The next day, in a clear sky in Seoul, Zhang Pingan bought breakfast after going out for exercise. This is the Korean breakfast, soup and rice he packed back.He set the breakfast table and walked into the bedroom. Sika was still asleep holding the quilt.Zhang Ping'an sat on the edge of the bed and patted the quilt on her buttocks: "Get up, it's past nine o'clock, don't you go to the company to practice today?"

The lazy Sika listened to Zhang Ping’s call. She stretched out her smooth arms from the quilt and stretched her body vigorously. At the same time, she moaned. Sika, who couldn't open her eyes, stretched her waist. Putting his hands into the quilt, he said, "It's nine o'clock? How come you feel that you haven't slept for long?"

Seeing Sika with a cute look of getting up, Zhang Ping'an leaned down and put a mouthful on her forehead: "Get up..."

At this moment, Sika wrapped his quilt-bound hands around his neck, and lay down the sitting Zhang Ping'an in a shameless manner.She hugged his neck with a smile and let him lie on her side, then she slowly opened her eyes: "Hehe~~" After a laugh, Sika hugged Zhang Pingan and kissed him twice. Said: "My clothes."

Zhang Pingan patted Sika's arm around his neck: "Well, I'll get it for you." After Sika let go, he went to the cloakroom to find a set of Sika's underwear, and gave her another one. Set of pajamas.

Sika looked at the pure black set of underwear Zhang Pingan had brought in, and she smiled and said, "I plan to wear white pants today. Will you bring me black?"

Zhang Pingan stared at Sika and said, "Do you still plan to wear thin pants in this weather? Wear jeans."

"I see, why did you layman tell me what to wear? How strange?"

"Get up and wash, I'll reheat the soup and rice."

After a while, Sika came out, she took a clean face and sat opposite Zhang Ping’an. She took a sip of soup with a rice spoon, and after a sip of hot soup, Sika gave out a comfort like a Korean uncle. Moaning: "ke~~ I don’t know if it’s because of age. I always feel that this kind of soup and rice is the most appetizing for breakfast recently."

(Sika said in an interview on a program that breakfast is only a good thing if you have soup and rice.)

Sika picked up a piece of radish and put it on the soup and put it in her mouth: "When are you going to the airport?"

"I have eaten, go out with you, today I have an appointment with the plastic surgery hospital in Japan."

After hearing Zhang Ping'an say that he had an appointment with the plastic surgery hospital, Sika stopped in the air, and at the same time, her eyes widened and looked at Zhang Ping's appearance carefully. She said in a puzzled manner: "You are going to Japan to'upgrade'? Isn't it? ?"

"What are you thinking about, what level am I going to?" When Zhang Ping'an's words fell, Sika immediately answered, "Is it Mai Shiraishi?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled bitterly and said, “Is it necessary to have surgery when I have an appointment with a plastic surgery hospital? I want the plastic surgery hospital to issue a statement asking them to say, “Shiraishi Mai is the number one in the TOP10 most beautiful plastic surgery templates for women!” Next month 1 The pre-sale will begin, and I want to increase my efforts in the final promotion time."

Zhang Pingan can really use any trick to promote, Sika shook his head and said, "It will cost a lot of money to let the plastic surgery hospital say this."

"At most two million yen can be bought. Mainly for women's magazines to be published here...maybe a few million yuan in money?"

"It's nice to have someone like you work hard behind you." Sika didn't look very good when she said this.

Facing Sika suddenly said such a thing, Zhang Ping'an could only choose to shut up obediently.If you go to refute her at this time, say something, I am not the same at the beginning of your brand, I guess the two will have to fight?Therefore, Zhang Pingan chose the most sensible way to deal with it, silent.

Seeing Zhang Ping’an’s silence, Sika wasn’t struggling with this topic anymore. After all, everyone was an adult, even though some things were a bit dissatisfied, just vent a few words.But you can't hold on to a point and let it go, or if you stand on a moral high point, you have to admit the other party's mistakes. That's stupid.

There was silence, the two had finished their breakfast, and Sika went to change clothes to go to the company.And Zhang Pingan simply cleaned up the food waste for breakfast.

When going out, Sika drove her car away, and Zhang Pingan chose to take a taxi at the door to the airport.


Tokyo, Mai Shiraishi, and Sa Yuri sleep together until they wake up naturally.It’s a rare break time, you must add sleep.After waking up, the two of them sat cross-legged in the living room quietly, looking at the sunny weather outside the French windows.

