My entertainment circle

Chapter 453 I recommend a Korean actor

The principal listened to Zhang Pingan’s investment in TV dramas in China, and he smiled and nodded and said: “I also invest in film and television works, but we invest more in movies. TV dramas on your side... well, both of them are actors. Any good films to take care of in the future."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Well. Our company has just produced a TV series, and it was co-produced with other companies. My agency has no influence on China, and I have just entered China. In the entertainment industry, I also hope that the principal will give us more support for our company!"

The principal's investment in film and television works is quite big, which is definitely much larger than Zhang Ping's, who is a little troublemaker.At present, more than half of the movies on the market are invested by his family. After all, his movie theater is very large. It can be said that his family has the most chain movie theaters in China Screen.

The principal nodded and looked at Lin Genxin next to him: "By the way, last time I heard you say that the TV series you contacted this time, isn't the investor planning to produce a China-South Korea joint TV series? His connections in the Korean entertainment industry It's very powerful. Ask your investor, what kind of role do you want?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “China-Korea unity, this is a good way. Recently, the influence of Hallyu in China has become more and more popular, and South Korea’s popular female stars in China.. Cheon Song Yi, Jun Ji Hyun The number one beauty in Korea, Kim Tae-hee? Or that Song Hye Kyo?"

Speaking of Song Hye Kyo, the principal immediately gave up and said: "Song Hye Kyo, forget it. She came to China to play a big role this time to clean up the crew. It is estimated that no investor in China will find her to cooperate in the future. Kim Tae-hee's words... "

And Xiao Lin continued with the principal's words: "Kim Tae-hee heard that the costume drama was filming in Xiangshan. I don't know what the specific crew is. She is in Xiangshan anyway."

At this time, Zhang Ping’an smiled and recommended: “Actor, I really have a good relationship. Lin Yuna from Girls’ Generation. Whether she is in Korea or China, her personal popularity is okay, and her appearance is good. It's also beautiful! Ask the crew, can you recommend Lin Yoona from Girls' Generation?"

Girls' Generation Lim Yoona, the facade of the combination, is loved by countless fans because of its innocent appearance.With clear eyes like a deer, but with a mischievous heart, Lin Yuner in the variety show interprets Qingchun and her weirdness, and the audience has to like her.

Whether it was in the entertainment industry or not, even the big fat guy present had heard of Girls’ Generation Lin Yoona.Xiao Lin also smiled and said: "If you can really recommend Lin Yoona... I can't think of any reason for rejection by the crew. Their Girls' Generation group was originally very popular in China, and she is also in the group. A person with top-notch personal popularity, I am an employer and I would definitely adopt it? But, can Lin Yoona really come to China for filming?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said, "Well, my relationship with SM is pretty good. Girls’ Generation’s recommendation is definitely no problem. They currently have four actors specializing in acting, Lim Yoona, Kwon Yoon-ri, Seo Hyun, and Cui Soo-young. They all studied in the Acting Department of Korean University! However, I personally have the best private relationship with Yoona, so if I have the opportunity, I recommend Yoona."

The principal smiled and pointed to Fat Di beside Zhang Ping’an and said, “Don’t you recommend your girlfriend?”

I don't know if it was he deliberately looking for the fault, or what, Zhang Ping installed with a look of astonishment and said, "Isn't it a China-Korea joint? If it is a domestic production, I would certainly recommend her."

Xiao Lin smiled and nodded and said: "The producer wants to work with Chinese and Korean actors to produce. I guess it is to take advantage of the Korean Wave. Brother Zhang, is it convenient for you to leave your phone to me? I will discuss with the crew tomorrow. , I will give you a reply at that time."

"Of course it can." Zhang Pingan read out his number to Xiaolin. He smiled and recorded it and called Zhang Pingan back. After Zhang Pingan's phone rang, Xiaolin said, "This is my number, Brother Zhang , Make a note."

Zhang Ping'an recorded Xiaolin's mobile phone number, wine and cold dishes came in one after another, so everyone greeted each other and started.

Holding the red wine, Zhang Pingan took a sip and put down the glass. He tried to be as elegant as possible. As for the quality of the red wine, he would not comment on it, because he is not a taster and doesn’t know much about red wine, so he doesn’t know how to pretend. understood.

After putting down the wine glass, Zhang Ping'an stared at the fat man. The fat man looked at Zhang Ping's awkward gaze. He reached out and scratched his face.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Fat DD, many platforms will contact you after retirement? Are you interested in coming to our platform? Today the principal has joined our platform."

