My entertainment circle

Chapter 478 Last night, I dreamed of you

After drinking, there are various types. Zhang Pingan is the kind of person who only wants to find a place to sleep quickly after the alcohol is over.If there wasn't the last cup last night, he might have really happened to Lin Yoona.Fortunately, the last glass of bomb wine made the mixed alcohol react explosively.This also made him no longer have the idea of ​​"making waves".

Quiet after drinking, as long as you drink too much, the absolute first thing is to sleep quickly.If both of them drank slightly last night, it would be really hard to tell if the alcohol covered up their sanity.In particular, Lin Yuner actively kissed Zhang Ping An, and nothing happened, she was really sorry for herself.

The drunk person is irrational, even if she knows she is his girlfriend's teammate, but after Jiujin comes up, there are so many scruples?

Why are nightclubs in this world so popular?It's because alcohol will make people lose their'rational' and'morality' and completely indulge them. They dare to do what they don't dare to do in the ordinary day.Therefore, it is easy to have'body contact' after drinking.If you know that something is wrong on weekdays, but under the influence of alcohol, you won't be concerned about that much. This is the so-called'drinking and courage'.

This is also the main reason why there are so many troubles and life cases after drinking, because alcohol makes people lose their rational judgment.

I don't know if it is fortunate or regretful. Both of them drank more last night, so the two did not cause an embarrassing situation for each other.

Zhang Ping An responded to Yoona with a smile, not because he didn't dare, but because Jiujin wanted to sleep.

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s words, Lin Yuner smiled and said, “I wasn’t very rude yesterday, eh, I mean on the way back.”

The two of them just lay on the bed and started to talk about the problem last night, but they were still separated by a certain distance.Big bed room, the bed must be big enough.

Zhang Pingan said: "I don't know, I didn't receive a complaint anyway, and then I fell asleep. The headache seems to be exploding now, how about you, do you feel better?"

"Same, headache."

After Lin Yun'er's voice fell, Zhang Ping'an moved in her direction, close to her, and Lin Yuner looked at him puzzledly, what is he doing?Then Zhang Ping'an patted his chest: "Head, come on the pillow, I will rub it for you, it will feel better."

"So good? Hehe..." Lin Yuner was not squeamish. She adjusted her position and put her head on Zhang Ping's chest and closed her eyes, while Zhang Ping's stretched out her hands from the quilt and gently rubbed her temples. , Lin Yuner just lay on his chest quietly, enjoying his massage.I don't know if the kiss last night brought each other closer, or what, at this time the two were lying on the bed really ambiguous.

But as Yoona said, after sober, Zhang Ping An really didn't dare to have any urges towards her.Because he already owed a lot of debts in their team, Sika now had no choice but to accept a Taeyeon. If there was an extra Yoona, Zhang Ping'an would not dare to think about it.

Because even if it was a boring fantasy, Zhang Ping'an never thought of'killing Girls' Generation.'

After Zhang Pingan massaged Lin Yoona for a few minutes, Lin Yoona said with a smile: "It's really more comfortable, thank you. May I press it for you?"

"Where am I lying? Your chest? Haha.. Alright, I got up and took a bath." After Zhang Ping'an finished Lin Yuner's madness, he ran into the bathroom quickly. Lin Yuner looked at his back in thermal underwear and smiled. Shook his head.


After a while, Zhang Ping An said to Lin Yoona outside the room: "Well, Yoona... Go to my room and bring the sweatpants you bought me. I accidentally took a bath and dropped my pants on the floor. They were all wet. "

Zhang Ping'an can only use this trick, no way, in order not to make a fool of himself.

At noon, the two of them checked out from the hotel with their luggage. Lin Yooner washed her hair and her long hair was flowing and smooth. She changed into the clothes she bought yesterday, a parka, jeans, and a pair of furry snow boots. .The hat is pink, a knitted hat, cute earmuffs and a Chinese red wool scarf.It's rare to see Yoona dressing herself up so cute that Zhang Ping'an couldn't help laughing.

The two put their trophies in the car and went to visit the "Broken Bridge Remnant Snow" in West Lake. After coming out of the hotel, Zhang Pingan looked at Lin Yuner and said: "It's a girl~~ (stress) era!"

Lin Yoona said silently, "If you want to laugh, just laugh enough at once. Can you keep staring at me?"

Because today, Lin Yoona’s dress is almost like a high school student or the kind of girl who has just turned 20, full of cuteness.

The two by the West Lake walked slowly along with the people watching the snow on the broken bridge. Snow is still falling in the sky today. The snow-white world and the lovely Yoona are pretty good memories.

