My entertainment circle

Chapter 420: Cries in the Staircase

After the meal, Zhang Ping An came to SM with everyone from Girls' Generation.He sat in their practice room and watched their practice closely. This is definitely a VIP treatment for fans!It was also the first time Zhang Pingan came to their practice room to see them rehearsing for a concert, although there was no new song in the song.But the empress is the empress, and their performance is really shocking.

The sword dance of Girls’ Generation is as uniform as a textbook.For Zhang Ping An, who has a fan heart, it is lucky to watch the'show' in front of them.Zhang Ping'an stood in front of them and applauded gently, of course, the applause was just a movement without applause.And Pani yelled at Zhang Pingan who was standing in the middle while jumping: "Ah, get out of the way, why are you standing in the middle? You are blocking the mirror."

Zhang Ping'an did not stand in the corner, but stood in the middle and watched their practice.The viewing angle in the center is certainly much more perfect than in the corners.

But the middle position is the'C' position. When each member sings his part, he will move to the center position, and his standing position just blocks the C position from looking in the mirror.In fact, for those who are already familiar with their songs, it doesn't matter if Zhang Ping'an can't stop it, Pani just yelled at Zhang Ping'an with a joke.

While listening to Pani's words, Zhang Pingan moved the center position honestly, and then walked towards the rest area behind.

Their bags, coats, etc. are all piled on the sofa.Zhang Pingan took a seat and sat down, then picked up Pani's bag casually, unceremoniously took out a can of Coke from her bag and opened it to drink.Because Pani has low blood sugar, she always has sugar, coke, and snacks or drinks containing sugar in her bag.

Pani, who was practicing, looked through the mirror at Zhang Ping'an and started to flip through his bag without any worries. Pani also shook his head speechlessly.However, she didn't bother to greet him, anyway, there was nothing in her bag to hide.

After holding a few sips of Coke, Zhang Pingan sat on the sofa and looked at the ceiling lights in a daze, because he was planning to leave work with Sika today.Before waiting for her to end, he could only wait so boringly.Although the practice of Girls’ Generation is very interesting, you will find it very boring if you watch the same song three times in a row.

When the music stopped, Pani’s loud voice appeared: "Ten minutes to rest." Then Jeonyul’s voice: "Washroom, does anyone want to be together?" After the music stopped, the girls’ generation practice room was like a female high school. The restrooms are going to meet each other.

Pani came to Zhang Ping'an, shook his head and said, "You're really not being polite. Give me a drink."

Zhang Ping'an looked up at Pani and said, "What are you polite to me?" At the same time, he handed out the pathetic. Pani volleyed his mouth with the Coke he had drunk. There was indeed nothing polite.

While Pani was drinking Coke, Zhang Pingan's cell phone vibrated, and the caller was Ha Dongxun.He took out the phone and picked it up: "Brother, did you inquire? Wait, I'll make a note." Zhang Ping'an took out his Huaxia mobile phone and began to record the number.After remembering it, he said to Ha Dongxun, "Thank you, brother. Looking for a representative from the white is to see if you can cooperate with food shows. Recently, food shows have started to be on the shelves... OK, come to your store for dinner when you are free."

After hanging up Ha Dongxun's call, Zhang Ping'an picked up the phone and typed in Bai Zhongyuan's number, then nodded at them to signal that he would go out and make the call.

After Zhang Ping An left the practice room, Taeyeon smiled and said, "How do you feel that he has been getting busier these days? I used to think he was quite leisurely."

Sika started out, expressing helplessness: "I don't know. Anyway, he is very busy when he is busy, and has nothing to do when he is free."

In the end, Pani concluded: "He will not be busy for more than half a year at the end of the year. More time is not just fooling around."

Pani’s brilliant summary made Sika laugh. It is true that he spends more time'fooling around'. She smiled and said, “It feels like his schedule is similar to that of our idols. We are not also singing songs. So many months before and after?"

Penny curled his lips and said, "But we still have concerts. He left it to the show crew after he finished the show."


Zhang Ping'an took his cell phone and came to the safe passage. He was about to call Bai Zhongyuan to meet him at a time. But when he entered this quiet passage, he faintly heard the sobbing sound.Hearing such a weird cry in such a place, Zhang Ping'an was really taken aback.

After all, it is in this quiet and safe passage, and when no one can be seen in the field of vision, can it be scary to hear the cry?

