My entertainment circle

Chapter 587: Tonight Is Romantic

Pani and Taeyeon really feel that they can’t talk with Zhang Ping An, because their understanding of “making money” is not at the same level. Although they dream of making money, they still want to honestly make products and open stores.But Zhang Pingan is a scam that can play the MLM model by opening a shop. The weird ways to make money in his head really don’t know how to describe it, because the speed of making money... sounds a bit like Scary.

As public figures, they really dare not touch those things. Taeyeon shook her head and said, "We don’t play with milk tea or coffee, and we don’t dare to play. Don’t encourage us to do such bad things in the future. If this is known to the outside world... we are miserable. Our idols belong to public figures, and many private matters have to be affected."

Zhang Ping'an laughed, "Hehe, I'm afraid of making money? Then Pani still talks about making money every day. What kind of money is being made? Is it possible to find a store in Korea to open a coffee shop and wait for fans to consume it? Have you never seen it? A star of China is called a star! Directly on the stock market, which company do I want to invest in, retail investors buy it when they hear the star? Does the star know any inside information. Then retail investors keep throwing money in, As soon as the stock price is high, the celebrity sells the stock in his hand, releases a message, and he makes 100 million U.S. dollars!"

Listening to Zhang Pingan's words, Pani's eyes widened: "Isn't it? Isn't the supervising department supervised by the celebrity to release such news?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "Yes, how could it not be? Because the stock price collapsed, many people lost their money. After the incident, the Administration came to the door, and the star immediately said that my stock was handed over to the manager. Yes, I don’t know."

Taeyeon said: "So shameless? In South Korea, public figures are punishable for speculating on stock prices."

Zhang Ping'an said contemptuously: "If you have money, what face do you want?"

Taeyeon and Pani were speechless: "..."

Yes, some of China’s stars are shameless and go to the stock market to cut leeks.Just like Zhang Ping’an’s words, what face do you need if you have money?In today's society, people with a lot of money have more face.No money, what face are you talking about?

After the last drink, Zhang Pingan put down the glass, then said to Taeyeon and Pani: "Remember to give me the money tomorrow, and I will help you invest." Then Zhang Pingan turned his gaze to Pani and laughed: "Don't stare at me like that. Give me the money if you want to make money. But you have to bear the risk of investment failure. I still say that. Any investment that says there is no risk at all is a lie! The only thing without risk is to deposit in the bank. Regularly."

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s words, Taeyeon laughed happily, and then she said freely: "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you!"

As soon as Taeyeon's words came out, Zhang Pingan raised his head towards Pani triumphantly: "See you, eh? Pani, this is free and easy, one billion, as refreshing as giving one hundred thousand. It's my Taeyeon. Good~~"

"Ah, that is Taeyeon has money, I have no money."

Zhang Ping'an immediately stared and said, "If you don't have money, you can't make money? Of course, you will never lose money if you hold it to save interest. Okay, I've said enough today. Taeyeon eat, we'll leave after eating."


Taeyeon ate her favorite pork chop and left with Zhang Pingan. Of course, it was still Zhang Pingan's purchase order at the final checkout.Pani himself knew that although she was asking Zhang Pingan, he was definitely not going to ask her to pay the bill.

Sitting on Zhang Pingan's'Kia', Taeyeon always had a sweet smile on her mouth while driving this domestic car.Because of him, even the air is comfortable.With him by his side, everything is beautiful.Taeyeon really likes the feeling he feels next to her. It is an unspeakable mood. As long as he is there, Taeyeon feels that her heart is open and full of joy.

Taeyeon sent Pani back to the dormitory first, and then drove away with Zhang Ping An.Pani sighed deeply as they watched their departure, and then went upstairs.In the elevator, she clenched her fist hard. She wanted to use her strength to suppress her envy. It was obvious that their love was a bit deformed, but she didn't know why there was a trace of envy in her heart.

Driving this not luxurious car, but Taeyeon's heart is quite relaxed. While driving leisurely, she said to Zhang Ping An, "oppa, do you want to go around?"

Zhang Ping An didn't drink too much wine tonight, a glass of beer, a glass of carbonated wine, and two small glasses of champagne. This wine is not so intoxicating.So when he listened to Taeyeon’s intention to go out for a stroll, he nodded and said, “Okay, it’s okay to go around. It’s a rare car to cover us today. Why don’t we go to Nanshan for a stroll? I went to buy a hat in the store."

