My entertainment circle

Chapter 463 Concert Backstage (Part 2)

Regarding the victory, Zhang Ping'an didn't even think about what to make with him, because he had already become infatuated with'money'.The role of'money' in a place like South Korea is quite large. If you are rich enough, it means that you have privileges in this country that most people cannot imagine!

After Victory became famous, he became extremely interested in "money privilege".But people, once fascinated by power and wealth, it is easy to lose human nature.

Because in the eyes of such a person, only the pros and cons are seen, whoever is good for him, and whoever can give him rights, except for those who can give him ambition, everything around him is not in his eyes.He would bow to those who can give him power and wealth, even as a dog.But in the face of those'people' who can't give him power and wealth.. Perhaps those who can't be called people in his eyes, but "goods" that can exchange power and wealth for themselves.

Therefore, Zhang Ping'an is unwilling to make friends with such people who have lost their humanity by power and wealth.

Zhang Pingan knew that although he was not a good person, he would never become such a bad person with no bottom line.He always felt that "people" still have to maintain basic kindness.Because once humans lose their basics, what is the difference between them and animals?No, it should be a beast!

In the future, Zhang Ping'an knows what the victorious circle will do, so he will never participate.Making money is really very simple for him. Although the consultation in his head makes it impossible for him to build a world's top industry by himself, it is very simple to make money only.Such as virtual currency, Bitcoin!This is the fastest way to get money!!

After meeting with two of the top Korean boy groups, Zhang Ping An smiled and said to the camera: "Next, we are going to the Afan waiting room. Afan, I have never been in contact with it. Let’s start playing games. Do you know why I carried a backpack today? It would be too exaggerated if I just pack an iPad, right? Because..."

Speaking of Zhang Pingan, he squatted on the ground, took his backpack from his shoulders, and pointed his mobile phone at the bag, and slowly opened the backpack: "You see, it's all cash. That's right, I It contained 100 million won in cash.” Zhang Pingan took out a stack of fifty thousand won in cash from his backpack, and one stack was five million.

One hundred million in cash is just four'big stacks', fifty million one big stack, just like the one big stack made by Huaxia with one hundred thousand cash bundles.A backpack can hold 100 million won in cash, and it can hold another 100 million.

Zhang Ping’an read the barrage and said, “The local tyrants? How much is five million won? It’s close to 30,000 Chinese coins. You know we are looking for them to play games. If it’s a simple formal interview in China, half You have to double the price per hour at least three times. And even if you pay 100,000, people still have to see if you have that free time, let alone play games with you? Didn’t Du Niang have the "Running" star on it? Are we going to play a season’s performance fee? Let’s not go far. Everyone should think about what games do you want?"

Zhang Ping An was walking toward Ah Fan's waiting room while watching the wild game guides of netizens. Zhang Ping An laughed: "What kind of messy game suggestions? I have a good idea. Every waiting room must have a Coke (canned), let them choose a person from the team, if they can drink it in one breath, then give them five million. It is a breath, without breathing , Isn't this a bit difficult?"

Carbonated drinks are very irritating and irritating to the throat. Basically, it is difficult to drink a can without breathing.

Speaking of Zhang Ping'an, they knocked on the door of Afen's waiting room. After their agent opened the door, they saw Zhang Ping'an standing at the door and greeted quickly: "Hello, Zhang PD."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Hello, I am using my mobile phone to live broadcast. There are currently 15 million Chinese audiences watching my live broadcast. I wonder if I can interview A Fan?"

When 15 million people watched it, Ah Fan’s agent would definitely not refuse.

He led Zhang Ping’an into the waiting room, and they all sat on the sofa to rest and looked at Zhang Ping’an who came in with a mobile phone with surprised eyes, and then they quickly stood up from their positions and faced Zhang. Peacefully bowed and greeted.At this time, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Huaxia's fans: "You see it? The difference between Girls' Generation and A Fan."

Zhang Pingan's Chinese made the fans who were greeting him staring at him confusedly.After that, Zhang Ping An explained...


The fans who were interviewed, like all the idol groups interviewed earlier, sat on the sofa in the rest area in a proper manner. After all, Zhang Pingan’s live broadcast was watched online by more than 10 million people at the same time.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "What a coincidence, your fans are called'Panda'? My Huaxia live broadcast platform is also called'Panda'. Come on, A fan, let's greet Huaxia fans first."

