My entertainment circle

Chapter 487 AOA Jin Xuexuan

"Roommate" filmed by Cao Se-ho is a variety show where stars get together and live in a'home' to share stories and eat together. The design of this variety show originally originated from the'sofa guest'.Nowadays, there are more and more people living alone in South Korea. The meaning of the show is to share each other's thoughts and dine with each other, so that people who live alone are not so lonely and lonely.

And Liu Zaishi felt that Zhang Pingan might have seen the theme of'sharing' before thinking of shooting a variety show in the style of a homestay.The owner of the homestay must be someone with great influence, so Zhang Ping’an’s idea of ​​hitting Li Hyo-ri is not an exaggeration.Liu Jae-shik also imagined that it would be worth seeing if Lee Hyo-ri could really play the role of the boss... However, Liu Jae-shik always believed that Lee Hyo-ri would not agree.

But Liu Zaishi was completely wrong. The theme of Zhang Pingan's shooting was not'sharing' but'love'!Lee Hyo-ri and her always have a fair and comfortable love. Zhang Ping’an doesn’t need Lee Hyo-ri to share too many stories with the residents. He only needs to take pictures of her daily life in Jeju Island, and use the lens of their couple’s love. After filming, this is the most true love story, which is much better than TV series!

At the beginning, Lee Hyori had so many puzzles about getting married, but this show is to let everyone know about Lee Hyori's love story, a plain and true love story.There are not too many romantic settings, and there are not too many ups and downs, only the plain to the extreme three meals a day!!

As for this show, Zhang Ping'an is not in a hurry. After all, there is too much busy work in his hands.The current focus is filming travel, the food show "New Journey to the West"!This is a "travel journal" with the focus on China!Through the lens of Luo Yingshi, the beauty of Huaxia is shown to Korean audiences, and the publicity of Hallyu is used to let more people understand the beauty of Huaxia.


Zhang Pingan was sitting in Liu Zaishi’s waiting room and looked at Liu Zaishi’s makeup in the mirror. In fact, his makeup is mainly foundation, and there is not much else to add. He is not an idol, and the scene of the show is'in the bathhouse. 'So you don't need his handsome appearance in suits and shoes. Making good use of Liu Jae-shi's face is the most funny thing.

At this moment, the door of Liu Zaishi's waiting room was knocked, and Zhang Ping'an turned his head to look at it with the sound of knocking. At this moment, the assistant host Cao Seho was standing at the door.The moment he opened the door, he saw Zhang Pingan sitting in the rest area. Cao Shihao thought he had gone to the wrong waiting room. He froze for a moment and looked up at the name sticker'Liu Zaishi' on the door.

And Liu Jae-seok poked his head out of the blocked dressing table and looked at the chubby face at the door: "Oh, Se-ho, come in."

After Cao Shi-ho entered Liu Jae-shik’s waiting room, he stood behind Liu Jae-shik very seriously and bowed and greeted: "Senior Jae-shik." Then he turned and bowed to Zhang Pingan and greeted: "Jang PD, hello."

Zhang Ping'an looked at the clothes worn by the chubby Cao Shihao who was wearing a Hermès winter down jacket. Why did you know that he was wearing Hermès?Because he also has the same clothes as him, but he didn't wear it today, otherwise he would be smashed.Zhang Pingan nodded towards Cao Shihao and said, "Hello."

"Zhang PD, why are you here? Are you today's guest?" Cao Se-ho asked like this because Zhang Ping'an appeared in variety shows.However, that was because of Taeyeon.

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "No, something happened to come to KBS today, so I will come and see Brother Zai Shi."

Liu Zaishi said casually: "Ping'an, can Cao Shihao be arranged for your Spring Festival program?"

Zhang Ping’an responded: “In Brother Shi, there are only four groups of guests for the Spring Festival program, which has been discussed. However, if MBC intends to make this program a regular program, I can recommend it to the program group. Oh, M -net show over there, can I arrange him to be an assistant guest?"

Listening to the Spring Festival program there are only four groups of guests, so Cao Se-ho's level is obviously not enough, and Liu Jae-shik is no longer reluctant: "I heard Zhong Guo say about the M-net program, you invite him to be the MC?"

Zhang Pingan said: "Well, I asked the program team to send him a formal invitation. The specific negotiation, maybe Zhong Guo will pass this afternoon? By the way, in Shi Ge, when will we cooperate on a program?"

Liu Zaishi said: "I don’t have time lately. I have a lot of programs recently, and there are new programs on SBS that have invited me. Let’s talk about it later when I have a chance. By the way, Jiang Hudong called me. You and Luo Yingshi..."

Liu Jae-shik does have several shows in his hands recently, and there are fixed programs shooting every day, and SBS is also preparing a new program "Same Bed Different Dreams, It’s Okay" and Liu Jae-shik is the first host of the show.With such a close relationship with SBS, he must have agreed.

