Zhang Ping An told the anchors present what he should say, and many anchors began to ask him questions, and Zhang Ping An answered them carefully.The main choice is to stay in Korea and China, ask Zhang Pingan what advice?As for the mobile phone live broadcast, you can slowly explore.

What advice can he have, he still feels that everything depends on them?They need an interpreter when they come back to Korea. This company is not responsible, because there are many Chinese students in Korea.As for how much money is needed for a translation over there, it is up to the anchor to negotiate.

And most of them are renting houses in Seoul, but now they can return to Seoul, so they face renting problems, computer assembly problems, software installation problems, and so on.All of these need to be considered by them. The software installation is relatively simple, as long as they can install it for them with a Chinese translation.The main thing is to find a house, what kind of one is suitable?

So they are still a little confused when they can return to Korea.Zhang Ping'an also told them at the meeting that if you want to return to the anchor in South Korea, you can report to the agency company in South Korea in advance, and you can find a house or something for them in advance.As long as they say where they want to live, the price of the house, they will contact the real estate agency to find them.

The company can only provide so much convenience. Whether they stay here or return to Korea is up to them.Anyway, they will definitely come to China for the'C.J' event next summer.

After Zhang Pingan left multiple choice questions for this group of anchors, he and Lao Wang returned to the company. The anchors all gathered in the coffee shop to discuss whether to go back?

This is a difficult choice!Because going home will definitely lose part of the "outside water", after all, water friends will not have time to meet them in Korea!Hometown and Qian Cheng depend on what they think.

After returning to the company, Zhang Ping An learned that the staff had signed a contract with Big Fatty, and the money was sent to him. Zhang Ping An was relieved.As for the audit, there is no end yet.

Sitting in the office, Zhang Ping An began to communicate with the TV station in South Korea, because the mobile phone live broadcast wanted to go backstage to interview the artists who were preparing, and the TV station needed permission.SBS, the song war held on the 31st agreed to Zhang Pingan's request for a backstage live interview.And on this day, Girls’ Generation will also participate in their performance on the station. It just so happens that Zhang Ping An can go to the airport with them to take a chartered flight to the Maldives after finishing the interview.

After getting permission from the backstage interview, Zhang Ping An began to wonder who to call for the interview?The first consideration is to have fluent bilingual skills and to understand certain entertainment dynamics. The first thing that entered Zhang Ping’an’s thinking was Zhang Yu’an, a Chinese who was relatively hot in Han Zongli during this time.

Lao Wang kept frowning after watching Zhang Pingan hang up the phone, and he asked, "What? Did Korean TV reject this backstage interview?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "Then the TV station has agreed to the interview. But I am thinking about who to interview? I must understand the entertainment dynamics and know how to drive the live broadcast. So... I can't think of it for a while. What a suitable candidate."

Lao Wang suggested: "Where are the Chinese who make idols in Korea?"

Lao Wang finally put forward a good suggestion, but Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said: "It's not appropriate, because idols don't necessarily understand how to drive live broadcasts, and even facing sharp'greetings', they might not be able to resist it."

Lao Wang said with a smile: "Then you can start this live broadcast? Anyway, the main purpose of this time is not to interview anything, but to let everyone know that the mobile phone can be broadcast live. And as you appear in the live broadcast at the end of the year, we here It’s also easier to promote the side. This can be regarded as a gift you bring to the platform fans. If you are getting some personal items from idols, it would be better as a gift to the fans."

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and nodded his head and agreed: "Yes, it's mainly to promote the mobile phone can also be broadcast live. That's okay, let the artists do the posters, I will go to Korea in two days."


On this day, Zhang Pingan stayed in the company and waited for answers from the accounting company.But the accounting company said that it needs to work overtime, and the accounts will be completely sorted out within tomorrow.Because it is still difficult to check vulnerabilities, after all, those are hidden things deliberately.

On Christmas Eve, Zhang Ping An spent in the company.

He came to the company again on Christmas the next day. Christmas may be a holiday for foreign companies, but for Chinese companies, Christmas is not a public holiday, so it has to meet weekends.If it's not the weekend, you still have to go to work honestly.

This is very depressing for the platform's network super-manager, because super-management is a 24-hour rotation, and even if a girlfriend is on the night shift, he cannot spend the holidays with his girlfriend.

At Christmas, the accounting company finally found out some doubtful expenses, with a total of close to hundreds of thousands of loopholes.Of course, the meeting on this day is very simple. The hundreds of thousands of Chinese coins that have disappeared will either be returned or they will be called to the police. There is nothing to forgive.