Zhang Ping An also picked up his mobile phone and acted as a photographer. He took a few photos of Lin Yuner and sent them back to the internal chat group of Girls’ Generation.

After strolling around West Lake, the two of them simply ate some lunch on the street and headed back to Shanghai.

On the way back, Yoona sat in the passenger seat and chatted with her sisters in Korea.Because the photo of "Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge" sent by her is really beautiful, but there are a lot of people around.

Cui Xiuying saw the beautiful photo and said, "Did you two go on a trip?"

Lin Yuner responded: "No, we came here to audition for a TV series, and by the way, we walked around the lake. This lake is very famous in China. It's called West Lake!"

Sika also responded after seeing the photo: "There is no difference between work and entertainment! Zhang Pingan did not bully you, Yoona? If he bullies you, tell me, I will help you clean him." Maybe Sika's this The original intention of the remarks was to remind Lin Yuner, don't forget, I am his girlfriend.

Women's careful eyes may only be understood by women.

When Taeyeon in the dormitory looked at the news, she did not participate in replying at all, did not say anything, did not envy, because she had a very happy time with him in the Maldives!

"The day after tomorrow, we will see you in Shanghai!"


In the hotel in Shanghai, Zhang Pingan and Lin Yuner were not affected by the photos taken, and both stayed in the same hotel.In the past two days, Zhang Ping’an took Lin Yun’er and simply strolled around the Shanghai snack street, which also satisfied her foodie’s desire. However, the two of them stopped drinking in the past two days because they dared not drink.Although the two did not drink alcohol, the familiarity of the two kept rising...

On this day, Girls’ Generation is coming to China for a meet-and-greet. Can this be a small concert?After all, I have to sing a few songs, although the time is not as long as the concert.

That day, Zhang Ping'an still woke up early and went to the gym alone.In the morning, there are not many guests in the hotel gym, so he can enjoy the equipment very quietly.While running, I remembered that dream last night..

Yes, Zhang Ping'an had a very sweet dream last night.In his dream, he took Li Zhien to wander around the snack street in Shanghai. The two did not cover it, but no one around knew them.They are like ordinary couples, shopping happily and eating some snacks happily.Zhang Pingan didn't know if it was because he took Lin Yun'er to stroll around the city god temple's "sequelae"?

But the woman in the dream is not Lin Yoona, but Li Ji-eun who is far away in Korea.So after waking up, he sent a message to Zhien,'Last night, I dreamed of you.'

After the message was sent, he never received her reply, because Li Zhien has no habit of getting up early.

While running, I recalled that the two were shopping hand in hand in Japan. The smile of Li Zhien in the red leaves was really beautiful and healing, and these photos were stored in his computer.I really want to share these photos with you, but once these photos are released, the explosive reaction caused may cause Li Zhien to lose the next TV series.

After the exercise was over, Zhang Ping An, who was sweating, returned to the room and took a shower, and then went to the breakfast room alone.Because Girls' Generation didn't arrive until the afternoon, he didn't rush to wake Lin Yoona.

In Seoul, Li Ji-eun opened her eyes in a daze. She turned her head and looked at the clock on the bedside table before her sleepiness had subsided. After turning over at 8:32 in the morning, she planned to go to sleep again. She found out easily. The phone under the pillow, want to see if anyone is sending a message to yourself?

After I found the phone, there was a message on kakao, the letter was Zhang Ping An, and the sentence "I dreamed of you" made Li Zhien sweet to the bottom of my heart.Lying on the bed, she couldn't help laughing. With the sweetness and the smile, she felt so cheerful today.

Li Zhien pulled out his hand from the bed and replied with Zhang Ping'an message:'I miss you too!oppa, when will you come back?'

Zhang Pingan, who was eating breakfast, received Li Zhien's reply. He clicked on the message and found it sweet.The bread jam on the plate is really sweet!

Zhang Pingan replied: "I will be back when you wake up."

Li Zhien smirked sweetly while holding the phone, "I'm already awake."

"Then I'll be right back! Tonight, I will come to your house for dinner?"

"Don't lie to me, are you sure you are coming to my house for dinner today?" Li Zhien knew that Girls' Generation was going to China for a meeting today, and it was inevitable that Zhang Ping'an would stay in China to meet them.

Without hesitation, Zhang Pingan replied to Li Zhien: "Well, I will be back in the afternoon, because I heard that we knew that I missed me, so no matter where I am, I will come to you."

"Hahaha, your mouth is sweet, good. If you have something delicious tonight, what would you like to eat?"

"How about we eat pork belly at home?"

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