My entertainment circle

Chapter 501 Group Meeting (Part 2)

PS: (Thanks to the "Rogue Rabbit" for being the leader of this book! The addition will be put later, it may be a bit late in time.)

The principal indeed moved to buy Tara after meeting with Zhang Pingan last time. As Zhang Pingan said, the popularity of their group in China is too high.Perhaps in the Korean market, they did not have much success after the event because of a problem caused by a member or a stupid company executive.

But it doesn’t matter at all. As Zhang Ping’an said, losing the Korean market is not terrible.Because the Huaxia market is large enough, and Huaxia’s benefits from attending events are much higher than those in Korea.

So this birthday the principal invited them to come to the scene as performers. This is a kind of investigation.After the inspection, he had the thought of forming a brokerage company. Of course, Zhang Ping'an still had nothing to say about it, and he couldn't say it.After all, it was something that happened in the future, and he wouldn't even remind him to do it.

Zhang Pingan and the principal sat in the lounge and chatted for a while about the news of the Korean entertainment industry. After all, he did not have time to train his own artists, so he could only'buy' in the simplest and rude way.Zhang Pingan also suggested to him the new group EXID, anyway, he will buy these in the future.However, at this time it is recommended that he buy the EXID combination in advance and make a lot of money.

After a brief chat, the group meeting tonight officially started. No host was invited, so after the company's general manager took the stage, he said today's start.In the applause, the general manager stood on the stage and briefly said some New Year's blessings and the proud achievements made in the first half of last year.The general manager came to the stage without any verbosity at all. The five-minute summary time was over, and then he said: “Next, let’s say a few words from the president of our platform, Mr. Zhang Ping’an.”

Zhang Pingan was also invited to come on stage. After he came on stage, he smiled and smiled at all the employees in the audience. At the same time, he was also facing the live broadcast footage of the anchors.He began to say: "First of all, we have to say thank you to those in the network department who are still sitting in the office to maintain the security of the platform. Thank you for your hard work tonight so that most people can participate in the group meeting. No way, we are not an entity. , It’s not that the store can close half a day in advance so that everyone can come. So I thank you on behalf of the platform, and also say sorry."

Then he continued: "I am a new media, a new network industry, which can be regarded as self-media. This year I have prepared for the platform for half a year, and have been in business for half a year, but the results are very good. So I once again thank all the workers, Everyone has worked hard. Okay, I won’t say much to conclude. I’m here on behalf of the platform to all employees and family members, as well as the friends who are watching the live broadcast, to send a New Year’s greetings in advance to everyone, Happy New Year!!"

Under the thunderous applause, Zhang Ping'an stopped and said, "OK, not long-winded, go directly to today's first link, the lottery session, the special prize! Everyone draws lots when they come in, including the anchors. Although iPhone 6 is out It’s been a while, but some people didn’t change it. Whether you changed it to this phone or not, the special award is this. It’s not bad that you can go back and give it to your family after changing it. There are not many awards, ten, because of this. It’s just a special prize. In a while, there will be first, second and third prizes. As for the prizes of the first, second and third prizes, I won’t say for the time being, let’s draw this first! Um.. So, here are two anchors, Fatty Park, MISS, can you both draw five each, we will draw on the spot!!!"

Lottery draws are always accompanied by countless calls. The notes were drawn one by one in the hands of the two anchors, but the anchors were not very lucky. The employees of the company won the prizes.

After the draw, Zhang Ping’an said: “Okay, the special prize. The ten winners are drawn and we will start to eat. For the first, second and third prizes, we will have a drink in half an hour before continuing the draw.”


The group meeting of a group of young people didn't have any verbosity. After a simple opening, they ate directly.This is not like the leaders of some companies, who won’t be able to stand on stage without saying that the first half an hour will never end.

With the pace of the Spring Festival, the group visits are always happy. Zhang Ping’an expressed his gratitude for serving a table of white wine today. Fortunately, the white wine glasses are very small, and a cup of Zhang Ping’an is solid. I really drank it. In fact, sometimes when the leader drank white water, no one said about you.

After toasting in a circle, Zhang Pingan also walked for half an hour. After sitting down, he ate some dishes to suppress the alcohol.It's been almost half an hour, and he is on stage again to draw!

Zhang Pingan came on stage again and said: "Brothers, today’s second lottery is here, the third prize, five people, 10,000 cash each. Second prize, three people, 50,000 each. The first prize is One person, one hundred thousand in cash! The money was originally meant to invite some performers, I said it would be better to send a lottery to everyone, everyone said, right?"

