Zhang Ping’an’s INS account rejected all private messages from strangers, and he could only send private messages after paying attention to each other. The objects he followed were all Korean female idols.So when he received the private message, he was a little surprised, because the person who could send him a private message must be one of the female idols he followed!

Zhang Ping’an opened the private message and read it, “Hello, I’m Pu Soyan from Tara, because there are things that need to be communicated to you. Is it convenient to leave your number?Your private number, I promise not to pass it on!'

Looking at the news from So Yeon, Zhang Ping'an had roughly guessed what was going on, because he just read the message on Huaxia Bib.So Yeon’s message to herself must be about Ji Yeon’s solo issue.

Zhang Pingan slapped his mouth twice: "I really can't control my mouth. This habit must be changed, definitely!"

He has leaked enough "future" these days. Whether it is the two unreleased songs or the problem of Ji Yeon who is preparing for a SOLO album, he has said it naturally.Because in his memory these are not'future' but'past tense'.The hot songs he sang will be a must for KTV in a few years.So this habit must be changed, otherwise he might be arrested for research someday.

Facing the problem he made, he must solve it by himself. He replied his Korean number in a private message to So Yeon, and then he began to read the news that the idols posted on INS today.

Almost five minutes later, Zhang Pingan's cell phone rang, and it was a set of South Korean numbers.Zhang Ping'an picked it up casually. The moment the phone was connected, he reported himself: "Hello, we are'MBK Entertainment', the agency of Tara."

After the other party reported the house, Zhang Pingan said directly: "Well, you guys are calling to ask me questions about Jiyan SOLO, right?"

"Yes, sir. Because of Jiyeon's SOLO, our company has not disclosed any news to the outside world, so we want to ask where you got it from?"

Regarding this question, Zhang Ping’an had already figured out the answer, so he said to the people at MBK, “Where do I need to inquire about this matter? I will know after a little speculation. Tara has no activities in Korea. Since there is no Activities, so why is Jiyeon running to the company every day? And there is a lot of news about Jiyeon entering and leaving the company on INS. She goes to the company almost in the morning and leaves the company at night. If it is to rehearse and sing Yes, but I didn’t see any other members appearing. One day, two days, so in and out, you can also say that she is practicing something for a certain program. But it’s almost half a month, she still goes to the company every day Except for the SOLO activities arranged by your company, I can't think of other possibilities, right?"

Zhang Pingan’s reasoning made the MBK people on the phone speechless. They really wanted to ask "Uncle Black", are you "Detective Ke Lan"?

After hanging up the phone with the staff at MBK, Zhang Ping An breathed a long sigh of relief. He swears and cursed in his heart, saying,'You must control your mouth in the future, definitely!'

Fortunately, his'reasoning' was really convincing this time. Otherwise, the people at MBK asked him where he got the news, and how would he explain it at that time?Did he tell them nonsense that you said on behalf of Kim Kwang-soo?

This incident finally passed in the explanation on the phone, but today Zhang Pingan has been on the South Korean hot search list for no reason.Of course it is not his name "Zhang Pingan", but the name "Uncle Black" which is very famous by the fan group.

His'INS' account somehow gained tens of thousands of fans today.Before this incident, some overseas fans had no idea that there was a famous fan in the Korean fan circle, "Uncle Black".

But today, after he announced the news of Tara Park Ji-yeon, many of China’s "sleepy" began to cross the wall to see his INS. Everyone has uploaded a lot of photos of female idols on-site activities in his SNS.What kind of celebration is there, there is a live song, etc.

There is a certain difference between INS and the bib. On his INS, photos of him and the female idols are rarely uploaded, and his bib account in China is all posted when he went to the female idols signing meeting. Group photo.

So today, many Tara fans are following the well-known black uncle in this fan circle on ins!!


After Zhang Ping'an got up from the bath, his phone rang again, but this time the phone rang from China.Xiaoxiao called and said: "I found many people who are willing to try to do the live broadcast. He called again to confirm with Zhang Ping An whether there is a basic salary for live broadcast on his platform?"

After getting a positive answer, the two hung up.

After taking a shower, Zhang Ping'an drew the curtains and lay on the bed. The quiet environment always had a trace of loneliness hitting his heart.After turning off the room light and leaving a bedside lamp, he picked up the Korean mobile phone and hesitated whether to go to Yin Suwan's live broadcast room.

But the finger stayed on the program for a long time without pressing it down, Zhang Ping'an finally chose to put down the phone and go to sleep. He didn't want to make himself feel uncomfortable.But even if he put down the phone, Yin Suwan was dancing in the live room in front of him.He really wants to say something, stop jumping, go home and I will support you.