Both of them may be reminiscing about the happiness after sleep is satisfied, and they just sit on the sofa and vacant.I don’t know how long Shiraishi Mai got up and walked into the kitchen. She took the coffee beans and put it into the coffee machine: "Sa Yuri, the weather is good. Let’s go out for a while? Winter is coming soon. Did you buy the clothes?"

Sha Youli shook his head and said, "No, let's go out and shop today. How about you, did you buy it?"

"Well, I bought some, so let's go shopping today." Shiraishi Mai had already decided that she would buy something today to give Sa Yuri as a thank you, and then she said: "Let's go out to eat at noon. I'm too lazy to do it at home. what do you want to eat?"

Sha Youli asked, "Is anything okay?"

Mai Shiraishi nodded and said, "Of course it can."

Sha Youli responded: "Is French cuisine okay?" French cuisine is the word "expensive" in the hearts of Japanese women.

Mai Shiraishi smiled and nodded and said, "Yes."

Seeing Mai's response so refreshingly, without hesitation at all, Sha Youli smiled and said, "I feel like you have changed so much, Mai-like."


Mai Shiraishi really didn't think she had changed, because she felt that her friendship with Sha Yuri was still the same as before, her heart has not changed, her love has not changed, so she has not noticed any change.In fact, to talk about change, it's just that she has made a lot of money. The time when they got together to worry about "what to eat" has long passed.

So when Sha Youli talked about the expensive'French meal', she agreed without hesitation.Perhaps for Sha Yuri at this time,'French food' is still a bit expensive, but for Mai Shiraishi, she has put delicacy in the first place instead of considering the price.

Sha Youli said: "If I said French food before, you must say it was so expensive. But now I say French food, you agreed without hesitation."

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said, "Because you want to eat, no matter how expensive the food is, I can treat you. Just because you are my friend! As for the change you said about me? I really haven't changed anything. My friendship for you is still the same as before. I like you~~"

Perhaps feeling Shiraishi Mai’s sincerity, Sha Yuri immediately showed a bright smile: "Mai-like~~I like you so much! Hahaha..."

The two simply drank a cup of coffee at home and set off. When they went out, Sha Youli picked up a car key in the storage box at the entrance: "Did you drive out?"

Mai smiled and said, "Do you have a driver's license?"

"Nope, what about you?"

"Neither do I."

Then they both burst into laughter and went out. After going downstairs, Shiraishi Mai walked to the Imperial Palace to take a taxi. Because there were tourists getting off there from time to time, it was most convenient to take a taxi there.Of course, my home is very close to the subway station, but Shiraishi Mai chose a taxi.

Omotesando, after getting off the bus, Sha Yuri smiled and said, "Oh, I thought you would go to Harajuku to buy clothes. I didn't expect you to come to Omotesando now?"

"The designer's clothes are basically not repeated, so there will be no smashing of shirts on the show." When participating in some personal programs, or when going out, they need to prepare their own clothes, and the designer brand The clothing is the best to avoid Zhuangshan clothing.

Sha Yuri looked at Omotesando and said, "Compared with a small shop, this is too expensive, right?"

"I don't go shopping for luxury goods, just ordinary designer brands, sometimes there are a lot of discounts. Let's go, after shopping for a while, we will go to eat..."

The two women started their shopping trip, because last winter "Star You" Qian Songyi made Parker coats become popular, so this year's design styles are developing in the direction of Parker coats, especially the hat with furry A circle of coats has attracted special attention.

Sha Youli picked up a coat that looked pretty good. She pulled out the price tag of the dress. After checking the price, she didn't even have the thought of trying it.

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said, "Try it, if you like, I'll give it to you."

"Give it to me? Very expensive, four hundred and fifty thousand. Forget it, forget it. I just buy a normal coat." Because of the existence of fur, even designer brand parka coats are very expensive, of course It is much cheaper if you use artificial wool.

"Then you choose to see, if there is something you like, I will give it to you!"

"Then I thank you first, hehe."

Just as the two were choosing clothes, Zhang Ping’an’s flight had landed in Tokyo.

Before boarding the plane at Seoul Airport, he sent a message to Li Zhien, saying that he had gone to Tokyo.And she chatted with Zhang Ping An in kakao for a while.She said that her brother wanted to transfer, and she also consulted Zhang Ping An, a person with experience studying abroad.

Although Zhang Ping'an studied abroad in Japan and she wanted to send her brother to the United States, there is always something to learn about studying abroad.

Zhang Ping'an just said that when studying abroad, no matter which country you go to, after the first month of freshness has passed, you will basically feel homesick every night when you sleep.It’s a good thing to burst into tears when you miss home, but I'm afraid that some local students will ask me to go out to study at that time.

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