My entertainment circle

Chapter 520 Let's play a big one?

After the appearance of the South Korean queen, the atmosphere of the dining table suddenly changed. Han Shenghao was even a little dazed. Everything about Zhang Ping An was really too mysterious for him.What he found out with his scope of ability was only to know that Zhang Pingan knew the CEO of the securities company, but he never expected that this top Korean queen would actually know Zhang Pingan’s family?

This South Korean queen personally contacted Zhang Pingan’s family during the Spring Festival?This shows what?It shows that Zhang Ping An’s family background must be almost the same as that of the Queen of Korea.This queen was born as a chaebol, and is the largest chaebol family in Korea!That also shows that Zhang Pingan's family background must be China's top rich family.

Indeed, in recent years, there have been more and more Chinese billionaires on the international stage. Zhang Ping’an has always accompanied him by the pronoun of “China Rich”, but no one thought he was so rich that the “Queen of South Korea” knew him!

After the queen left the private room, they all sat back. Han Shenghao looked at Zhang Ping'an differently: "Well, Zhang PD... I didn't expect you to know this lady?"

The energy represented by this lady is beyond Han Seung-ho's imagination. In Korea, it is easy for her to make his company disappear, especially if his brokerage company is a small listed company, which is better.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "My family may be in contact with this lady. As you know, their company has many factories in China, and may have some business contacts. Specifically, I am not sure. "

Han Shenghao asked curiously: "That.. take the liberty to ask, what is your family's business?"

Zhang Ping'an really wants to say, "Since you feel presumptuous, what else do you ask?'But he still made a superficial look. He responded with a smile: "In fact, I didn't do anything, just do something casually."

Zhang Ping'an responded vaguely. In fact, he didn't want to tell Han Shenghao about his family.But the more he didn't want to say it, the more it made Han Shenghao feel his mysterious.Yes, people who can deal with the best families in Korea are definitely not bad!

At this time, even Jin Seolhyun, who was sitting next to him, felt that Zhang Ping’an had become more powerful. If Zhang Ping’an was just a very powerful producer in her eyes, then the appearance of Ms. Li instantly made Zhang Pingan has become more advanced!People in the circle know the background and resources of one thing, these are the hardest things in the entertainment industry, especially the background!!

With such a background, coupled with his own very strong production plan, it is no wonder that his shows are sought after, and no TV stations deliberately embarrass him.

In fact, Zhang Ping’an rarely used things about the background, and only this time when SBS was producing "Jianghu Duel" he troubled Ms. Li to help contact the people on the fire department, so that the show passed the fire department as soon as possible. an examination.

The programs produced on weekdays can mainly meet the income of the TV station.Except for'KBS', the three major TV stations in South Korea have no financial support. Public TV stations that take care of their own profits and losses mainly make money through advertising.The sales price of advertisements is related to the ratings of the programs. TV stations that want to make money will naturally not extrapolate the good programs produced by Zhang Pingan.

MBC sold time to Zhang Ping An for the first time.And Zhang Pingan took the position of the'first in the same period' by virtue of the time period of purchase, so that the advertising period made a lot of money on the manufacturer's side.MBC is now smarter. Next time Zhang Ping An asked to buy time, they chose the cooperative way.The birth of "The King of Masked Singer" made the TV variety department laugh.Because not only the TV station has earned a reputation, but also a large amount of money.

The weekend’s prime segment has the highest ratings in the same period. This price is a time when countless manufacturers are competing.


Artists need contacts, because contacts are equivalent to resources.It’s no secret that there is mutual support between artists.And what is more important than the contacts in the circle is the investor.Investors also need to be divided into big and small. I didn't know Zhang Ping'an's background before. After Ms. Li appeared, Xuexuan also understood that Zhang Ping'an's level was much higher than he thought.

Han Shenghao looked at Zhang Pingan and didn't want to say it. He smiled and said, "Don't talk about that, Zhang PD, come and toast you first." Then Han Shenghao turned to look at Xuexuan and said, "You stay steady."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and raised the "sip cup" of Huaxia Baijiu and nodded with Han Shenghao. Because the big table was too far apart, clinking glasses and too lazy to get up, so nodded.Raising his head and taking a sip, the hot Huaxia wine went down the throat and into the stomach, a mellow smell spreading from all sides, and the pores were all opened.

