My entertainment circle

Chapter 556 Seolhyun's Telecom Endorsement

Zhang Pingan and Seolhyun came out of the beauty salon after finishing their work. I have to say that the stylists in the beauty salon are very good. Jin Seolhyun, who was still wearing sportswear in front, came out with a seductive energy.Of course it is the manifestation of makeup. What Seoling said is that Jin Seolhyun, who was originally healthy and exercising, has a more feminine touch after her eyeliner is gone.

The faint fragrance of perfume, the long hair hanging down the shoulders, the beauty of Chi Guoguo, and Xue Hyun, who has been practicing for a month, has shaped her figure to perfection, and beauty makeup has made up for the lack of women!Seolhyun at this time has simply lost the'local flavor'.Um, Seolhyun's skin is slightly darker, so...

With the combination of beauty makeup and clothing, Seolhyun became fashionable, especially the super-fitting jeans wrapped her legs, and her hips were perfectly outlined.It can be said that the femininity has increased rapidly, and the sense of "surname" is bursting, and her figure has stimulated the primitive desire of men.

When getting in the car, because the car has double doors, those in the back must get in before the car in front can get on.It is not like a four-door car, which can be boarded at the same time.So after the agent entered the car first, Zhang Pingan and Jin Xuexuan got into the car separately. It happened that this scene was recorded by a passing person with a mobile phone and posted on their personal INS..

This enthusiastic netizen took several photos in a row. Zhang Pingan and Xuexuan were walking on the street talking and laughing.You Xuexuan looked at Zhang Pingan with a smile, and Zhang Pingan opened the door for Xuexuan. Of course, the agent who was behind them was automatically mosaiced by him.

"Real hammer, Zhang Pingan and Sika have broken up, and AOA Seolhyun is in love!" A real hammer, as if the news of Zhang Pingan and Sika broke up.

The news quickly spread on the Internet, and some people even'at' Sika on the INS: "Really broke up?"

"Isn't it? Break up? Not long ago, the two were photographed eating together in Huaxia." "I was photographed in Huaxia, it was more than half a month ago."

At the beginning, it was just a discussion from netizens, and gradually the media joined in.FNC quickly received a call from reporters for inquiries, and FNC’s answer was rather vague, “We are confirming...” and SM only responded “Artists’ private lives. We have no right to interfere. After confirmation, we will Announce accurate news in a timely manner.'

The two rare brokerage companies both took vague answers, and even Jessica, who was'at', remained silent, and did not stand up to speak out.Sika didn't speak, because she was filming a variety show in China at this time, and the news on the Internet was completely unknown.And the agent of China with Sika to participate in the show is Zhang Ping An's agent.He didn't dare to inquire about the relationship between his boss and Sika, so he could only wait to tell Sika when the set was off.

In fact, when FNC received the news at the first time, Han Shenghao immediately contacted Zhang Ping An. Do you want to deny it the first time?Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Don’t admit it, don’t deny it. Drag first, let the name of'Xue Hyun' enter the hot search first. You can contact SM and ask them to help drag it, just say it’s me, please Yes, I will explain to Sika."

Xuexuan, sitting next to Zhang Pingan, listened to him constantly communicating about the news of the two on the phone, and even he was not afraid of affecting his relationship with Sika.So Xuexuan clearly understood that Zhang Pingan really put a lot of thought into getting her into everyone's field of vision this time.


After the lunch time, Zhang Pingan, Jin Xuexuan, and her agent arrived at the headquarters of SK Telecom, a quarter of an hour earlier than the agreed time.

At noon, Zhang Pingan and her manager were too embarrassed to eat in front of her because of Jin Xuexuan's side by side, so the two simply drank a cup of coffee and filled their stomachs first.

The advertising department and conference room of SK headquarters, this time there is a director (the person who holds the shares), and there is also the advertising department and the director.

When the director took the lead and approached the meeting room, he extended his hand towards Zhang Ping’an enthusiastically from a distance: "Delegant Zhang, hello, hello. I have always heard that Delegate Zhang is young and promising, and I finally saw it today. is you."

Zhang Ping An looked at this enthusiastic middle-aged uncle in a daze, reached out and shook hands with him, and then introduced himself: "Hello, I am Zhang Ping An."

Seeing Zhang Ping’s look confused, the director said: “Last year, I was fortunate enough to meet with your mother with the chairman. Oh, I forgot to say, I am the director of SK Group, my last name is Jin.” Then the minister He also introduced himself, but his introduction seemed irrelevant.Because this is the director of the group, which is from the head office, he is in charge of everything today.

