My entertainment circle

Chapter 291 Sika Incident (4)

Zhang Ping An felt that this incident was the best way to resolve all of her teammates. Now they all feel that Zhang Ping is destroying their relationship.Because after he invests in the Sika brand, it will inevitably cause conflicts between Sika and the company, and it is difficult for them to choose sides between the company and Sika.

If they really get to the point where they have to choose, they will definitely choose to save Girls' Generation, which is beyond doubt.After all, they have devoted all their youth to'Girls' Generation' and their countless efforts.

'Girls' Generation' can be said to be the'root' of the nine of them.

So when friendship conflicts with their common cause, they have no reason to stand on Sika's side.What Zhang Ping'an has to do is to find a reason for them to stand on Sika's side!

Let them work together to build this brand, and only pulling them to invest in shares is the most suitable reason.Moreover, Zhang Ping'an intends to spread the matter out. As for whether to invest in the stock, they will let them choose. The advantage of this is that they will not complain.After creating the brand, Sika didn't leave them alone. As for whether the brand can make money, that's something to say. At least Sika thought of everyone.

After breakfast, Zhang Pingan and Sika came to the store to open together. Zhang Pingan simply strolled around in the store, because the goods were not yet on the shelves, and the whole store was still empty.Sika brought him here, just to show him the decoration style of the store.Although Zhang Ping'an has seen many photos of physical stores, the joy of Sika makes him happy.

After dangling around the empty storefront, Zhang Pingan put his arms around Sika's shoulders and smiled and said, "It feels great to see it completed step by step? It's like my own child is growing day by day. , A lot of feelings."

Sika raised her head slightly to Zhang Ping’an and smiled contentedly and nodded: “Well, watching it from the empty space, being decorated little by little, every time the decoration in the room is filled, my mood will change. Excited. Everything is ready now, just waiting for the Korean goods to arrive."

As Sika said, the joy that bloomed on her face was uncontrollable, but just then Sika's phone rang, and she took out the phone and looked at the caller ID as "Mr. Li Xiuman" 'When she frowned slightly.She said to Zhang Ping'an, "Teacher Li Xiuman."

Zhang Pingan smiled and patted Sika on the shoulder, reaching out for the phone and saying, "I'll answer it."

"Um, all right." Sika thought that Zhang Ping An was the investor this time, so she called Zhang Ping an.

He picked up Li Xiuman’s call: "Hello, Li Xiuman, I’m Zhang Ping’an, and it’s been a long time since I saw him. Sika is in the bathroom, and I’m holding the bag for her. When the phone rang, I answered."

Li Xiuman listened to Zhang Ping'an who answered the phone, and he politely said to Zhang Ping'an: "Oh, Ping An, hello, it's been a long time."

After a simple greeting, Li Xiuman said directly: "Ping An xi, you are not authentic. You invested in Sika's brand and set up a physical store overseas behind our company. Isn't that justified? And Sika's brokerage contract is still In the hands of the company."

"Does the brokerage contract also include restrictions on her personal entrepreneurship? I looked at the brokerage contract that stated that Sika cannot use the name of Girls’ Generation to participate in any business activities with the company behind her back. The brand registrant of Sika is Ms. Soo Yeon. Not Sika from Girls’ Generation."

Zhang Ping’an’s response was a typical “drilling word” behavior in the contract, which made Li Xiuman dumbfounded and said: "You say that is boring, right?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Hehe, Teacher Li Xiuman, it’s not the first time we have cooperated. I believe that we will definitely have more cooperation in the future. So this time on the brand.. Look at this, today I and Sika goes back to Korea together, how about we meet tomorrow for a detailed discussion?"

"Okay, let's meet tomorrow to discuss in detail."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Pingan returned the phone to Sika: "Let’s go back to Korea first, and talk to your company first. Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with you staying in HK, isn’t it just waiting for the goods to come? After we arrive, we will just rush over and we won't be able to delay your opening."

Sika nodded and said, "Okay. Anyway, this time, you can handle it yourself."

Zhang Ping’an smiled with his hands around Sika’s waist and brought her close to him. He first kissed her cocked mouth before saying: “Don’t worry. As an investor, I cannot accept your brokerage. The company’s unreasonable demands, at least it must make us feel that we don’t suffer a disadvantage to call cooperation. Unilateral benefit is not called cooperation. Let’s go, go back, just in time for you to go back and change your clothes. Your clothes~~~" Speaking of Zhang Ping'an, he shook his head, Sika was really speechless with piles of clothes.


