After Zhang Ping'an and three people finished their meal, they went to the street, and the neon signs of the city had lit up the whole of Tokyo.There are many pedestrians passing by on the streets at night, a group of people standing by the side of the road waiting for a taxi.The agent said to Mai Shiraishi next to him: "Are you going back by yourself, or am I sending you back?"

The Japanese group idol does not have a nanny car. They go to get off work and get off work by taking public transportation by themselves, and the agent here is not obliged to take them home.So Mai Shiraishi’s agent casually asked such a sentence, of course Mai asked him to send it, so he just sent her back, anyway, Mai Shiraishi still brought him a commission today.

Shiraishi Mai said to her agent, "No, I'll just take the subway by myself." She didn't tell her agent, Zhang Ping'an asked her to sing after dinner.Of course, the "singing" she understands is not just singing, she thinks it is just an excuse.So the next thing is her own private business, she doesn't think it necessary to let the agent know.

The agent nodded and said, "Well, let's go. We and Ping Sang made an appointment at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Don't be late. And we can't let Ping Sang come and wait for us like today."

Mai Shiraishi nodded and said: "I know, don't worry, tomorrow noon, after lunch, I will contact you in advance, and we will go there as soon as we are here. I am here waiting for the Ping Sang to be sent back to the car. Family."

The agent turned his head to Zhang Pingan after a "um" and said, "Ping Sang, then I will leave first. I will take the tram. We will see you tomorrow afternoon."

Zhang Ping'an smiled politely and nodded to the agent and said: "Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow afternoon, and the publishing house will take care of you."

"Okay, then I will leave first." After bowing, the agent really left and approached the crowd. He looked back at Zhang Pingan and Baishi Mai.The two did not choose to stand on the side of the road waiting for the vehicle, but left in the opposite direction to him. When he saw this, he showed a smile that men can understand, and then shook his head and said to himself: "I Just talk about it, how can you suddenly invest if you don't have a little gain."

It doesn't matter what kind of terms his artist uses in exchange for investment in Zhang Pingan.Because he only needs to get her promotion, because now they rarely have invitations to other shows besides naming variety shows, which leaves the agent with little money to make.Titled a variety show. This is a show specially created by the company invested by them. They don't get the performance fee, so the agent naturally has no commission.

Today, Zhang Pingan’s investment is the commission that the broker can get.The signing fee, as well as the commission for later sales, etc., as long as the artist’s income is earned, he can get a commission from it.

So what Shiraishi Mai and Zhang Pingan are going to do next has nothing to do with him. Besides, no media will follow them at this time, right?At least the agent thinks so.Even with media tracking, Mai Shiraishi will not suffer.Zhang Ping An is a well-known celebrity in South Korea and China.And their Nogizaka also needs a certain amount of publicity, even if it is a scandal?


Zhang Pingan and Shiraishi Mai slowly walked slowly on the streets of Tokyo. Neither of them spoke. They walked quietly on the street with the crowds at night. Shiraishi Mai revealed the gentleness of a Japanese woman. She walked quietly beside him like that, as if she was like a little lamb at this moment, waiting for Zhang Ping's'slaughter'?

Zhang Pingan walked in when passing a convenience store, and Shiraishi Mai also followed in.Zhang Pingan came to the beverage area to take two bottles of mineral water, and then took the water to the'magazine area'.The magazines in the Japanese convenience store are wonderful. Zhang Ping’an didn’t go to the “action movie” but picked up a photobook. Anri Sugihara’s photo album. Japan has a special photo idol, just to shoot photos. For the professional, and Sugihara Anri is one of them.

Shiraishi Mai, who followed Zhang Ping'an, thought he was going to buy a film, but he chose to take a picture.After the checkout, the two came out of the store. Zhang Ping'an gave the water pocket to Mai Shiraishi to hold it first, and then he opened the photo and walked along and admired it.

