo albums. We think he might be a strange person? In fact, what’s so strange about this? And every year, “Victoria Secret” does not return it. Are there going to be a grand show? Is there any difference between those who go to the show and those who see the photo album?"

Although what Pani said is quite reasonable, Sika tilted his head and didn't know how to express her innermost feelings and said, "I didn't mean it was strange to invest in photo shoots, how can I put it? I think he invested in other women's portraits. .. I’m a bit weird in my heart, I don’t know what to say..."

Yoona smiled and said to Sika: "In fact, Ping An oppa does not invest in this matter or someone else invests. You just care about him very much, afraid that he will get bad reviews. After all, investing in Japan will be called Others always find it weird."

In the end, Pani made a conclusion: "You guys walked around and walked around. It's just verbose. Isn't it because Zhang Ping'an is reported by the media that he has a leg with other women."

Pani spoke very bluntly about the'point'.Because of the sudden investment in other women's portraits, it is inevitable that outsiders will wonder if Zhang Ping'an will have a leg with the model in that photo album?

Pani is so upright, why did Yoona go around?Doesn't it embarrass both Zhang Pingan and Sika after speaking out?Sure enough, when Pani was asked to directly focus on the key points, the private room suddenly became quiet, and even Sika became silent.What happened to Pani's direct provocation like this? Is it to force Zhang Pingan to swear a bet?

Seeing the silence in the private room, Taeyeon smiled and wrapped a piece of roast duck for Sika: "It's very good, the taste is very authentic." She has never eaten authentic in Yanjing, how does she know what authentic?It's just using these words to break the deadlock.

Yoona rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Yes, eat, eat. Why do we talk about so many strange topics? Isn't it all work? Our job is to stand on the stage, peace oppa His job is to invest. Isn’t all this for making money, but also for a better life. Come on, everyone toast to a better life~~!!!"

After Yoona invited everyone to raise their glasses, the topic naturally disappeared.


For this meal, the atmosphere is always a little weird.The matter was pierced by Pani, how will it end?All this is left to Zhang Ping'an and Sika to go home and talk about it on their own.

After the meal, Zhang Pingan waited for the driver to take Taeyeon and Pani back to the dormitory. Sika’s driver arrived first, so she went to send Yooner first, so the two of them left first.Zhang Pingan, Taeyeon, and Pani were left, and the trio sat in the quiet lobby of the hotel.

Taeyeon said to Pani when Sika was not there, "You said that a bit too much during dinner, Pani."

Pani said apologetically to Zhang Ping'an with a grieved expression: "Sorry, I know I was wrong. Ping'an, I'm sorry, really I didn't mean to break the topic. It's just...anyway, it's all my fault. "

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said to Pani, “It’s okay, eating and chatting. Anything can be used as a chat, and I will not take it to heart. However, if I go back to quarrel with Sika, you will be responsible. what."

Penny smiled bitterly and said, "How do you want me to be responsible? Then... I'll send Sika a message and apologize later."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Just kidding, you need to be responsible for what. The investment is my own decision. I really think that the girl group member has the value of investment. I believe that after the results come out Card can understand the meaning of my investment, and this investment in Japan is considered a new attempt. After all, the Korean market is too small, even if I set up a brokerage company here, I must expand overseas. Your company Isn’t it the same?"

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Yes, the Korean market is indeed too small, so we often go overseas for activities. By the way, don't fight with Sika after you go back. Even if she vents her dissatisfaction, it is because she cares too much. is you."

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “I know, thanks, Taeyeon. And you, Pani. I don’t have many friends in Korea, so it’s really an honor for me to meet you. I hope we can always If this continues, no matter what happens in the future, I don't want to affect our friendship."

Penny nodded and smiled and said, "Hehe, why do you like to say something confusing every time. Last time you suddenly sent me a message, it was the same. God talked about it."

Zhang Pingan just smiled and didn't give an answer, because he didn't want to puncture the start of the Sika brand overseas at this time.. Wait for SM to find out.


After Zhang Pingan sent Taeyeon and Pani back to the dormitory, he returned home.Sika had already been sitting in the living room at home early, waiting for Zhang Ping'an to return. After he walked in, Sika pointed to the fruit on the table in the living room: "Eat some fruit."

Sika didn't raise the question about Zhang Ping An's investment, because in order to avoid quarrels, you have to close one eye.

Zhang Ping'an sat next to Sika, leaning on her shoulder, eating the fruit she personally cut, while feeling the peace of the two.

The two of them didn't really talk about that thing anymore that night. When Zhang Ping went to bed at night, she hugged Li Sika in his arms, and both chose not to talk.

On the second day, Zhang Ping An signed a contract with MBC to produce a brand-new show "The King of Masked Singer", which was officially broadcast on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Zhang Ping An needs the topic of the festival.After signing the contract, Zhang Pingan showed the video of himself and Li Zhien singing on the street to the PD of the music program group. After watching the PD, he didn't know who was behind the mask?The voice is a bit like Li Zhien, but wondering how could a busy star like'IU' spend such time with Zhang Ping'an to go crazy on the street?

The PD of the show group asked Zhang Pingan, who is the singer behind the mask?And Zhang Pingan smiled and said to the PD of the program group: "If the singer is not replaced by someone, then the mask will never be unveiled!"

Although PD looked depressed, he felt like a cat scratching his heart. He really wanted to know who was behind the mask?

Suddenly, he understood Zhang Ping'an's intentions, and couldn't guess who the singer was behind him. Isn't this just causing the topic?This is why Zhang Pingan will be broadcast on the Mid-Autumn Festival, because the whole country is on holidays, especially those who return to their hometown after going to Beijing will definitely be boring to wait in front of the TV to watch the special program of Autumn Eve, if the special program of Autumn Eve is over The "King of Singer" still hasn't untied the mask.. Isn't the topic just coming?

After completing the contract with the TV station, the people in the music program group began to look for the'singer'.Because of the masked relationship, there is no restriction on whether it is a professional singer or idol, even if you find actors and comedians to come on stage.Of course, the premise is to be able to sing, this is not an entertainment show, but a singing competition!!

However, Zhang Ping'an flew directly to Tokyo the day after signing with the TV station. Sika did not follow along because she still had a lot to do in Korea.Zhang Ping'an has made an appointment with Sika. He will finish the matter here as soon as possible and then go to Europe with her.

This time he returned to his home in Tokyo alone. He contacted the housekeeping service company to come to clean up. He just lay quietly on the sofa in the living room and sent a message to Mai Shiraishi: "Saiyi looks, together at night. eat?"

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