My entertainment circle

Chapter 274: Push and Pull Master Zhang Pingan?

Zhang Ping'an's words are too unexpected. He said that he was 100,000 copies. What is this going to do?Is he planning to break the sales record of Japanese photo albums?You should know that before Mai Shiraishi, there were countless super seniors who had taken photos, but no one would dare to say "100,000 copies" in Haikou?No celebrity in Japan has ever sold 100,000 copies. Even Takuya Kimura, who was so popular in Japan, has never sold 100,000 copies.

Why does the publisher want to say something?Can Shiraishi Mai sell 100,000 copies?You really are the money of their country, so profitable?But what did Zhang Pingan say calmly. If he can't sell 100,000 copies, he feels he is not qualified to invest in the entertainment industry?This sentence is a bit hurtful...

Since you Zhang Pingan said so, the publishing house has nothing to dissuade. Anyway, if you can’t sell it, you should keep it for yourself. You have to pay the publishing house for 100,000 copies!

The contract was quickly drawn up, and of course, the number of the first publication was written in black and white with "100,000 copies".Of course, the publisher will not settle it all at once, but pay 30 upfront, pay 50 after filming and printing, and the remaining 20 will be settled after it is officially put on sale.

All the contracts were signed today, and the rest is waiting for the stylist team arranged by Sika.Sika has many outside shooting experiences and she knows exactly how many people will be most suitable.

After signing the contract, both the publishing house and Shiraishi Mai’s agents left, and both of them had to return to the company to make an account.After the two of them left the coffee shop, the publishing house said with a smile: "How did your team members seduce such a rich man who is so willing to spend money for her?"

Shiraishi Mai’s agent said: “Aren’t all the rich people in China like that? They are all very willing to spend money. You are a publishing house, haven’t you read the news yet? The richest people in China are the most willing to spend money in the world. , And the most profitable person."

The publisher said: “This is true. Huaxia people are particularly willing to spend money. In recent years, Huaxia people’s spending power has ranked first in the world. In Huaxia people’s words, money is not about saving. Banks, but used to spend. It always feels that their consumption outlook is not the same as ours. Sometimes we have to make careful calculations. They never seem to make careful calculations. Especially this Zhang Ping An, which was printed in the previous periodical. 50,000 copies are in the sky. If you don’t have enough, you can publish them at any time. He wants to order 100,000 at a time? Can’t sell them, can you just stand on the street and give them away?"

The agent said: "Did you not hear his tone? If you can't sell 100,000 copies, you don't need to confuse the investment circle, which means you have a good idea."

The person from the publishing house shook his head: "If you have suffered a loss, you will know. At that time, I would like to see what his so-called full city propaganda is like? I am looking forward to it. However, there will be such a sponsor. Your member should get up soon, right?"

"No one can tell this, right? It's also possible that people get tired of playing for a while and just go their own way? Anyway, there are so many idols in our country, and you can find beautiful ones."

"If you have money, it is easy to change often!"


When the two of them were talking about Zhang Pingan, he was drinking coffee while Shiraishi Mai said bitterly to him: "Actually, I think my photobook is already very much if I ordered 30,000 copies. One hundred thousand, That is absolutely impossible. No one in Japan has sold 100,000 copies."

Zhang Pingan put down the coffee cup in his hand and smiled and said to Shiraishi Mai: "So I need you to set the record, um, to be precise, we set the record together! I just need to cooperate with the publicity. Don't worry, The 100,000 copies are just my initial print, and maybe I will have to print it in the future. You have to have confidence in me, and confidence in yourself."

Shiraishi Mai shook his head and said, "This is not something that can be done with confidence, this... I don't know how to say it."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Needless to say, you just need to do it with your heart, and leave the rest to me. If my promotion prevents the sale of this photo album of 100,000 copies, then I am really not suitable. Be an investor."

I don't know why, when she, they are not optimistic about Zhang Ping An, only he himself is full of infinite confidence in himself.Gradually, Shiraishi Mai felt that Zhang Ping An's confident appearance was really a man.Inexplicably, a little fascinated by it.

The rain gradually started to float outside, and Zhang Ping'an, who was sitting by the window, looked sideways at the sudden rain outside the window. That side was a bit heartwarming.

Zhang Ping’an murmured: “In Tokyo this season, it’s boring to rain every day. It’s not as good as in Korea, just warm up so that you can go to the beach.”