Zhang Pingan's ability to accept high-concentration alcohol is definitely better than Han Shenghao's.Han Shenghao looked up at Zhang Ping'an and he raised his head to toast, so he could only follow his head up and sulky.The strong alcohol dispersed in his stomach, and Han Shenghao's chubby face instantly became tangled together.And Xuexuan next to him just sips when she sees it, just a drop of it enters her mouth and instantly emits acridity.

She frowned and mixed her saliva to swallow the sip of wine, and then the heat wave in her stomach hit her and she grew up and breathed. She wanted to use the cool air to quench the wine in her heart.The scent of wine shook in her nose as she breathed in and inhaled, and Xuexuan gritted her teeth and frowned.

Zhang Ping'an laughed upon seeing this: "Hahaha, let's eat something to suppress the spicyness of the wine."

At this time, everyone moved their chopsticks.. With the first clink, Zhang Ping’an no longer persuaded them to toast, but instead decided to drink as much as they wanted.

Hot dishes gradually came in, Xuexuan looked at these Chinese dishes that had never been tried before, and Han Shenghao stared at Zhang Ping’an and said: “Zhang PD, last time, we talked about investment. You still have it here. Intentions? This year, our company's profitability is still very good."

If he wants to continue to expand the scale of the company and thus increase the stock price, he must have more liquid funds to dig more artists to fill.

"I read the analysis report. In the first half of this year, your declared profit was 29.1 billion won, of which net profit was 4.1 billion won. The market value is around 180 billion won. If I invest 20 billion, I can get a share of about '11'. With a profit of 4.1 billion in the first half of last year, I could earn 450 million won, and it was half a year! And the idol’s value directly affects the company’s stock price. Now AOA’s performance is pretty good, which means I can earn 1 billion won in a year. ! If I invest 20 billion in two variety shows and I am self-sufficient, I am confident that I will turn 20 billion into 50 billion within a year. So now I need a reason for you to impress my investment!!!"

Zhang Pingan's remarks are quite normal. Han Shenghao wants to attract investment now, so he must use the "future" pie to convince investors.And the "future" put it bluntly is to make up stories. Whether your story can impress investment talents is the key!

Zhang Pingan was eating while listening to Han Shenghao's story.

Han Shenghao said: "Although the current year was a billion in dividends, we will expand the company's staff after getting your financing, thereby boosting the stock price. Your investment of 20 billion in exchange for '11' or so shares, the future It may appreciate to 23 billion."

Zhang Ping’an continued: “If FNC’s artists make a mistake and are reported by'D Agency', my 20 billion may become 17 billion, or even fall to 15 billion. SM’s stock price fluctuates in the second half of last year, and the company’s market value evaporates. I can remember the things that I remember. The departure of a member will not have an ordinary influence on the company’s stock price. So I now ask, how many artist contracts are left in your hand? And how do you guarantee , The artists don’t make negative news?"

Han Shenghao said: “The artist with the shortest contract in the company is still three years away. Li Hongji’s group has signed a new contract with us, so there will be no major changes in the artist contract within three years.”

Zhang Ping An finally left a sentence: "I just ask, if I hold '11' shares, when can I cash out?"

Stocks are worthless before they are cashed out.Only by cashing out can it be called money.And the cash in Zhang Ping'an's mouth made Han Shenghao flat.Because the shares of around '11', if they are thrown into the market and eaten by retail investors, it will not hurt him personally. But once the 11% of the shares are eaten by the former capital, FNC's shareholder position The change is big.

Han Shenghao looked at Zhang Ping'an with a look of surprise and a little speechless. As a representative of the brokerage company, he certainly hoped that a large investor with resources like Zhang Ping'an could hold the shares as long as possible.But now Zhang Pingan suddenly talked about the issue of selling, which made him wonder how to answer: "Uh...this..."

Zhang Pingan saw that Han Shenghao stopped talking, so he took the initiative to say: "In this way, let's play a big game together, are you interested? I can make your company appreciate by 50% in half a year. I can even invest 30 billion in it. !"

Han Shenghao looked at Zhang Ping'an vigilantly and said, "Are you going to enter the stock market and pull the stock price?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “Getting into the market to pull the stock price? Seriously, if you honestly do a non-listed company, maybe outside capital has nothing to do with you. Now, since your company is already listed, you Isn’t it just a heart of "cutting leeks"? Let’s get off the court together, how about cutting a leek?"

"No, the company is my root, I will definitely not end." For Han Shenghao, he is not an employer, he is just an honest tool man.

Perhaps he has his own ideas about operating a brokerage company, but when it comes to financial matters, he is all leeks!If it weren’t for his company’s too little market value, I guess he wouldn’t know how the management played it..

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