My entertainment circle

Chapter 282 A Comfortable Life

Pani’s home, the community of'Diamond.Bar' living in Los Angeles is dominated by Asian immigrants, among which there are many Chinese and Koreans in this community.With a large number of Asians living in, the community she lives in is also exaggerated by Asian culture. There are supermarkets, restaurants, and various tuition classes run by Koreans and Chinese people, which is equivalent to saying The model of this community is a bit of Asian society.

And most of the immigrants from Asia to Los Angeles are asset immigrants. Pani’s community is also very good, at least they live in families with relatively good conditions.But when she came to Zhang Pingan’s house, she really understood the meaning of the mansion. The reason why the house on the mountain is expensive, the location and the scenery here, and secondly, the house here can be built according to the designer and her own ideas. And decoration, and their residential area under the mountain was built by the developer, and the styles are similar.

When Pani saw the extremely beautiful and wide vision of Zhang Ping'an's house, she liked it. With a wide vision, she felt like her heart was opened by the vision.So she didn't hesitate to choose to stay here tonight, and Pani knew that such a big house could not have no guest rooms.

When Pani offered to stay overnight, Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Okay, I open the door of my house for you anytime, anywhere."

While the housekeeping was carefully cleaning and sanitation, Pani slowly began to visit the home.After her visit, the housekeeper also cleaned and left. The three people planned to go out and buy some daily necessities. After all, there was nothing to eat in this home, not even a bottle of mineral water.

After Zhang Pingan came to the garage, he looked at his father's car, Bentley Mulsanne, produced in 2012 with a wry smile.This car looked very old and not young at all. Pani smiled and said, "Wow, are you a Rolls-Royce or a Bentley?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said, "It's a bit old-fashioned and not suitable for young people. Where is your car?"

Pani smiled and said, "Me? My car is a BMW. It's not as comfortable as your car."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "BMW looks younger too. This car is too old-fashioned. I will definitely not use it. This car is more old-fashioned than Rolls-Royce, unless it is a GT. Let's go and drive you. Get out."

Zhang Pingan took Pani's car keys, drove her convertible five series, and set off toward the supermarket.They can wander freely in the supermarket in Los Angeles. It’s not like there are so many people in Asia who know them. In this supermarket, they almost feel like they want to buy everything.For beef, lamb, ribs, daily necessities, etc., Zhang Pingan's shopping cart was not enough. Later, Pani pushed another cart.

Two shopping carts only purchased some daily necessities. After returning home, Zhang Ping’an made two trips back and forth before moving the purchased items from the garage to the room. Sika and Pani added to the home together. With the breath of life, they stuffed things into the refrigerator.The front is too much like a model house. Now the sound of the coffee machine, the refrigerator full of fruits, drinks, food, etc., and the bright sunflowers on the dining room table all add to this deserted home The breath of life.

Los Angeles is located on the west coast of the United States, and it has the most beautiful sunset in the world.Zhang Ping’an and the three came to the roof garden upstairs with coffee, and they lay leisurely on the deck chairs and watched the “egg yolk” sinking slowly in the sky. The golden afterglow rendered the color of the entire sky. No matter how emotional people are rare to find out the mobile phone to record this scene of sunset.

Just when he wanted to lie back after taking the photo, Sika turned to him and said, "Ah, are you really not making a fire? Are you not going to eat tonight?"

Zhang Ping'an could only support himself from the recliner with a wry smile: "I see, light a fire, light a fire." There is no way, usually men do things that light a fire, and there are no waiters or butlers to help. , So Zhang Pingan can only do what all men should do.

Charcoal was put in the grill, Zhang Pingan lit the flame spray gun and quickly lit the charcoal fire.Beef and mutton were put on the grill.. Zhang Pingan feels like he has become a kebab seller?The charcoal grilled green peppers, beef, lamb, mushrooms, etc. are all very delicious.

Wine, sunset, BBQ, and beautiful women, this is the real life.After the first round of roasting, Zhang Pingan sat at the table leisurely. Pani stood by the grill and started roasting the second round. He took a drink of red wine and turned his head to look at Sika: "Such a slow pace. Life is really leisurely. I think enjoying peace at home like this is more transparent than when we are in Europe. What do you think?"

