This "tofu" specially prepared by Zhang Ping An is absolutely tofu in appearance, and it is completely impossible for them to think that this thing is actually a "brain".This "roasted brain flower" is mixed with bright red pepper and green onion.The spicy and delicious'tofu' is put in your mouth and you can feel the fusion of the seasoning.The fresh brain flower with heavy seasoning naturally suppresses its original fishy smell.

Zhang Ping’an took the lead in eating “tofu” because Huaxia people think it’s not weird to eat this thing. You must know that Huaxia people used to eat bear paws, monkey brains, these treasures, but now these have become protected animals.Zhang Pingan is very fragrant, because roasted brain flower is really delicious, and it feels no different from eating tofu.

Under the leadership of Zhang Ping'an, Xu Xian, who loves tofu, was the first to pick up a spoon and dig a spoonful of'tofu' into his mouth.After eating, she frowned and said, "Spicy! But, it's delicious, not the irritable spiciness of Qingyang pepper. This is very fragrant and spicy. Not bad..."

After Seo Hyun said it, Taeyeon also started to dig a spoonful and put it in her mouth. The spicy and delicious flavor instantly bloomed in her mouth. Taeyeon's eyes rounded and said to Zhang Ping An, "Oh~~Yes. It's quite spicy. Ping An, you told the chef outside, don't put our food too spicy. It's too spicy."

"OK." Zhang Pingan turned to the chef outside with a smile and called out. When he turned his head, Sika also picked up the spoon and dug a spoon of'tofu'. She nodded in satisfaction after tasting the taste. Said: "The taste is not bad, but it is a bit spicy." After that, she took two sips of cold beer.

After eating two bites, the spicy and fragrant brain flowers were very toxic. The two brain flowers were quickly eaten, except that Pani did not move. She always suspected Zhang Ping'an as a bad person.Because Zhang Pingan’s smile was so insidious when ordering food, she still remembers it, so she dare not eat it, even if they say it is delicious.

Pani said, "Order another tofu, I haven't eaten it yet."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded, then turned to the boss and said, "Boss, another brainstorm."

Panizhi only heard Zhang Ping'an say something: "What flower?" Zhang Ping'an immediately changed his words and said, "douhua, Douhua."

"What the hell is this? I don't think it looks like tofu."

"It's really tofu. If you don't believe me, ask the boss." After Zhang Ping'an finished this sentence, Pani took out his phone in disbelief: "Do you think I don't know Huaxia? I can ask immediately."

"You ask, you ask, you ask'Sister V'and you ask her what Douhua is." Zhang Ping'an said, shaking his head.Because after Pani’s words came out, all of them focused on Zhang Ping’an, fearing that he would eat them strange things.Koreans all know that Huaxia eats everything, snakes, scorpions, centipedes, etc...

At this moment, Pani really found out the phone and called the Huaxia member in SUJU "What is Zhou?", she asked, "You know, what...Do you know that bean or bean curd is?"

Pani drove the hands-free, so all the people sitting on the phone heard Zhou He responding to Pani and said, "Do you want tofu? It's tofu in South Korea."

"I know, thank you. I just called to ask." Pani thanked him and hung up the phone. Zhang Ping'an immediately said, "How? I didn't lie to you. I told you it was tofu. You still don't believe me. ?"

All the skewers came up, chicken wings, drumsticks, rice cakes, etc... They ate happily, including the brain flower that came up later. Pani thought it was tofu.All of them had a brainstorm. Zhang Ping'an had a hard time committing a crime. Originally thinking that they would tell them what it was after taking a bite, they ate three brainstorms in a row..

This made Zhang Ping'an hesitate, will they feel sick after speaking?Not to mention that they did not eat anything as tofu.But if you say it, what should they do if they go to the hospital because of discomfort?I have to shoot tomorrow.Zhang Ping'an did not tell them what the "tofu" was after eating supper at the end, at least in China Zhang Ping'an would definitely not tell them.


The next day, the members of Early Girls' Generation had breakfast in the hotel and went to the shooting scene, and their variety shows were also filmed on the scene.Zhang Ping’an sent them to the scene and went home without staying there long, because he didn’t have much fun sitting there. They were working, and he had nothing to do with him, so he simply went back. Home now.

And Sika was with them on the set to shoot together, because Zhang Ping’an returned to his parents’ home, he had to get the keys to the Los Angeles real estate.Sika felt that it was not the time to visit at this time, and Zhang Pingan did not force Sika to follow him home.

