My entertainment circle

Chapter 358 Let's Get Together

Lisa is a member of the "Fenmo" group, but at this time she is only a trainee.For their group, Zhang Ping’an has heard a few songs, and the style of the songs is not bad. Different from most Korean girl groups, it is a girl group with the unique style of YG.Zhang Ping's impression of them is not that particular infatuation, it is just so-so.

Zhang Ping An’s impression of Lisa is the deepest among the pink ink, because she always behaves very confused and funny when appearing on shows, and Lisa’s dancing is very talented, so Zhang Ping’s impression of her is the deepest.She is not the one that the company loves the most, and she is even troubled by bad reviews. However, she is quite strong. Maybe her troubles are buried in her heart without showing it, right?

Most of her affection and affection for her, so when she happened to meet her as a trainee, Zhang Ping An took the initiative to greet her.And Lisa also knows Zhang Pingan. After all, he is a frequent visitor to South Korea's N station, and he is a foreigner like her!Lisa also greeted Zhang Ping An, and even called him senior.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Senior? So, I'm a foreigner who came to Korea before you. Since you call me'senior', you will come to me when you encounter any difficulties you cannot solve in the company. Right."

Lisa looked at Zhang Pingan stupidly and said, "I haven't encountered any difficulties?"

"It would be better if you don't have any difficulty. You should go to the company to practice in a hurry? Go ahead, see you after you debut." Zhang Ping'an waved to Lisa after he said, Lisa tilted his head, carrying The question of the stomach left.As she walked quickly toward the company, she didn't understand what Zhang Pingan meant?Why do you encounter difficulties in the company?

After Zhang Pingan and Lisa were separated, he entered a pet store. After entering the store, Zhang Pingan took Jinze in his arms. Kanazawa happily craned his neck and kissed Zhang Pingan twice. He smiled and said, "Little Guy, your sister is back, and it looks like we are going to be separated today. What do you think, I'll buy it for you, don't be polite with me, you know?"

Zhang Ping'an picked up a superman dress casually, and said to Kanazawa in his arms: "How is it? Pretty, right? Do you want to be a Superman? Don't like it? I think it's good?"

Recently, Zhang Ping’an has been habitually talking to the little guy. Although he knows he can’t understand, it’s not bad to have a pet talking to him.It takes half an hour to select, check out, and pay.But the same stunned many shoppers. Pet shops ranged from snacks to toys to clothes ranging from thousands to tens of thousands of won.But at the checkout, everyone knew that Zhang Pingan actually spent more than two million won on shopping for dogs.

After a while, Zhang Pingan once again boarded the INS' pet shop and ran into the rich second generation Zhang Pingan. He bought something for his pet dog and spent 2.38 million won at a time.'

When he came out of the pet shop, Zhang Ping’an had two more bags in his hand. He squatted on the side of the road and took out the snacks he had just bought while feeding Kanazawa. He said, “These are all for you. Go back and call your sister. Wear it for you. Your days with me are over. Let's get together and get together."

Just as Zhang Ping'an was chatting with it, the cell phone he put in his pocket made a'prestige' sound'dingdong'.The news from Kakao from South Korea is a "Kakao", which is obviously different from the voice of prestige.During this time, his WeChat is very busy, because the finals brought many of his own anchors to Seoul. Although more than a week has passed since the finals, some of them are still playing here.

Zhang Pingan thought it was the news from the anchor he signed with his family, but he took out his cell phone and looked at the letter from Fat Di: "I will be in South Korea tomorrow. Can you arrange a car to pick you up? My assistant and I. "

Zhang Pingan knows that she has a TV series filming here, but did not expect that Zheng Zhixun will be finished yesterday, and filming will be resumed here soon?However, Zhang Ping’an understands that the filming schedule of the TV series is very rushed, even if the Huaxia crew shoots, it usually takes four months to half a year. After all, there is only so much time to sign with the artist, and the producer must be in The shooting was completed within this time period.Especially this involves the part of overseas filming, which requires a lot of early communication, so there is no time for Zheng Jixun to rest.

As for Zheng Zhixun's itinerary, he was not in the mood to care, and he replied to Fat Di: "Yes, give me the flight information. I will pick you up tomorrow. I will arrange the hotel for you."

"Thank you, because I arrived in advance. The official shooting will take place at the beginning of next month, and there are still a few days left. I plan to go shopping here."

"Why are you and me polite? Don't worry, I will show you around Seoul."


Zhang Pingan took the little guy back home. There was an extra suitcase in the living room compared to before he went out, but Sika was not seen.Zhang Pingan untied the rope on Kanazawa: "Go, go to the bathroom."

