My entertainment circle

Chapter 360: The Queen's Arrival (1)

After the meal, Sika sat on the sofa and watched the live video of the girl group'MAMAMOO'.Because Zhang Pingan suddenly wanted to buy this girl group, Sika, as an insider, looked at the four of them with the eyes of insiders.If they only talk about singing skills, then the singing in the video did not include high-tech, Sika also admitted that each of them is very powerful.But Sika still wanted to persuade Zhang Ping-An, now this circle is not entirely dependent on strength to succeed.

Maybe it's because of Zhang Ping'an's phrase during the meal,'If you don't make money, you will raise it for two years.'In the words, let Sika carefully examine them again.Yes, Sika also knows that Zhang Pingan is very rich, and he also knows that he is not a person who cares about money, but Sika thinks that even if he doesn't care, he won't be a waste of money, right?So she has been looking for the possibilities in them, the possibility of making Zhang Ping'an money.

After watching their practice room, MV, and hit song scene, Sika concluded that they have no other bright spots to make money except for their'strength'.There are too many people who are good at singing, but it doesn't mean that they can make money if they are good at singing. Not everyone who is good at singing is Li Zhien.Just like Zhang Pingan’s recent variety show "The Masked Singer", there are really many people who suddenly come up with good singing skills, but do they make money?This is a question mark.

Sika knows very well that the Korean market is only that big after all.Otherwise, their SM will not expand overseas!

Zhang Ping'an finished the after-dinner coffee, and gave Sika a cup and Xiao Jing a cup. He himself took the coffee and sat opposite the two sisters.Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Why are you still watching the video? You watch it all the time while eating, and see now? Are you not tired? I'm about to sing their "Mr. Ambiguous" now. "

Sika finally put down the iPad in her hand. She took two sips of coffee and said, "I still don't want to see clearly, oppa, in addition to their strength, do you see that they can make money for you? "

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "They have the foundation of strength, as long as they have good songs, they can make money. However, before this, the public needs to know their existence. If the promotion is good, it should be no problem. I Now I am very confident about this one."

Sika glanced at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Should you spend money like you did in Japan? Overwhelming advertising?"

Zhang Ping'an thought about the appearance of the people in'mamamoo', and then shook with a wry smile and said, "They...may not do it? Japanese propaganda can stimulate consumption. If they use such an overwhelming propaganda, it will only be counterproductive, right? They are not Yan Tuan, but strength, strength."

Sika laughed as she listened to Zhang Pingan's words: "Hahaha~~ Haven't bought them yet, do you dislike their appearance?"

"I don't dislike them, they are all very personal. That's right, personalities, I like their personalities very much." Zhang Ping'an knows that'mamamoo' is demonized and even almost surpasses the name of the girl's boomerang. Numbers, each of them is a girl group full of excitement, excitement, and very casual.

Appearance is not the main strength of their group, but they are a group that writes "strength is king" vividly!

When Little Crystal saw Zhang Ping’s last use "personality" to describe it, she burst into laughter with her sister: "Hahaha, oppa, can't you find a word to describe it?"

Zhang Pingan said: "What adjectives do I need? What they originally planned in my heart is the women's team that takes the strength route. I don't let them fight with AOA and APINK."

Speaking of this, Zhang Pingan said to Sika: "Yes, tomorrow, I will pick it up tomorrow..." Just when Zhang Pingan was about to say that he was going to the airport to pick up Fat Di tomorrow, his Huaxia mobile phone rang.When Zhang Pingan saw the caller's name'Queen' displayed above, he raised his brow and said to Sika, "My mother."

Then the Sika sisters seemed to be holding their breath, listening to Zhang Ping'an picking up the phone: "Mother, is there anything wrong with calling me so late?"

The queen on the phone said, "Tomorrow morning, I have something to go to Seoul on business. Come to the airport. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Are you coming to Seoul? Got it, you send me the flight, and I will pick you up tomorrow. The car.. Doesn't I need to prepare?"

The queen smiled softly and said: "No, someone prepares, just come."

After hanging up, Zhang Pingan looked at Sika and said, "My mother said that I will come to Seoul tomorrow, and I will pick her up."

Sika widened her eyes and said, "Ms. Zhang Yue?"

"Well, I will say tomorrow..." At this moment, Zhang Ping'an's cell phone rang again was the flight information from his mother.After seeing the flight information, Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and said, "What a coincidence?" Because the flight information sent by her mother is the same flight as Fat Di.

