(Anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter)

Most men don't quite understand the color of women's lipsticks, so when Zhang Pingan stood in front of the makeup counter and looked at the lipsticks that were all red, it was a bit embarrassing.Yes, the lipsticks in men's eyes are all'red' to make a difference, it's just that the color is different, anyway, men's eyes are all red!

But women understand more about the color "red".Especially when the shopping guide girl asked Zhang Pingan what color he needed, he was even more confused because he didn't know.

Zhang Pingan looked at the rows of'red' lipsticks and said, "Um... I don't know what color series I want. Well, my friend... No, my sister graduated from college and entered the society, so I want to give lipsticks to She as a gift."

"Graduated from college.. At present, our lipstick has eight color suits. Those who have just graduated and entered the society have many safety brands, such as this.. This.." The shopping guide carefully held the lipstick to Zhang Pingan in her Doing color tests and recommendations on the back of his hand, Zhang Ping'an looked a little confused.

He said to the shopping guide: "Wait, let me ask first."

Zhang Pingan picked up the phone and took a photo of the lipstick on the display cabinet and sent it to Pani: "How to choose? I am a little confused to see so many reds. The shopping guide here also tells me what lipstick should be divided into texture? What? "Colorful and rich", what is "shining stars", what is "watery and moisturizing"... I'm a little confused, so particular?"

Pani quickly replied to Zhang Pingan: "Bullets? You can ask her to give you a suit. Each product has a suit released every year. There are a few, there are more than a dozen, and any suit is available. Not bad. You can't give one even if you give it, right? That would be a shame to your big boss."

"Well, listen to your suit!" Zhang Ping'an put away the phone, turned to the shopping guide and said, "Are there any suits for this year?"

"Yes, sir, what texture suit do you want? You can also choose your own color to match. We will send you a suit box."

The problem came back as a result, even if it’s a suit, it’s about texture.Pani even said to give me a consultation. After talking for a long time, he still didn't say it!Zhang Ping'an asked, "How many suits do you have?"

"6 colors, 12 colors, 24 colors. There is also the full color series that our counter has, 128 packs!"

"128? All..." Zhang Pingan said as he gestured all over the lipstick area of ​​their showcase.

"Yes, we have 128 lipstick series in total, and only our counter can order a special gift box for 128. There is no other place."

The shopping guide actively promotes a full set of 128 sets.Because Zhang Ping'an hurriedly changed his name from "friend" to "sister", the shopping guide wondered if he was buying lipstick for himself, maybe he had a good impression, maybe he was looking for.

Moreover, looking at Zhang Pingan's dressing and dressing is of great value, for such customers, of course, he has to sell the most expensive.How could a shopping guide not have any eyesight?

The brand's lipsticks total 128 pieces in all colors. In other stores, there are only regular gift boxes of '61224', and only they have a special set of 128 complete series.But this full set of customized gift boxes has never been sold, because many colors are not applicable in reality.Those weird colors are at most needed when matching colors in the'show floor', and no one will buy them in reality.Therefore, the '128 set' has not been sold once.

Price is one aspect of the problem, and the most important aspect is that it is not necessary to buy.To put it bluntly, it means buying good-looking and decorative items, but they are of no practical use.

Zhang Ping’an dullly listened to the sales promotion of the shopping guide, and she immediately said with a little bit of “deception”: “The color of lipstick cannot be given away randomly. Because everyone’s preferences are different, it is possible to use this The color is not good to use on that person. For example, the simplest one is pink." She picked up the pink lipstick while talking about the shopping guide, and she demonstrated to Zhang Ping An on her mouth...

After applying it, she turned her head and smiled at Zhang Pingan and said, "Look, "pink" is the favorite color of women, but it may not be suitable for everyone. I use it very ugly, so I won't Pick pink..."

She is totally bullying that Zhang Pingan is a man, she doesn't understand the color of lipstick, and the skin color of Asians is not suitable for pink.Those in Europe and the United States who have very white skin are more suitable. Lipsticks are selected according to the skin tone of each person. Of course, the lipstick has a "safe color", which is like clothing. You don’t know what to wear when you choose. The simplest, white T-shirt, jeans, this is absolutely not wrong.

There is a "safe color" in the lipstick, which is suitable for people of any skin tone.But Zhang Pingan, a man who knows so much, he uses lipstick at most when the winter is relatively dry.How does he know all the things in the lipstick?