This sentence sounds like a promise.But everyone knows that "promise" is just a sweet lie in love.

But how many love promises can be fulfilled in the world?Whether it's a man or a woman, promises are just sweet words from him or her on a whim.

"I only love you" in men's mouth, "I will cook you breakfast forever" in women's mouth.'These are the sweetest lies!

Whoever believes this promise will be miserable!

Zhang Ping'an, who tossed over and over again, forced himself to sleep on the bed, but the more he forced him, the more he couldn't sleep, so he simply got out of bed and put on sportswear and went for a run.He had forgotten to exercise in the past two days, and he just couldn't sleep today, so he went out for a run!

After some exercise, Zhang Pingan, who had returned home from exhaustion, thought he could fall asleep easily. Who knew that after taking a shower, he fell asleep and flew away like that.He started tossing about on the bed again.

Just like that, he lay on the bed alone and started his torturing journey. After a while, he took a mobile phone and looked at the "Starting Point" to record the future acquisition of the script. After a while, he opened the video website to watch the funny jokes. I went to bed after three o'clock in the middle of the night.

The next day, after he woke up, it was almost noon. He went to the hotel and took the three of them to Nanjing Road and Chenghuang Temple.Because in his mind, there are only a few places that represent Shanghai the most: The Bund, Chenghuang Temple, Nanjing Road.

After walking around Nanjing Road, Zhang Pingan contacted an interpreter. After her arrival, Zhang Pingan found out a new stack of 10,000 Chinese coins and gave Xu Yunmei the three to go shopping.

Of course, this little money is not enough to visit those luxury stores, but Zhang Ping’an asked the translator and tour guide to take them to some places where they can buy souvenirs, and introduce a good restaurant for a meal in the evening, which is completely enough.

Zhang Pingan went home after introducing the female translation guide to them.After changing into a'star chaser', Zhang Ping'an went out again. There is a Li Ji-en's concert waiting for him this afternoon. He has to meet the fans who sell tickets.


Shanghai Repulse Bay Grand Theater, Li Zhien’s first Chinese live concert.Because it is an indoor venue, there are not many people who can enter the scene, but there are still many fans.

Li Zhien’s concert promotion posters have been hung on the outer walls of the venue. Zhang Ping’an met the fans in the coffee shop. He transferred the first row of tickets to Zhang Ping’an, 10,000 yuan!

Holding the concert ticket, there are still several hours before the opening time. Zhang Pingan sat in the cafe and updated today's first Weibo. The photo is a concert ticket'IU, China's first show!Ji Eun, Huai Ting!'.

After sending the concert tickets, he routinely put a photo with idols. The one who posted his photo today is F(x)'s little crystal. Fu Wen: Participated in the F(x) signing event for 10 years 'Bingshan's Sister: Zheng Jingjing' sister is colder than her sister, and she didn't even smile when taking a photo!!

Zhang Pingan publishes photos of star chasers every day, which makes countless netizens curiously leave a message: "Uncle Hei, how many idols have you taken photos with? When can you show up to us?"

Zhang Pingan replied to netizens: "Ugly rejection. It is not because you are ugly, but because I admit that I am ugly, so I refuse!"

Zhang Pingan just sat outside the hall and swung up his scarf and chatted with netizens.Someone saw Zhang Ping’s first row of tickets and asked him: “Uncle Hei, how much did you charge for the first row of Ji-eun’s concert?”

Zhang Pingan replied: "Ten thousand."

After the news came out, there were a lot of messages "local tyrant!"

And soon the news spread to South Korea's Li Ji-eun's personal official coffee, "Uncle Black, spent 1.7 million won in China, refreshing the highest ticket price of the Korean idol concert scalper!!'

The news spread quickly on the Korean Internet. Before Zhang Ping’an had time to enter the venue to watch the concert, he received a call from the'Fei Sister’: “Ping An oppa, you go to China to watch the IU concert. Yes? A ticket that cost 1.7 million?"

"Yeah. Because it is an indoor venue, I want another row, so the price offered by the other party is relatively high. At first, someone asked me for 3.5 million. I was really crazy for money."

Sister Fei said helplessly: "Haha... if you say 3.5 million, fans don’t want to sell. By the way, Girls’ Generation’s third day tour starting next month, will you go? Let’s go together. We have you as an RB The translation is here, I'm relieved!"

"Besides, I've been busy recently, and I have finally spared time to watch the concert today. I'm not talking anymore, I'm going in..."

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