(Anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter, anti-theft chapter)

After hanging up the phone with Taeyeon, Zhang Ping An sighed a long, all he could do was to comfort one or two sentences. Whether Taeyeon can get out of the pressure of this matter depends on her.Even if he wanted to help, he couldn't do anything about it. After all, it was inconvenient for him to ask Taeyeon to come out and talk about it at this moment, so it still depends on how the teammates around her accompany her.

There is only so much that Zhang Ping'an can do right now. Just like Sika said, "Just do what you can." After all, he is just a friend.Moreover, other people's emotional problems, whether it is good or bad, should not be said too much.So Zhang Ping'an also talked with her on the phone, at least his own nonsense made her smile, which is enough.

In the girls' generation dormitory, after Taeyeon and Zhang Pingan hung up the phone, she still had a smile on her lips, but her smile at this time was quite bitter.But in any case, Zhang Pingan also made Taeyeon feel much better, which made Pani smile and look at Taeyeon and said: "This Zhang Pingan seems to be useful, he can still make you laugh on the phone. It."

Taeyeon smiled bitterly and shook her head and said, "It's not that you don't know him. Anyway, you are talking nonsense on the phone and talking nonsense."

Penny smiled and said, "Even nonsense, he at least made you laugh successfully, didn't he? I think so, don't put too much pressure on you. Really, such a thing has been done. It will be fine for a while. Recently, we have the right to take a break, so that we will not have to go on a concert tour while preparing for the album, which is really tiring."

Their preparation for the return has been suspended. It would be meaningless if they were to be held accountable at this time, so Pani also used this'pause' as a kind of rest.Of course, when the album is paused, Pani's heart is still quite depressed. After all, this album is the overall look of her.Day and night, she went to company meetings for album styling, costumes, stage colors, etc. Seeing that what she had made was about to be carried out, but was stopped at the last moment, can she not be depressed?

But what can be done to be depressed?At this point, Pani can only think about it more in Taeyeon's position.Especially Pani knows very well that Taeyeon is a person who likes to keep all the pressure in her heart, so what she can do is to enlighten her as much as possible, so that she will not bear too much psychological burden.

Taeyeon listened to Pani's comfort, she smiled bitterly at Pani: "Thank you, Pani."

Penny smiled and said, "Hey~~Where is such politeness between us? Okay, let's go and rest?" The comforting words are all finished, and the rest is up to her.

Watching Taeyeon go back to the room, while Pani sat in the living room wondering if he wanted to find Zhang Ping an out to chat?Pani wondered if Zhang Ping'an had a different solution?After all, he told Taeyeon a long time ago about this problem, but Taeyeon himself did not pay attention.Even if he doesn't have a good solution, he has a way to amuse Taeyeon?


Zhang Ping'an changed his clothes and was about to go out for a swim, but the phone rang when he got on the elevator and got down to the garage.Zhang Pingan looked at Pani's call, and he felt that there were some reasons why she called. Today, there is almost nothing except Taeyeon, and the relationship between Pani and Taeyeon is so close.

Zhang Ping'an answered the phone: "Oh, Pani, do you want to come out for brunch together?"

"Well, I happen to have something to tell you, will you come to meet me in our dormitory? I will send you the address."

Girls’ Generation’s dormitory was less than ten minutes away by car from Zhang Pingan’s home. Soon Zhang’s car stopped at Girls’ Generation’s downstairs and sent a text message to Pani. After a while, he saw Pani and Shun Kwe. Er appeared in front of him, Zhang Ping'an didn't expect Shungui to be together.

It was the first time that he saw'President Li', so Zhang Ping'an got out of his car.

Seeing Zhang Pingan take the initiative to get out of the car, Pani smiled and said to Shun Kyu next to him: "Let me just say, he will definitely get out of the car to greet him. This guy does a very good job of politeness every time."

Shunkyu smiled and nodded to Pani.At this time, Zhang Pingan approached and nodded to Pani before saying to Shun Kyu: "Hello, Shun Kyu xi." Then he said hello to Pani, "Pani~"

Petite Shun Kyu had short hair when he released the album this year.With short hair, she has become much more refreshed, and in this hot summer, her short hair is much better than her long hair.

At this time, she smiled and greeted Zhang Ping'an: "Hello, Zhang Ping'anxi, I would like to take care of you from the first meeting."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said jokingly to Shungui: "I also ask you to take care of it, especially when you cooperate with your uncle's company in the future, you must remember to help me with a few words."

