My entertainment circle

Chapter 461 Concert Backstage (Part 1)

pandaTV has opened a new mode of live broadcast, mobile phone live broadcast.And the first person to use a mobile phone to broadcast live outdoors is the president of the platform, Zhang Pingan!The novel live broadcast mode allows the anchors to use their mobile phones to go outdoors!

You must know that Chinese netizens are all with whimsical ideas, so they will definitely develop more and more fun outdoor live broadcast methods.

And Zhang Ping An’s first live broadcast on his mobile phone also donated all the gifts he received. This is also acceptable to those who watched his live broadcast. After all, Zhang Ping An is not greedy for money!Instead, they use their username as the donation list, which can be regarded as learning to do good deeds without leaving a name!Those who gave him rewards are all anonymous philanthropists!Zhang Ping’an’s move also aroused fans’ praise on the scarf afterwards!

Because the donation he did not use the name of the individual or the platform, but the user name, which let those users know that the "XX" screen name is their own name!

Zhang Ping’an no longer read the list of rewards for himself, but said to the camera: “Lin Yin Road, because there are a lot of small shops opened by fashion designers, there are many models around here to buy. Clothes or something..."

At this time, there was a barrage that Zhang Ping'an saw: "Why do I like to wear Adidas? Because I personally like to exercise more, so I think it is more convenient to wear sportswear in daily life. Uh... is asking Why don’t I wear other sports brands? I also wear them.. Okay, then I will take you to the TV station."

Speaking, Zhang Pingan stood on the side of the road and beckoned to the taxi. After telling the driver about the TV station, he looked at the barrage again. Many people on the barrage were asking why Zhang Pingan didn’t drive his Rolls Royce.

He responded with a smile: “Because I’m holding a mobile phone while doing live broadcasts, I don’t want to be distracted to see your barrage while driving. This is not a question of worrying about driving skills. It’s about ensuring that Safety is not only my own safety, but also the safety of other people, so I did not drive when I went out today."

After chatting all the way, Zhang Ping’an soon arrived at the TV station. He turned the camera of his phone to the outside of the TV station: “This is the TV station where the concert is held today, SBS TV station. I will not introduce "RM" about TV stations. It is broadcast on this station. See the fans at the door? These are fans of various artists, they have to wait for the opening to enter. And I don't need it because I have a work permit."

Zhang Pingan took out his work permit and hung it around his neck and walked towards the TV station. Fans at the door saw Zhang Pingan holding his mobile phone and thought he was using it to take pictures or something.Someone on the road said: "Zhang Pinganxi, are you filming?"

Looking at the Korean who asked suddenly, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "No, I'm live broadcasting, using my mobile phone."

Many Koreans still find it amazing. They all turn their heads to look at the mobile phone held by Zhang Pingan.Zhang Pingan entered the TV station from the crowd, and the water friends on the barrage said with a smile: "I like the appearance of Koreans who have never seen the world."

The biggest studio of the TV station was used as a performance venue today. Zhang Ping'an did not take the water friends to watch the stage, but walked directly toward the background.

Pushing open the door of the backstage, he opened his mouth and said: "Now I am backstage, here is a piece of paper..." Zhang Ping'an came to the note with his mobile phone and took a picture of the note: "I see it. , In the waiting room used by the performers today, there is Song Ji-hyo in the host? Finally, we are looking for Song Ji-hyo, let’s take a look.

Zhang Pingan found the lounge of'Red Beibei' on the note, so he held his mobile phone and set off towards their waiting room. On the way, I met many idols and greeted him.There were also many people on the barrage who wanted Zhang Ping'an to stop and interview, but Zhang Ping'an ignored it, and walked directly towards the waiting room of Red Beibei.

Arriving outside Hong Beibei’s lounge, Zhang Ping’an knocked on their door, and the agent in the room opened the door and looked at Zhang Ping’an holding his mobile phone. He bowed and greeted: “Zhang PD, hello.”

The red Beibei sitting indoors also saw Zhang Ping An, and they quickly got up from their seats and greeted Zhang Ping An: "Zhang PD, hello."

Zhang Pingan took the phone and adjusted the camera to face Red Beibei: "SM's new girl group this year, Red Beibei." After saying this, Zhang Pingan waved to them: "Come on, for the fans of China Let us introduce you."

Pei Zhuxuan asked Zhang Pingan who was holding the phone softly: "Zhang PD, what are you doing? Are you shooting a video?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and turned on the camera to the front, then turned around and held the selfie stick as if taking a selfie, showing them what they were doing. The Apple 6P’s screen is relatively large, and the barrage on it is densely floating. , This made them all surprised. At this time, Zhang Ping'an said: "I'm broadcasting, do you know about broadcasting?"

