My entertainment circle

Chapter 374: Park Minying

"Sika." With a hello, Sika looked back. When she saw the friend she had invited, Sika smiled and got up from her seat: "Euny, are you here?"

Zhang Pingan also saw Sika’s friend, Park Minying, who had come.She has short hair with a sweet smile. When she looked at Zhang Ping An’s gaze towards herself, she nodded to Zhang Ping’s. Then she and Sika hugged together, and Park Minying said with a smile: I suddenly became envious of your long hair after I got it, hehe."

Sika smiled and supported her short hair, "Didn't you say that the haircut was because of this role?"

Park Minying nodded and said, "Well, this time the character is a reporter, and the hair should be short. I cut it to match the character."

Sikara came to Zhang Pingan with Park Minying and smiled and introduced: "I will introduce you to my boyfriend, Zhang Pingan."

After Zhang Ping'an got up, she shook Park Minying's hand with the tip of her finger lightly: "Hello, this is Zhang Ping'an, this is the first time we meet.

"Hello, this is Park Minying, Sika's friend for many years."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "I've seen "City Hunter" in which you starred. Please sit down, let's sit down and talk."

After everyone sat down, the waiter came over with the menu. While Sika and Park Minying were carefully choosing dinner, Zhang Ping’an directly said without looking at the menu: “I want a lamb chop and a fried salmon.”

Sika smiled and said to Park Minying beside him: "He likes to eat lamb very much, because there are very few restaurants selling lamb in Korea, and even supermarkets offer lamb." In 2014, lamb was really very popular in Korea. Rarely, except for the mutton dishes in Huaxia Street, few Korean restaurants on the market will cook mutton unless some high-end western restaurants use mutton.

After they ordered dinner one after another, the waiter brought red wine first. Zhang Ping’an looked at Park Minying with short hair and smiled and said, “Have you cut short hair? It looks good. There are not many beautiful girls with short hair in my memory. Just my classmate... Japanese Yui Aragaki is very beautiful, and Nagasawa Masami. Girls with bright smiles and combed short hair have a sunny atmosphere."

"Thank you." Park Minying smiled and nodded towards Zhang Ping An.And Sika said: "Don't always be classmates, classmates, are you in touch with Yui Aragaki? She is a national actress in Japan!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Hey, she was my classmate. Besides, are Japanese national actresses very good? My girlfriend is a girl's generation!"

It was the first time that Park Minying heard that a couple could say such nasty words in front of a friend. She just grinned, so she covered it with embarrassment.This meal hasn't started yet, is it sweet?Deliberately?

Sika also held her forehead speechlessly, and then she turned her head to Park Minying and said, "He's just like that. He speaks surprisingly from time to time and doesn't care about the person next to him."

"Haha..." Apart from smiling, Pu Minying didn't know how to answer.

Zhang Ping'an picked up the cup and invited them to touch it. While drinking, he said, "I am going to Tokyo in two days. When will you be there?"

Sika said: "We will have to pass at least the end of November or early December, right? The practice during this period is relatively heavy. Several Japanese songs were added to the main concerts, and we didn't practice Japanese songs much on weekdays. You have to memorize the lyrics by rote, as well as the dance moves of the concert. It takes at least one month of practice time, right?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Well, then I’ll pass first. I always feel that the smog is coming in two days. I have seen many cities in China have issued smog announcements these days. I think you should go to Japan. Let’s practice. You can’t go out because of the smog. The Mount Fuji in Kyoto Prefecture in November is very beautiful."

Sika reluctantly shrugged and said, "What is the use of you telling me? They still have a lot of itineraries in Korea, and when they go to Japan, the rent and consumption there are quite expensive in all aspects. It’s over a month before the concert. We have passed so early that the company has to bear not only our accommodation but also the food and beverage expenses. You don’t know them, and you never look at the price of food."

There are no restrictions on the food expenses of Girls’ Generation. I just want to eat it and tell it to the agent, and then I buy it.These expenses are borne by the company. If you live in Tokyo for a month, it is not a joke just to eat and drink...

"How much can you eat? One month, you can't eat Michelin every day, right? So at most two million yen."

Sika shook his head and said, "Our company is not as generous as you think. It is impossible to spend 2 million yen a month on food."

Speaking of the'company', Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Your company's stock price has fallen sharply recently. WU, LU, and two members have filed an appeal. What puzzles me the most, do you know what it is?"

