Zhang Ping'an's "Goddess of Celebration" stopped downstairs in the Girls' Generation dormitory, and Taeyeon and Pani went downstairs soon.After moving to the new dormitory, their current dormitory is completely occupied by the three of them. In the old dormitory, Hyoyeon still came to live for two days from time to time, but now there are only three bedrooms in the dormitory. After the allocation of one person to one room The members went back to their homes completely.Whether it was the large dormitory in the past or the small dormitory that has moved in now, Zhang Ping'an has never been there.

Both Taeyeon and Pani who came out today are wearing spring casual clothes, and Taeyeon is wearing a flight jacket with jeans.Pani looks cute. She wore a dress with a sweater.When he saw the two of them, Zhang Pingan pressed down the window of the passenger seat. Pani bent down and saw Zhang Pingan and smiled at Taeyeon beside him: "Hahaha, How is it? Am I right?"

When they approached and got into the car, Zhang Ping'an asked, "What's not wrong?"

Taeyeon responded with a soft smile: "She said you must wear Adidas!"

Although Zhang Pingan’s clothes were seen in the Internet photos today as sports, but there are no obvious three lines of Adi, but Pani still thinks that he is wearing Adidas.

Following Taeyeon's words, Pani laughed: "Hahaha, you deserve to be an unofficial spokesperson for Adidas! You, it's not bad, where did you buy it?"

Zhang Ping'an replied in a dubious manner: "Tokyo, a special limited edition of clover."

Special restrictions, the most unbearable Japanese word is this term. Anything marked with the word "limited" will stimulate consumers' desire to buy.

But clothes, accessories, in fact, there are so many "restrictions" in each city, which is just another kind of gimmick.Restriction is just for sale in a fixed city, and it does not limit the number of sales.

The two got into the car, Pani sat in the back position honestly, and Taeyeon naturally got in the co-pilot.Sitting at the back, Pani saw a folder beside her, and she picked it up casually: "What is this?"

"The program budget Luo Yingshi gave me."

Penny opened up this information casually, and said at the same time: "Didn’t the show be rejected? Is the budget useful? Hey~~ It’s a big deal, 20 days of filming, initially 3 billion won? By the way, why the show Was rejected?"

While driving the vehicle, Zhang Ping’an responded: “In the selection of candidates, Luo Yingshi intends to use the original crew of "Two Days". The main problem lies with Li Xiugen. There should be no major problems now. Today I Discuss new cooperation methods with Luo Yingshi PD."

They are all clear about Li Xiugen's question, but what makes them even more curious is the new way of cooperation: "What kind of cooperation?"

Zhang Ping’an responded: “It’s broadcast on the Internet. TV stations can’t make it through, and it’s okay to put it on the Internet. Isn’t it the same for many MVs? This afternoon, we will discuss tripartite cooperation at the'N station'.”

"This time is a tripartite cooperation?" Taeyeon asked casually, and it didn't matter much to her how to cooperate.

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Well, the tripartite cooperation. The first season of this filming is a kind of trial. To test the market’s acceptance of Li Xiugen, if the results of the first season broadcast are good, then the next The second season will be broadcast on TV."

Pani smiled and said: "If you shoot for the second season, will it be too immoral for you to kick off the'N Station'? They will also find the way for you anyway."

Zhang Ping’an said: “If there is a TV station, why don’t you have to'N stations'? Diversion? This time it was because the TV station was unable to broadcast that they chose to work together. Besides, they took South Korea this time. Exclusive broadcasting rights!"


Soon the three of them came to the restaurant of Chef Li Lianfu. Zhang Ping'an parked the car at the door and led them into the restaurant together.

I stopped ordering at 8:30, and there are still some customers drinking in the restaurant.

After Zhang Ping'an entered the restaurant, the proprietress greeted him with a smile, and quietly led Zhang Ping's three into the private room upstairs.Externally, their restaurant is no longer open.But Zhang Pingan is an exception. Before Li Lianfu's restaurant has received public attention, Zhang Pingan was a frequent customer here. Now Li Lianfu's restaurant has received attention and it is also related to Zhang Pingan.

You should know that when Koreans came to Chinese restaurants in the past, what they can order is fried noodles and sweet and sour pork.Now it's different. After the broadcast of "Jian Hu Dui", the quality of orders after the arrival of the guests has increased, and of course the turnover has also increased, so the boss must take special care of it.

After Zhang Pingan and the three sat down, Pani took the menu and couldn’t wait to start ordering, because before she came, she thought about what to eat today. The names of the dishes she said were all dishes that appeared in the show. .