Back at home, Mother Zhang was sitting on the sofa in the living room holding a document and was reading. She raised her head to look at Zhang Ping'an and then continued to stare at the document: "Why don't you bring your girlfriend back for a look?"

Zhang Pingan sat next to his mother, reached out and grabbed a red apple, and gnawed: "No need. If one day I meet a woman who decides to live with her for the rest of my life, I will bring it back and show it to you."

"Yeah. It's good for you to experience a few more relationships while you are young. You should play enough when you are young. In the future, you will have to take care of your family more. So I am too lazy to bother about your current relationship. Why are you back? You shouldn’t be short of money right now? The programs you made in Korea and the live broadcast platform all have good results. Especially the live broadcast I recently learned about it, not bad, the daily liquidity is quite large ."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and embraced his mother’s shoulders and said flatteringly: “Hehe, my money is pretty good. I’m going to Los Angeles in two days. Does our family have a house there? I’ll just ask you. Take the key."

Mother Zhang turned her head to stare at Zhang Pingan and said, "Oh? You actually want to start running in the United States? It's not like Korea or Japan, it's such a simple matter."

"This time I invested in an artist’s fashion magazine to shoot in Los Angeles. I might need to use some in-house footage. I originally wanted to rent a villa. But I thought I had a house, why should I rent it? The surrounding environment of Beverly Hills is also very good, and it is very suitable as a shooting location."

Mother Zhang said, "It's suitable for a fart. I'm looking for a quiet place for shooting. The mountains that come and go every day will become tourist spots. Forget it, I'll get you the keys."

After a while, Mother Zhang came out with the key: "This is the key to the garage door. This bunch is the outer door and the small door key. The door is electric, but when we left, the power was cut off. You can only Go in through the small door. This is the room key. Remember to ask someone to clean it after you go. It has been almost a year since your father and I have passed."

"I see, there is a car over there, right?"

"I have a car, I don't like buying it myself."

After Zhang Ping'an got the keys, he ate dinner with his parents before leaving the house.

The things on his side are over, and the shooting of Taeyeon and others is not over yet.A carefully filmed MV needs to be filmed for a week, and the makeup, styling, clothing, scenes, etc. will be constantly changed.

Although there is only one stage scene for them in China this time, they will try a variety of styles. What kind of style is suitable? This will have to be considered after the shooting.

After Zhang Ping'an arrived at the shooting scene, he heard Tedishu's song playing in the studio, and Sika greeted him with a smile when he arrived: "Did you eat?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, I ate it, how about you, haven't you eaten it yet?"

Sika shook her head and said, "No. They won't go back to the hotel today. After shooting here, they will go to the airport. They said that they can eat anything at the airport at that time, maybe there will be two more times... Uh, it's over. "

Sika's voice hasn't fallen yet, the music is over, and the trio of Taidi Xu kept bowing to the surrounding staff and thanking them, saying, "Thank you."After the shooting, the three of them came to Zhang Pingan's side and looked at Tai Ti Xu with extremely gorgeous makeup. He smiled and said, "Wow, I suddenly discovered that after makeup, Tai Ti Xu is so beautiful? "

Pani yelled at Zhang Ping'an without angrily: "Ah, Zhang Ping'an, can you speak?"

"Yes, of course I will, am I not talking to you?" Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "You are also true. I ordered some takeouts and ate them, so I was always hungry?"

Pani said helplessly: "We don't even call Huaxia's takeaway. We don't know how to order food, and we don't know what software to use."

Zhang Ping'an sighed and said, "Oh, I'm so stupid now? I'm really hungry, don't you know to call me? Just let me call you."

In fact, they don't want to bother Zhang Ping An anymore, and they think about going to the airport anyway, so they can just eat some burgers at the airport and just deal with them.

Pani smiled and said, "We'll go to the airport in a while. How about you, stay in Shanghai?"

"Sure, Sika and I plan to fly directly to Los Angeles tomorrow night."

Penny smiled and said, "Me too, then shall we see you in Los Angeles?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, see you in Los Angeles. It's time for you to take me to see Los Angeles this time. I'm a small person who has never been to the United States."

Penny smiled and said, "We're going to change clothes."

Zhang Pingan stood here and watched their director group began to pack up the camera equipment. After a while, the equipment was collected piece by piece, and they changed their clothes and took off their makeup.Zhang Pingan took them to the airport and said goodbye briefly at the airport..

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