My entertainment circle

Chapter 637: Fairy

Today, Rimi Ishihara is wearing a patterned chiffon shirt and a long sky blue skirt on her lower body. The overall dress is very summer.And that pair of sandals with beautiful toes exposed, and the toe nails have been carefully painted.The long slightly curly hair seems to be bundled in the back of his head randomly, but it has been carefully designed.

Ishihara Rimi’s makeup has always been designed by herself, so she knows exactly what kind of makeup she fits. In this hot summer, her makeup choices are very refreshing.Coupled with the smile she has practiced countless times in the camera, that highly infectious smile will always arouse the hearts of men quietly.

The moment she entered this ramen restaurant, she happened to face Zhang Ping'an who turned her head and looked over.As soon as she discovered Zhang Ping An, Ishihara Rimi immediately burst into her signature smile to greet Zhang Ping An, whom she met by chance for the second time.

Zhang Pingan was completely surprised after seeing Rimi Ishihara. Could it be that this ramen restaurant that came in by chance is a gourmet restaurant?If not, then after meeting Hashimoto's legs here, then by chance Rimi Ishihara?You must know that Rimi Ishihara is a well-known foodie and a gourmet restaurant expert, so Zhang Pingan really thinks this small ramen restaurant is a gourmet restaurant.

Ishihara Rimi looked at Zhang Ping'an in surprise, she smiled, and came to the position beside him, pulled the chair away and sat down: "It's a fate, I didn't expect to meet you in this hidden shop. "After saying this, Ishihara Rimi raised her hand to the boss and said, "Tom Yum Goong ramen, more coriander." The boss smiled and nodded towards Ishihara Rimi and said'wait a minute'.

At this time, Zhang Ping’an curiously pointed to the menu and said, “Tom Yum Goong ramen is not written. Is this the hidden menu of the store?” Some stores in Japan really have hidden menus that only regular customers know.

Ishihara Rimi smiled and nodded: "It's not a hidden menu. The boss used to make Thai food. Later, because there were not many people who came to eat Thai food, it was changed to a ramen shop."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "That's it."

At this time, the boss prepared Zhang Pingan’s pork bone ramen and served it to Zhang Pingan. After thanking him, he put his chopsticks together and said, “I’m going to move” and then started to deal with the ramen, and sat down with him. The corners of Ishihara Rimi's mouth were raised slightly, watching the boss make Tom Yum Goong soup for her while still staring at Zhang Ping An's noodles.

Being stared at something like this, Zhang Ping An was a little uncomfortable. He turned his head slightly to look at Rimi Ishihara beside him, but instead she responded to him with a smile, as if she was asking Zhang Ping'an,'What are you doing?'

After Zhang Ping'an took a couple of mouthfuls of noodles, Rimi Ishihara next to him said, "Are you busy with your work recently?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Fortunately, how about you, do you work a lot?"

Ishihara Rimi responded with a smile: "I haven't had much work recently. I just finished shooting a movie, and I'm currently taking a break. No, I went out to look for a gourmet shop while I was resting."

Zhang Ping'an responded: "Isn't it time to go overseas to relax?"

Ishihara Rimi shook her head and said, "It doesn't make much sense to go overseas alone. It's you, do you still have to travel overseas alone?"

Zhang Ping’an thought for a while and said, “If you are alone... I can’t. I have only tried to walk around the country alone. Because I saw the beautiful scenery, there was not even a person to share, that’s very Sad things."

Ishihara Rimi said: "So, I won't go overseas when there is no one with me. I would rather find some delicious restaurants based on food websites in China to comfort myself."

Zhang Ping An was calling for noodles while talking to Rimi Ishihara.This is the second time the two have met, so the conversation has become a little looser.After a while, Ishihara Rimi's bowl of red Tom Yum Goong ramen was served, and the boss even served her a bowl of coriander.In her words, she is a super coriander fan.

After the ramen came out, Ishihara Rimi immediately showed a very happy smile at the ramen. I don't know if it was because of the real smile from seeing the food, or was it deliberately made for Zhang Ping An who was sitting next to him?

In short, her smile at this time was particularly contagious, coupled with her exclamation, she also deliberately improved her score, becoming high-pitched, expressing her excitement.When she started eating ramen, Zhang Ping’an had already finished the meal here, and he put down his chopsticks and said thank you for the hospitality.At the same time, he asked the boss to pay the bill, and Zhang Ping'an said, "Is Ishihara-san's settlement also included?"

Ishihara Rimi responded with a smile at Zhang Ping An, "Hehe, are you free in the afternoon? You ask me to eat ramen, and I will take you to my favorite cold drink shop later."