Zhang Ping'an tilted his head and said, "I don't know why she came to Korea suddenly?"


Zhang Pingan’s mother, the queen of an investment company with at least $100 billion in investment, suddenly came to South Korea?This not only made Sika very nervous, but even after her arrival, it made South Korea's financial industry nervous. The'queen' of the investment world suddenly came to South Korea to deal with something.

Late at night, Sika and Little Crystal went home.Sika didn't want to go downstairs, but Little Crystal didn't leave after eating, as if deliberately waiting for Sika to go downstairs together. Maybe this was the task her mother gave her?

The next day, at Incheon Airport, after the flight from Shanghai to Seoul landed, Pang Di met a woman in a purplish red suit when she got off the plane. Next to her were two secretaries in the same suit and carrying briefcases, one man and one man. Female, there is also a burly bodyguard over 190 cm tall.And the temperament that the woman exudes surprised Fat Di from a distance. She whispered to her assistant, "Is that lady's temperament too strong?"

The assistant nodded and said: "Yeah, the breath of a strong woman... .. It is in full swing, and it feels that no one around dared to approach. The bodyguard, secretary, you know that it is the boss of a big company at a glance."

Zhang Pingan, who was at the exit of the airport, suddenly saw all Mercedes Benz parked outside the exit. Zhang Pingan had a feeling that the caravan was here to pick up his mother.Although his mother was not public in China, when he came overseas, there might be some companies to welcome him.

Looking at the caravan at the door, Zhang Ping'an asked puzzledly: "Is it here to pick her up? Do I want to drive my car out and park behind the caravan? Forget it, wait, Fatty is also in the same class."

A group of people came down from the outside motorcade, all of them were in company suits and their ties were very standard.And Zhang Pingan looked down at his clothes, a set of Adidas sportswear, and scratched his head: "Should I wear formal clothes too?"

The group of company employees in neat suits also stood at the pick-up gate, and Zhang Pingan was wearing sportswear and even a baseball cap. This was a contrast.

At this time, the electric exit door opened, and a woman with a strong aura in a purple suit appeared in front of Zhang Ping’an. After scanning the crowd for a while, she frowned first, and after seeing Zhang Ping’an There was a gentle smile, but few people in the company could see the queen smile.

The group of people in professional attire greeted the queen immediately after seeing the queen, and at the same time Zhang Ping'an also walked towards the mother.

The group of professional attire came to Queen Zhang, and the one who took the lead gave a ninety-degree bow, and then said in English to Zhang Ping’an’s mother: "Teacher, long time no see."

The Queen of the Zhang family just nodded her head with an'um', and quickly passed through them, and came to Zhang Ping'an in diameter. She stretched out her hand to tidy up the sportswear that Zhang Ping was wearing, and touched Zhang with a gentle smile. Ping An's face said, "You, why did you wear sportswear? Did you just finish your workout?"

Regarding Zhang Pingan's habit of maintaining fitness, the Queen is 100% in favor of it.

The people in professional attire behind the queen all watched this scene in surprise, especially the person called the queen's teacher, who came over with a smile.

"Teacher, this is..."

The queen cast a glance at him and said, "My son, Zhang Ping An."

The one who finally saw the face of Zhang Pingan, who has been searching for a long time in Korea, opened his eyes and said, "Mr. Zhang Pingan, is this your son?"

The queen nodded gently and said: "Why don't it look like?"

"No, I just didn't expect that Mr. Zhang is your son of the teacher." The man in a suit greeted Zhang Ping An, "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am Li Hejun from Han Jin Securities!"

Zhang Pingan knows this Li Hejun, and of course he also knows the Han Jin Securities he created. He smiled and said, "Hello, I occasionally see you on the Finance Channel."

"There, I heard that Mr. Zhang has created a lot of ratings champion programs in the Korean entertainment industry. I did not expect that Mr. Zhang is the child of my teacher. This is my business card. If you have any questions in Korea in the future, please feel free to contact me. , I can more or less balance it."

Zhang Ping'an accepted his business card and said with a smile: "I am a free man, I don't have a business card."

"It's okay. Let's go, teacher, I'll catch the wind for you."

The queen waved her hand and said, "No, I just came here to see my son. Just leave a car for us to use."

Just when Zhang Ping’an and her mother were standing at the exit and chatting with this securities player, Fatty and her assistant came out pushing the box. She saw the lady with outstanding temperament from a distance. Standing beside him was Zhang Pingan.

Fatty covered his mouth, wondering if he should call him...

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