My entertainment circle

Chapter 581: Future Twice

In the waiting room, Zhang Ping An and Park Zhenying talked a lot, and Park Zhenying also had to admit that Zhang Ping An, who seems to be a "layman," really has a lot of advanced ideas.Especially when it comes to the "future" direction of the brokerage company, he sees it more clearly than everyone on the market.It's just that he is lazy, well, in Zhang Ping'an's own words, he is lazy, too lazy to take care of it himself.

Therefore, all the brokerage companies in his hand were handed over to the original representatives, and he would just order the future direction of his company, and he himself would not interfere too much in the specific daily life of the company. A boss like him is really very good. Interesting.Only focus on the general direction, and the specific implementation will be left to the representative of the original company.

However, Park Zhenying has also seen that over the past year, both BTS and Mama Mu, who has been very topical recently, have had a good momentum.This also shows that Zhang Pingan’s approach is correct. A combination requires a dedicated team to do its best!

Park Zhenying really gained a lot from Zhang Pingan’s chat, but after half an hour the show started the final rehearsal. Originally, Park Zhenying didn’t need to go out to watch the rehearsal.Because he would naturally see the results when he was officially filming, but because of Zhang Ping'an's arrival, he went out with Zhang Ping'an to watch the children's rehearsal.

When Zhang Pingan and Park Zhenying walked into the studio, they all stopped chatting and acting to greet them: "Park PD, Zhang PD."

Zhang Pingan smiled and asked Park Zhenying next to him, "Why do they call you "PD"? Is it because of this show?"

Park Zhenying waved to the children to signal that they continue their rehearsal, and then he said to Zhang Ping An, "It's not the reason for the show. The children in the company used to call me'brother', and the women called me'brother'. I am the'representative'. Later, I told the children of the company that the post-90s will call me PD. I was also their producer."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded. It turned out that Park Zhenying was called "PD" for this reason.He thought that Park Jinying was called "PD" by the artist because of the appearance of this show, and he was classified as a "producer" after that.

The two came to the high platform where Park Zhenying reviewed them. Because the stage is built to a certain height, if the two stand under the stage to watch, their vision will be blocked to a certain extent, so it is much more convenient to come to the high platform to watch.

At this time in the rehearsal is'MoMo'. Her personal dance ability is very powerful. Zhang Ping An smiled after watching her dance and said, "This trainee dances very well."

Park Zhenying said: "Well, she is a trainee from Japan. Her personal dance ability is indeed the best among this group of people. However, there are too many good dance skills in the market, and high dance skills. It’s not the key to becoming an idol. You may become a dancer or a choreographer. For idols, you still have to test your comprehensive ability."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "As you have said, her personal dance ability is the best among this group of children. Since it is the best, why not get up? However, I value it more than strength. Personality. Being an entertainer is a public figure, and his words and deeds represent not only individuals, but also groups and companies. One person’s problem affects the whole team, isn’t it not happening. Not long ago, the women’s group was threatened. event'."

PS: The threat incident was that a member of a South Korean girl group had some'communication' with a big-name artist in private.Afterwards, threatening big-name artists with 5 billion won as a hush fee may be the reason for the excessive price. Big-name artists directly reported the matter to the police.If I don’t know, I searched it myself. The big-name artist is a person who has appeared in many film and television works. Uh, let me tell you a bit. The actor is called'LBX'.

Park Jinying nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too. Strengths can be accumulated through practice, only character, how can I say?"

"Personality, you still have to look at people, some people~~" Zhang Ping'an couldn't help but shook his head.

Park Zhenying said with a smile: "You, a super red PD, should have received a lot of'entertainment' proposals, right?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "This is really not true, because most people know that I'm just a chief producer, but I don't do specific related implementation matters. Those cooperating programs are all handled by the TV station. Those who are the only ones who are the only ones who execute "Living Alone" can't come again. So those who want to entertain me... are probably embarrassing?"

Park Jinying nodded and said: "Hahaha~~ You, Luo Yingshi, Kim Taeho, such producers are really hard to be entertained. Because you earn more'money' than representatives of most brokerage companies. However, our company also has It is stipulated that you can't go to nightclubs for any negotiation. And the hospitality expense reimbursement for negotiation cannot exceed 50,000 won!"

Zhang Pingan looked at Park Zhenying and said, "Well, don't you want you to buy me Korean beef?"

