My entertainment circle

Chapter 849 The last word!

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Han Shenghao of FNC is too much hearted. After the company's efficiency has risen, he has always dreamed of squeezing his company into the "three major brokerage companies".But then again, in any industry in the world, you want to be at the top, right?Especially for someone like him who has touched the top edge, he definitely wants to sharpen his head and squeeze inside!

If it is those who are tens of thousands of miles away from the'top', they dare not dream of such a thing.But Han Shenghao is different. Compared with the company's public turnover last year, his'FNC' actually surpassed the turnover of'JYP', so it is understandable that he has the mind to squeeze into the'three major brokerage companies'.

So when he listened to Zhang Ping'an talking about the audition program, Han Shenghao naturally showed representatives of the three major brokerage companies sitting in front of the audition stage, watching the contests one after another.In the past, the three major brokerage companies did excavate many high-quality trainees for their brokerage companies on the spot.

But at that time there was no FNC in the guest seat, nor Han Shenghao.So when talking about the draft again, he is looking forward to being able to sit in that position, or to replace JYP in that position!


After Zhang Pingan told Han Shenghao about the format of the audition show in his office, his eyes widened in surprise: "You told me to focus on the girl group that Park Jinying did not debut, but how do I feel? Is the draft women's team you mentioned more threatening? The women's team selected by the national vote, this...this starting point is too high?"

Han Shenghao doesn’t have to worry about whether the “girls group” Zhang Ping’an said will become an army, because CJ Entertainment has come forward, and even if they debut, they only have a two-year contract, which is equal to members of this group two years later. Will return to their original brokerage company, which has countless benefits for the original brokerage company.After all, after the members of the national girl group came out, the girl group produced by the trainees who took the lead in their own company would be three points worse!!

Zhang Pingan said with a smile: “No matter how famous the National Women’s Group is, it only has two years of activity time, because I always feel that one person cannot support a team. It is limited to members of the national girl group. Going back to the original agency and regrouping, it is impossible for the whole group to be paid attention to, so I don’t think I need to worry too much."

Han Shenghao shook his head and said, "Although it is a two-year period of activity, it is possible to re-select a national girl group after two years. It means that a national girl group appears every two years. Isn't this a threat?"

"I only plan to do one period, one women's team, one men's team. If you really want to talk about the draft cycle, I think it is three to five years is the most appropriate. Because in the first period, we have selected outstanding people, at least the next It will take three to five years for fresh blood to be added. Otherwise, the players eliminated this year will be selected from the eliminated players two years later?"

Of course, Zhang Ping'an did not participate in the subsequent drafts because he knew that the program involved a lot of interests, and the later fraud became unscrupulous.Zhang Pingan will definitely not do such a thing. Anyway, the copyright of the program will be given to Mnet to play, and he will withdraw. At that time, he will even publish an official document stating that he will not participate in the production, but will only use the copyright to Mnet.

"Only one issue?" Han Shenghao didn't understand why Zhang Ping'an chose this way.Anyway, he saw a lot of benefits in this show, especially when he heard the SMS voting.. He can say with certainty that Zhang Pingan will make a fortune with this show!!

Zhang Ping'an smiled and did not respond to his doubts, just raised his hand to check the time and said: "Let's go, it's almost time, it's time to go for dinner, what would you like to eat tonight?"

Han Shenghao responded with a smile: "Of course I slaughtered you severely. I can already foresee that the sponsors of this show will fight to lose their heads, and you will make a lot!!"

"Hahaha... I borrowed your good words!" Zhang Ping'an laughed happily.In fact, "IOI" can't make much money in South Korea, a country with a population of 50 million. On the contrary, when the show was drafted in China, that really started the money printing model.


Zhang Pingan, Han Shenghao, and the group of beautiful women with AOA came out of the company and instantly attracted the attention of countless people.Because they didn't choose to drive there, after all, the place where FNC is located is Cheongdam-dong. There are countless delicious restaurants around this area.

When the AOA group of women came out of the company, they were accompanied by three agents and two security personnel. After all, there were still some waiting fans at the company's door.No matter how much you have to pay attention to the safety of artists, right?And the representatives of their company also followed. It must be time for them to perform.

After coming out of the company, Zhang Pingan and Han Shenghao took the lead. Because neither of them were popular idols, naturally no one would care about them. The AOA people who came out afterwards were just six or seven fans waiting at the door. Surrounded the past.

