My entertainment circle

Chapter 522 Life is Cross Road!

For Han Shenghao and their FNC... Seolhyun's future is definitely optimistic, otherwise she won't be able to invest in her.But fortune is really unclear. It's not that the company and Seolhyun didn't work hard, but the results were not satisfactory. Who can blame this?I can only say, "Time is also fate!"'Furthermore, Cao'e, who is on the same team, has never been inclined by the company's resources, but she has become popular.

The only thing to blame is the "market"?Blame the market for not following the pace planned by their company?Why can't the blame market cater to their marketing plan?Why can't the blame market accept the Kim Seolhyun they launched?

I don’t know if Zhang Ping’an’s words are too deceptive, or Han Shenghao also looks forward to Xuexuan’s ability to enhance his “personal brand value”.Yes, their company has invested so much in her, but there is no return. As a representative, he must be a little dissatisfied.The company gave the best to Seolhyun, and it must be expected from her in return, but she...

You must know that the brokerage company is not for charity. If you come a few times, if you don't make money, then you can only get away!Why do so many idols disappear every year in Korea?It's because you can't make money for the company!The company’s logic is like this: If I don’t make money, why should I support you?eat?

The current'AOA' has made money, but with so many resources invested in Xuexuan, I haven't seen her return to the company, then the company must be invested by another person.It's not that the company didn't give you a chance and you were not popular, it was because you didn't have the chance to become'red'.If the company's resources are tilted on others, Xuexuan can only recognize it!

And Zhang Ping’an’s bewitching seemed to make Han Shenghao see a ray of light, which was a ray of light that could bring the company back to its original form!And Han Shenghao is not the kind of boss who likes to'sell' his own artists, otherwise he would have taken them AOA to do it.After all, they experienced two years of unknown time after their debut!

Zhang Ping'an's words confuse Han Shenghao like an abyss,'can make money back, surpass Cao'e and Hani, and make money for the company.'But the last reason made him turn his head to look at Jin Xuexuan beside him.Although he hopes that Seolhyun can make a profit for the company, he can't make this decision for Seolhyun. After all, it is her life, so all the choices fall into Seolhyun's hands.

Seolhyun looked at Han Shenghao's inquiries about her gaze, and looked at Zhang Ping An, who was relaxing and drinking next to her. Her heart suddenly became numb, because Zhang Ping...You can easily see from his expression, whether he can get it... he doesn't care.

Yeah, he really doesn't care.He can earn tens of billions of won a year in South Korea. Will people like him lack women?If he announces that he will be single again, there will be many people who want to approach him by the opportunity?After all, so rich and rich in resources, who is not willing to approach.The unfamiliar person wants to borrow his resources to become famous, and the famous person thinks that his wealth matches him very well, so Zhang Ping'an is the'true fragrance' in the eyes of women.

When the room fell silent, Zhang Ping'an's cell phone suddenly rang a text message alert tone.Zhang Ping'an took out his cell phone and saw that the letter was actually "Aragaki Yui": "On February 28, the new film will be released."

Seeing the news, Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "I sent you a message last time, but I never got back. Now I am sending a message to the new movie? Classmates did it for you.. It's amazing!!"

Although he said so, Zhang Ping'an still replied a text message: "By then, I will definitely join in! When the promotion of your new film ends, we will have dinner together."

After Zhang Pingan's message was sent, I thought Yui Aragaki would not reply anymore.Because she was originally a person who was too lazy to reply to the text message, she should say that there was nothing urgent in the text message that needed to be answered immediately, she read it, and would not reply at all.

However, after Zhang Ping’an put away the phone, the text message sounded again, and the reply was simple and clear. It is worthy of the style of Yui Aragaki: "OK!"

This time it was Zhang Pingan's turn not to reply. After reading the message, he put away the phone and looked up at Han Shenghao beside him.He smiled and said, "A classmate asked you to help promote the new film?"

Zhang Ping'an only then remembered that he used Korean in front of his complaints, and they all listened to them.So he nodded and said, "Yes, my classmates who used to study in Japan are doing pretty well in the circle now. They are at the level of a national actress in Japan!"

Listening to Zhang Pingan’s description, Han Shenghao curiously said: "National actress? Who?"

"Aragaki Yui!" Zhang Ping An smiled lightly after uttering the name, feeling a little smug.

Han Shenghao nodded and said, "Aragaki Yui is indeed a goddess in Japan. It feels similar to Kim Tae Hee, Song Hye Kyo, and Jun Ji Hyun in Korea."

