In the afternoon, Zhang Pingan and Luo Rui left the company together.Because the two made an appointment with representatives of the big mimi company, they also met with Penguin and Kiwi. The people from the two video companies talked about the introduction of specific TV series today, mainly talking about the advertising division.

In the coffee shop of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Shanghai, Zhang Pingan and manager Luo Rui are waiting for the representative of Da Mi Mi.The two were drinking coffee and talking about the company's future development.Luo Rui said: "Mr. Zhang, China’s entertainment market has developed very rapidly in the past two years. Even video companies have joined the production of variety shows. Have you still not planned to make China’s shows?"

Zhang Ping’an took a sip of coffee. Warm coffee is the most comfortable drink in winter. He smiled and responded: “After finishing the production this year, I will begin to shift my focus to Huaxia. Haven't you noticed that the situation on both sides has become very tense in the past two years?"

Luo Rui nodded and said: "I watched the news, because of a radar weapon or something, the spokesperson has repeatedly expressed solemn representations. Then do you think the future..."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “It’s not easy to say about the future, maybe one day I will have an affair. However, no matter how troublesome it is, it will not affect me too much. I should make money or make money, and other things, I don’t care about it. Even if the east side is not bright, the west side will be..."

Zhang Ping'an didn't utter the last word because the phone he placed on the desktop shook. The software for the letter was not prestige, but Line. Most of the people using this software were Japan and Taiwan.Zhang Pingan sent a message to his wife who was far away in Tokyo, asking her if she didn't have any work arrangements in Tokyo, she would come to China to play today.

Yui replied to the message at this time. There was not much verbosity on it, only one flight information, information on flying from Tokyo to Shanghai.It took off at 6:30 in the evening and arrived in Shanghai at 9:10.

Zhang Ping'an replied after seeing the message: "Received, I will come to the airport exit to wait for you at night.'

After Zhang Pingan put down his mobile phone, Luo Rui said: "Then our company is still focusing on TV drama investment in China?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Well, I only cast TV shows. The water in the movie is too mixed at the moment, I don't want to get involved in it. I will ask kiwifruit and penguin later if they are interested in making a show together. But, wait until Went in the second half of the year, I have had a lot of things recently."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's plan to launch variety show production in China, Luo Rui said with a smile: "Can we arrange more artists from our company to participate?"

Zhang Pingan said: "We have signed a lot of new people recently?"

Luo Rui looked at Zhang Ping’an weirdly and said, “Don’t the brokerage company cultivate its own newcomers? We have recently signed some promising ones, and they all graduated from professional schools. Their overall appearance conditions are also very good. Yes. After all, this era has begun to look at faces.."

Yes, the times have begun to look at their faces, so the appearance of celebrities has become one of the basic conditions. To become popular, you must first pass the appearance to attract others.As for the plain-looking, you can be a supporting role at ease.There is only one "Baby King" among the 1.4 billion Chinese people, so not every dragon or ordinary person has a bright day. Even if there is, it may not fall on your head.

Zhang Ping'an said: "Anyway, we have a lot of dramas in our hands. Let's promote slowly. We can't do it overnight!"


Just as the two were chatting, Zheng Jia, the representative of Da Mi Mi, came.After she greeted Zhang Ping'an briefly, Zhang Ping'an was not verbose, and showed her the first two episodes of the written script.

After she quickly read the script, she raised her head and said to Zhang Ping An, "Just now Mi Mi wrote to say that Director Zhang also has a high degree of confidence in this TV series? Said this is a book that will not lose to "The Thousand Bone" Adaptation of his novel?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said: “Both books have their own merits in the novel. I personally think that this one has the potential to not lose to it. But the creation of the script and the production of post-production special effects, etc., are the big highlights of the TV series. , So I thought that the investment this time could be a little bigger."

As the head of the film and television industry, she certainly knows that post-production is the most expensive part.She nodded and said, "Is this script expected to invest 100 million yuan in filming?"

Zhang Ping'an responded: "Well, it is estimated to be 100 million. It should be said that at least 100 million. If there are other additional projects in the post-production, we will continue to invest. The quality of the TV series is still bad, but it is related to the investment money."

Zheng Jia said: "This is for sure. The amount of investment is directly linked to the quality. Director Zhang, what kind of cooperation do you plan to adopt?"

