My entertainment circle

Chapter 530: Looking for Teachers (Part 2)

PS: (A wave of anti-theft, modify it after ten minutes. There will be no secondary charges!)

Facing the temptation of fame and fortune, few people in the world can maintain a calm mind.At least people with the career of being a star can't stand the temptation. What is the original intention of being a star?In the vernacular, their original intention of becoming stars is to gain fame, and to make more money after gaining fame. This is the original intention of Jin Seolhyun to make idols. This is the bloody reality!

After Han Shenghao left, Jin Seolhyun, who was holding fifty thousand yuan in the private room, fell into deep thought. Just like Han Shenghao said before, "Whether it is worth it, I will not regret it later.Because this is her life, she has no regrets after she decides on her own!Han Shenghao said that with her, Zhang Ping'an also showed a very indifferent indifferent.

The remaining Seolhyun squeezed the 50,000 yuan, seeing this brand-new banknote twisted and deformed in her hand, perhaps it means her life choice?She looked down at the crumpled money, and said in her heart, “Am I hesitating'right or wrong'? But the world doesn’t seem to see right or wrong, because everyone only looks at success. People!"

With this crumpled money, stop here and leave?Maybe her next life will be as wrinkled as this money?

Because she got the most resources in the team since her debut, no one in the team had any complaints at the beginning. Everyone thought that she could get hot, and then led the whole team up.It's a pity that Seolhyun didn't do what his teammates expected, but Cao'e, a man who didn't occupy resources, succeeded.

Moreover, the company represented by Han Shenghao said frankly that the resources on your body will be cut off next, let her return to the dormitory to wait for team resources with her teammates.She used to be the only one who was busy making TV series and movies when no one had a job.Now that she has no resources, will everyone look good to her when she returns to the dormitory?Obviously it is the one who'eats' the most in the team. What is the result?Isn't it the same to come back and sit on the cold bench!

Even for the friendship of the team, the teammates would not say these words face to face. Do you really think that there is no cynicism in their hearts?I must say something when I carry her, after all, AOA is not supported by her'Jin Seolhyun'!

Now is to ask if she can bear these things?Yes, then take this crumpled'money' and go.

Just when Jin Xuexuan was confused, Zhang Pingan who had gone to the bathroom returned. He opened the private room door and watched Jin Xuexuan sitting there alone.Han Shenghao has disappeared. He tilted his head in doubt, because he just came out of the bathroom, and he didn't see Han Shenghao also go to the bathroom along the way.

Zhang Ping'an was puzzled: "Huh, what about Representative Han?" Then he came to the position next to Xuexuan and sat down because she was sitting at the closest position to the private room door.Zhang Pingan looked at the crumpled '50,000 won' in Seolhyun's hand, and he smiled and stretched out his hand.

Seolhyun handed the 50,000 won in her hand to Zhang Ping An, while responding: "Representative.. just left."

"Going back?" Zhang Ping'an raised his head questioningly and looked at Xuexuan. Today, she was specially arranged to go to the beauty salon in order to come over for dinner. The makeup from the beauty salon will definitely not be bad!

While admiring Xuexuan's appearance, Zhang Ping'an had already spread her '50,000 yuan' in his palm, and flattened the twisted money with both hands.

Xuexuan nodded and said, "Well, I'm going back."

Zhang Pingan returned the money to Xuexuan after spreading it out, "Yours, take it."

Seeing the money unfolding in Zhang Ping'an's palm, Xuexuan seemed to have opened his heart knot.She finally looked up at Zhang Pingan and smiled and said, "Thank you."

Looking at her appearance, Zhang Pingan knew that she might have made a decision: "Did you figure it out?"

Jin Xuexuan nodded and said, "I figured it out! I want to succeed!"

Zhang Ping'an smiled at the appearance of her getting serious: "Under normal circumstances, there are two ways to be an artist to succeed. First, hard work and luck. From the beginning of choosing a brokerage company, it is a manifestation of luck. Just like. Hyoyeon had the worst personal itinerary in Girls’ Generation, but she became a member of Girls’ Generation because of luck and hard work! Second, capital operation! There are more artists relying on capital to operate. You are the direct contact. , It should be very clear."

Of course, there are two types of capital operations. One is the brokerage company model, which allows them to continuously make money for the company. This is also capital.There is also the most direct dependence on the sponsor!

Nowadays, a lot of less well-known female artists in South Korea are looking for capital'cooperation' through social software.These are not hidden secrets. Otherwise, why do they post pictures on INS every day?Really thought it was narcissism in your beauty?Or are they showing off their beauty?But why they show off, to put it bluntly, is not to find an'investor' who can change their lives.