Christmas, which was originally a carnival festival, has some middle layers taken away.This is the first "Christmas Killing Night" on the platform. There is a carnival atmosphere in the outside festivals, but the inside of the company is murderous!

On Christmas Day, when dealing with a borer, Zhang Pingan went to Fat Di’s crew to visit.He and Fatty were photographed when they were shopping in Myeongdong when they were in South Korea, so it's no surprise to meet in China.Although the people next to them feel that the relationship between the two is unusual, people in the circle will not talk nonsense.After all, Zhang Pingan's background is beyond their reach.

It is the first time that Zhang Ping An has seen'Tang Yan', and Mi Mi, an actress who is known as one of the Four Little Girls.Appreciating it up close, it looks beautiful, but well... my boyfriend is here, and Zhang Ping’an just nodded in greeting after Fatty’s introduction.

Huaxia’s troupe is really a pure troupe. Unlike Korea, it’s not necessary to bring coffee or the like. The Huaxia troupe can just go shopping, after all, it can’t delay other people’s normal shooting.

Zhang Ping'an also told Fat Di that he was going back to Korea soon, and that he might not be back until the New Year.Fatty also expressed his understanding very boldly, after all, Zhang Ping'an's main job is over there.Recently, he has made a lot of investment in shows there, she must understand.

Just like Zhang Ping An understands her work is a truth!

The day when I returned to Korea was December 28, there were two other anchors who returned to Korea with Zhang Ping An.They took a two-day vacation and went back to South Korea to find a house, and then planned to start broadcasting in the New Year.

When they came out of the airport, Zhang Ping'an did not come with them, because someone came to pick up the plane, not Sika, but Little Crystal!

In the underground parking lot, Zhang Pingan saw Little Crystal, and then he stared at Crystal and said, "You drove to the airport by yourself? I've seen "JK" filmed by you and your sister. Your driving skills..."

The expression in Zhang Ping’an’s eyes and that tone made Little Crystal very dissatisfied and said, “I’m driving pretty well now, don’t believe me, when you go back, you will look at it by the side. Recently, I went out to train every day and I drove out every day. Buying vegetables with my mother."

Zhang Ping'an still said suspiciously, "Crystal, or I will drive it?"

Little Crystal rolled her eyes and said, "oppa, why don't you believe in people? I really practiced a lot."

Zhang Pingan smiled and put his luggage on the back seat of the car, and then said: "It's not that I don't believe people, but I watch the show. You drove the car on the road without turning on the mirror. A driver like you is too powerful. Just look at the front, not the left and right sides?"

"That’s why I didn’t get familiar with the car. I’m familiar with it now. Really! Get in the car. If you think I’m not driving well, I’ll change you, okay? Think about it, if my skills are not good, How can my mother rest assured that I will drive to the airport to pick you up?"

The last sentence was quite convincing, and Zhang Ping'an nodded and took the seat of the co-pilot.

In fact, Crystal's mother didn't even know where she was driving, and she didn't tell her mother to drive to the airport to pick Zhang Pingan.On weekdays, she practiced the car, but she always went shopping with her mother.This is the first time she drove a vehicle boldly, and drove to the airport alone!

What Little Crystal lied to Sika was that she took the agent to practice the car today.So Sika confidently told Crystal, Zhang Pingan's flight news.Also told Zhang Ping'an, Xiao Jingjing went to pick him up.

With the seat belt fastened, Zhang Ping'an still grabbed the handrail in uneasy way and set off with Xiao Jing.Zhang Pingan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, watched her driving until she didn't say much. Although some operations made him very confused and depressed, he tried not to talk.

The most feared of a novice driving is that the people next to him keep reading, so Zhang Ping'an might as well not speak and let her drive boldly.Anyway, she uses a Land Rover, not a Korean domestic car.

The vehicles traveled smoothly all the way, the airport expressway.There are many lanes and not many vehicles, so I entered the city smoothly all the way.

In the urban area, Little Crystal said with a smile on the corners of her mouth: "How is it? Is my technique OK? How is it better than my sister?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Your sister may be better than you, right?"

"Of course, she drives more time than me. I only got the driver's license not long ago. Don't you know, she went to buy a car after getting the driver's license, and she crashed the same day she bought the car. When reversing Don't pay attention, boom, the direct "butt" bloomed, and I was so scared that I did not dare to ride in her car for several years. At least I haven't had any rubbing yet."

Just when Little Crystal proudly said that she didn't have any scratches, the car next to him passed in and Zhang Ping'an shouted: "Front right, cars and cars... brakes, brakes..."


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