My entertainment circle

Chapter 377 Night

Late at night, Sika drove the car into the community, and Zhang Ping’an’s Rolls-Royce had been safely parked in his parking space.But when Sika returned to Zhang Ping'an's house, he did not find his shoes in the hallway. After entering the living room, the lights in the room were all dimmed, and then she went to the bedroom to take a look and did not see Zhang Ping'an.

The car was properly kept at home, but the person was not at home, and Sika could probably guess where he was going, so she shook her head, closed the bedroom door and went downstairs.Today Wednesday, the idols in the circle knew that the filming of "Infinite Challenge" was on this day, so Zhang Ping'an could not have been with Ha Dongxun.Since it is not Ha Dongxun, only his teammates are left.

Teddy Xu had a filming today, which Zhang Ping An knew, and they had already finished filming at this time.But he was not at home at this time, and no one else could call him out except with Teddy Xu.Sika didn't call Zhang Ping'an to come back at this time, because some things were decided at the beginning, so she had to go on.

Sika couldn't be jealous of calling him back just because Zhang Ping An went to meet with Teddy Xu. If he did so, it would only embarrass each other.

Perhaps once in a while, Zhang Ping'an would follow her wishes, but after she passed, there would be a small lump in her heart, and there would be more lumps in her heart.. Then the distance would not be far away.

Sika came home and saw Little Crystal and her mother who were lying on the sofa at home watching TV.Although the shooting of the TV series by Crystal has finished, the broadcast has not ended. The TV series of Little Crystal is now being broadcast.Sika put down the bag in her hand with a smile, sat next to them, and said casually: "Watching TV?"

Little Crystal looked at Sika with a smile. She looked a little depressed. She tilted her head and said, "I thought you wouldn't be back today. What about Ping oppa, do they have dinner together for the show? In the afternoon, he was Has been occupying one of the most searched ones."

Little Crystal thought that after the press conference this afternoon, people from their program group went to dinner.In Korea, the dining culture is very developed.

Sika nodded pretending to be a forceful smile, and then told Crystal and her mother a white lie: "I don't know when he is going to drink, maybe two rounds, maybe three rounds, who knows? ?"

When shooting, Xiaojing knew that there was no end to the dinner party of the crew. Basically, one round of barbecue, the second round of either singing or changing to another restaurant to continue drinking. Anyway, the dinner would not end until the early hours of the morning.

Crystal nodded: "Aren't all dinner parties like this? You should pick him up later. I guess he will have to drink. Senior Zheng Jixun vomited when he finished drinking, and he has to continue drinking when he comes back. They all came to toast one by one. You can’t say that you drink this toast and don’t drink that toast."

Sika's mother said, "Don't drink if you can't drink. Why do you want to drink if you vomit?"

Little Crystal said: "O-ma, how can you not drink the toast. If others come to toast and you don't drink, what do the people around you think of, and why do you look down on them? Everyone is working together."

Sika's mother said in a puzzled way, "Isn't it possible to drink, and I have to force myself to drink it?"

Little Crystal smiled and said, "If you can't drink anymore, go back. No one forces you to stay at the banquet. If you stay at the banquet, you have to drink when someone comes to toast."

Social entertainment is too much trouble, and Sika doesn't want to talk to her mother too much socializing. She looked at Little Crystal and said, "You have no work next?"

Little Crystal shook his head and said, "I just finished shooting. Of course I don't have a job. Now, I'm a vagrant at home every day."

Sika thought for a while and said, "Vagrant, do you want to go to Tokyo for a few days?"

Little Crystal looked at Sika suspiciously and said, "Hey? Ernie, are you going to Tokyo?"

"I'm not going, I'm asking if you are going? Didn't you happen to be on vacation? Go to Tokyo for fun. It's nice to have a hot spring or something in the past."

"Tokyo?" Little Crystal looked at Sika very suspiciously, because Sika so suddenly asked her if she would go to Tokyo. This is not Sika's character. You must know that the two sisters will not interfere with each other on weekdays. Lifestyle.

After all, her family is a more American-style stocking model, so the two sisters have their own lifestyles.For example, Sika likes to care about some fashion things, while Little Crystal likes food more than fashion.And for the rest arrangements, Little Crystal prefers to stay at home, and Sika is not that kind of nerdy character. She prefers to go out and drink coffee with friends instead of spending time at home in a daze.

The lifestyles of the two sisters are completely different, but suddenly Sika asked Little Crystal to travel?This made Little Crystal puzzled.

Seeing Little Crystal’s doubts, Sika said with a smile: “Zhang Ping’an may be going to Tokyo these two days. He has some jobs to deal with. You go play and he can take care of you in Tokyo.”

