My entertainment circle

Chapter 371 M-net appointment (part 2)

After seeing Zhang Pingan, the director of Mnet seemed to have a smile on his face. The latest show producer, Zhang Pingan’s production has indeed been recognized by many viewers.Whether it’s "I Live Alone" made for fans, or "The King of Masked Singer", which is full of topics, these two programs have become MBC's master programs.Although the program is not produced by MBC TV station, it is broadcast on their TV station. This has also brought a lot of reputation to MBC TV station.

And as CJ Entertainment's "leading" channel M-net, they have gradually started to go downhill over the years, because they have no major programs.

"M! CD"?You should know that other TV stations also have hit song programs. The return of idol is not only on their programs.Draft?Similarly, other TV stations have also planned talent shows.The only thing is that "SMTM" has become hot now.

But this program alone cannot support a channel, so he needs ghost producers like Zhang Pingan to help produce variety shows, such as variety shows about music.

The director quickly walked towards Zhang Ping’an, and when he approached, he proactively extended his hand: “Zhang PD, hello, hello, the first time I met, it really looks more handsome than the picture. Sit... Sit... Li Secretary, help pour PD Zhang a cup of coffee."

After Zhang Ping'an shook hands with the director and sat in the reception area with a smile, he smiled and said: "It is an honor and honor to come to the director's room of Mnet for the first time. I don't know the director, what is it that you came to me today?"

Seeing that Zhang Ping’an was so straightforward, the director said straightforwardly: “It’s like this. I watched your "Masked Singer", which is really a very creative music program. However, this kind of music The program... should Zhang PD work with our music channel. After all, our channel has always been doing music-related business. Whether it is filming experience or stage preparation, we will certainly not be stingy."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "MBC gave up the copyright when cooperating with me. Your company..."

The director said: "It should be. The copyright of the program you plan belongs to you, it is inevitable. As for the way to cooperate, we can sit down and negotiate slowly."

Copyright is highly valued in overseas countries. Whoever plans it will naturally own the copyright. There is no doubt about this.Regardless of variety shows or songs, the copyright belongs to the creator.However, under normal circumstances, the copyright of variety shows is in the TV station. Because most of the variety shows are produced by TV station employees, the copyright is naturally owned by the TV station.As for the co-production with Zhang Pingan, the copyright belongs to Zhang Pingan, the producer of the show.

As for network on-demand, if you want to use the copyright, then pay.You have to pay to use copyright overseas. This is basic common sense!This is better overseas than Huaxia. Do you want to talk about copyright in Huaxia?This is a joke!

At this time, the secretary brought in coffee, and the director told the secretary to call in PD.

After a while, Jin PD entered the office of the director. You don't need to think about it. He must be the director's confidant.Otherwise, the director would not be able to call this PD in when discussing cooperation.If the talks are good, then the cooperation between Zhang Ping An and Mnet will start with this golden PD.

After Kim PD came in, he greeted the two of them: "Director, PD Zhang."

The director smiled and said to Zhang Ping’an: “This is a senior PD who has been in our Mnet broadcast for seven years. If you are lucky enough to cooperate with Zhang PD this time, our TV station will fully support you. For details of cooperation, you can PD negotiated."

"Well, if there is a good program plan, I will contact you. My investment in music programs will be relatively large. You should know that after watching "Masked", the stage effect of the program is very demanding..."

The director said: "Funds, equipment, our entire Mnet will fully support. The stage construction will be done in accordance with your instructions, and you will be the general planning of the show."

"Okay, then I will discuss the specific plan with the Golden PD team. If it feels possible, then we will do it together. It just so happens that I also have a good idea in my head. Not long ago, your TV station "SMTM" won a lot The topic of "Hiphop" music has also received strong attention from the market, so I wonder if I'm making such a show?"

I originally thought that Zhang Ping’an had a lot of thoughts in his head, but as a result, he actually took out the draft "SMTM" again for shooting?However, their channel will only shoot one season of such talent show a year, and the audience will feel bored watching it too much.So while listening to Zhang Pingan saying that he was making a file of "SMTM", the director was really disappointed and looked at him with a "Huh?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “I’m not talking about a massive audition like "SMTM", but making a Hiphop type show, because recently this style of music has received a lot of attention, so I must focus on Go in this direction. When I watch "SMTM", I often see some female Rappers appearing. To be honest, it is a bit unfair to put women and men together to compete. I don’t deny that there are very powerful female Rappers on the market. But in the competition show, male rappers are still better. So I want to make a competition show about female rappers, which is a fair starting point for them!"