"The three Japanese goddesses, Yui Aragaki, Rimi Ishihara, Masami Nagasawa. The three of them really feel the same as the three in Korea, but they debuted a little later!"

Han Shenghao smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you and Yui Aragaki were classmates."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I didn't expect her to become a national-level actor. I only remember that she was very popular in the class when she was in high school, but she couldn't come to school because of frequent work."

After talking about Yui Aragaki, Zhang Ping'an looked at Jin Xuexuan again.And Xuexuan lowered her head again to avoid Zhang Pingan's gaze.At this time, Zhang Ping'an said: "Today...Let's stop here. Go back and think about it!"

"You" was not only to Han Shenghao, but also to Jin Seolhyun!Anyway, he really didn't care about this matter, and he couldn't be anxious, even if he was'greedy', he couldn't show an impatience.This is the true nature of the scumbag!The more you seem to care, the more likely you are to be'green' in the end!

Just when Zhang Ping An asked to leave, Han Shenghao said: "Zhang PD, what's going on tonight?"

Zhang Ping'an waved his hand and responded: "No, but I have said everything I should say, don't you need time to think about it? Then wait until you think about it, otherwise it won't be a problem for everyone to sit here."

Han Shenghao nodded to express his understanding, but his gaze turned to Xuexuan again.After hesitating for two seconds, he said, "Zhang PD, how about five minutes, please?"

Zhang Pingan looked at Han Shenghao, then at Xuexuan, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go to the bathroom."


Zhang Ping An came out of the private room and walked toward the bathroom, but he could roughly guess what was happening in the private room at this time.

After Zhang Ping An left, Han Shenghao looked at Jin Xuexuan and said, "Xue Xuan, I can't force you to do such a thing. Everything depends on your own choice. Zhang Ping An did not force it. This is an exchange of interests. Although I don't know exactly what way he can help you, but your agent and I suspected that Zhang Ping'an knew'Uncle Black'. So... you should think carefully."

Xuexuan was silent, and Han Shenghao finally said: "The company has not tried to support your resources. We have all worked hard. Some things can not be achieved with hard work. This is what you and I understand. Compared with We are definitely not as good as Zhang Pingan for hype because he has money and resources. What he said today, you also have a scale in your heart, is it worth it? If you don’t regret it, it’s all your business? The company will definitely have resources on you in the future There will be fewer and fewer, you have to understand us. You are a team of seven, and the company needs to treat it fairly."

Han Shenghao's last remarks are a bit interesting. On the face of it, he is not forced, but he also directly shows that he hopes Seolhyun will accept the'reality'.The resources will not be given to you in the future. Either you will mix with those who have no schedule in the dormitory. If you still want to get the resources, then you must first return the previous investment to the company!

These words are actually'playing a hooligan'!It's a bit of a threat, or you can eat collective resources in the dormitory just like the members. Of course, if you choose this route, the company will accept it.If you are unwilling to be idle in the company and listen to gossip, then you can only accept Zhang Ping'an's terms!!

Xuexuan listened to Han Shenghao's words, she raised her head and looked at him and said, "Representative, can Zhang Ping An really make me the same level as Cao'e?"

"I... I don't know either. But you should know in your heart that he will not be a liar. Because standing at his height, he doesn't even bother to lie! The power behind his display, the lady who entered in front, Do you know each other?"

Kim Seol-hyun said, "Does anyone in Korea know her?"

Han Shenghao nodded and said, "Yeah, do you still doubt that Zhang Ping'an can't do it? Although I don't know how he will do it, I only know that he doesn't speak big words. It's like investing in our company. It's just making a wave of quick money, the purpose is very clear!"

"I see, can I think about it for a while?"

"Okay, you can think about it for a while. I'll go first, here is fifty thousand yuan. You will take a taxi back to the dormitory in a while, and I won't send you off." Han Shenghao left Jin Xuexuan alone because he knew this Seolhyun needs to talk to Zhang Pingan alone for the matter!He is somewhat inconvenient here.

As for whether the talks are successful, it depends on how Xuexuan and Zhang Pingan talk.It doesn't matter if the talks are not made, she can just take a taxi and go home.

Holding the 50,000 yuan given by the representative, Xuexuan sat in the private room just like that, waiting for Zhang Ping'an to return.

She is also very confused, it is difficult to make a decision.However, this kind of "mess" in the circle can be said to be very common, but she did not expect that such a thing would be her turn. She didn't know if it was lucky or unfortunate?

Gain and loss in exchange!

In fact, human beings are a little hard to resist when they really face fame and fortune!

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