My entertainment circle

Chapter 288 Sika Incident (1)

In Seoul, the scorching sun in the early morning plunged the city into the torment of intense heat.Taeyeon and Pani were not in the mood to care about the problem of the sun's strength. After waking up, they set off for the company, just because the return of their Titi Xu team was about to begin.So before returning, the three of them have to seize the last time to practice, practice, and practice again.

The perfect performance of Korean idols on the stage is accumulated by them with countless sweat behind them. Even the girls' generation who debuted for seven years will still practice countless times for the perfect stage.

After Taeyeon and Pani arrived at the company, Xu Hyun hadn’t arrived, because Xu Hyun did not live in the dormitory like them, and Xu Hyun was such a health-conscious person. It is estimated that she came to the company after having breakfast at home. of.Taeyeon and Pani simply did some stretching in the practice room before starting to practice. Taeyeon sat on the floor and pressed his body: "Hey~~ I feel sore after waking up every day, right? The reason for being old?"

Pani also simply swayed his arms, and smiled and said to Taeyeon: "Hahaha, no wonder you recently bought some strange massage equipment online. I said, just buy a massage chair. Dormitory right? This time I went to Zhang Pingan’s house in Los Angeles and enjoyed the massage chair. It felt pretty good."

Taeyeon sighed and said, "Hey... I saw the photos, his house is really beautiful, it looks like a holiday villa."

Taeyeon arrived in Los Angeles later than they did. After arriving, she had to prepare for the concert, so she did not go to Zhang Ping's home in Los Angeles.Just looked at the structure of Zhang Ping’s house from the photos of Pani’s mobile phone. The house on the hills of Los Angeles is really beautiful.

Pani smiled and said, "Pretty is beautiful, but it’s too expensive. For us, we don’t necessarily have to be able to afford idols for 30 years. It costs 50 million dollars to buy land, build, and decorate. Ten million. This... is simply astronomical."

Just as they were chatting, their agent approached the practice room, and he asked Taeyeon and Pani: "Do you know about Sika opening a store?"

Pani didn't know why the agent suddenly asked about this. She nodded in confusion and said, "Opening a store? You mean her online store? We all know that, isn't her brand always selling sunglasses on the Internet?"

The agent shook his head and said: “Her brand has established a physical flagship store in HK, and the HK media has published news. After returning from Los Angeles, she went to HK and has been busy with her physical store. And we Only recently did I know that her brand has been invested by Zhang Pingan, which is a full 10 billion won. Now her brand is opening flagship stores overseas, and it is not only developing sunglasses, but also all fashion products. The company has two days. I have been calling to ask her to go back to China to talk about this, but she has never come back."

Listening to the agent's words, they immediately understood what he meant.Zhang Pingan’s capital injection of Sika's brand, and the two united to carry the company's overseas physical store, which is equivalent to Sika's name in "selling" their girlhood as a whole.From the company level, they are definitely unhappy, and Sika sells the name of the "team", which is also unhappy to them.

Choi Sooyoung is a person who has been paying attention to fashion in Girls' Generation, and she has also wanted to be a fashion brand since last year.But she has not implemented it. It is not that she has no money to invest, but that she does not want everyone to say that she is selling the name of Girls' Generation, so Cui Xiuying has not done any personal brand so far.On the contrary, Sika started the sunglasses first. Of course, Sika’s brand did not have much publicity. It was just a small-scale sale. They also supported it, and the company did not interfere.

But suddenly I heard that Sika's brand was commercialized, and it had a strong financial backing, and it also opened an overseas flagship store.. The taste is different.Zhang Ping An has united with Sika and is'selling' them in Girls' Generation.Who are Sika's consumers?It’s the countless fans they have accumulated over the years in Girls’ Generation. Sika does not use music to gain fans’ support, but uses personal brands to consume all their Girls’ Generation fans?

This is a bit of a private pocket. You have to know that the peripheral products produced by their company are sold, and they are divided into each share.As for Sika's brand, after she sold it, the money fell into her pocket. How could this be accepted by them?

The agent is very smart. He looked at their appearance at this time and said, "Don't worry if you don't know it. I'll go upstairs first. You should practice with your heart."

Why did he come here to talk about such a thing?It was not because the company contacted Sika to return to China, but Sika did not pay attention to the company at all, so the agent used the girl's generation team friendship to pressure Sika, which was more effective than the company's pressure.