The principal said: "Today I also invested in'Panda'. Fatty, I know that many platforms have thrown olive branches for you. You can be regarded as my club at any rate. My side.. You give a friendly price. Right. Ten million yuan signing gold, two-year contract, do you think it is appropriate? Maybe other platforms will give higher signing gold, but we will give you plenty of recommended resources."

The top streamers’ ability to absorb current is very powerful, and traffic is the key to the overall value of the platform.In addition, Fatty is also quite famous among professional players, so after he retired, many platforms must have offered him high signing fees.

Because Zhang Pingan has a big nose, smiles, misses, and so on. The live broadcast effects of LOL's big-name anchors are very jealous, but they are helpless.So after the big-name professional players retired, they have become the targets of various platforms.

If the principal did not join the'Panda' platform this time, Zhang Ping'an may need to compete with other platforms to sign the Fatty.After all, after retiring, they will definitely choose a higher-priced platform for the first signing bonus, and Zhang Ping’an knows that Fatty’s live broadcast effect is very good. He can’t give up Fatty’s flow of retired players, that’s one. The field signing gold is fighting.

As for the principal, he was kind to the big fat man.After all, the most glorious time of his career was spent in the principal's team.In fact, when the “game profession” was not understood and paid attention to by the general public at the beginning, the principal’s did indeed make a great contribution to the “game profession”. There is no doubt about this. He can be said to be an improvement. The leader of the professional environment of Huaxia Games.

So when he said ten million, it might be more useful than the 15 million that other platforms offered.Moreover, the principal has joined Zhang Pingan's platform. He will definitely give the fat man some special care, and the fat man must have a basic trust in the principal.

After the principal spoke out the signing bonus of 10 million, the fat man nodded: "Since the principal has said so, I will do it on the'Panda' platform. How about my launch in the New Year? Prepare the computer and house for the live broadcast."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, yes, tomorrow I will ask someone from the company to come over and sign with you. I will set your live broadcast time on January 1st next year. In the new year, it will be after you retired. A new beginning."


After basically negotiating the work issues, everyone began to chat. Zhang Ping’an said: “Now the fist stipulates that a club can only have one team, and Samsung will definitely disband one. Now LPL is very Busy?"

The principal nodded and said: "It must be busy, the clubs have started to introduce Korean aid. Especially Samsung players... hey... I regret it now."

Listening to the principal’s sigh, Zhang Ping’an took a drink with him and said, “What do you regret? Is it because of the poor results of'IG' this year?”

"The result is a small reason. The main reason is that after the standardization of the e-sports circle, there is a feeling of vicious competition among clubs. Of course, I understand that every club wants to get good results for their team, so those outstanding players are This kind of mutual bidding.. Now it is too high. UZI is said to have a club that has raised him to 15 million a year. 15 million, this is higher than the annual salary of the CEO of a super large company To be higher. Now the club wants to achieve good results, it has to burn at least 30-50 million a year!"

(For top companies, the CEO's annual salary is the basic salary, and bonuses are added separately.)

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded and said: "Because of the popularity of "League of Legends", I feel that professional players are gradually being idolized. However, it is okay to say that their salaries are hyped up? The worth of professional players is comparable. Have you ever been in the entertainment industry? I heard that the two who came back from the Korean EXO group were paid horribly high, and they spoke about 20 million."

The principal’s home is home to China’s top film and television investment company, and he can only sigh and say: “The traffic is in the lead. In the next few years, China’s entertainment industry will definitely develop towards a'deformation'.”

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Yes, the Chinese entertainment industry will inevitably become a deformity of the entertainment industry! However, investors can’t help it. Movies that have no traffic stars are not watched, and those who have traffic are asking for prices. Future movie actors The price of the film’s remuneration has risen faster than the investment of investors. Maybe the film’s remuneration will account for 70% of the total investment. This will inevitably make China’s film and television productions ruined. I think the investment in the work is to invest in the old drama bones. It’s not like idol.”

"Little fresh meat? What little fresh meat?"

Because this vocabulary hadn't appeared in 14 years, Zhang Ping'an blurted out and made the people present in the circle a little confused.

So Zhang Pingan smiled and explained: "Mr. WU, Mr. LU, these two idols, apart from their appearance, have no acting skills at all. Then what is the difference between the movies they starred in and those who sell meat? ?"

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