While waiting for the dishes, Taeyeon brought tea to everyone, Zhang Pingan took a sip of warm tea, the fragrance of green tea has a good effect of clearing the mouth before the meal: "Well, it's still Huaxia tea."

Pani and Taeyeon didn't have much research on tea. They usually drank coffee or water. They did not sigh as much as Zhang Ping'an after drinking tea.

Pani put down the cup and smiled and said, "Have you been in Tokyo lately? Haven't returned to China?"

The reason why Pani asked like this was because Sika had always been on China's side. She was asking about Zhang Ping's and Sika's questions in disguise.

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "I didn't go back. I have been doing a lot in Tokyo recently, so I stayed there for more than half a month."

Zhang Pingan thought she was asking about specific things in Tokyo.You must know that he has been with Yui in Tokyo during this period, so he must be a little nervous when he asked Pani about "Tokyo", but he never thought that Pani was asking him and Sika. The problem.

Pani, who got the answer, listened to Zhang Pingan who was always in Tokyo. Didn't he not contact Sika at all?Pani wanted to speak and then ask, but it was because of Taeyeon sitting next to her.

After taking a secret look at Taeyeon, Pani could only continue to ask by rubbing the edges: "I thought you took the time to return to China."

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, “No, China’s affairs are handled by dedicated managers. Recently, the Japanese channel opened on my live broadcast platform has been exploring new Japanese anchors, and there are some collaborations with artists. ."

"I read the report. Your platform also invited'special actors' to do the live broadcast, didn't you?" Pani emphasized the pronunciation of the word'special': "You didn't eat with them? Or play with them. play?"

Zhang Pingan looked at Pani speechlessly: "What am I playing with them? Do you want to'make a movie' together? You are really~~"

Seeing that the two began to quarrel again, and the familiar feeling came back, Taeyeon also laughed openly.As for the "teacher" or "moving film" in the two of them, it doesn't matter.Since they are both adults, how could it be possible that they haven't even heard the story of "pollution"?

Soon, cold dishes came, and the three of them were eating and chatting.After a while, Taeyeon put down her chopsticks and said, "I'll go to the bathroom, Pani, are you going?"

Pani deliberately pretended to deal with the food in front of her. She waved to Taeyeon and said, "I'm not going."

Taeyeon nodded and went by herself. After Taeyeon got out of the private room, Pani finally had a chance to ask, so she asked in a low voice, "By the way, what's the matter with you and Sika?"

When asked about Sika’s question suddenly, Zhang Ping’an stopped the action of holding vegetables in his hand. He stared at Pani and said, “Uh... this... to be honest, even I don’t know how to respond. Anyway, we haven't contacted for a long time."

He didn't know it himself, which made Pani very puzzled. She frowned and said, "It's been a long time? Why? Is there a quarrel between you? Do you need my help?"

"There was no quarrel, and nothing happened. Anyway, there was less contact. I don't know if the relationship has faded, or Sika thinks I'm done using it?"

Zhang Ping'an's last sentence is a bit heavy.Of course, it's also because it's been almost two months, and the two haven't even the slightest contact, so Zhang Ping'an can't help but not speculate about Sika's original intentions?

Because her career really needed the help of funds at the beginning, and the only thing Zhang Ping'an did not lack was funds.Now her career has been fully completed, even if she doesn't need Zhang Ping's help by her side, she can develop very well just by step by step.So Zhang Ping'an wondered if she couldn't stand his emotional flooding at this moment and wanted to separate.

However, she couldn't say anything about the breakup. After all, her career can be said to be the result of Zhang Ping's advice and suggestions to her.Since she can't speak'parting', then'diving' is the best choice, especially in this era, there are still many people who choose to break up like this.

And Zhang Ping'an is not a person who wants to stick to his face, no matter what method the other party uses to "break up", he can accept it.So, there has been no contact for almost two months. He has reason to speculate on what state he is now?

As for Zhang Ping’s last words, Pani’s eyes widened when she heard her. She immediately defended Sika, "Impossible. How can Sika have such a heavy calculation? Is there something between you? Misunderstanding? Have you talked with Sika?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "Liandu has no contact, how can I have a chance to talk? Forget it, so be it. Maybe we won't be so upset if we don't talk about those that are not."

"No, don't you plan to do that..."

Pani still didn't say the word "separate" because she really didn't understand what happened between Sika and Zhang Pingan.

Zhang Ping'an responded relatively easily: "No, what else?"

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