"Hahaha, it's okay to ask you privately, but you can't negotiate hospitality."

While Zhang Pingan was chatting with Park Zhenying, the live Chinese song was Jolin Tsai’s "Beauty Plan". At this time, Zhou Ziyu was performing a dance on stage. Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Oh? Chinese? "

Park Zhenying said: "She is from Taiwan Strait!"

"The Taiwan Strait is also China!"

"Um... well, let's not talk about this. What do you think of this Chinese person?"

"What is her name?" Although she knew, Zhang Ping'an asked deliberately.Park Zhenying responded: "Zhou Tzuyu."

The Chinese song at the scene stopped. Zhang Ping'an made a'stop' gesture towards the director in charge of the rehearsal, and then pointed to the microphone on the stage to signal the sound team staff to open the microphone.Several actions by Zhang Ping'an made the on-site staff begin to act according to his command.Although he was not the director of this show, all the staff still stopped the music and turned on the microphone according to his request.

And the trainees, watching the movements of Zhang Ping's hands on the stage, they all stopped talking.They began to look at Zhang Ping'an seriously, but even they didn't know why they took it so seriously.Obviously Zhang Pingan has nothing to do with them or their company at all.But Zhang Ping An always gave them a sense of conviction. Perhaps it was the reason why Park Zhenying was nearby?

After opening wheat, Zhang Pingan picked up the microphone and said in Chinese: "Zhou Tzuyu!"

Zhou Tzuyu quickly came to the middle of the stage and looked at Zhang Pingan: "Inside!"

He continued to say in Chinese: "I don't know how long you have been in Korea, but after just watching your performance, I think you didn't work hard in practice? The idol training in Korea is quite harsh, by contrast The Taiwan Strait training system is almost at the level of'interest class'. If you want to become an idol, then you have to spend more practice time. They rest, you practice. They sleep, you practice. Because of your professionalism Compared with the previous MOMO, it’s really much worse, so the only thing you can do is to work hard. This time the show is a good opportunity to show yourself, so you have to show yourself more. This is me As a compatriot of China, give you advice!"

Zhou Ziyu immediately bowed and said, "Thank you, thank you Zhang PD, I will work hard."

"Even though we are all Chinese, I can't give you preferential treatment, because everything depends on your strength on the stage! So you have no shortcuts except hard work!" Of course this sentence, Zhang Ping'an used It was Korean, which made them all understand.

Then Zhang Pingan immediately converted to fluent Japanese: "MoMo-san, you and Tzuyu are both from overseas. So you have to work harder. Park Zhenying said that those who dance well may not be able to become idols, it is possible. You are a choreographer. And you stand on this stage to become an idol, so you have to improve your overall strength, and of course you have to learn to use your own dance advantages. If Park Zhenying is not blind, I believe he will consider Yours, of course this is just my guess. The specifics are still JYP's final say. And what I want to say is don’t be discouraged even if you fail! Even if it doesn’t work this year, there will still be opportunities in two years. After all, there are so many of you, it’s impossible. They all made their debuts, and if they didn’t make their debuts, it was considered as an accumulation of experience!"

Of course Zhang Ping An knew that Zhou Tzuyu and MOMO would eventually become members of the combination, but he didn't say everything like "I know all of them".He just gave a kind of euphemistic encouragement, but also made them have a deep impression.

I have to say that although Zhang Ping’s language conversion did not speak English, his performance in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese surprised the children, as well as the on-site staff, including JYP standing beside him.The problem of his poor English was simply ignored. After all, he is a Chinese person who can speak Korean and Japanese so smoothly. Then the world's most widely used English is definitely not a problem. This is a subconscious mode of thinking. .

After listening to Zhang Pingan’s encouragement, MOMO said in Korean: "Thank you, thank you Zhang PD."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded and said, “I’m sorry, I’ve delayed your rehearsal. Let’s continue.” After saying this, he put down the microphone and said to Park Zhenying beside him, “I gave Zhou Ziyu and momo some encouragement. As an outsider, it is not easy to mix in this circle."

Park Jinying nodded and said, "I got it." "Didn't you mix well in our circle?"

Zhang Ping’an responded with a smile: “I’m different. I had a lot of money in my pocket when I came here. If you have money, it’s easier to do anything. And they love the stage and want to be lovers. Dou's, it can be said that they have chosen the most difficult path!"

"Indeed, idols are the hardest way!"

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