Sika shook her head and said, "I don't know, you have great powers, you can talk about it."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "Isn't there one who didn't leave? The one who didn't leave said something'betrayal' in an interview with the media. I laughed when I saw this interview. Who did I fool? See that The two made a lot of money after returning to China. He didn't run? That was for fun. In half a year, he will undoubtedly run. Do you know how much Mr. LU paid for participating in China's "Running Man" film?"

Sika widened her eyes and said, "How do I know?"

"Not too much, close to 5 billion won, right?"

Sika stared at Zhang Ping'an after hearing Mr. LU's pay, "Wh... 5 billion?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Well, five billion. He has just returned to China for development. In two years, 10 billion won is normal."

Park Minying smiled and said to Zhang Ping An, "Is there an actor in Huaxia? Me, me." Of course, her remarks are a joke, not really going to Huaxia, and even if she wants to. This opportunity.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "If I invest in I will use you, but I have no money, I can't afford to hire a big star, so wait."

Sika deliberately laughed twice and then said, "Hahaha... this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. Didn't you just spend six billion won yesterday? You have no money?"

Park Minying stared at Sika, then turned to look at Zhang Pingan. It cost six billion a day?What's up?Bought land?

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: "It's just because it was spent, so it's gone. And that's not called spending money, right? That's called investment! Investment, you will always earn it back."

Sika said to Park Minying: "He suddenly bought an unknown brokerage company yesterday, 3 billion to buy the company, 3 billion to invest in the expansion of the company, I sounded big."

Park Minying could only say with a smile: "As an investor, his vision is different from ours?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a smile: "I heard no, this is the answer. As an investor, would I invest in something that I know is at a loss? I definitely won't. I only invest when I am sure. I believe that there is no difference. They can earn back my 3 billion in 2015."


During a small meal, Park Minying first met Zhang Ping’an, a rich man from China, through Sika.They talked about life, some work, and even some things about the'future'.And Zhang Pingan always gives answers from different perspectives, which makes Park Minying feel that Zhang Pingan is very knowledgeable.In fact, there is no knowledge, because the future in their eyes is not the future in Zhang Ping'an's eyes, but history!

After the meal was over, Zhang Pingan found out that his cell phone was looking down at the flight information. He was considering which date would be more appropriate to go to Tokyo?

At this moment Sika said, "By the way, don't you know someone on the'D company'? Do you know who the couple will be on January 1st next year?" Every time on the first day of the new year's company D 'It will report on a pair of big-name couples in the circle.

Zhang Pingan did not look up but continued to look at the flight, but he replied: "Yes, Lee Min Ho, Bae Suzy."

When Sika heard Zhang Ping’s sudden spit out Lee Min Ho’s name, she immediately increased her volume and said, “What are you talking about?”

Zhang Pingan looked up at Sika and said, "Lee Min Ho and MissA's Bae Suzy, aren't you the New Year couple for my'D company'? Ah..."

After Zhang Pingan repeated the name again, Sika kept winking at him, which made Zhang Pingan suddenly remember that Park Minying and Lee Minho were in love, and he nodded at her apologetically.

Park Minying smiled and said, "I'm fine. But, Zhang Pinganxi, how did you know?"

"My friend is from the'D company', what's weird about it. Isn't it just some insiders? I know a lot. Lee Min Ho and Bae Soo Ji only chose this year because of their popularity. Expose the two of them. In fact, there are candidates in the circle, Bae Yong Joon and Park Soo Jin, these are no secrets."

Sika widened her eyes and said, "Bae Yongjoon?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “He’s not popular anymore. Even if it bursts out, it’s impossible for the news of Bae Suzy and Lee Min Ho to have an explosive effect. Now born in the 90s, few people know about Bae Yongjoon. But everyone I know Lee Min Ho and Bae Suzy."

When Sika listened to Zhang Ping'an saying that Yongjoon's popularity was not good, her eyes widened first, and then after thinking about it, it was the same reason. Maybe they still knew about Yongjoon in the 1980s.But those who were born in the 90s only knew this person, and didn't even know the horror of his popularity.So children born after zero and zero don't know what sensational works he has.

If you really talk about the explosion of the current news, Bae Yong Joon is really inferior to Bae Su Ji and Lee Min Ho.

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