When a woman enters a department store, it's like a fish into the ocean. All women in the world can forget all their worries as long as they enter the department store, right?Zhang Pingan originally came to buy two sets of clothes, but after entering the department store, he couldn't help it.Because department stores gather all kinds of big-name luxury goods in the world, such top department stores have some rare styles on the market.And Sika felt that even if she didn't buy, as long as she was shopping, she felt very happy.

After all, the same style may be 30% cheaper in Tokyo, Japan than Yanjing in China, or even more.Naturally, Japan or HK is the first place to buy these luxury goods.After visiting three luxury stores, Zhang Ping'an was a little embarrassed to enter in clothes with obvious traces of cosmetics on his chest.It's not that the shopping guide here wears'tinted glasses'.It's just that every time you go in, the shopping guide will look surprised at Zhang Ping's dirty chest.

Women's self-consciousness is very agile, and these service shopping guides know that the "paints" on Zhang Ping's chest are cosmetics.Why does it appear on the chest, do you have to say?There must be a woman lying on his chest?And Sika, who is wearing high heels, is about the same height as this mark, so there must be some strange words in the shopping guide.

After coming out of Chanel, Zhang Pingan looked at Sika, who was still interested, and said, "Or, go and buy me clothes before coming down to shop, my chest is this position..." Zhang Pingan said and looked down. , The black of the mascara was very obviously printed on his light blue sports jacket.

Sika looked at Zhang Pingan’s chest, and she smiled and said, “Why do you have to buy sportswear? I think these casual styles are also good.”

Looking at Sika’s smiling face, Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Then... you can buy anything, let’s go.”

"Well, I'll dress you up today..." Just as Sika's voice fell, Zhang Ping's phone rang and interrupted the conversation between the two.Zhang Pingan took out the phone and looked at the call, and said to Sika, "Your agent."

Sika nodded for Zhang Pingan to answer. He picked up the phone while answering, while Sika walked towards Burberry, the luxury men's clothing: "What's wrong?"

The agent said: "This is Mr. Zhang. It seems that the artists of the show group have made an appointment with Sika for dinner. The HK artists in front of Sika knocked on Sika's room and didn't find her.. So they came to ask me if Sika would like to be there today. Go to dinner tonight. I said you have come to the capital. Sika may not go to dinner tonight. But after a while, Mr. Wang’s son came up and said that he hoped to see you."

After Zhang Ping An was approached by Sikara to the brand store, he stood there to answer the phone, and Sika picked clothes from the racks and gestured to Zhang Ping.Listening to Mr. Wang, Zhang Ping'an asked very suspiciously: "President Wang? Which President Wang?"

The agent said: "President Wang of 18 Culture and Entertainment!"

This President Wang is a well-known figure in the Chinese entertainment industry. All her hands are capable people, but in terms of the ability to attract money, her company is far behind the flow star company with capital operation.But at any rate, the people in the hands of others have excellent quality.In many cases, good dramas are truly manifested only by relying on those old drama bones.Compared with capital hype, people rely on strength!

So Zhang Ping'an responded with a smile: "It's her. Okay, agree to it, and send me the address in a moment. In the evening, I will go to meet this old man with Sika!"

When Zhang Pingan hung up the phone, he heard the shopping guide stepping forward to stop Sika from making gestures on Zhang Pingan: "Miss, I'm sorry, because this gentleman has traces of cosmetics on his chest, please don't get close like this, or please this The gentleman took off his coat, you can try it."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to the shopping guide: "Sorry, she can't understand Chinese. I apologized for her, oh, please wrap me all the clothes she has compared."

The shopping guide immediately waved his hand and said, "It's okay, sir, it's just..."

"I understand. It's okay, wrap it up, you have to buy clothes anyway." Zhang Ping'an said casually. If the shopping guide was wrapped up, but the shopping guide saw that Zhang Ping'an was full of Adidas, she thought Zhang Ping'an was there. Hit the swollen face to fill the fat man.Because he is wearing a baseball cap at this time, not everyone will know him as a rich man.

Because when the shopping guide came over to talk to her, Sika looked at the shopping guide blankly, and then looked at Zhang Ping An.At this time, Zhang Pingan said to Sika, "I have cosmetics on my chest, and the shopping guide tells you not to make gestures on me."

Sika turned her head awkwardly and said "I'm sorry" in Chinese to the clerk.When the clerk listened to Zhang Pingan and Sika communicating in Korean, she paid special attention to Sika, but Sika was wearing sunglasses at this time, and the shopping guide did not recognize Sika as a Korean wave. In Girls' Generation, she might not even chase Korean stars at all.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "I asked the waiter to wrap it all up." Zhang Pingan pointed to the clothes that the waiter had taken Sika's gesture in his hand and said again: "Please wrap up all the clothes she tried on me just now. ."