Seul Gi nodded and said, "I know, there are a lot of live broadcasts in Korea recently. But..."

However, no one in South Korea held a mobile phone to live broadcast. Zhang Ping An was holding a mobile phone to live broadcast at this time, and when the live broadcast was all with Huaxia fonts they did not recognize, they were very surprised.

Zhang Ping’an smiled: “This is the live broadcast of my Huaxia Live Platform. Today I will broadcast the live broadcast to Huaxia fans, and let Huaxia Water Friends see what the backstage of the Korean TV New Year’s Eve concert is. Watch it now. Number of people...13 million! (the kind with moisture)"

13 million people watching at the same time?Xiong Seulqi's eyes widened when he heard this number, and even Pei Zhuxuan opened his mouth in surprise.And their agent listened to 13 million people watching Zhang Ping’s live broadcast, so naturally they wouldn’t stop Zhang Ping’s backstage interviews.

Zhang Pingan looked at their surprised appearance and laughed: "Okay, let's greet Huaxia fans."

Hong Beibei bowed neatly to the phone camera and greeted her. After their greetings, Zhang Ping'an said, "Joo Hyun, introduce yourself."

"Oh." At Zhang Ping'an's greeting, they introduced themselves one by one. After they introduced themselves, Zhang Ping's fixed the phone, and then invited the people to sit down, and he took it out of the backpack. I logged into the live broadcast platform with my iPad.The mobile phone is used as a shooting tool, and the iPad is an interview tool for asking questions.

Zhang Pingan looked at the camera of the phone and said to Huaxia's fans: "This is Red Beibei, SM's new girl group. What are you curious about them? I can extract three questions from the message. Why are there only three questions? Because there are more big-name idols waiting for me to interview, aren’t they? Okay, I’ll take a look at the first one.. How old is this water friend’s question of "I am me"? What kind of question is this? I have their information on my mother, so check it out by myself. What are their specialties and ideals?"

Zhang Pingan turned his head to look at Red Beibei, and asked, "Huaxia fans are curious about your specialties? And your ideal type."

Seul Gi was the first to say: "My specialty is dancing, and my ideal type is a kind man."

Then there was Pei Zhuxuan: "My specialty?" She smiled and turned to look at the teammates and said: "I don't have any specialty." At this moment, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to them in Korean: "Pei Zhuxuan's specialty is very simple... Pretty!"

Zhang Ping’an’s words made them all laugh: "Hahaha~~"

Then Zhang Pingan said to the friends in the camera: "Her specialty is beauty. Pei Zhuxuan is the captain of the combination and the facade of the combination. Do you know what'facade' means? It's the most beautiful one!"

At this time, there was a barrage floating by, "I don't think Pei Zhuxuan is so amazing, she wouldn't be your ideal type, right? Boss Zhang?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Well, it almost fits my ideal type. Maybe I have been in contact with her more, so I know more. Pei Zhuxuan is a very gentle person, speaking softly and softly, belonging to a soft girl. It feels... Uh, yes, I won’t be videotaping my live broadcast today, right? Then someone will edit the video tomorrow and let me be on the hot search of the bib, saying that I like Bae Joo Hyun of the new girl group, and then this news will be interesting to South Korea. Up."

Zhang Ping'an said... he laughed.Then the screen full of "hahahaha" drifted past... because malicious editing definitely exists.

Then Zhang Pingan briefly interviewed them in the waiting room of Red Beibei, and then set off for the girl's generation waiting room, where Zhang Pingan’s'home arena' was.Because of familiarity, even he and them can make some small jokes.

After passing by many waiting rooms, Zhang Pingan came to their Girls’ Generation waiting room. On the way, there was BIGBANG’s waiting room and EXO’s waiting room. Many fans asked Zhang Pingan to go in, but he ignored them all. Request, went directly to the girl's generation waiting room.

When Zhang Ping'an came to their waiting room with their mobile phone, they were completely unmoved. They simply glanced at him and then dropped a sentence, "Why are you here?"'Then they just do their own things for themselves, either brushing their phones, or applying makeup in the mirror, or getting together and chatting in twos and threes.Zhang Pingan was completely ignored in their waiting room.

Zhang Ping'an then said to his mobile phone: "You see, this is Girls' Generation after debuting for seven years. If a newcomer meets me, he will definitely stand up and greet me, and they all chose to ignore me."

They listened to Zhang Pingan muttering while holding the phone alone, and Yoona finally spoke: "What are you doing with the phone and muttering?"

"On the live broadcast, I let fans see the true face of Girls' Generation!"

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