The relationship between Jiang Hudong and Liu Jae-shik is very close. Although Jiang Hudong has made a lot of news due to personal problems, the relationship between the two is not isolated, and the private conversation is maintained.Therefore, it is normal for Jiang Hudong to reveal some news to Liu Zaishi. Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "At present, I have been discussing this with Luo Yingshi PD and writer Li Youzhen, but there is still a little pressure."

"Well, after listening to Jiang Hudong, your thoughts are indeed a bit stressful." Because the show involves not only Jiang Hudong, but also'gambling men, divorced men' and so on.

Cao Shihao, who was sitting next to him, was confused. He turned to Liu Zaishi and Zhang Pingan and said, "Senior Shi, Zhang PD, I will prepare first."

Liu Zaishi nodded and said, "Okay, Se-ho, go get ready. I have a chance in the future, safe, and will take care of you."

At this time, Cao Se-ho took out his mobile phone and said, "Jang PD, can I ask for your private number?"

"Yes." Zhang Ping'an said after entering his number with his mobile phone: "In the future, if you have the opportunity to cooperate, don't go wrong during this period of time."

The members of "Infinite Challenge" had long-term problems, such as drunk driving, and got off Lu Hongzhe and Ji.

Just as Cao Seho was about to leave the waiting room, the door of the waiting room was knocked once again, this time it was Jin Seolhyun who got into his head!Kim Seolhyun in the trend of AOA.Although Seolhyun is not a big trend at this time, their group has gained a lot of attention because of "Catwalk Light and Beautiful" at the end of last year.

AOA, the general trend at this time Cao'e!

Liu Jae-shik just finished his makeup at this moment. When he walked from the dressing table to the sofa area, he happened to see Jin Seolhyun poking into his head.Although he couldn't call Seolhyun's name, Liu Jae-shik smiled brightly and said, "Oh, it's AOA!"

"Senior Lau Jae-seok, Senior Cao Se-ho, Zhang... Representative Zhang. I am Seolhyun from AOA, please take care of me." Jin Seolhyun originally wanted to call Zhang Ping'an by name, even adding a respectable name of'xi' seems to be wrong, but It was even more wrong to call him "senior". After all, he was a representative of the company, and she finally decided to call him Representative Zhang.

The agent who was following Xuexuan, after coming in, quickly asked Liu Jae-shik, and then his gaze directly turned to Zhang Ping An: "Hello, Zhang PD, I am the agent of AOA, thank you for your invitation to the show."

Cao Seho was automatically ignored, and Cao Seho nodded to Liu Jae-shik and Zhang Pingan, then nodded to Seolhyun and left the waiting room.

And Zhang Ping’an looked at Xuexuan’s agent and said, “I invite? I rarely interfere with guest invitations from the program group, and AOA is the trend recently, and the program group should invite you to group.”

The agent offered his business card with both hands and gave Zhang Pingan: "Thank you anyway, Zhang PD. This is my business card. I hope to contact us more in the future."

Zhang Ping An accepted her business card and smiled and said: "Okay, if there is a chance in the future." After saying this, Zhang Ping'an stared at Xuexuan's body. It may be the winter. Jin Xuexuan is wearing Her clothes are thicker, so her famous figure is wrapped up.

Seeing Zhang Pingan staring at herself, Seolhyun nodded with a smile at Zhang Pingan, and her big eyes and the pear vortex when she smiled gave a taste.At this time, Zhang Ping’an said: “The Sexy trend of AOA and EXID has driven the female idol fever. This year’s female idols should develop more smoothly. So Seolhyun, you have to take good care of your body. Female. With more idols, the figure becomes the key to winning market share, just like Hani!"

When Liu Zaishi heard Zhang Ping'an talk about some market topics, he remembered that Zhang Ping'an is not only the producer of the show, but also the representative of the brokerage company.

But I have to say that his analysis is very accurate. The big explosion of the two women's groups has indeed set off a wave of women's groups!This also shows that this year is the year of victory and defeat for the women's team, a year of competition.

Liu Zaishi smiled and said, "Hani, isn't it because of Uncle Hei's recommendation?"

"That was part of the opportunity." Zhang Ping An responded with a smile and said to the AOA agent: "Girls' Generation in the first half of next year did not return to the plan, and Li Zhien did not return to the plan. This is the accurate news I got, hope Useful for your AOA."

"How do you know that IU has no plans to return?" Liu Zaishi asked casually curiously.

Zhang Ping'an smiled: "Because I helped her lead a large-scale TV series, KBS! The male number one is Professor Du, Kim Soo Hyun."

Liu Zaishi laughed at Zhang Ping’an’s answer: “I’ll just say, why did you come to KBS suddenly today? It turns out that’s the case.”

But AOA’s agent was taken aback. Zhang Ping’an casually helped Li Zhien lead the TV series?And the male number one, or Kim Soo Hyun?

However, turning around and thinking about it is quite normal. After all, Zhang Ping An is the only freelance producer in the Korean market who has not signed a contract with a TV station. His shows have maintained the ratings. KBS is no exception. He definitely wants to cooperate with him. Opportunity.So it's normal to help with a TV series. At any rate, the person he is connecting is IU, Li Zhien!

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