My entertainment circle

Chapter 491 The ultimate goal of the draft: United

As long as passers-by see the appearance of the star is a man and a woman, they will feel that there is a story, and Zhang Ping'an usually appears with Taeyeon, Pani, and the three of them for most of the time.But today, when only Zhang Ping An and Taeyeon appeared, the surrounding diners began to speculate about the inside story?When the diners saw the two enter the private room, they started to find out their phones and chat with their friends on'kakao'.

"In the big incident, Zhang Ping An and Kim Taeyeon went out for a date alone." "Big Bomb, Zhang Ping An and Kim Taeyeon secretly dated." "What day today, I saw Zhang Ping An and Kim Taeyeon, There are only two of them." "Is there any story about Zhang Ping An and Kim Taeyeon dining alone?"..

Netizens have only these insights anyway. Anyway, seeing the two alone together is a story, but even if there is a story, they cannot guess the real situation.On the other hand, the two quietly sat in the private room and ordered the sauced crab for two. They were not surprised by the comments of the diners, let alone the news they uploaded.

Since the two dare to come out for a meal, they naturally believe that there will be fans on the Internet to respond to these online rumors.It didn't take long for the news that the diners uploaded to the personal social networking site was refuted by the fans.

"Really, isn't the black fan boring? Any strange news has to come out to smear it. I don't know how many times Taeyeon, Pani, and Zhang Pingan have been photographed. Now they are caught. When dining together in private, they said, "There is a situation." Then Zhang Ping An and Sika broke up? Or Zhang Ping ate secretly? Please wake up, the two came out to dine and hide secretly? There are so many diners. Wafang Restaurant' Strange news about eating? Please, it's really enough."

"There are so many brainless rhythms, Zhang Ping An and Taeyeon can't eat together? Zhang Ping An and Lin Yoona are brought to the rhythm together, and Li Zhien is still being brought to the rhythm. Is it necessary for him to eat alone to stop the rhythm. Wake up, if you can’t meet the female idols for dinner, you can only post envious words on the Internet. And do you think your comments will affect their meals? But no, they eat well, eat To be full, not to mention your sour words that you won’t even stop eating."

The Internet is like this. Some people post some speculative articles there. Naturally, some people will come out and whitewash their favorite idols. Such things are happening on the Internet every day. There is nothing new for the media without evidence. Feeling that the two of them ate alone and didn't even get a hot search.

Regarding Zhang Ping An and Kim Taeyeon, no one who knew the inside story would come up with it.So no matter how much noise on the Internet is, it will not affect the meal of the two. This is true!

Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon picked up the sauced crabs that had been marinated. Zhang Pingan scraped the crab's delicious innards and crab paste and sighed: "Wow.. It tastes delicious when you look at it. You deserve to be the No. !"

Taeyeon nodded and said, "oppa, what do you like best? Pork, beef, or seafood?"

Zhang Pingan scraped the crab shells and filled the rice with the rice. He said while bibimbap: "I don't have any fixed favorites. I am not picky, so I only have the food I want to eat, not my favorite. Food. Maybe if I want to eat sauce crab today, I will eat sauce crab. Maybe tomorrow I want to eat teppanyaki, and I will go to eat teppanyaki again. Only the "stomach" I will never let it down."

When the crab shell bibimbap was ready, Zhang Pingan reached out and handed it to Taeyeon who was sitting opposite.Taeyeon took the crab shell bibimbap carefully made by Zhang Pingan, and the corner of her mouth raised a happy angle.She dug up the first spoon and stretched out her hand to feed it to Zhang Ping An, and he craned his neck to take the meal Taeyeon fed him.

Very sweet, very fragrant, and very heart-warming.

Compared to top-notch cuisine, eating with the right people is the most important thing.

Zhang Pingan's eyes were crescent-shaped, and he said sweetly: "Why are you feeding me sweeter?"

Taeyeon looked at Zhang Pingan's appearance, and her mood also became brighter. She laughed happily and said, "Because I put sugar in. Hahaha..."

After laughing, Taeyeon then dug a spoon for herself. She didn't pretend to be because Zhang Ping-an bit her spoon, instead she enjoyed this wonderful dinner very usually.As she ate, she inquired: "Is there any difference between the Chinese New Year and the Korean Spring Festival?"

"China’s Spring Festival is a reunion. Everyone gathers for the New Year’s Eve, and at the same time we are together to welcome the arrival of the new year. Uh, it seems that there is no difference?" There is not much difference between the sides, the meaning is the same, say goodbye to the old and welcome the new!The first day of the new year is to pray for sacrifices, hope for good luck in the new year, etc. The only difference is food, right?