They landed in Seoul in the afternoon, and the two ran back to Seoul before they even had lunch at HK.At Incheon Airport, the appearance of Zhang Pingan and Sika caused reporters at the airport gate to keep pressing the shutter.Sika did not notify her company when she returned home, so there was no nanny car to pick her up. The two chose to take a taxi and head home.

Sitting in the car, Zhang Pingan took out the phone and called Taeyeon.Pani was so angry when he called last time, so this time Zhang Ping-An started with the soft-hearted Taeyeon. On the other end of the phone, Taeyeon connected to Zhang Ping’s call. She was out of breath before she could speak. , I heard Zhang Pingan’s gentle voice: "My dear, what are you doing?"

A gentle "dear" made Taeyeon stunned for a moment: "Oh, oh, I'm practicing." I don't know if she accepted Zhang Ping's name, or what, anyway, Taeyeon didn't jump like Pani. refute.She just faintly responded to Zhang Ping'an, practicing herself.

Sika, who was sitting next to Zhang Ping'an, instantly cast a blank eye to him, letting him realize it by himself.And Zhang Pingan smiled at Sika, and then continued to say to Taeyeon on the phone: "Come to my house, oh, all of you Teddy Xu, let’s not talk about it. I will meet and talk later, I will call Notify the others. Let’s talk together, and Sika is here."

The soft and glutinous Kim Taeyeon didn't know how to reject Zhang Ping An's words. Anyway, he asked her to go to his house, and she would go, so she nodded and said, "Oh, I got it."

After Taeyeon hung up the phone, he looked up at Pani next to him, and Pani still said angrily at this time: "Why is he calling? I really don’t know what to say about him like this. .. How can he do this?"

Xu Xian helped Zhang Pingan from a rational point of view and said: "We look at the problem from our perspective and feel that Zhang Pingan’s investment this time seems to be excessive. However, based on a rational analysis, his investment is very It's reasonable, let alone his relationship with Sika's lover, just from the perspective of investment."

"Ah, Xu Xian. On whose side are you on?"

Taeyeon said with a gentle smile at this time: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, Zhang Pingan asked us to go to his house, and Sika also came back. If there is any problem, can we just say it face to face? "

"Taeyeon, you... Forget it, forget it, don’t say it." Pani felt that Taeyeon was completely poisoned by Zhang Ping’an. After hearing the news last time, Pani was angry for a long time. Well, in contrast, Taeyeon did not feel annoyed at Zhang Ping An at all, and she also helped Zhang Ping An to say a lot of good things.I really don't know what she thinks?

Zhang Ping An immediately contacted Yoona after notifying Teddy Xu: "Yun, come to my house, right? Yes, upstairs from Sika's house, just go straight over." I contacted Xiuying, and then I heard the phone numbers of Jeonyul, Sun Kyu and other members from Xiuying.He didn't use Sika's phone to call, but instead asked about it himself, which was a kind of sincerity he wanted to express.

It takes an hour for Zhang Pingan to go home from the airport, but it only takes about ten minutes for the three people to get from the company to his house.When the three of them arrived, Zhang Pingan was still on the way.Zhang Ping An told them the password of his home and let them go in.

One after another, the Girls Generation who lived near Cheongdam-dong gathered in Zhang Ping’an’s house, but the owner of Zhang Ping’an did not show up for a long time.

At Zhang Pingan’s home, Pani lay freely on the sofa and said, “This Zhang Pingan, called us all, why hasn’t he returned? What is he doing?”

The other members who came to Zhang Ping’an’s house for the first time sighed and said after visiting the room: "Yes, Zhang Ping’an’s decoration style is very particular. It’s just that the full album is a bit horrible. These things are placed in the study room. What is the living room?"

Standing in front of the album collection cabinet, Yoona Lin said with a smile: "Many of the signature albums of girl groups. Uncle Black, it really deserves its reputation. Hahaha~~ You guys, if we throw these albums at him, what will be the consequences? ?"

Jeonyul laughed and said, "Hahaha, Lin Yoona, are you looking for death? These are all the darlings that Zhang Ping’an collected. Throw it away? Then he has to hammer you to death, don’t hurt us."

"I'm just joking. Li Zhien's "Flower Bookmark", hey.. also wrote, "Give me the most thankful black uncle." Zhang Pingan and Li Zhien have a very good relationship."

Pani knew better about Zhang Pingan’s life. She nodded and said, “Well, he has a very good relationship with Zhien. When we had a concert in Tokyo last time, he played with Li Zhien in Japan. Neither. Know how the two of them talked together?"

Just when they were impatient, the code for the door of the room finally rang. Zhang Pingan dragged the suitcase back home. When watching the Girls' Generation all gather at home and looking at him, he made a gesture of'camera' with his hand. : "Kacha, collection~~!!!"

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