"Hello friends, everyone, we are Apink. I am Captain Park Churong!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Chu Long'er. Not long ago I listened to Shun Kyu's radio and heard her yelling your name on it. Then I learned that Shun Kyu really likes Chu Long."

"Thank you senior for your love. Not long ago, I connected to Senior Sunny's radio phone."

Everyone in Afan watched Zhang Pingan talk with them while fluent in Korean, while communicating with the audience and friends on the live broadcast in very standard Mandarin, which made them all look bright.I don’t know when to start, speaking Chinese fluently in front of Koreans is a handsome thing?So when they watched Zhang Ping an interpreter here, they all thought Zhang Ping an was very handsome, especially when he spoke Chinese.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and turned his head to look at the front Sun Naen, who was 14 years old and very introverted.Because since the filming of "My Knot" in 13 years and the end of 14 years, Sun Na Eun has been attacked by black fans on the Internet.

After the end of the "My Knot" this year, she no longer had any personal variety show activities. Maybe they used to think that Na Eun was the front door, so variety show resources were smashed at her, but only afterwards learned that the real variety show cell is Pumei.

So since 14 years, Eun Di continued to act as an actor, and the variety show resources went towards Pumei.It may be that she has been attacked by black fans for more than a year. When Sun Naen faced people she didn't know, she became extremely careful even when she spoke.Because she was worried that she was wrong when she said something, she seldom said anything on variety shows.

When Zhang Ping An's gaze turned toward Na En, she seemed to have seen Zhang Ping's gaze.She turned her head back to look at Zhang Ping An. Sun Naen turned around immediately after the two changed their eyes, which made Zhang Ping an laugh: "Naenxi, this time I saw your Afen "LUV" practice room version. The Adidas pants you wear are very nice, and I personally like the brand Adidas very much."

I don’t know why Zhang Ping’an suddenly talked about'Adidas’. Sun Na’en didn’t know how to respond for a while. She could only show a commercial smile at Zhang Ping’an. She smiled and nodded: " Ah... yes..."

Because Na Eun really didn't know how to answer, this expression was a bit strange.

And Zhang Pingan smiled and said to the camera: "In fact, Na Eun is a very introverted person. When she can open up the habit of introversion, I believe that more fans will like her. Because of her introversion, she is true. She is not good at expressing herself. That is, she is not good at expressing. Her expressions and so on will be over-interpreted by fans with ulterior motives. In fact, Na Eun is really a very kind person. Uh... I see some Fans said I was'washing' for Son Na Eun? That might be SHINee's fan, right? We will see after a few years. After she gets used to the lifestyle of an artist, she may open up her personality. Then we will turn around. It must be very interesting to see me today."

Zhang Ping'an said a lot of things they didn't understand.However, after the incident, the Korean YouTubers actually translated all the Chinese part of Zhang Ping’s live interview with the artists. It was at that time that Na Eun saw Zhang Ping’s personal comments on her, which made Na Eun very moved. Because she felt that Zhang Ping’an had said her heart, she was misunderstood because of her introversion and poor expression.

At this time, after Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, he said to them: "Now there is a game. The agent can ask you to give me a Coke."

After the agent brought the Coke on the table in the rest area, Zhang Pingan placed the Coke on the small round table in front of him, and then he picked up his backpack and picked up a stack of 5 million won in cash. On the table: "You Ah Fan choose a representative, if you can give a toast to Coke without changing your breath, then the five million won in front of you will be yours."

Yin Pumei immediately reached for the five million, Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "You can check if it is really five million."

Yin Pumei took a stack of five million cash and struck it, and the money was shown in front of them one by one, which made Yin Pumei cried out in surprise: "Wow~~"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "It is said that money can stimulate motivation. Now that the money is in front of you, who of you can drink it all at once? You can only choose one representative from your team! And there is only one chance, everyone, be careful."

The six of them began to discuss, after all, five million in front of them is quite exciting.

The last representative is the foodie Yin Bomei. She took the coke and opened it and said "challenge" and started drinking, while the surrounding members shouted: "Slow down, slow down, you don't..."



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