Taeyeon burst out laughing as she went to Nanshan.Because it is not practical, the two places with the most couples at night after the weather turns warmer are the riverside parks and Nanshan.As for the riverside park, the place is so big that it is not easy to find.But Nanshan is just such a small viewing platform, even if it is hidden there, it will be discovered by people next to it.

Zhang Pingan knew that it was impossible after he told Nanshan. The car stopped at the traffic light at this time. He looked up at the road sign above his head. He smiled and said to Taeyeon beside him: "Go to Incheon. !"

"Huh?" As Zhang Pingan said out of Incheon, Mr. Taeyeon was stunned for two seconds and then immediately smiled, because when the winter was approaching last year, she suddenly said that she wanted to go to Incheon, and Zhang Pingan drove with her. Went there to see Yehai.There are not many people at Incheon Beach at night, so it is safe and convenient to go there.

Taeyeon smiled and nodded, and the two immediately drove to Incheon. Along the way, Zhang Ping An and Taeyeon were humming songs in excitement, and they felt like going on an outing.For nearly an hour, the two arrived at Incheon Seaside Park.

There are no street lights on the beach at night, only the moon with a little light in the sky, and the bright restaurant sign in the distance.The two walked quietly on the beach holding hands, listening to the waves washing the beach.

Zhang Ping'an held Taeyeon's hand and swayed continuously, increasing the amplitude, but the two of them continued to be silent in such a small fortune.As the wave of her hand increased, Taeyeon laughed: "Hahaha, I suddenly found that the two of us are so naive? Nowadays high school students don't swing hand in hand like this, right?"

Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "I don't know, anyway, when I was in high school, I hadn't seen such a way of love. However, I really like walking hand in hand with you."

In fact, this is a happy expression, a way of expression of'love'.

Taeyeon smiled and said: "Although naive, I also like it~~ Walking on the beach reminds me of New Year's time when we walked quietly in Madai. However, it was scorching sun... "

Zhang Ping’an immediately followed up: “It’s Haoyue in the sky now, the same, the same. Wherever you are, whether it’s night or day, I feel happy.”

"Hehe, sometimes I think you are numb, but I like to listen."

Yes, love words, it is sweet when there are only two.But it seems a little numb when there are outsiders, I don't know if it is because of shyness or other reasons.

The two of them just walked slowly along the coast holding hands like that, listening to the waves, listening to each other's gentle words, that kind of happiness really overwhelmed everything.

After walking a distance of tens of meters on the coastline, the two sat casually on the beach. Zhang Pingan took off his Adidas coat and spread it on the beach. He smiled and said: "At this time, it shows sportswear. Good.” Because of the fabric problem, even if the sportswear is spread on the beach, all the sand on it will fall if you pick it up and shake it.

Taeyeon sat on the beach with him. She looked at the half moon in the sky and said regretfully, "Hey, if it's a full moon, it would be fine."

Zhang Ping An smiled and looked at Taeyeon's profile. He smiled and said, "I don't think it doesn't matter what kind of moon, the important thing is to enjoy tonight quietly with you."

When Taeyeon heard the sound, she turned her head to meet Zhang Pingan's gaze. She originally wanted to say something.But looking at the tenderness in his eyes, he couldn't say anything. In the moonlight, the two heads slowly moved closer together.

In the moonlight, the kiss on the coast seems extraordinarily romantic, but this romance cannot be discovered by the outside world.However, the two of them enjoyed it very well.

After the two kissed sweetly, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Why is it sweet."

Taeyeon rolled her eyes shyly, "Puff~~", then she looked up and continued to admire the moon: "It's so quiet, it's really good."

"It's good to be quiet, but it's perfect if you are by your side. So I think today is romantic."

"Hehe~~" Taeyeon smiled happily and got up and patted her butt: "Go, let's go back, it will take an hour to drive back."

"Well, let's go. Go back to bed, go back to sleep with our soft Taeyeon."

When Taeyeon watched Zhang Pingan get up and shake her clothes, she mischievously poked a pinch of sand toward Zhang Pingan with her foot, just like she kicked water at Zhang Pingan that day in the Maldives.

After Taeyeon kicked the sand, she ran away, and Zhang Pingan also deliberately yelled from behind. The chaser: "Ah, you stop me!!!"


A familiar scene, a romantic scene, all of this makes Taeyeon feel very comfortable.As for whether the relationship between her and Zhang Ping An is'deformed', the important thing is that he is by her side and in her heart!!

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