Zhang Ping’an hesitated for a while and said, “Five to five, so that none of us will suffer. To be honest, I would like to invest more, but I will not let some shares come out. I’m afraid you will become someone else’s company in the future. Now, I don’t want Fatty to follow you through hard times."

"Our Mimi's pay..." Just when Zheng Jia was talking about the pay, Zhang Ping stopped interrupting: "The pay is too high, I will replace someone, anyway, there are many actors who can replace Da Mi Mi, you say yes Right? The remuneration is based on a reasonable market price, and I have to keep Fatty's No. 2 position. I have done my best to your company. I have taken all the benefits to you!"

To get the first female and the second female is definitely the most ideal thing for them.However, it should be considered that the most common funders can occupy the average heavyweight actors.. right?

Zheng Jia said, "Okay, when will the TV series start?"

Zhang Pingan thought for a while and said: "It may look like in the second half of the year, because there are still a lot of preparations to be done in the early stage, costume design, stage design of the scene, and the finished product will be broadcasted at the beginning of next year at the latest!"

"Okay, how about I go to your company tomorrow to sign a contract?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ping'an nodded in response.

In fact, the'gambling agreement' signed by their company is a big bet for Dammit. If you go to film TV series and movies step by step, it will not necessarily meet the requirement of “gambling” if you are exhausted. Horizontal line.The only way out is to invest in works, and it requires a big return from a big investment.Their company also participated as an investor in the movie filmed by Da Mi Mi in South Korea.

At this moment, people from the Penguin platform came.Zheng Jia looked at her acquaintance in the Penguin video, and she laughed: "Mr. Wang, why are you here today?"

Mr. Wang of Penguin Video said with a smile: "Isn't this Boss Zhang personally invited? Then I must come to the meeting, it is a rare opportunity to meet Boss Zhang in China."

After they shook hands separately, Zhang Ping'an invited him to sit down, but Zheng Jia did not rush to leave.She sits next to her and wants to hear what new collaborations Zhang Pingan and Penguin have in the video?

Mr. Wang smiled and said: “I heard from the director of our program group that the assistant host of the Chinese version of "Take the Refrigerator"'Wang Jieke' was recommended by Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and said, "Well, I have seen him a few times in Korea, a very polite child. So I had a chance in China and made a Korean variety show, so I recommended him. I watched Effectively, his performance is pretty good."

Mr. Wang said: “Well, Jack Wang’s performance is quite good. By the way, when I came over, the screenwriter of "Please the Refrigerator" told me that at the end of the last season, the program team plans to shoot live in Korea. I don’t know Zhang PD, can you arrange Kim Taeyeon’s itinerary for us?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Taeyeon? All right, I'll contact SM in a while, and you will send me the shooting schedule."

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, can you participate in this show?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and refused: "I have been busy with many things recently. I still have a variety show in my hand. I also want to do Taeyeon's music album. Also, the second season of "New Journey to the West" is about to be filmed. Yes, for the second season of this time, is your channel interested in buying the exclusive broadcasting rights of the same period in China?"

"Of course I bought it. The last time'Season One' was broadcast exclusively on our platform."

When Luo Rui looked at Zhang Ping’an and Lao Wang on the video side and talked for a while and didn’t talk about TV drama-related issues, he said, “Mr. Wang, we are asking you out this time. We invested last year. The production of a new large-scale'Korea' TV series is completed."

Mr. Wang said: "Didn't I offer your company an offer? The purchase price of 300,000 US dollars per episode?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "We invested a lot in this TV series. And the price of kiwifruit is 320,000 per episode. But we are very informative about this TV series. So we want to participate in the advertising sharing."

Mr. Wang smiled and said, "Oh? You want to share the ads? How many clicks do you think this TV series can break?"

Zhang Ping An smiled slightly and said with confidence: "This drama, we will add at least 5 million registered members to your platform."

For the video platform, five million registered members, this is a considerable amount of data, and Penguin has always been the owner of good money, so Mr. Wang looked at Zhang Ping’an seriously and said: “You are so sure Add five million registered members?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Of course I’m sure. I’ve already watched the post-edited film, so I was conquered by the charm of this show. And one of my ads for this show in South Korea all asked for one billion won. !"

Mr. Wang said: "According to our understanding, you signed a match bet for the 1 billion ad placement fee you requested for this show to ensure that the ratings will exceed 30%? How about you also sign a match bet with our platform? "

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