When Jin Xuexuan heard Zhang Ping’an’s words, she nodded and said: “I only know! Because fans will only focus on successful artists. As for those in the corner, they never care about it! Even though they are more Work hard."

"Efforts are not necessarily rewarding, are there few examples of this? And the entertainment industry is already a cruel place. Only when you become famous will you pay attention to you. With attention, capital will invest more in your body, which forms A snowball effect! Just like Bae Suzy’s teammates and Hyuna’s teammates, don’t they work hard? I believe they work very hard every time they follow the team on the stage. But who cares if they work hard? Right..."

Zhang Ping'an stopped here when he said, he got up and picked up the hot tea on the table and poured a cup for himself and Xuexuan. After he took a sip of tea, he continued and said: "When you have no money, you want to make money. The difficulty of getting rich is very difficult, and it does not mean that it is absolutely unsuccessful. It is just a little, and it is very little. But the family you were born into is already very rich, and it becomes simpler if you make money again. Just like I invest in you Like the company, I went with 20 billion won, and I was confident that it would be 30 billion won when it returned to me within half a year. But do ordinary people dare to say that they are confident? Let alone earn 10 billion, earn 100 million They all find it difficult!"

Seolhyun nodded and said, "So fans will only look to success!"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “Yes, what you did before success is unknown to them, and it is not important. Because they only care about you after success, and even if someone digs up some of the past Naturally, fans will also jump out for maintenance. Because successful artists are perfect for fans, as long as the artists don’t kill themselves after success. And if your company sees you succeed, I believe they will too Put more resources on you!"

These words of Zhang Ping'an made Xuexuan nod her head in confession.And the last sentence is also very important. If it succeeds, the company's resources will come in again!

Seeing her nodding, Zhang Ping'an smiled, and then turned to the door, he said to the waiter: "Thank someone to open a room for me."

The waiter nodded and quickly went to notify the restaurant manager. Soon, a room card was delivered to Zhang Ping'an, and even the registration procedure was not necessary.

The top floor, large suite.Zhang Pingan took Xuexuan into the room together and sat in the living room of the room. Zhang Pingan opened the curtain and looked at the Nanshan Tower on the top of the mountain.After Xuexuan came in, she sat on the edge of the sofa, motionless, seemingly stable, but in fact she was quite flustered.After all, it was the first time she experienced such an exchange of interests.

It's not that she didn't fall in love when she was studying, if she hadn't been in love before... then that would be too much!

Zhang Pingan looked at Seolhyun sitting on the edge of the sofa and said, "Let's take a shower."


Although the night sky outside is getting darker and darker, there is a bright moon blooming in the darkness, and only it can attract everyone's attention in the night.In fact, the North Star is visible to the naked eye, but it is ignored by most people, because most people only see Haoyue!

Only the faint bedside lamp was on in the room, and Jin Seol-hyun's skin was wheatish and healthy after removing her makeup.Her tight legs were entangled by Zhang Ping'an, and she lay in his arms cleverly.

She walked on her back with Zhang Ping's hand in the blanket, and the sweat on her back was still not dry.At this time, Zhang Ping’an said: “Recently you only need to do one thing, fitness and shape! Complete this requirement, I will let you change everything, I need you to achieve a more perfect body! If you want to succeed, Desperate to complete the shape within this month!"

Because the song-playing period of AOA has just passed, Seolhyun's figure is still good, but not perfect.What Zhang Pingan needs is the perfect Jin Seolhyun!It's the perfect body that makes you drool!

The relationship is getting closer, and Seolhyun's name to Zhang Ping An has also changed: "oppa, do you want me to lose weight?"

"It's not about losing weight, it's about shaping! Don't lose weight, but build a healthy figure. If you can do it, I can let you pick up ten ads next year! This is closely related to your personal career, remember!! "

When Jin Xuexuan heard ten advertisements, she immediately nodded and said, "Well, I will sign up for a gym shaping course tomorrow!"

"Also, you remembered it to me, you are my person!"

"Got it. You give me a change in my life. Then I give it to you, my life!"

This is their exchange. He stands behind and supports her at the top of the entertainment circle, and she is responsible for giving her everything.

"Go to sleep, it's late, we've been playing for so long."

Yes, for Zhang Pingan who has been'greedy' for so long, of course he played for a long time.


At dawn, Seol-hyun opened his eyes and saw the sunshine outside today through the window. The cherry blossoms in Yeouido will be blooming as well, right?

Her life also opened a new chapter with the sun!!

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