After putting down the things he bought for the little guy, Zhang Ping An walked into the bedroom.Only heard the sound of taking a bath in the bathroom in the bedroom, Zhang Ping'an knocked on the door and said, "I'm back?"

In the bathroom, Sika's happy voice came out: "Well, oppa, wait a while, I will come out after taking a shower."

Zhang Ping'an put on his pajamas and returned to the living room with a big box in his hand. After Kanazawa had finished his convenience, he lay down on the sofa and walked around for the whole afternoon. He was also tired.Zhang Ping'an looked at it and smiled, sat on another sofa, and began to pack up all the things he bought for the little guy.

After getting along for almost ten days, Zhang Pingan bought a lot of things for the little guy.Today’s newly bought clothes are put into the box one by one, and the previous things are also put into the box.Sika came out with wet hair just as he was packing things up, she was still so pretty even though she had a plain face.

She took a towel and wiped her long hair, and sat beside Zhang Ping'an with a smile, watching him tidy up the little guy's things: "Why are there so many things?"

Zhang Ping'an raised his head and glanced at Sika before continuing to tidy up: "I bought so much without knowing it. You are not here. Only it is with me. The little guy is quite likable."

After Sika put down the towel in her hand, she stood up from her position and straddled Zhang Ping’an’s lap, and then reached out to hold Zhang Ping’s face: “Hey, you feel thinner? Didn’t you eat?” Sika took the initiative. 'S kissed Zhang Ping'an.

And Zhang Pingan put his arms around Sika's waist and said, "Maybe it's because I have been exercising more recently. At least three hours a day. Didn't you go back first?"

"When I landed, I sent you a message, and I came directly. Who knows that you will be back later than me?" Sika sent a message to Zhang Ping'an as soon as he landed. Hongdae is shopping for the little guy.

"I calculated that the time was about the same, but the parking place was a bit far away and it was delayed for a while. By the way, I called me in front of Crystal and told me to have dinner together at night."

Sika said dejectedly: "You agreed? I also said that we will have dinner at home today."

Although Little Crystal is a younger sister, it is unforgivable to disturb them in the two-person world after half a month.

Listening to Sika's tone, he smiled bitterly and said: "Of course I promised. My sister-in-law called and said to have dinner together, can I not agree? I thought she would ask you to have dinner together tonight."

"Forget it, I haven't seen her for a long time, let's eat together. When will you return Kanazawa?"

Zhang Ping'an pointed to the things on the floor that needed to be cleaned up: "In a moment. Let's go buy some vegetables after we send it back. Shall we eat it at home tonight?"

"Okay, oppa, cook yourself."

Zhang Pingan nodded and kissed Sika. I don’t know how long it took Sika to get off Zhang Pingan’s body contentedly. She got up and went to the bedroom to blow her hair again, while Zhang Pingan continued to pack the little guy’s things. Ten minutes later, Sika went out with Zhang Pingan with a light makeup.

When he went out, Zhang Pingan had an extra suitcase in his hand. Sika was driving a'car' with the remote control, while Kanazawa sat on it majesticly.Everything was packed into Zhang Pingan’s car. Sika smiled and pointed to the Mercedes-Benz that hadn’t been used for a long time: “This is Taeyeon’s car. Why didn’t it drive for a long time? Up?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I haven't had time to see the scene recently, so I naturally stopped driving. Let's go, go to your dormitory first."

In the Girls' Generation dormitory, Sika put the little guy in the room after carrying a suitcase. Taeyeon yelled in surprise after seeing Kanazawa, "Kanazawa, we are Kanazawa~~ Do you miss your sister? Did you suffer from him?"

Sika said silently: "What is it suffering, here, this box belongs to your Kanazawa. Also, the car is parked at the door."

Taeyeon looked at the large suitcase and said, "Is that so much?"

Sika nodded and said, "Well, it's more than expected. I didn't bring the dog house, feed or anything. I brought toys, clothes, and snacks."

Taeyeon smiled and took the suitcase: "Where is oppa?"

"Downstairs, I didn't let him come up."

Taeyeon nodded to express her understanding. After all, the dormitory is not'her home'. She said to Sika, "Give oppa, tell me, thank you."

"Yeah. The car and the remote control are at the door. I can't get it by myself. I'm leaving first. He is still waiting."

"Okay." Taeyeon and Sika went out together, and she moved the car into the dormitory.Then there was some inexplicable jealousy looking at the back of Sika leaving.Back in Seoul, only Sika could see Zhang Pingan the first time, even if he brought the dog back, she did not see him..

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