The shopping guide originally thought it would be fine after apologizing, but did not expect Zhang Pingan to buy it?She was surprised and said: "Sir, are you sure you want to wrap it all up?"

"Yes, wrap it up." As Zhang Pingan said, he took out his wallet from his sportswear, and then drew a black bank card from the wallet.Of course it is not a "centurion" but a private bank card of China Construction Bank.

The shopping guide took this clear "private bank card" and went to the checkout. This thing will naturally be issued after the asset reaches a certain level.But it also shows that Zhang Ping An, who wears Adidas, is a rich man.

Just when the lady at the front desk went to their counter with Zhang Pingan's bank card, another shopping guide who was in the same class as her said: "This woman, I feel like Jessica from Girlhood. Just wearing sunglasses, I can't see clearly."

Another shopping guide in the same class who has paid attention to the dynamics of the scarf said: "Jessica from Girls' Generation? So this man is Zhang Pingan? Wait, I'll take a look~~" She said that she sorted out the goods, Went to see Zhang Pingan and Jessica.

When she returned, she whispered excitedly: "It's really Zhang Ping'an and Jessica, isn't it rumored that they broke up?"

"That's just a rumor. Neither of them officially announced the news of their breakup. No wonder he was so free and easy. His sportswear was stained with cosmetics. I went to stop Jessica from making gestures on him with the clothes, and he opened up and wrapped everything up. Up."

Soon they packed Zhang Pingan's clothes, and then asked Zhang Pingan to come to the front desk to enter the password and signature.At this time, one of the shopping guides took out a book and handed it to Jessica: "I am a fan of you, can I sign it?"

Zhang Ping An smiled and said, "Are you going to work or a fan meeting?"

Although Zhang Pingan said this, Sika has a spirit of service as a star, so when the shopping guide handed her the book, she took a pen and signed her a name.

Soon, the two went out carrying these things.Of course, Zhang Pingan was still not satisfied after having Burberry, he still went to his favorite Adidas store.I chose two sets of sportswear and clover casual wear that can be worn next.

After visiting Adidas, Zhang Ping’an received a message from his agent, with the address of the hotel written on it.Zhang Pingan then told Sika what the agent was calling, saying that the boss of the Huaxia Brokerage Company invited him to dinner.And Zhang Ping'an also told Sika that the boss once brought two Bingbing!

One of them has become an international big-name, and there is no "carpet star" work in the headmaster's mouth, just walking on the red carpet.

Sika originally wanted to go shopping downstairs, but when she heard a senior from a brokerage company invited her, she could only faintly end up and set off with Zhang Ping’an, and Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Would you like to change your outfit? clothes?"

Sika smiled and said, "No, I have my own brand."


When Zhang Ping'an arrived at Pangu Seven Stars, the agent was already waiting in the lobby.After seeing Zhang Pingan and Sika arrived, he quickly came forward and took the shopping bag in Zhang Pingan's hand: "Mr. Zhang, they ordered the'Hua Chuan Kaiseki'."

Zhang Pingan frowned instantly: "Why? In China, if you don't order Chinese food, why do you think of ordering kaiseki dishes. And... forget it!"

Zhang Ping’an knows that Chinese people like face-saving, maybe it is because ordering kaiseki cuisine is quiet and high-end atmosphere, right?As for kaiseki cuisine, Zhang Pingan doesn't like it that much.It may be that his food is not up to that level, right?

Under the leadership of his agent, Zhang Ping'an came to this kaiseki restaurant together. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "The most important thing about kaiseki cuisine is that it doesn't even have a courtyard view. What is kaiseki cuisine? "

The agent knows that Zhang Ping An has been in Japan for nearly ten years. His understanding of kaiseki cuisine must be deeper than them.

Soon, the young lady wearing a kimono, with her mouthful of Japanese, led this peaceful group to the private room.

Along the way, Zhang Ping’an smiled and asked this young lady who came from Japan: “I think what you wrote is'Kyoto Kaiseki', but I have eaten three Kyoto kaiseki. Kikunoi, Jiquan, and Jishao Arashiyama.”

The three kaiseki in Zhang Ping’an’s mouth are the top kaiseki dishes in Kyoto Prefecture, and all have been rated three-star Michelin.The kaiseki here is not good, because the most important part of kaiseki cuisine is missing, the courtyard landscape!

There is so much'quietness' here, but the scenery is missing, so the kaiseki cuisine here is like that in Zhang Ping'an's eyes!

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