Zhang Ping'an looked back and said, "Representative Han, I remember that there are a lot of fans at the door of the other three companies. Why are there so few people at the door of FNC?"

"Other companies have more men's groups, so there are more fans at the door. AOA's recent results are quite good, but most of the fans they attract are male fans. They can buy albums or come to concerts. Okay, but you let the male fans come to the door of the company to stop them..." Han Shenghao didn't say anything further, instead shaking his head.

Indeed, although the consumption that male fans can bear is not low, it is still not as good as female fans. If it is about the degree of'enthusiasm', then female fans can be said to be a few blocks away from male fans.Moreover, there are more female fans than male fans in such things.The two male bands on FNC have been famous for many years. They will come to the company when they release their albums. They basically don't appear in the company on weekdays, so there are not many fans squatting in front of their company.

Relatively speaking, the three major brokerage companies have recently launched new men's teams, so there are more of them at the door of their companies.

Looking at Han Shenghao's appearance, Zhang Ping'an could clearly see that he was very envious of the situation where fans gathered at the door.Because only the top brokerage companies will have such a "pilgrimage" situation, this is also one of the main reasons why Han Shenghao strives to push his company to the top.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "I happened to pass by the Shuyiren company, and the door of their company seemed much cleaner. If it weren't for the company's signboard, I didn't even know that it was a well-known Shuyiren brokerage company. Actually. Regardless of whether there are fans at the door, making money is the most important thing for the company!"

A tree artist, a professional brokerage company for South Korea's top actors.In terms of popularity alone, it will definitely not lose to the three major agencies, because their company has a lot of Hallyu actors.It's just that the sharing agreement of the actor company is different from that of the music company, so the actor company does not have a singer company to make money.After all, companies that own singers have many overseas concerts every year, which is a very large income item.

Zhang Ping’an comforts Han Shenghao with “making money”, which is also a phrase he often says. The company’s turnover exceeds that of JYP, which is one of the three largest companies. Perhaps this can give him a little comfort?

Passing through two blocks, Zhang Ping An and Han Shenghao came to the well-known Korean beef restaurant, and the group sat down one after another.The AOA group sat together.Zhang Pingan, Representative Han, and their main agent sat together.Anbao and several personal agents sat together again.

When ordering food, Han Shenghao smiled and said to the members and the company's employees: "Today is the producer of Zhang Da, please don't be polite, please open your stomachs to eat. Drink... feel free."

I originally wanted to say'don't drink the wine', but I thought that no matter it was the person in charge of the security, the agent, or they would have no work arrangements.If you drink, then you can arrange for someone to send the children back later. Today will be the dinner before the children return.

Korean beef, various parts began to be served one after another, and gatherings of more than ten people made the restaurant lively.

The oily smell of beef soon dyed the cotton T-shirts worn in summer, and the beef made a sizzling sound on the grill, and they were in full bloom. Before returning to the Korean beef, they had to eat very hard, because There are really few opportunities to open up like this.

The reason why Han Shenghao allowed them to let them eat was also because the amount of practice they had before returning was very large. In addition, they all knew that Seolhyun got attention because of their body, so each of them didn't use body management. Let me remind you again.Xuexuan, even though she is very greedy, she also knows that her body is her capital, and she shows great restraint during her meal.

Barbecue is paired with shochu. Zhang Pingan and Han Shenghao kept chatting about some interesting things in the entertainment industry. Yes, it’s just a funny thing. Zhang Pingan was talking about the interesting things that happened with the group of "Regret Party" when he went to China for filming..

Then Zhang Pingan turned his head and said to the people of AOA: "Common sense problems are easy to appear in variety shows. It doesn’t matter if you answer the wrong common sense when shooting shows. Once it involves historical issues, you don’t know. Just say that you don’t know, don’t answer historical questions indiscriminately! Because after these questions are answered incorrectly, this is more than just ignorance!"

Han Shenghao said in disbelief, "It's not that serious, right? It's not strange to confuse a few emperors in historical issues, right?"

"It's not strange to confuse the emperor, just like you ask me, we are the emperors of the Qing Dynasty in China, I can't tell. But modern history...especially modern history during the war! This is a very troublesome thing!"

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