Shiraishi Mai also followed Zhang Pingan and looked at the rain outside the window: "Even if it rains this season, there are still many people on the beach. Although the weather is a lot of rain, the wind and waves are good, so many people are surfing at this time. . And the rain in this season comes fast and goes fast. We may drink our coffee and it will stop.”

"Compared to rainy days, I still prefer sunny days, so I can walk around or something. Do you think I am going to buy a sunny day doll to hang at home?" Zhang Ping'an's last sentence exuded a little childishness, man No matter how mature and stable he is on weekdays, he will always be childish for a moment.

Maybe this has something to do with Zhang Pingan's age?It is said that a man's thirty is just like an adult, but he is not thirty yet.

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said, "Hehe, I will give you one next time. I will make one for you myself."

"Well, I'm just waiting for your gift. Do you have any arrangements for this afternoon?"

"I don't have any plans. I'm just waiting for tomorrow's shooting, and I'm going to the TV station, what's wrong?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "No, just ask casually. I am going to the airport later. I booked a flight to Seoul for the evening. There are still many things waiting there. Your shooting may have to wait for August. I have to go to Europe next week for something private, come back..."

Zhang Ping’an hadn’t finished speaking yet. His phone rang. Seeing Sika’s call, Zhang Ping’s nodded towards Mai Shiraishi and said that he would answer the call first: “Oh, Sika.”

"Before you were in a meeting with the designer when you sent the message. Your flight information has been received. I will pick you up at night. After picking you up, we will have dinner together."

With a smile on the corner of Zhang Pingan’s mouth, he gently said to Sika on the other end of the phone: "Okay, I have just finished signing the contract here, and I’m waiting for the stylist team you can help contact with."

Sika responded: "I'm currently communicating with the stylist Han Huiyan, how am I interesting? She has the best designer team in the circle."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Oh~~ She, a top fashion stylist, designer. Many queen stylists of top Korean stars! Is she willing to accept this time?"

Sika said, "I don't know. I'm still communicating. Let's ask her to meet with her tomorrow. You can talk to her in person, and I won't be interested in her then."

"Okay, let's do this first, see you tonight."

After hanging up Sika’s call, Zhang Ping’an turned his head to Mai Shiraishi and said, “This time I asked my girlfriend Sika to introduce her stylist team. She is helping contact the top stylist team in Korea. Many of the top Korean stars are shaped by events she personally arranged."

The top stylist team, this surprised Shiraishi Mai. She said to Zhang Ping’an: "That’s really thank you Senior Jessica."

After thanking her, she continued: "Are you going back to Seoul today?"

"Well, it's okay to stay in Tokyo. Your filming will not go until I come back from Europe, and I will go with you then."

Hearing Zhang Pingan's response, Shiraishi Mai raised her brow slightly, which seemed to be a small habit of her.Originally thought Zhang Ping'an would have something with her, and she didn't mind that something happened.In the end, nothing happened?So why did he work so hard to help her design this portrait?Mai Shiraishi is a little confused.

Things that had been prepared originally, but nothing happened, which made Mai Shiraishi feel a little strangely disappointed, wondering if her charm is not enough?In other words, he plans to have some "romantic" things with her when he is in America?

The coffee bottomed out, and the rain outside stopped. Zhang Ping’an said to Mai Shiraishi beside him: “Let’s go, I will take you back. I have to go home and it’s almost time to leave for the airport.”

"Yeah." She nodded and responded softly. From the beginning to the end, she couldn't figure out what Zhang Ping's plan was.


At Incheon Airport, after nightfall, Sika's Land Rover was driving back to Seoul.And Zhang Pingan adjusted the angle of the co-pilot's chair and lay on it comfortably, but said with a little regret: "Why doesn't this car have a massage function?"

Sika glanced at Zhang Ping'an quickly, and said very depressed: "Massage? Do you think they are all the same as your Rolls Royce?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "Isn't this just thinking of a massage while lying down? Let's have a meal and go for a massage later?"

"Okay, I have been tired from work recently, and I feel a little sore on my shoulders."

This time Zhang Pingan went to Tokyo and returned to Seoul so soon, which made Sika very satisfied. She thought that Zhang Pingan would stay a few more days in the past, but she didn't expect to return two days later.

It seems that it was really a signing in the past, but in fact, even if something happened to him over there, she wouldn't know it.So she thought everything in the right direction, so as not to disturb herself.

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