Zhang Ping’an thought for a while and responded, “I’ll do another day, I have something to do this afternoon. Although I also want to have a cold drink with the beautiful Ishihara Sang...”

"Well, all right. I'll send you a message the next day, the number you gave me last time, right?"

"Yes, send a message when you are free."


When Zhang Pingan came out of the ramen restaurant, he muttered: "You deserve to be a fairy."

Ishihara Rimi knows how to show her beautiful side in front of men, especially her smile, and the wrinkles when she wrinkles her nose, are all very cute.Rimi Ishihara is worthy of being a girl of thousands of changes in Japan. She can be perfectly shaped in various modes, whether it is a gentle lady, a cute little woman, or a glamorous strong woman, and so on.

As long as she masters the heart of a man, she will be able to shape her image very well.Well, maybe it's because of the many changes in the TV series roles she starred in, right?So before everyone had a true understanding of her personality, she felt that her image was like a chameleon, unpredictable, and she knew how to handle men.

When Ishihara Rimi sent out the invitation, Zhang Ping'an felt a little tangled in his heart for two or three seconds, and finally thought that he had just arrived in Tokyo today, and there was indeed a lot to do.First of all, I went home to take a look. Shiraishi Mai is still very busy at work recently. Since her personal fame opened last year, she has worked more and more, so he has to go home and see if her home is the same as last time. Messy.

After Zhang Ping An left the restaurant, Ishihara Rimi looked at his back and smiled: "Very interesting person."

Soon, Zhang Pingan took a taxi and returned home.Entering the living room, Zhang Pingan did not see a very messy room this time, but rather tidy. Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Is this cleaned yesterday?"

Yes, yesterday Shiraishi Mai rested for half a day during the day, so she called someone to clean the room in the morning.Zhang Ping An came back the next day just after cleaning. Looking at the clean and refreshing room, Zhang Ping An's mood naturally became much more relaxed. Zhang Ping dropped his backpack and walked towards the cloakroom. He planned to find a piece of clothing for home. Changed.

But when he came to the cloakroom, he looked at the display table where he placed accessories and ties, and there were a lot of Shiraishi Mai's underwear.Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "How busy is this? After washing, I will throw it here?"

This was yesterday when she was about to fold and pack her underwear. The aunt who came to do sanitation arrived. She went to open the door and stared at them doing sanitation. So she forgot about it, so they are still stacked here.

Zhang Pingan shook his head, but took his own clothes from the shelf of the folded T-shirts and changed them.

After changing his clothes, Zhang Ping'an turned on the air conditioner in the living room, sat on the sofa in the living room holding the phone and started to swipe bored, and at the same time began to send messages to people in Tokyo.

First, Zhang Ping An sent to Yui Aragaki: "What to eat tonight?"

I originally thought Yui Aragaki would reply very late. Who knew that within two minutes of the news, Zhang Ping received a "?" from Yui.

"I just arrived in Tokyo, do I have dinner together tonight?"

Yui Aragaki, who was filming a TV series on the set, was holding a mobile phone with a crooked mouth and Zhang Pingan and sent a message: "I'm on the set and I won't go home to eat. Do you want to wait for my return at home?"

"Are you filming a TV series? Okay, then I won't interrupt your filming. I'll wait for you to go home at night."

Yui Aragaki responded: "Well, there is no food in the refrigerator. If you don't want to make it, just eat out."


Rejecting Ishihara Rimi's invitation, Shiraishi Mai is very busy as an idol, and the same Yui Aragaki is currently filming because of the new drama.Perhaps the only person who has free time is Yuko Shinki, but Zhang Ping'an didn't want to find her.So he simply slept in his home in the afternoon, and then waited for the night in Tokyo to come, and he left with his bag on his back.

In the middle of the night, Yui Aragaki finished filming, and her agent took her home. Just not far from her house, the agent said in surprise: "Why is the light in your house turned on?"

Yui Aragaki smiled and said: "My family is here, I will let them wait at home."

Regarding the relationship with Zhang Pingan, she has not thought about telling her agent for the time being.

Soon Yui got out of the car and said goodbye to her agent. Her agent ordered to pick her up tomorrow morning and leave.Yui looked up and looked at the lights on the balcony, she immediately showed the most invincible smile and walked home.

When she took out the key to open the door of her house, the sound of TV playing in the living room, the sound of Zhang Ping's footsteps coming out of the living room, and the sound of Zhang Ping's footsteps coming out of the living room, and heard his voice: "I'm back? Hard work. "

Listening to his voice, Yui gently squatted down and arranged his canvas shoes before raising her head. This is when Zhang Ping'an stood still in front of the entrance and stretched out his arms towards her, asking for home. Hug...

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