It would be better to hear someone howling and crying, but it was a faint sob, and the echoes between the corridors made Zhang Ping'an startled.After calming down, Zhang Ping'an cautiously began to lean in and look for the direction of the sound. In fact, it is normal for trainees to avoid crying.Sika, I don't know how many times she cried during her seven years as a trainee.

Zhang Pingan pulled the handrails of the stairwell and leaned forward to look downstairs.I saw a woman sitting on the steps, sobbing in her knees, and the clothes she was wearing were those of Zhang Ping'an today. It was Pei Zhuxuan's private clothes.

When Zhang Pingan found out that Pei Zhuxuan was crying in the stairwell, he put the phone back in his trouser pocket first, and then coughed twice in her direction: "Cough cough."

The sudden coughing sound made Pei Zhuxuan who was sitting downstairs so scared that she suddenly struck a spirit. She took a look at the sound of the coughing after she licked her body twice. She saw that the person walking towards her was Zhang Pingshi's moment. His eyes widened..

The floor used by the debut artist is completely different from the floor used by the trainees. Perhaps in the stairwell of the trainee floor, people hide inside and cry from time to time.But no one will go to the stairwell on the floor where the debut artist is.Because the newcomers of SM's debut are basically very hot when they debut, so no one will run to the stairwell to cry.After all, you can’t be too busy, how can you have time to hide and cry?

And Pei Zhuxuan and their'Red Beibei' is the only SM girl group that hasn't made a big hit during their debut.Therefore, her psychological pressure as the captain was relatively high, which made her hide secretly in the unmanned staircase to vent her emotions. Who knew that she was hit by Zhang Pingan today.

Pei Zhuxuan watched Zhang Ping'an walk towards him, and his eyes widened in surprise at first, feeling incredible.Because Zhang Ping'an is not in their company, is it strange that he appears here?

This is her biggest question.But she hasn't thought about this question, a shameful feeling rushed to her cheeks, and her cheeks instantly became hot, and she hid and cried and was discovered. Isn't it ashamed?

After Zhang Ping'an looked at Pei Zhuxuan and found herself, she quickly turned her head back and stopped looking at him, and the next move was an action of covering her face with her hands.Zhang Ping An smiled and walked to Pei Zhuxuan's side and sat down.After sitting next to her, he took out an individually wrapped wet tissue used in the restaurant from his pocket. This was because the wet tissue was not used on the table during the meal in front of her. He put it in his pocket casually. use.

He patted Pei Zhuxuan on the shoulder, then handed her the wet wipes: "Wipe the'sweat' off your cheek."

"Thanks...thank you." When Pei Zhuxuan took the wet wipes, she also put away her sadness.She simply wiped the tear marks on her face and said, "Zhang PD, why are you in our company?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I had dinner with Girls' Generation and came to see them practice. It's you, don't you practice hiding here and being lazy?"

Pei Zhuxuan waved his hand and said, "I'm not... I'm not lazy, I just got down from the office upstairs."

Zhang Ping'an looked at Pei Zhuxuan's exquisite profile, and said with a gentle smile: "Oh? Is there anything wrong with it, has it been criticized?"

Zhang Ping’an’s voice was very soft and soft, which made Pei Zhuxuan speak: "No, that’’s a bit wronged, so..."

"Wronged? There is something that makes Captain Pei feel wronged? Does your company feel that you are not doing well, so you won't give you food?" Zhang Ping'an said in a joking way: "If your company is not involved Let me listen to confidentiality. I am a very good listener."

Pei Zhuxuan thought for a while and said: "It's not a secret. The company plans to add a member to our team."

It's really no secret.Adding members will definitely make an appearance afterwards. Can this be considered a secret?

Zhang Ping’an nodded and smiled and said, “I thought it was because you were a little unwilling after adding members? It was obvious that the four of you performed well, but suddenly a'parachute' came, so your heart It’s a bit unbalanced? Understand. It’s me and I’m not reconciled.. But, this is not a bad thing. Do you know the idol model in Japan? Every year, new members come in and old members leave. "

Of course, Pei Zhuxuan knew the idol model of Japan, but she frowned and said, "But..."

Zhang Pingan smiled and accepted her words: "But this is South Korea, not Japan, isn't it? Isn't the AS where Park Jiaxi is in that model? Keep the group name, and the company adds fresh blood to the team from time to time. Tara, don’t you also add one in a while, and one in a while? Although there is no such precedent here, it doesn’t mean that this approach is undesirable, right?.."

Zhang Pingan went on to say: "Four members or five members, there is no difference for you at this stage..."

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