PD said puzzledly: "Making female Rapper? Does anyone watch such a show?"

"I'll go back and think about the planning of the show. How will the show unfold? I only have a preliminary idea in my head. I will send it to you after I write the plan. By the way, you can give me a business card. I need your email address. .Because I have to go to Tokyo in two days, I still have a job there, I may not return to Korea until December. I will send the plan to you by e-mail at that time. If your channel confirms the production, I'll be back for a meeting?"


After coming out of Mnet, Zhang Ping’an went to the agent’s "base" cafe with a ghostly mess. Because the TV stations got together in Shangyandong, the agents gathered in several cafes to exchange information when the artists were shooting shows. This is nothing. secret.As long as fans know which cafés can meet which celebrity agents.

Zhang Ping'an appeared in the coffee shop, which made the surrounding agents stare, and one by one wanted to come forward to say hello, but they always frowned when they saw Zhang Ping's enter the coffee shop, so No one dared to come up.

One of the agents whispered: "Why is Zhang Pingan here?"

"Who knows?"

An informed agent said: "It is said that Zhang Ping An is going to participate in the TVN program conference this afternoon. TVN revealed that this time the show was co-produced by Zhang Ping An and Luo Yingshi, and the program was planned by Zhang Ping An."

"Awesome. Recently, Zhang Pingan's production has been very hot. Now he is cooperating with Luo Yingshi PD. The first broadcast of this show is going 5%, right?"

"Zhang Ping An is really amazing. As a freelance producer, MBC even gave up prime time. And he also cooperated with TVN head PD Luo Yingshi. Who will be the partner next time? Kim Taeho?"

"The King of Masked Singer" occupies the hot searches of the weekend, and the average ratings of the show also take off 15%. If I am the director, I will boldly give him the prime time. "Living Alone" was originally planned to be produced. The first season, and now the second season has started. I just heard that the advertising revenue of the first season of "Living Alone" made Zhang Ping an 10 billion. It was only Wednesday. Think about it again. How many times will the advertising price of the prime segment during the weekend double?"

"The manufacturers are rushing to buy five times now. After all, the programs he produced are broadcast in China and South Korea at the same time. I am a little looking forward to what kind of programs the two variety show producers will design?"

"Zhang Pingan is in charge of the program outline, and the details are Luo Yingshi's team."

While the agent was talking about Zhang Pingan, he was drinking coffee while typing on the phone.

"Jessi..." After Zhang Pingan said the name, he immediately called Sika: "Are you shooting here?"

"Well, I am staring at Taeyeon and the others filming, is something wrong?"

"You give Pani the phone, and I will ask her for someone's number."

"Who are you going to ask?"

"Jessica, ah~~ I'm talking about that Jessica Hu."

"Oh." Sika then handed the phone to Pani: "Zhang Ping An is looking for you."

Pani answered the phone and said, "What are you doing."

"You send me Jessica's phone number."

"Huh?" "Jessica Hu." "Oh, why are you looking for her?"

"I have to find out about her before I can recommend her to the new show. Please send her number."

"Understood, I will send it to you."

Jessica Hu is a very powerful female Rapper. Zhang Ping'an has a deep impression on her. She grew up in the United States and was deeply influenced by Western culture, and she is not pretentious on the show.

Just like being asked about Korean in the show, she said that she and Pani and others belong to the same school. When the host asked her about her relationship with Jessica, the girl’s generation of the same name, she only said that she had a relationship with Pani. Very good, this made the host catch the point. Although the names of the two are the same, she and Sika have different personalities.

While waiting for Pani to send himself a number, Zhang Ping'an hesitated and said, "Should I make that show?"

In fact, Zhang Ping’an also has a favorite variety show "See Your Voice" in his heart. This program is a combination of funny and strength.After hesitating for a few seconds, Zhang Pingan took out the phone and called Jin Zhongguo: "Brother, where is it?"

"On the way to the gym..."

Isn't Jin Jongguk that way?Not at the gym, on the way to the gym, or on the way home after working out...

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