Taeyeon said, "Do you wear traditional clothes during the Spring Festival?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "No. We wear new clothes and new shoes, which represent the new beginning of the new year. The Chinese New Year has a lot of fun..."

For this meal, Zhang Pingan told Taeyeon about some Chinese New Year festivals, temple fairs, lively dragon and lion dances, etc. Taeyeon found it very novel.Especially when Taeyeon heard that the Chinese New Year was about to set off fireworks, her eyes lit up.(Fireworks have not been completely banned during the Spring Festival in 2015.) Perhaps this is one of the few pleasures of the Spring Festival.


The two chatted with a kind of expectation when the Spring Festival was coming soon.After the meal, the two came out of the restaurant and walked towards the parking lot. Even though there were many people around who pointed their phones at them, they didn't take these seriously.Taeyeon has been making idols for a long time, and has become accustomed to these roadside shootings, and Zhang Pingan has followed them a lot, and doesn't care much about other people's cameras facing him.

The fans waiting at the door followed the movement of the two, and did not come forward to ask for signatures.This made Zhang Ping'an very satisfied. Compared with seeing the impulsive fans of idols, it is more comfortable to be surrounded by fans who are not going to disturb him.

The two got into Taeyeon's car during the shooting, and Zhang Pingan took the seat of the co-pilot.Taeyeon rolled down the car window and said to the fans outside: "Everyone, go back soon, it's such a cold day. I'm back to the dormitory too, goodbye everyone..."

Taeyeon's words made the fans standing on the side of the road scream: "Ouni, you are so beautiful."

Taeyeon smiled and waved, closed the window and drove away.And Zhang Pingan looked at the fans who were excited when they received Taeyeon’s greetings from the rearview mirror. He smiled and said, "They are all cute."

Taeyeon smiled and said, "Some fans are cute in front of their faces, and it is not certain whether they are my fans behind them.

Perhaps only Zhang Ping-An could make Taeyeon laugh out loud at this time, and everything else around her was an invisible shackle in her heart, or all negative.As for fans, only those familiar fans are the real fans in her eyes, right?And these have never been seen before... Taeyeon's eyes were grey at this time.

Because of her experience, she knows that fans are sometimes more scary than cute..

Listening to Taeyeon’s words, Zhang Ping’an smiled and stretched out her hand and squeezed her face: “Hey~~ The'cute person' I said is you.”

Taeyeon was angry and smiled when she heard Zhang Ping'an's words. She turned her head and did not open Zhang Ping's cheek-squeezed hand: "Ah, I'm driving, don't block my sight, do you want to die?"

After Zhang Ping'an retracted his hand, he said something that he thought to be romantic: "You are here. Go to heaven and go to hell! However, before time is up, let's stay in the world for a while, hahaha... "

"Hey~~ I almost got cramps."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and tinkered with Taeyeon’s car Bluetooth and connected to his mobile phone. He opened the music software with his phone and played the song "Happiness" by Red Beibei. Taeyeon laughed along with their cheerful singing. Turning his head and said: "Do you like Red Beibei?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "One of the two women's groups I pay most attention to right now."

"Oh? Two? Who else? Girls' Generation?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and made a'Rock' gesture and said: "The Universe's Strongest Girl's Generation."

"Hahaha~~ Girl's Generation, the strongest girl in the universe, interesting."

"I like Afan recently. What's next...JYP is preparing to launch a new girl group. This time I was in a meeting on M-net and heard that Park Jinying was planning to put the selection of the new girl group on TV. Let the audience vote like a talent show. The object of the vote is the trainees of the girl group prepared by their company. It is interesting to let the fans vote to determine the debut members? This is for the market to choose!"

When Taeyeon heard this pattern mentioned by Zhang Pingan, she opened her eyes in surprise and said, "Is JYP so bold? Let the market choose?"

"It's an interesting idea. Because it was chosen by the market, the starting point of the girl group in the future is very high. Think about the exposure of the previous program and the cater to the market... JYP is really ingenious. But it's good, positive Because he is a'JYP', this also restricts the layout. As for the talent show, if you want to play, you can play bigger, so that's interesting, don't you think?"

"What, I don't understand at all, what draft is better?"

"The show, since it's a talent show, it should either learn from "KPOP" and be oriented to the whole society or to all the brokerage companies. How about uniting all the small and medium-sized brokerage companies on the market to engage in the audition?"

Listening to Zhang Ping’s mouth uttering such unreliable words, Taeyeon immediately replied: “What crazy thing are you talking about, unite all the agencies for the draft? How is it possible?”

Zhang Ping An turned around and looked at Taeyeon and laughed: "Why is it impossible? This is something that is beneficial to all small and medium-sized brokerage companies. What is impossible for everyone to join together? Is it interesting that the market must be monopolized by the three major brokerage companies? ?"

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