Looking through a few pages, Sugihara Anri’s portraits are focused on showing her proud chest muscles. Zhang Ping’an smiled and closed the photo album and said, “This is purely for Sexy, and Sexy. In fact, I think it’s from a male Viewed from an angle, the looming feeling is the most intriguing. If you can combine some fashion wear in the photo, it is the best. Can't all of them be underwear or swimsuits? They are all the same, and they lose meaning. "

Speaking of Zhang Ping'an throwing the photo into the trash can when passing by, Mai Shiraishi said in surprise: "Why did you throw it away? Didn't you just buy it?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Don't throw it away, why keep it? Do I have to take it home and collect it? I just look at the current photo here and what's the difference between the photo when I lived in Tokyo five years ago Is there a difference? I found that there was no change and threw it away. The only change is the person, not the style of shooting."

After that, the two of them went downstairs to a'KTV', and Zhang Ping'an pointed to this place: "Shall we go to sing, or should we find another place to have a few drinks?" Because they simply drank during the meal. Some beer, as for singing, Zhang Pingan and Shiraishi Mai are not very hilarious, so instead of sitting in a private room in a daze, it is better to find a place to have a drink.

"I can do it," Shiraishi Mai said with a light smile.

"Then go have a drink." As Zhang Ping'an said, he stood on the side of the road and stopped a taxi. He took Shiraishi Maiyi and got into the car together, and then he said to the driver: "Go to Ritz Carl Hotel."

As she went to the hotel, Mai Shiraishi raised her eyebrows slightly, and Zhang Pingan happened to spot her little expression, so he smiled and said, "Generally speaking, the bars in the Ritz-Carlton are very good, regardless of the environment. , Or their bartending and so on are very good. This time when I was in Europe, I went back to the hotel in the evening and like to have a drink in the hotel bar."

Mai Shiraishi just smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah." In fact, she had already guessed in her heart that there must be a follow-up after drinking at Zhang Pingan Hotel.

But even if Zhang Ping'an is a wolf, he will definitely not attack her tonight, even if she is really prepared.But Zhang Ping'an feels that he must be a patient wolf!Moreover, he and Sika have been more'tired' together these past two days, so they need to recover for two days.

Zhang Ping’an continued, “This time I’ll book you in Los Angeles. Seriously, I haven’t been to Los Angeles. And I only recently got a U.S. visa. I didn’t think about going there before, so I always I did not apply, the visa I applied for recently."

Shiraishi Mai responded with a smile: "I have never been to Macau and Paris, all because of work. If it weren't for you in Paris this time, we wouldn't have had the opportunity to visit there in such detail."

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said: “The point of travel is to leave photos, and I don’t know when I will have the opportunity to go again next time. Sometimes I feel strange to myself that there is nothing for me to do, but I just feel that There are too many things, and I feel like I don’t have time to do it. I don’t know what I have done all day long. I can finally understand why the bosses of those big companies always feel that there is not enough time, let alone They’re gone, even I don’t think I have enough time."

Shiraishi Mai said: "Didn't you do a lot of things? I read reports that you set up a live broadcast website, you also have a brokerage company, and you plan TV shows, etc. It takes a lot of time to do these things. of."

Mai Shiraishi has searched for Zhang Pingan on the Internet, so he knows a little about his career and so on.

"Although it seems to be handed over to the people below to complete the details, it still takes a lot of time for the organizer to do it."

After talking, the two soon arrived at the Ritz-Carlton, the tallest hotel in Roppongi. This top five-star resort hotel is quite well-known all over the world, and the whole hotel is modern in style.The reception hall of the hotel is on the forty-fifth floor. After arriving at this floor, take the internal elevator to reach other floors. The bar has always been the focus of Ritz-Carlton, whether it is Shanghai or Tokyo, it is a sky bar.

Zhang Ping'an brought Shiraishi Mai to the hotel bar. The fascinating lighting style, coupled with soft music, made it very romantic.After the two arrived, there were not too many people in the bar, so the two chose a position by the window, drinking while watching the night of the city.

Shiraishi Mai looked at the city lights outside the window. She smiled and said, "This is the first time I have come to such a high place to admire Roppongi at night."

"Doesn't the'Men' over there have a viewing platform?"

"That's where the tourists go. I myself am a little reluctant to spend the money upstairs to see the night of the city." Baishi Mai said this without feeling embarrassed. She originally came from the countryside. People who walked out, this is what she said in the show.

And not just her, there must be many locals who are reluctant to spend money to go to the viewing platform to enjoy the night view. Although the night view is so romantic, there is no man beside her. She is alone in seeing the light. ?

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