My entertainment circle

Chapter 507 Spring Festival (1)

New Year’s Eve can be said to be the beginning of South Korea’s “Spring Festival Transport”, because many private companies have a holiday on New Year’s Eve, and factories and companies... Sorry, they will not be closed until the Spring Festival (the first day of the first month). Congestion began to appear on the expressway of China, and China may have ushered in the'Great Human Migration' since a young age.

Zhang Pingan, Taeyeon, Pani, and the three took the first-class flight to China.And the flight to Shanghai on New Year's Eve was not full?On New Year's Eve, when the whole country is in the family reunion year, Shanghai is really likely to have an "empty city".Of course, it is only limited to today, because there are still a lot of people who come out to rush to the temple fair on the first day of the new year or travel around.After all, it's the Spring Festival, everyone is on holiday.

Two hours of flying time, landing at Shanghai Airport.Zhang Pingan, Taeyeon, and Pani took their luggage and left the airport.On New Year’s Eve, there were really few people at the airport exit. After Taeyeon came out of the airport, she turned to look at Zhang Ping An and said, “There are so few people at the airport today?”

Because they only came to Shanghai for a meeting not long ago. At that time, there were a lot of people picking up luggage at the airport and exporters. After all, it was an international metropolis.However, after arriving in Shanghai today, they suddenly discovered that this is completely different from Shanghai some time ago. The exit that was originally a bit noisy is relatively quiet today.

Zhang Pingan dragged the suitcases of the two of them, and he put on his backpack and walked towards the person picking up the plane at the door: "The Spring Festival is a day for the Chinese people to reunite once a year, so come to Shanghai to work hard. Basically, the people in Seoul have gone home for the holidays. Maybe there are more people in the station waiting for the flight, right? And Shanghai itself has a small population, mainly foreigners. It feels a bit like Seoul, there will be empty cities during the Spring Festival holiday in Seoul. The situation?"

Taeyeon nodded and said, "Yes, there are very few people on the streets of Seoul during the Spring Festival. There are not many people who stay in Seoul, either traveling abroad or returning home."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "It's only one day. Because today is the time for the family to reunite, most people will go to their grandparents' house after getting up in the morning. Now..." Zhang Ping'an raised his sleeves and looked at his watch. Time: "It's a little bit now... Uh, including the time difference, it's 2:23 in the afternoon. At this time, relatives and friends all gather for tea and chat, or play mahjong."

Zhang Pingan left the airport and stood at the gate waiting for him, Xiao Zheng, the exclusive driver of the Queen. Xiao Zheng walked towards him with a smile, and first took Zhang Pingan’s luggage and said, "I'm back."

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "I really trouble you. I'm so embarrassed to let you make a special trip at this time today."

Xiao Zheng dragged the suitcase and responded with a smile: "It's okay, I'll go back after sending you home." After he became the queen's driver, his family came to Shanghai, so his family reunion and everything are in Shanghai.

Zhang Ping An introduced with a smile, "These two are members of Girls’ Generation, Taeyeon and Tiffany. This time I invite guests back."

Of course, Xiao Zheng knows that the woman who can be taken home by Zhang Ping'an for the New Year is definitely not a simple guest.However, there are some things he can only play stupid. He smiled and nodded towards the two of them, and then said in extremely fluent English: "Hello, I am the assistant to the president of PA Investment, my name is Zheng!"

Assistant to the president of the world's top investment company, this is a highly valuable position.Both Pani and Taeyeon shook hands with him separately, and then they also introduced their names without mentioning Girls' Generation.Because in the face of such a big investment group, Girls’ Generation is nothing.So they simply introduced their names, and even Taeyeon introduced herself in English.

Dragging his luggage, Xiao Zheng took the two to the airport gate together, Zhang's exclusive car, Rolls-Royce Phantom, 2015 model.Zhang Ping'an saw the brand-new car and smiled and said: "Changed car? Changed Rolls-Royce? Where's Maybach?"

Xiao Zheng put the suitcases of the two in the trunk, and at the same time replied: "It stopped at the company."

After placing the luggage, Xiao Zheng opened the door for the two of them to let them board the car, and fixed the two seats in the back seat. As a man, Zhang Ping'an must only take the passenger seat.

When Xiao Zheng was driving, Zhang Ping'an turned to the two people behind him and said: "I heard that Rolls-Royce is designing a convertible. It should be on the market this year. I will buy one at that time."

"Don't you have one?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Well, change to open the hard top in winter and open the hood in summer."

