My entertainment circle

Chapter 893 - Why did she come to our company?

(PS: Recently started anti-theft mode, please come back to watch this chapter when it's about half an hour old. Please be assured that the revised chapter will not result in a second charge!)

FNC's Han Seung Ho is just too big, and he has always dreamed of squeezing his company into the 'top three agencies' after his company's profits rose. But then again, every industry in the world wants to be at the top, right? Especially for someone like him who had already touched the edge of the top tier, he definitely wanted to cut his head to squeeze in!

If it was those who were a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the 'top', they wouldn't dare to delude themselves about such a thing. But Han Seung Ho is different ah, last year the company's public turnover comparison, his 'FNC' is solidly beyond the turnover of 'JYP', so he has squeezed into the 'top three brokers' 'The thought of going is also something that is understandable.

So as he listened to Zhang Pingan talk about the talent show, it was natural for Han Seung Ho's head to be filled with the representatives of the three major brokerage companies sitting in front of the talent show, watching contestant after contestant after contestant. In the past, the three major brokerage companies had indeed tapped many quality trainees on the spot for their own brokerage companies among the talent shows.

But at that time, there was no them FNC or him Han Seung Ho in the guest seat. So once again, when it came to the talent show, he was very much looking forward to sitting in that seat, or instead of JYP in that seat!


After Jang Ping An told Han Seung Ho about the format of this talent show in his office, he stared in surprise, "You told me earlier to focus on Park Jin Young's uncharted girl group, but why do I feel like this talent show girl group you're talking about is more threatening? The girl group chosen by the national vote, this... That's too high a starting point, isn't it?"

The company has been in the process of creating a new generation of women's groups for the past two years, and the company has been in the process of creating a new generation of women's groups for the past two years. . After all, after coming out of the national girl group members and leading their own company's trainee production, no matter how bad it is, it's still three!

But Zhang Ping An smiled and said, "No matter how famous the National Girl Group is, they will only be active for two years, because I always feel that one person cannot support a team. Even if they achieve great fame during the event, it's limited to the members of the National Girl Group. Going back to the original agency and setting off as a new group won't be able to get the entire group noticed, so I don't think there's any need to worry too much."

Han Seung Ho shook his head and said, "Even though it's a two-year activity period, after two years, another group of national girl groups can be chosen again, which is like saying that every two years, a national girl group appears, and that's not a threat?"

"I'm only going to do one period, one female group and one male group. If you really want to talk about the selection cycle, I think three to five years is the most appropriate. Because in the first issue we picked out all the best people, at least next time it will be three to five years before fresh blood is added again. Otherwise, would the contestants eliminated this year be chosen from the eliminations two years later?"

Of course Zhang Pingan does not participate in the later selection because he is aware that this show involves a lot of interests, and the later counterfeiting becomes unscrupulous. Zhang Pingan would definitely not do such a thing, anyway, the show's copyright was given to Mnet to play with, he withdrew, and at that time he would even issue an official letter stating that he would not participate in the production and would only give the copyright to Mnet to use.

"Only producing one issue ah?" Han Seung Ho didn't understand why Zhang Ping An would choose this. Anyway, he was seeing a lot of interest in this program, especially after hearing the SMS vote . He was certain that Zhang Pingan would make another big profit with this program!!!

Zhang Pingan smiled and didn't respond to his confusion, just raised his hand to look at the time and said, "Let's go, it's almost time, it's time to go to dinner, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Han Seung Ho laughs and responds, "Of course I'm going to rip you off hard, I can already predict that the sponsors of this show are going to fight over it and you're going to make a lot of money!!!"

"Hahaha... I'm borrowing you!" Zhang Pingan laughed happily. Actually, "IOI" doesn't make much money in South Korea, a country of 50 million people, but instead, when this show conducted the talent show in Warsaw, that's when the money printing mode really started.


Zhang Pingan, Han Seung Ho, and also the group of beautiful women who brought AOA out of the office instantly attracted a lot of attention. The company is located in Cheongdam-dong, where there are numerous delicious restaurants around.

As AOA's group of women came out of the company, they were accompanied by three agents and two security personnel, and there were still some waiting fans at the entrance of the company. No matter what, we must pay attention to the safety of the artists, right? And the representative of their company also followed along, this was definitely the time for them to perform.