Sika nodded and said with a smile: "Well, in Europe, we go back to the hotel every night thinking about where we are going tomorrow, so our hearts are not really relaxed. And like today, we don't have to think about tomorrow. What are you doing? That’s why I feel transparent and comfortable. This is good, it’s rare to have free time to enjoy this peaceful time, which reminds me of the last time we were in Lake Kawaguchi, where it was so peaceful and laid back ."

At this time, Pani took a sentence: "Taeyeon likes such a place." The name'Taeyeon' suddenly appeared, which made Sika feel a little speechless, but she couldn't say much.

When Zhang Ping’an heard Taeyeon’s name, he smiled at the corners of his mouth. He nodded in agreement, "Is she here tomorrow afternoon? Should we pick her up at the airport?"

Sika immediately said: "It's useless if you go. Tomorrow, Pani and I will go to the hotel to gather, and we will have a concert the next day. But you, when will the photographer you contact come to Los Angeles?"

"He said he will leave in two days. I guess it may not arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. What about the Han stylist team, when will they arrive?"

Sika said, "You can contact her by yourself. Besides, why did you call someone over so early? You have to match the idol's time."

"Let's talk about it after the photographer comes over." Zhang Ping'an nodded and said.Because of the site selection, we need to wait for the photographer to arrive and discuss it together.They are called to leave only after they have discussed about it. After all, Shiraishi Mai still has a fixed program to be filmed, and it is impossible for her to stay here for too long.

After chatting, the night slowly descended, Zhang Ping'an and his party cleaned up the garden upstairs and were ready to rest after eating.Everyone has been on the plane for so long, it must be very tired.


The next day, Zhang Pingan held Sika until it was close to noon. The two woke up slowly. Because of the jet lag, the two lay in the room last night and chatted about something, until late. Then I felt tired and fell asleep.So the two woke up until almost noon. After waking up, they came to the living area downstairs, and saw Pani lying alone on an outdoor beach chair basking in the sun.

Pani smiled and said to Sika: "If you don't come down, I will call you. We have to rush to the hotel this afternoon. I made some sandwiches, made coffee, and sausages, you two Go eat."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you, the best moment in life is to wake up and eat. Pani, this is the most touching moment of you, and I will keep it in my heart."

"..." Pani just lost a hygienic eye to Zhang Ping An.

After the meal, Pani drove the car with Sika and set off towards the hotel. Today their group will meet together. After all, no one can engage in special group activities like this, and Zhang Ping’an can only drive alone in the afternoon. Wandered around.Because the vehicle is too old, he almost drove around here slowly without getting off the car. There are still a lot of places to go shopping here. Needless to say, shopping, in fact, it feels like one stop on the street. Out of the spot.

Maybe the world magazines won't come here to do shooting, but some Asian magazines come here to shoot in Beverly Hills.As Zhang Pingan’s mother said, the mountain has become a tourist attraction and there are more people.

After a round of shopping, Zhang Ping’an returned to his house. Facing the empty big house, he felt a little hollow. He was swimming and fitness by himself. He finally got tired of torturing himself. Sleep well.

I spent a quiet night alone, and woke up at noon the next day, but Zhang Ping'an had something to do that day.Originally he planned to go to the concert, but the Japanese photographer arrived in Los Angeles today, so he could only drive the vehicle towards the airport.At the airport, Zhang Pingan, like all the pick-ups, held up a sign with the photographer's name written on it.

It didn’t take long for the Japanese photographer to come out and walk towards Zhang Ping’an. He smiled and said to Zhang Ping’an: “Pan-san, hello, I’m the photographer Ryohei Uekawa for the first time, and this is my assistant, Jiro Koike.”

"Hello, meet for the first time, let's go, I will arrange the hotel for you first. Today I will take a day off. We will go around at noon tomorrow to see if there is a beautiful place suitable for shooting."

"Well, I think the first choice should be on the Santa Monica Beach side."

"OK, we will go tomorrow and rest today. Let's go, my car is in the parking lot."

After Zhang Pingan took them to the parking lot, he looked at Zhang Pingan’s Bentley. Although it was an old model, it also proved that he was a local tyrant.

As for the hotel arrangement, Zhang Pingan placed them at the Carlisle Hotel in Beverly Hills. Speaking of this hotel, it is a fashionable hotel that Internet celebrities like most. Many people come to this hotel to check in.

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