Sitting in the car, Zhang Pingan’s mobile phone adjusted the flight mode to the Internet, and then he connected to WeChat, and the voice of letters began to be heard continuously.The company also asked Zhang Ping An when the meeting would be held?Because the remaining executives may have booked a ticket or high-speed train to go home today, but the sudden outbreak of digging caused them to delay their return home journey one by one.

Zhang Ping’an replied: “I’ll come right away and wait for me for half an hour.” Zhang Ping’an turned to Xiaozheng and said, “Send me to my company first. The high-level over there is waiting for me for a meeting, recently in South Korea. Our platform is getting hot, and China's competitive platform wants to dig the fruit."

"Okay. Live broadcast, our company has done research..." Before Xiao Zheng finished speaking, Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, I know, I have discussed this with my mother last time."

"that's OK."

Zhang Ping'an turned his head and looked at them again: "Now I'm going to my company. The matters over there are waiting for me to deal with. Why don't you go to my company?"

"Okay, take the opportunity to visit your live broadcast company."


Soon, Zhang Ping'an brought the two girls' generation to his live broadcast company. Today, except for some people in the network group who stayed behind to work overtime, the other employees of the company have gone home on vacation.In the empty office, only the network security team stared at the facts on the computer. They visited the company and found that there was nothing special about the company, and then they sat in the company's rest area.

Many employees saw the two beauties wearing masks sitting and didn't know who they were, and they didn't dare to come forward to say hello. After all, they were brought by Zhang Pingan.How dare they flirt casually?

In the conference room, Zhang Ping'an, the personnel department, and the general manager chatted about digging people: "How is the online traffic on our platform these two days?"

“China’s live broadcast from Valentine’s Day on the 14th has stabilized at around 10 million during prime time. Moreover, the number of Korean users and online has risen linearly in recent days. There are also a few anchors in Japan who have come in, and there will be none after one day. It's moving."

The actual number of online users is 10 million, which is still very scary. It is also because all walks of life have started their holidays in February, especially starting from Valentine's Day, and it is normal that the flow of people is increasing now.

The personnel department said: "Mr. Zhang, now the two platforms outside have started to dig new anchors, and we have received news that many people have switched jobs."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Tell them to dig. Didn't the Korean anchor let you sign the contract after moving in? Did you pay the signing fee?"

"We signed a contract, but we haven't transferred the signing bonus. We didn't expect other people to move so fast."

"It's okay, dig it. A liquidated damage of one million Chinese coins, ten is ten million. The main traffic is not digged, and the small anchor does not matter. I will go to Japan in the next year, and the layout of Japan is our platform. The next focus. South Korea...wait for them to dig!!!"

People in the personnel department said in a puzzled way: "Uh? Are you really waiting for them to dig? Although it is a small anchor, some people still have thousands of traffic. (No water injection)"

"It's okay, dig, let them dig. Anyway, we will attract more people in Korea. Don’t pay the signing bonus for the batch that comes in after the beginning of the year. Just leave anytime and anywhere. Anyway, the salary and gifts are not. Made."

The general manager said: "The platform has begun to dig people from each other, and it is very serious. Someone has issued tens of millions of signing fees for large traffic. In the future, our platform..."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "When I set up Japan for two months, we will start financing. After Japanese anchors come in, our valuation will increase a lot, right? Have you heard of'AKB'?"

Everyone present shook their heads and said, "I didn't pay special attention to idols."

Zhang Ping An responded with a smile: "Ms. Hatano always knows, right?"

Because they are all young people, they all laughed when Zhang Pingan talked about these famous'teachers': "Hahaha, for sure, Mr. Hatano is very good."

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "This time the layout of Japan is related to this group of'teachers'!!"

"No, invite'teachers' to live broadcast? It won't violate the rules, right?"

Zhang Ping’an said silently: “We are live broadcasting, not making movies. I will tell them and let them do the live broadcasting honestly! Communicate with the audience some interesting facts about life, and the experience of Japan! Muscat, this Good group!!"

"Muscat? Amazing!! Hahaha!!" One of the supervisors immediately gave a thumbs up.

"So stick to it. I will get up and go to Japan as soon as possible after the Spring Festival. Let's do it for the time being. Just let them dig people. It’s not bad that these small anchors can bring us one million platform benefits. Just treat them as us. The platform has done good deeds for everyone and enriched the live broadcast industry, so that our industry will be recognized by more investors. Okay, everyone who has booked a ticket and wants to go back, hurry back. I also want to go home for a New Year dinner , The family is waiting for me."

The meeting room was over. Zhang Ping'an finished the meeting in less than 20 minutes, and then took Taeyeon and Pani back to his home.

The two of them sat in the car and watched the pole of the gate of the community lift up. They both became nervous...

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