After their introduction, Zhang Ping'an said'hello' again: "Director Kim, Director Li, how are you."

After this greeting, Zhang Ping’an became more relaxed in his heart. He originally thought that he might have to spend a lot of effort to discuss today, but he didn’t expect that the negotiation would be easier if you have someone you “know”. ?

Don't think that if you know someone, people will give up their resources for no reason. If he can be a director, he is naturally not a fool!

Coupled with his being a director of such a large group, there is no need to cheat on peace.Because their group is a family business, his director is already the highest position, if he wants to be promoted, he will be the representative position.Unless he has the heart to seize power and needs funds, he might even swear to Zhang Ping'an, but he can go to see Zhang Ping'an's mother with the group chairman, and he is destined to have no desire to seize power.

Then the rest is naturally in business, and they must know how much the position of'SK Telecom Spokesperson' will give newcomers like Seol Hyun how much benefit!

"Sit, sit, let's sit and talk."

After the group sat down, the secretary also brought in coffee, and the aroma of coffee wafted in the meeting room, which also indicated that the negotiation had officially begun.

Zhang Ping'an asked, "Excuse me, did your company's advertising department read Xuexuan's resume? We came here sincerely to cooperate."

When the minister was about to speak, his gaze turned to the director, and the director made a "please" gesture, asking him to talk whatever he wanted.

The minister nodded and looked at Zhang Ping An and said, "We looked at the information sent by FNC. In fact, when we first received the information from Seol Hyun, the people in our department were on the spot. Because we need someone to bring a certain effect to the product. Artist, but this Ms. Seolhyun is still not up to this level, right? Later, the representative of FNC called in person and said that he wanted to talk to us and recommend it, and representative Zhang personally came over, and we agreed to meet."

After the minister finished speaking, the director went on to say: "Since it was a face-to-face recommendation, the representative will give us a reason to persuade us to adopt Ms. Seolhyun.

Zhang Pingan smiled and took out his mobile phone and opened the search engine. The top three in the hot search list were'Zhang Pingan and Jin Xuexuan'. He pushed the phone in front of the two: "This is a photo of me and Xuexuan taken at noon. To be precise, in one hour and fifty-two minutes, Jin Seolhyun's name was ranked three in the hot search list. I said that the purpose of these is very simple, that is.. I am very good at creating Internet topics. I can Using the Internet to create momentum to push Xuexuan to the front line, and let her become the person with the most popular topic in a short time. Does this basically meet your requirements?"

The minister smiled and said, "Then you should come to talk after she arrives, so we might consider it."

Zhang Ping An said with a smile: "Minister, the purpose of your department is to promote your company's products and shape your image. Of course, I know that your products are already well-known in South Korea, but there are still many choices for users in South Korea. , What if I can let Xuexuan bring your brand on the hot search?"

As'communicators', although they have penetrated into the daily lives of ordinary people, they rarely have the opportunity to search hotly.Because the hot search on their companies either revealed some negative news, or launched some very cost-effective new mobile phone packages.

However, Zhang Pingan said that Xuexuan brought their company to the hot search, which made the Minister confused and said, "Hot search?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, hot search, I can let you enter the daily topics of the public. Of course it is a positive hot search, a positive topic. So let's just sign a gambling agreement. Xuexuan's endorsement Fees, we only charge 100 won, and the contract period is one year. Within one year of Seolhyun becoming the spokesperson, if you can’t bring the title of “Kim Seolhyun, SK Telecom” on top of the hot search list! The company is willing to pay an additional 5 billion won as compensation!"

Because Seol-hyun filmed an advertisement or something, they needed to put it on the market, and it needed their company to burn money for the launch.Therefore, the amount of compensation appears to be small, and their company also feels that this gambling agreement is completely meaningless.

They also saw through Zhang Pingan’s purpose. In fact, it was to use the convenience of their stores to promote Jin Xuexuan and increase its popularity. Is this a win-win situation?If Seolhyun's popularity rises and she brings'SK Telecom' to the hot search list and becomes a hot topic, this will make many people consider their company more when choosing an operator.And even if they can't, they can still get 5 billion in compensation.

Another thing is that Seolhyun has no signing bonus!One hundred won, this is just a symbolic meaning.If Seol-hyun's fame really rises, it would be the year that she became a spokesperson for them for free, and it was the year that she became popular.

No matter how you look at it, it is a win-win situation. It should be said that they have a no-loss betting agreement.Of course, in this bet, the capital must not lose money before the capital will sign.

What Zhang Ping’an needs is the promotional effect of SK Telecom’s stores across Korea on artists..

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