My entertainment circle

Chapter 402 I want to be a layman (part 2)

PS: One more chapter is added today, one chapter is still missing!

"Being a layman" in Zhang Ping’an’s mouth just means that I just want to live according to the normal trajectory of people, eat delicious food, play beautiful women, and enjoy the beautiful scenery.He didn't want to live a life like enlightenment, he didn't ask gods and Buddhas or immortals, and he didn't want to seek the true meaning of life.Because those novels bring the melancholy love to readers, or the contemplative truths, in today's world where money is needed to eat... it won't work!

Even in the workplace, those written principles of life have no meaning, except for bragging and bickering when eating and drinking, they are useless in this world.Because the people who are expelled from the workplace are always people who are unfamiliar with the boss, the boss will not keep you unconditionally just because you understand the truth of life, nor will you say that you are hardworking and diligent to guarantee your eternal job.As long as you are watched by your boss, it will be a matter of time before you leave. After all, there is no shortage of labor in this world!

Zhang Ping'an is not so idle, he still holds books from time to time to ponder the truth of life.If you have time to hug a book, you might as well be a happy layman with a beautiful star. So in this quiet night, Zhang Ping'an slept with Baishi Mai, instead of holding a book to understand the philosophy of life.

The sky gradually whitened, and Zhang Ping'an still got up early to go jogging.After he came back, he started to make breakfast. The most troublesome thing in Japan is that there is no breakfast shop. Either you wait for the cafe to open and have brunch, or you can make it yourself.Of course, if you really don’t want to do it, you can also go to the hotel, because in Japan only hotels provide breakfast, and there are no breakfast shops on the streets.

The simplest breakfast dishes for Zhang Pingan are American, a cup of coffee, a few slices of bread and bacon, sausage, and fruit rasa.After finishing the breakfast, Zhang Ping'an went back to the room and asked Mai to get up and have some breakfast. She still had a show to go to filming in a while, so she had to go with her stomach, otherwise she had to wait for the lunch to be served.

After washing, Mai and Zhang Ping'an sat at the dinner table. She took two sips of coffee and said: "Every time you get up and make breakfast for me, I am really guilty."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and shook his head and said, “I’m also used to getting up early and going out to exercise. After I came back, I was hungry, and I couldn’t buy food around, so I had to do it myself. To be one person is to do it, or to do it for two people. You don’t need to care about these little things."

Mai smiled happily, while digging out a spoonful of fruit salad and eating it: "In Japan, it is not a trivial matter for a woman to cook for a man. It is said that if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab a man's stomach."

Zhang Ping'an glanced at Mai and said, "What do you say... grab my stomach? When will you become a five-star chef?"

Mai of course knows that Zhang Pingan doesn't seem to have any requirements for'eating', but in fact he has high requirements for taste.Whether it is a high-end restaurant or a roadside stall is acceptable to him, but it must taste good.May I ask who wants to spend money to eat bad food?

And her cooking skills can be considered good, but there is still a way to go to achieve the level of deliciousness.Moreover, cooking requires accumulation of experience. What she lacks is the time to accumulate experience.So Mai could only respond to Zhang Ping An with a smile: "Hehe, if the filming is not delayed today, I might be off work around four in the afternoon?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "I see. You can call me after get off work. I plan to check the car today."

"Don't you still have Ferrari not coming? Why do you want to buy a car?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Ferrari and the car at home are too impractical. I plan to buy a practical SUV. Otherwise, even if we two go out for dinner, we can't drink."

"Then you shouldn't have bought Ferrari in the first place."

After Zhang Ping’an tried the impracticality of the sports car, he was also very upset: “I bought it and paid the deposit. What can I do? That’s it.”

"That's the only way." Mai said from the seat with a piece of bread in his mouth, "I'm going to work."


After Mai Shiraishi left home at work, Zhang Ping'an took an iPad and began to check the vehicle.For practical SUVs, Zhang Pingan did not consider Japanese cars. After all, the steel they used had serious problems.Suitable for driving in urban areas, BMW, Porsche, and Land Rover are the most comfortable ones.Only these three vehicles use the left rudder mode.

Just when he was bored looking at the car, he suddenly remembered: "By the way, today I said that I loaned money to Sha Youli." Then he took out the phone and called Sha Youli. The phone rang several times and there was no call. When someone answered the call, he hung up the phone automatically, and Zhang Ping'an asked in confusion, "Isn't it, the phone is muted? Or is it so sleepy that you can't hear the ringtone?"