"Yes!!" Listening to the lottery, and it was cash, everyone present burst into high emotions.

"Okay, let's ask our chief financial officer to bring the cash up. We start the draw and finish the draw at one time. Whoever wants to go to the stage for the draw, raise his hand."

The people below raised their hands enthusiastically, and Zhang Ping'an simply said: "We have 14 tables in total, but the rewards are not so many. One table will send a representative of nine people who won the boxing guessing and winning the boxing to draw."

With the cash rewards, the people on the scene became very lively. Even though no performers were present, their enthusiasm for participating in the lottery was not worse than that of the stars.The joyful atmosphere of the New Year also broke out at this time. A total of 300,000 cash, plus this evening meal, etc., cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The third prize was 10,000 cash, and only the big nose got it from the anchor.

Teacher Park, the three anchors of the second prize, got it.

The first prize was won by an ordinary employee of the technical department, and none of the officials were drawn.Zhang Pingan was quite happy to see it. After he gave the employees the piles of money at the scene, he asked everyone to take a group photo.And the employee who stepped down with one hundred thousand cash at their table called "a treat".

Zhang Pingan said: "Today's lottery is over, everyone eat and drink well, as for those who want to change places, they can also flash people at any time."


This year's group meeting is also over after the lottery. The principal said to Zhang Ping’an: “Why don’t you find a KTV room to play in a while? Call the anchors together.”

"Yes, you can reserve a seat, principal."

The principal took out his cell phone and began to call to reserve seats. Soon the principal took a group of people and set off toward the KTV.This time, Zhang Pingan was in the principal's car.Because I drank so much liquor in front of me, it is definitely impossible to drive his Ferrari at this time.

The anchors also went to KTV with the principal, but they all took taxis.Because they all knew that they were going to have a drink today, those who had a car did not choose to drive.

Huaxia’s KTV is much higher-end than the Korean karaoke room.Regardless of the degree of decoration, as well as the supply of drinks and food, etc., they are all available.After the anchor arrived, the principal sat in the middle of the anchor, because some new faces came one after another at this time, and these were not invited to the group visit before.Mainly the principal, let them bring some beautiful girls, so some small anchors came.

Countless anchors came to the private room and turned off the live broadcast. At this time, Zhang Ping’an clicked on the song "Only.My.Railgun" (the theme song of Sister Pao)

After Zhang Ping An sang the song in pure Japanese, everyone present applauded.The principal said: "Do you still like anime? Yes, you are studying in Japan, right?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded and said: “Actually, I was on the way to visit the National Financial Center today. I don’t know where the song was released in Mandarin. The rhythm is very similar to this song... I remembered it immediately. I saw this anime when I was reading. I don’t know who sang it. I don’t know if it is a cover or something?"

"You said this, I know, a group of young boys sang it. Animation fans were very annoyed when the song came out. It was obviously a copy of the song, but the songwriter killed it and said it was not a copy."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Yes, the cost of plagiarism in China is low anyway. I want to be a few plagiarizing singers, anyway, plagiarizing some overseas songs will become famous soon."

The principal nodded and said: "It is true. I often use bands that plagiarize on the Internet. It has been a long time since China has a new generation of singer-songwriters. Just look at JJ, Jay Chou, and support from the older generation. Chinese music scene."

Zhang Ping’an responded: “It’s not the same, so my songs are not published in China. My songs were published to top Korean singers. After publishing, my copyright income was nearly 100 million won in three months. Although 100 million won is not much, which is equivalent to five or six hundred thousand, the copyright of this song will always be credited to the account. Well-known songwriters have high incomes overseas. Japan, South Korea, these well-known creators, one There are also several million yuan in income each year, which is only the income brought by the copyright of the song. But China buys out a song for 30,000 yuan, which is still a good seller? If I rely on songwriting to eat, I will simply Forget it, moving bricks is more profitable than creating. Become a singer, and work hard to create. Then who is still creating?"

The principal smiled and said: "In the Huaxia market, such creators don't get the respect they deserve. It's also because the Huaxia people are used to listening to music without money. There are various factors."

Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "The cost of plagiarism is extremely low, which will also make plagiarism in the music market more widespread and serious in the future. Perhaps only after everyone starts to pay attention to the copyright issues of creators, will there be more A lot of good music, right?"

"These things are not something we worry about, and the music industry itself doesn't take it seriously. We just want to be a quiet spectator."

"Well, knock the seeds slowly." Zhang Ping'an nodded and took a sip of beer.

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