From the company out, Zhang Pingan and Han Seung Ho led the way forward, because the two are not popular love beans, naturally no one will care about the two of them, and then came out of the AOA crowd was surrounded by six or seven fans waiting at the entrance.

Zhang Pingan looked back and said, "Representative Han, I remember that the other three major companies have many fans who come to squat at the entrance, why are there so few people at the entrance of FNC?"

"There are more male groups in other companies, so there are more fans squatting at the door... AOA's recent results are pretty good, but most of the fans they attract are male fans... it's fine for them to buy albums, it's fine for them to come to concerts, but you have male fans who are fine to come to the door of the company and block them..." Han Seung Ho didn't say anything more about the latter words, but instead expressed it by shaking his head.

Indeed, although the amount of spending that male fans could afford wasn't low, it was still a cut below that of female fans, and if it was in terms of the degree of 'enthusiasm', then the female fans could be said to have thrown off the male fans by a few streets. And there are more female fans than male fans for such a squatting thing. The two male bands on the FNC side have been famous for many years, and they basically don't show up at the office on weekdays except when they release an album, so there aren't many fans squatting in front of their office.

In contrast, the three major agencies had recently released new boy bands, so there were more of them squatting in front of their company.

Zhang Ping An looked at Han Seung Ho's appearance, and it was clear to see that he was envious of the situation that had fans piling up at the entrance. This was because only top agencies would have such a 'pilgrimage' situation, and this was one of the main reasons why Han Seung Hao was trying to push his company to the top.

Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "I happened to pass by the 'Tree Artist' company by chance, and the entrance to their company was much cleaner, if it wasn't for the company's signage, I wouldn't even know that it was the famous 'Tree Artist' brokerage company! . In fact, whether there are fans squatting at the door or not, making money is the most important thing for the company!"

Tree Artist, the top Korean actor specialized agency. In terms of popularity alone, it definitely does not lose to the three major agencies, because their company has a lot of Korean actors. It's just that the actor company's sharing agreement is not the same as that of the music company, so the actor company doesn't make as much money as the singer company. After all, the company that had singers had many overseas concerts every year, which was a very large income item.

Jang Pingan comforted Han Seung Ho with 'making money', which was also the phrase he often talked about, the company's turnover exceeded that of one of the big three, JYP, so maybe that would give him some comfort?

The AOA group sat together. Pingan Zhang, Representative Han, and their main agent sat together. An Bao and a few other personal managers sat together.

As they ordered, Han Seung Ho smiled and said to the members and the company's employees, "Today is Producer Zhang's treat, so don't be shy and open your bellies to eat. Wine. Feel free to do so."

I was going to say 'don't drink the alcohol' but thought that neither the person in charge of security, nor the agent, nor their next work schedule. If you drink, then just arrange another person to send the kids back later, and today will be a dinner before the kids return.

Han Beef, various parts began to be served one after another, and the gathering of ten or so people also made the restaurant lively.

The fatty breath of beef soon stained the cotton T-shirt worn in summer, beef on the grill to make a zipping sound everywhere blooming, before the return of this meal Han Niu they eat is quite hard, because there are really few opportunities to eat so openly.

The reason why Han Seung-ho let them eat openly was also because the amount of practice they had before their return was huge, plus they all knew that Seol-hyun was getting attention because of her body, so each of them didn't need to be reminded of their body management anymore. Seolhyun, despite being a very voracious eater, knows that her 'body' is what counts, and she shows a lot of restraint herself during meals.

Grilled meat was paired with soju, and Zhang Pingan and Han Shenghao kept talking about some interesting things in the entertainment industry, yes, just interesting things, and Zhang Pingan was talking about the interesting things that happened with that group of 'pity parties' when they went to Warsaw to shoot this time .

Then Zhang Ping An turned to the AOA crowd and said, "Common sense questions can easily appear in variety shows, and it doesn't matter if you guys answer the wrong common sense questions during the filming of the show in the future . When it comes to historical questions, if you don't know, just say you don't know and don't answer historical questions indiscriminately! Because after these questions are answered incorrectly, it's more than just ignorance!"

Han Seung Ho said in disbelief, "It's not that serious, is it? There's nothing strange about confusing a few emperors these in a historical question, is there?"

"There's nothing strange about confusing emperors, like if you ask me about the emperors of our Chinese Qing dynasty, I can't even tell you. But recent history . . especially the recent history of the war period! That's a very tricky thing to do!"

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