Some people are like that when they are sleeping, and she can't hear you calling them anyway.But turned around Zhang Ping'an and said in confusion: "No, she is dozing so much, what if she meets the shooting day?"

Zhang Ping'an dialed her phone again, but no one answered.He simply put on his clothes and went out. Today, after lending Sha You the money, he has to contact the real estate agent.If the talk is about renting a house today, she will have to choose furniture or something. Japanese renting does not include furniture.

Today, Zhang Pingan, who is wearing a casual outfit, is wearing a hooded sweater that Li Zhien gave him, with a round-neck jacket, jeans, and canvas shoes. This is a fashionable dress for autumn and winter that Sika also highly respects.

After leaving the house, he set off directly towards the bank. After a while, he came out of the bank holding 10 million yen in cash. After getting in the car, Zhang Ping'an knocked on his head: "Yes, there are also registered companies. What's the matter, how about registering the company today?"

Anyway, the registered capital of a registered company doesn't matter, so just open another bank account with this ten million as the company's financial account?

In addition, Sha Youli never contacted him. Zhang Ping An hesitated for a while and set off directly to the Legal Affairs Bureau. On the way, he directly called the person from the advertising company and asked about the establishment of the company. Zhang Ping’an started preparing for the company registration all morning, mainly because he needs to run some proofs, which means that it is not limited that you are Chinese or Japanese.

It wasn't until noon that Sha Youli's phone number replied: "Oh, I was sleeping in the morning, and the phone vibrated again last night. I didn't hear it when I put it on the mat. Why did you call me so early?"

When Zhang Ping’an was busy, she called, and he said directly: “It’s okay now. I’m busy registering the company. I am issuing a certificate. I plan to submit the materials within today. I'm calling you."

After hanging up the phone with Sha Youli, before he could put his mobile phone in his bag, a message came in again.Looking at the letter, it was Yuko Shinki, "Are you free, eat together at noon?"'It was 11:20 by the time Zhang Pingan looked at the letter.

It's almost time for dinner. After the certificate is issued here, he will go to the Legal Affairs Bureau. It is also the lunch break there. Even if he is in a hurry, he will have to wait until their lunch break is over.

So he replied to'OK, wait for me at Qingshan Station, I may be there in about half an hour.'

Aoyama, Minato, where various gourmet shops gather.At the exit of Aoyama Station, Yuko Shinki is wearing a long skirt, a lace bottoming shirt, and a coat. Today, she is a very mature dress, because she saw Zhang Ping An yesterday wearing a suit.

I have to say that her height is also very suitable for this kind of dressing, coupled with her beautiful appearance, standing outside the station, she was quickly approached by people.

Just drove out a hitchhiker, and now another one came. This made Yuko Shinki frowned in dissatisfaction. When she was about to send the hitchhiker away, the sound of the supercar's engine came.And the eyes of Yuko Shinki and the accuser were on the Lamborghini.

I saw the super sports car slowly approaching them, and then stopped in front of them.The hitchhiker watched as an extremely casual man came down from the cab. His appearance was more sunny and handsome. The person who got off the car looked at Yuko Shinki with a calm smile, and then pointed to him next to her: "your friend?"

Yuko Shinki immediately shook her head and said, "No, I don't know."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and opened the co-pilot's door for her. When the scissor door opened, the hitchhiker left the two with interest.As he walked, he said, "It turns out that it was taken by the rich second generation."

After getting in the car, Shinki Yuko looked at the thick pile of'ten thousand yuan' on the seat. She opened the glove box, looked at the thickness of the cash, and then looked at the space of the glove box. No wonder Zhang Ping An will Put it in the position of the co-pilot.Because the thickness of the glove box can't fit in at all, if you don't take the tied money apart.

But she has no reason to take apart the cash that others have collected.She just held a pile of cash and said, "This..."

Zhang Ping’an said: “I plan to register the company in the afternoon. This money is used as registered capital. You can open the glove box. I asked about it when I was applying for the certificate. You can register even if you pay 10,000 yuan.”

She nodded when she heard that the company was registered, and then split the stack into ten stacks of cash and put them in the glove box safely.

After putting it away, she smiled and said: "The first time I saw someone holding ten million in cash, what company are you planning to register?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "As for the average brokerage company, the main reason is that the tax on the income of the company will be less! You have no job today?"

Yuko Shinki said: "No. Because the casting for each TV station's project plan this year has ended, I will wait until next year's new play plan begins before I go to the audition. Oh, I entered the model as an actor. Circled, I only went in March this year, and I have shot the inside pages of the magazine twice."

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