Standing next to him, Pani cried out to Zhang Ping’an with a bitter smile, "Ah, how do you talk?"

Shungui looked at Zhang Ping'an with a smile, this person really did what they said, very funny.It was the first time that the two of them met. He actually made a joke, and still took her background to make a joke?

But everyone knows Shun Kyu's background, and there is nothing to hide. She tilted her head and said with a smile: "It's okay, there will be real cooperation in the future, I will help you with a few words."

"Then I would like to thank you first!" Zhang Ping'an said, looking at Pani and said, "Sometimes, I think your girlhood name is much weaker than'President's niece'!"

Pani was amused by Zhang Ping’s sentence, neither is it not to laugh, not to laugh, it’s really Zhang Ping’s...Pani yelled to Zhang Ping’an very speechlessly: "You~~ really boring!"

Sun Kyu, who was standing on the side, was also made up by Jang Ping’an not knowing what to say. SM's President Lee Soo Man’s niece.. This seems to be better than Girls’ Generation!

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded to Pani and said, "I am really boring, so I plan to go swimming after brunch with you."

Pani looked at Zhang Pingan wearing shorts and sneakers as if he was going to exercise, but he said to go swimming?When Pani was puzzled, he curled his lips and said, "The Water World hasn't opened yet. It will take another two days to open, don't you know?"

What do you say about swimming?If it is explained from the level of exercise, it is definitely a very healthy aerobic exercise!But Pani heard the word'swimming' from Zhang Ping'an mouth... he felt that his'swimming' was not so simple, as if he went to the water world with an'appreciative' look .

Zhang Pingan looked at the hidden things in her eyes, he smiled and shook his head and said, "Why do I go to the water world? I go to exercise, go to the indoor swimming pool. You think I am not willing to exercise after eating like this. People? No wonder Yoona calls you'Pink Pig'."

Pani snorted and said, "Who knows if you go to the pool with ulterior motives!"

Zhang Ping'an sighed helplessly and then said: "What can I do? Can't I go'show off' abdomen? I have eight pack abs!" He said that Zhang Ping'an was going to fish for his own T-shirt, which made Pa Both Ni and Shungui screamed, "Ah~~ Zhang Ping An, are you going to die?"

Zhang Pingan looked at the exaggerated appearance of the two of them. He smiled and greeted them to get in the car: "Hehe, get in the car, Penny sits in the back, and Shun Kyu sits in the front."

After the three of them got in the car, Shun Kyu said to Zhang Ping An, "Ping xi, is it okay to send me to the new building? I have something to do with the company. After sending me over, you and Pani will go to eat again. ?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and started the car: "Oh? Are you not going to eat?"

Shun Kyu smiled and said, "I'll go to lunch with my agent later, I'll trouble you."

"Okay, then." Zhang Pingan drove the vehicle steadily on the streets of Seoul. His Rolls-Royce was already known to many people, so when the vehicle appeared on the street, many people turned towards it. His car cast his eyes.

After a while, Zhang Pingan's car stopped at the new building.In the new SM building, the artists have not come here yet, so there are no fans at the entrance of the building, but all the company offices have moved over.They need to come to the new building for anything.

Shun Kyu got off the car, Pani took the seat of the co-pilot, and the two chose a brunch shop around the company.

If it is spring or autumn, sitting on the outdoor platform for brunch in such a sunny hour would be quite leisurely, but the recent weather was too hot, and the two chose to sit in an indoor corner.

Zhang Pingan asked for a cup of coffee. Pani looked at the food in front of her and asked again: "Are you really not eating it?"

"I've eaten it, I'll be eating after the exercise is over. How is Taeyeon?" Zhang Pingan was still very concerned about Taeyeon's state, so he asked after sitting down.

While eating, Pani responded to Zhang Pingan: "It seems normal, but you also know that Taeyeon likes to keep everything in her heart and never say it. Sometimes even I don’t understand. What is she thinking about? After today's love affair was exposed, our return of'Tedishu' was also called to be suspended. I wonder how much guilt was in her heart?"

Zhang Pingan nodded and expressed his understanding: "I advised her to go out and have a look on the phone, but she is another person who doesn't like to go out. This time... Forget it, Taeyeon can only resist. I think Taeyeon What do you say about the "side someone"..."

Pani crossed the salmon in his hand and looked up at Zhang Ping'an with a smile and said, "Of course it’s straightforward. Taeyeon is not here. I don’t have much communication with him, that is, the relationship between meeting and nodding. I don't understand at all, and Taeyeon rarely mentions him in front of me!"

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