When Little Crystal heard Sika's words, she immediately reacted: "Ouni, you don't want to send me to stare at him, do you?"

"It's fine if you don't go." Sika dropped these words and returned to the room with her bag.Little Crystal and Sika's mother looked at each other, are they both very confused?Did they really quarrel?And is it a serious one?


In this season, the temperature difference between day and night is quite large. Taeyeon is wearing Zhang Ping’s thin down jacket and walking with him on Jiangbin Road. Zhang Ping’s smile said, “Is this dress...I’m wearing a short dress?”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Pingan took Taeyeon's punch on the waist: "Ah, you are really~~"

Zhang Pingan smiled and pressed down the baseball cap that Taeyeon was wearing, and then reached out and stuffed the long sleeves of the down jacket she was wearing into his pocket. Taeyeon also stretched out his hand from the sleeve at this time. When they came out, the hands of the two were clasped in Zhang Pingan's pockets.

The two walked on the cold riverside road, because after the weather became cold, there was really no one on the riverside road at night, and the cold wind on the river surface was roaring, but their hearts were very warm.

They walked leisurely on the deserted Jiangbin Road, and the shadows of the two people reflected under the street lamps were closely attached to each other.Zhang Ping'an tightened Taeyeon's hand and said: "Spring Festival, are you going back to Quanzhou? If you don't go back, then go to China with me?"

Taeyeon said softly, "I'm going, what about Sika?"

"Let's go together. There are so many people and it's so lively. Then call Pani too. Otherwise, if you go back to Quanzhou during the Spring Festival, she will be deserted in the dorm alone."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "I can ask Pani to go back to Jeonju with me at that time. Don't worry about us. You can take Sika back."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said again: "Will you go back with me?"

Facing Zhang Ping’an’s invitation again, Taeyeon could only say to him: “Let’s talk about it, besides, won’t this be many months?”

"Well, I might stay in Tokyo for a while this time. Let's send messages on weekdays."

"Well, we have to go to Tokyo soon anyway."

The two of them just walked and chatted on this deserted riverside road holding hands, enjoying the quiet and the time they spent alone.The two walked and came to the position below the bridge. The colorful lights on the bridge were lit up. The light show indicated that it was another hour. The lights of the bridge mixed with the water spray show, and the cruise ship on the river shouted excitedly. sound.

Zhang Pingan took Taeyeon and looked at the colorful cruise ship on the river surface with a smile and said, "Isn't that stupid? I take a cruise on such a cold day and feel the water spray?"

"Aren’t you wearing a raincoat? I’ve been on this cruise twice when I was filming a show. How about you, have you ever been on this cruise?"

"No, let's go to Venice to sit together next time?"

Taeyeon smiled and nodded: "Okay."

There are many tourists sitting on the cruise ship on the river, and there are many couples among the tourists, but the two of them cannot go to such a romantic place in Seoul. They can only watch other people’s romance on such an unmanned riverside road, but two People think this is sufficient.

Watching the cruise ship and the two walking slowly towards the road holding hands, when passing through the dark area under the bridge pier, Taeyeon tightened her hand because of the darkness, Zhang Ping'an pulled out her hand in his pocket and hugged Taeyeon’s. Shoulders.Taeyeon raised her head and gave him a gentle look, because he was really a caring and considerate man. Zhang Ping'an saw Taeyeon's head up in the corner of his life, and he also glanced down at her.

The eyes of the two intertwined and then stopped. Zhang Ping An stood sideways in front of Taeyeon. He held her face, lowered his head and lightly printed it on her lips, and then also printed it on her forehead. Take a bite.There was no intense kiss between the two, just such a simple kiss.

But for Taeyeon, such a kiss is sweeter than a fierce kiss. After a simple kiss, both of them left Binjiang Road with a touch of sweetness.


At Sika's house, Little Crystal came to her sister's bedroom. After she knocked on the door, she saw Sika sitting on the sofa in the bedroom holding a sketchbook and drawing something.Sika is not a professional fashion designer, so even if she is designing, she can only simply draw some sketches, and then give them to the company's designer to supplement.

Little Crystal approached Sika and looked at her picture, and said with a smile, "Euny, are you designing clothes?"

Sika did not look up but continued to concentrate on drawing his own design drawings, and at the same time responded to Xiaojing: "Next year, our brand will have a larger expansion range, so I will do more clothing designs. I plan to design denim shirts. For such a wide range of clothing, denim shirts can also be used as a base, or worn alone as a casual jacket."

"Well, I'll be the first to try it on then. Ernie, have you quarreled with Heian oppa?"

Sika then stopped writing and raised her head to look at Crystal: "No, don't think about it, but this time he will stay in Tokyo for a long time, I am a little bit reluctant."

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