After the agent left the practice room, Pani suddenly remembered that one day Zhang Ping’an somehow sent her a message saying, “I’m sorry I did something about Girls’ Generation” and so on.At that time, Pani was at a loss after seeing the news, and didn't understand what he was talking about. Today, after hearing the agent talk about the establishment of the flagship store of Sika's brand, Pani finally understood.

It turned out that what Zhang Pingan said was because he invested in Sika's brand. As a businessman, he knew very well that Sika represented the girlhood.So his investment can be seen as a joint venture with Sika to sell their girls' generation "famous".

Pani angrily said: "No, I have to call Zhang Ping An, this person is simply too much, why can't we tell us about this in advance?"

Taeyeon, who stopped stretching while sitting on the floor, frowned slightly. She wanted to speak out to discourage Pani, but she didn't know what words to use to discourage her?Because of Zhang Ping's matter this time, it seems to be a bit too late..

But Taeyeon wondered how they would react if Zhang Pingan said to face to invest in Sika's brand?Is it blocking?There seems to be no reason to stop it, right?After all, this is a normal investment of others. What does it mean to block? Is it because they want to get a share?Like the company making and selling their peripheral products?Kosika's brand does not use their portrait rights, right?So what reason is there to get a share of the pie?

Taeyeon thinks that the company's unwillingness is understandable, but why does Pani put the bill on Zhang Ping'an?Is it to blame him for not telling them this matter in advance?Doesn't it make sense, why should I tell them about their business investment?Even if you are friends, there is no need to tell them everything, right?

Taeyeon didn't have time to stop Pani, because she had already called Zhang Ping'an, and she said,'It's too much.'


Zhang Ping’an, who is far away in Los Angeles, was in the evening. He received a call from Pani when he and Mai Shiraishi were enjoying the sunset on the last day of Los Angeles. He also knew that Sika’s thing was about to happen, but he Instead, he became the "bad guy" in the Sika brand.

Listening to Pani’s angry voice, Zhang Ping’an said softly: “Pani, don’t be angry, I know you want to talk about the Sika brand. However, I won’t be able to explain it clearly on the phone for a while. , Can you talk about it when I come back?"

Pani didn’t listen to Zhang Pingan’s words at all. She sneered and said, “Oh, businessman, it’s really hurtful. We treat you as a friend. You actually invested in Sika’s brand quietly? What do you mean, don’t you? I don’t know if Sika will definitely have a conflict with the company after creating the brand? Why, are you trying to destroy our girlhood relationship? No wonder, you sent me that message back then."

Zhang Ping'an understands Pani's anger.The establishment of Sika's brand will definitely cause problems with the company. At that time, will Sika choose the brand or choose Girls' Generation?No matter who looks at it, Sika will choose the brand because of Zhang Ping’an’s 10 billion won investment.That would directly affect the overall feelings of their girlhood, and Sika would have to bear everyone's hatred by then.

Why did Sika choose for herself, not for Girls’ Generation, when all of them were dying for'Girls’ Generation’?

The answer is simple, why?Just because Zhang Ping'an smashed 10 billion won in, Sika must be worthy of his boyfriend's 10 billion won business investment!Choosing Girls' Generation, Zhang Ping'an's 10 billion yuan basically fell into the water.Choosing 10 billion, the feelings of Girls' Generation will be destroyed.

That is ten billion, not one hundred million that can be given up with pain!

Zhang Ping'an said calmly again: "I will return to Asia tomorrow, wait until I come back, do you think it works?"

"No, you can take care of your brand with your Sika." Pani was indeed very angry, so she viciously dropped this sentence and hung up the phone.

And Zhang Ping’an listened to the busy tone on the phone, put the phone off his ear, and said bitterly to Mai Shiraishi beside him: “There are some things that I thought I was kind at first, but kindness doesn’t necessarily have good results. Like this.. Helping one offends a group. But if I choose not to help, I can't just watch.. It's really hard."

Because the surroundings were relatively quiet, Zhang Pingan's phone call reached Baishi Mai's ears, and she could hear Pani's angry volume clearly.

Mai Shiraishi looked at Zhang Ping'an and said, "What the hell happened? Why did Senior Tiffany make such a big fire?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said, "I... I seem to be the one who ruined their'Girls' Generation' friendship for more than ten years."

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