And Pani only said to buy a suit in the message, but she didn't make it very clear.In fact, the suit recommended by Pani is the company's customized "safe color" suit, which is suitable for most people.And Zhang Pingan only said'suits' to shopping guides.Shopping guide for her own commission, of course she can understand the "self-matching" suit.

The shopping guide told Zhang Ping an a lot of things that he didn't understand at all.I don't know if it was fooled or what, but in the end, he really bought the full set in a daze. As a result, a full set was up to 250,000 yen, which was the price of a luxury bag.

128 sets of gift boxes, when the lipstick box is opened and all the lipsticks are neatly placed in front of you, there is really a sense of shock.Zhang Pingan took a picture of the'suit' with his mobile phone and sent it to Pani.


Pani saw the suit purchased by Zhang Pingan and she sprayed it out while drinking coffee. It was really sprayed: "Madman! Wow~~ Sika is right, this guy is really a madman. Taeyeon, you Come and see the lunatic Zhang Ping An."

Pani handed the phone to Taeyeon, who was next to him, and asked her to come and see Zhang Ping’s lunatic thing. When Taeyeon saw such a big box of lipstick, she looked incredible, "What? What is he doing? Is he planning to start a lipstick business?"

Pani smiled bitterly and said: "He said that his friend graduated from college and entered the society, so I suggested that he buy a lipstick combo set to give to his friend. In the end, he did buy a set, all colors are available.

Taeyeon smiled and shook her head and said, "Madman~!"

In the eyes of a woman, his behavior is indeed a lunatic, because there are only a dozen commonly used colors, but he has bought all the lipsticks at once. What is this waste?

Pani looked at the lipstick box again with her mobile phone, and she muttered: "In fact, it's not bad to give such a suit. Taeyeon, is it the same as the water color pen you used to paint?"

"There are more colors than my water color pens, and I only have a few dozen pens, which are...128."

After looking at it for a long time, Pani thinks this gift is not bad, at least visually shocking.And as a woman, I must also like this gift very much. It feels more meaningful than giving a brand-name bag.

Zhang Ping'an took the lipstick box and took the taxi home. It was not so wise to run around the street with such a thing. He planned to go home and put it on his own before going out for food.After getting in the car, he looked at the big box contentedly and said, "It's very important and interesting."

In Zhang Ping'an's thinking, giving women gifts seems to have nothing to send except for'bags'.

Because everyone is talking about "Cure all diseases" and today Pani did give him a good suggestion, allowing him to learn good tricks for making girls.Although he felt that some colors were not suitable after the purchase, the color effect represented by this gift was very strong.

In the car on the return trip, Zhang Pingan touched the box of lipstick and smiled contentedly. He didn't even know why the inexplicable smirk suddenly appeared. Maybe he learned some'gift-giving' skills from Penny?

At this time, his phone rang, and he looked at the incoming call "Mother", which made him quickly pick it up: "Mother, you are so free today, why did you think of calling me?"

"Why are you like your father? You are really a little heartless, can you talk to others?"

For the sake of his own capital chain, Zhang Ping'an immediately showed a flattering attitude towards the mother on the other end of the phone, and slapped him: "Hey, mother~~How could I be unscrupulous? I wish my mother a long life, Youth is permanent, always 18 years old!"

"Bangbang~~ coax your little Korean girl."

"There are no more Korean girls. We broke up, so I ran back to Tokyo alone to treat my injury."

The Queen didn't feel too surprised when she heard the'break up', she smiled and said, "Your nonchalant tone is healing? In the end, from your point of view, you still think that Japanese women are the most gentle?"

"What? I didn't come to Japan to find a woman. I came to Tokyo this time just to take a two-day rest. I didn't take a day off last month. I went to work at around 9 o'clock every morning."

"Oh, you want me to praise you for what you can do? I think you didn't do anything for a day, and you spent a lot of money."

"Mom, can you not talk about money? I will definitely pay you back after I make money."

"You? Make money? Hehe... I am waiting!" After the mother and son chatted a few words, Mother Zhang's voice softened, and she said softly: "Son, seeing your birthday is coming, you will come back this year. Are you born?"

After a month of busy work, I even forgot my birthday. It was not my mother who talked about it. Zhang Ping'an really forgot that his birthday was the 6th after May Day.Now it’s on the 4th, it’s my birthday in a blink of an eye. No wonder my old lady will call, this is the greatest maternal love in the world~~!!

No matter where you are, your birthday will never be forgotten by mothers!

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